Cemetery Summons Ch. 18


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His whole body was hers! Their eyes met yet again and he dropped down for more intimacy. This time, when his tail roped itself around his neck, Nyx grabbed it and held it in her fist. Her eyes sucked him in again and she slipped her tongue into his mouth.

"Continue," Nyx commanded. At that, Jack deepened everything he could, and explored her mouth with his tongue. Moan rose above the clamor of their bodies and Jack thought he would go entirely numb.

"I..." Jack's thoughts died as soon as he could get them to the fore of his mind. Nyx withdrew her lips and giggled naughtily.

"Go ahead."

"I...I lo..." He couldn't think! His climax was just too close!

"You can do it," she teased. "I'll help. I love..."

"I..." Jack felt a sharp pain on his back. "I love..."

"Nyx," she succubus said, the anxiousness in her voice almost palpable.

"I love N..." A vision passed through Jack's head, one of a beautiful woman with white hair, neon green eyes, and the voice of a goddess. He gazed deeply into Nyx's eyes and then realized what he wanted to say.

"I love Niaf."

Nyx asked incredulously, "You love what?"

"I love Fain." Jack growled and overturned Nyx so that she was on top of him, riding his body like a statue on a pedestal. He howled and felt his body shudder in preparation for an epic climax.

"No!" screamed the dark woman.

"I love Elassa!"

Jack raised his hips and forced her down sharply, digging his claws into her thighs. He buried his cock inside her body, down to the hilt, and pumped hot ropes of cum into her womb. She threw her head back and wailed in the wake of a colossal orgasmic meltdown.

They rode out the remainder of the ordeal with hips bucking and waning enthusiasm and strength. Jack waited for her to stop jerking the lower half of her body before trying to move. God, please help me, he prayed.

He thought that if another second had gone by in the throes of passion with Nyx, that he would have lost everything and been a slave to her desire. He made it a mental note that this would be the first, and the last time that he would ever have sex with Nyx under any circumstances.

'Nyx isn't as good as anyone else, is she? Even Volna?'


'Who else talks directly into your head, incomplete boy?'

'What makes you say she's not as good?'

'Just answer me,' came the flat reply.

'No, she is. What makes you say otherwise?'

'You saw it, didn't you? The want and need in her soul.'

'No, I saw Elassa. I looked as deep as I could and I saw her. I'm so glad I did. Or I might not be talking to you right now.'

'Oh, that's quite impossible. I would have yanked your cute ass off that big, womanly body of hers and finished you off myself.'

'But you were...'

'Look up, dummy.' Jack's eyes followed her orders and he found Anathane's massive form towering above him. She had Nyx's face cupped in her hands and was kissing the succubus absentmindedly. She winked. 'Didn't think I'd just let your soul get sucked out through your cock, did you?'

'Sucked out? Wait! They can actually do that?!'

'Of course. Nobody's ever tried it on you before. Nyx would've done it had Elassa not been the first thing on your mind while you were fucking her.'

'She tried to eat me!'

'It's over now. I don't think you want another taste of soullessness, do you?'

'No, I'm done with that. Nyx is great and all, but I'll stick to familiar territory. I don't lose my mind as often when I'm grabbing your horns or Elassa's breasts or the twins' asses.'

"Glad to hear it," Anathane actually said. "Just hold on for a second." She lifted Nyx up and then set her down on the ground nearby. She helped Jack to his feet and put a hand beneath her chin, rubbing her jaw.

"What?" the incubus questioned.

"Nothing. Just admiring you. For a half-and-half, you've got some damn big wings and a nice long horn." Her smirk deepened.

"That was a sex joke, wasn't it?" Jack asked as they put Nyx into her bed. She wasn't asleep, but she was far too exhausted, both physically and mentally, to do anything more productive than rest. As they left the room, Anathane ruffled his hair and traced the side of his horn all the way to the tip.

She giggled, "It is if you want it to be, incomplete boy."

"You're incorrigible, you know that Anathane? Just a terrible, horrible demon with no mercy and no sense of modesty," Jack replied with a sigh. He smiled out of the corner of his mouth and Anathane picked up right away.

"Well, you see, I have this problem about this 'modest' bust of mine. I just can't see to get your hands all over it at once. I've tried and tried, but I can never get all my boobage into your palms all at once."

"That's terrible," Jack deadpanned, being uninterested. Nevertheless, his body broke the façade and his soldier rose to immediate attention at the mention of the gargantuan mammary goodness that Anathane possessed.

"Whatever am I to do? I can't make them any smaller or your flagpole is going to be at half mast!"

"Well, we could see a little later if I can get everything in my hands. Would that make it any less of a problem?" he asked.

"But then that makes the other problem start," she replied, curling her bottom lip cutely.

"And that is?"

"I get all wet down here and then I don't have anything to plug it with. My fingers are too small. I need something bigger, and longer too."

Jack shrugged. "Use a tentacle. They're thicker than anything I have, even my arm."

"Oh, you ruined the game!" Anathane whined with a laugh. "I thought you were going to talk me into a fantasy or two. Too bad."

Jack inclined his head toward the demon. "Well, I- Oh dear God, what did you find in my head?" He stared at her blankly. Anathane had fit herself into the tightest nurse's outfit in the history of heaven, hell, and earth, and was trying to zip it up past her overflowing bust. She smiled innocently at him.

"What? I like these little outfits. You got a kick out of your last doctor's appointment, right? I thought since you like that nurse so much, that you would like this one too." She pulled out a syringe and stuck her tongue with it. She sucked blue liquid out and then flicked the end of the needle.

"This is creepier than it is sexy, you realize. And aren't you going to finish with the zipper?"

"Oh this?" she looked down at the half-zipped uniform and shrugged, causing her cleavage to rock and jiggle like jelly. "I think it's fine how it is."

"Sure. Let's go back to- ah!" She jabbed him in the neck and injected the liquid into his bloodstream.

"All done. Now we can go get you a blade."

"Blade?" Jack gave her a confused look.

"You can't help us fight the horde without a blade, now can you?" After that, they continued petty and mindless banter back and forth about this and that, making their way to what Anathane said was the armory.

Jack had asked twice now how much longer it was going to take and whether or not they might miss it, but Anathane had just smiled at him in an amused way and told him that he'd know when they found the armory. And for a while he had been doubtful.

But looking at the doorway before them, he wasn't so sure he had any reason to doubt her word in the slightest. It was made of swords, axes, daggers, falxes, cleavers, picks, hammers, pikes, bills, spears, polearms, and every other melee weapon that Jack could recognize. The door was quite simply a gigantic mesh of medieval weapons that, somehow, didn't collapse.

It looked at if you could just walk through some parts. Gaps the sizes of small cars filled the doorway all over, like jagged maws surrounded by hundreds of sharp teeth. Jack stared until his shock and awe was gone, and then Anathane ducked through a hole, curling her fingers for Jack to follow in suit.

Inside the armory, mountains of iron and steel lay in ever direction. The armory wasn't so much an armory as it was just a collection of junk piles. He had expected some massive forge with hammers ringing and the sound of whetstone on steel. Instead, there was nothing but silence. Eerie silence.

He followed the demon playing nurse through the maze of steel mountains, careful to avoid touching anything. Several valleys they passed through looked like they were about to be filled in with thousands of tons of pointy death.

Anathane had assured him that nearly a thousand eons had passed and not one blade had moved without being touched. Only, she did this very quietly, which made Jack even more nervous.

They eventually, after several hours of exploring and backtracking, wove their way through the maze and their destination became apparent almost as soon as the opposite wall could be seen. Anathane was leading him into the maw of a horned skull. He couldn't' tell how big it was, only that the scale it had been constructed on was ridiculously big.

The mouth was wide enough to fit a hundred people side by side where the skull's mouth met the floor. Here, there were guards bedecked in black armor, carrying pikes in their gauntleted hands. They glared, but said nothing and didn't protest when Anathane walked through. Jack, likewise, was let through, but with a growl from one of the guards.

Inside, it wasn't as grand as he had expected. In fact, the room wasn't that big at all. Against the right wall there was a pool of molten slag, and on the left, a large anvil and smithing hammers. Directly ahead, there was a large stone with a groove in it.

"Alright, this is it, Jack. I can make the blade for you, but you have to create the block," Anathane explained as she waited for him to do something. He looked up at her and held his arms out to his sides.

"What does that mean? I've never made a sword before. What the fuck do you expect me to do, chisel out a mold for it?"

"Oh, whoops! Silly me, I didn't give you the right memories. Here, let me just get another draught of this..." She pulled the syringe back out and drew blood from her arm this time. She flicked the tip of the needle once more and Jack held his arm out before she had to ask for it.

While she pushed the blue liquid into his vein, he wondered what memories she had given him instead of these ones. He should have decided not to want to find out, but something bubbled to the fore...

*His eyes saw a tanned body, bronzed flesh against dark black.

"Harder! Oh! Ah, ah, ah, ah! I'm so fucking hot right now! Pound me into the ground! Ah! Like that! Yes! Yes! Yes! Harder! Oh gods! Yes! Yes!" screamed the dark body.

"You just wait until I get every hole plugged," said a familiar voice.

Anathane's voice.

Jack's eyes saw the rest of her tanned body, but from her point of view. Holy shit! He was reliving one of her memories! A tentacle stuck out from between her legs and rammed in and out of the dark body held in a tangle of other multicolored tentacles.

"Anathane! You're the best fuck I could ever ask for! Fuck me into the ground! Harder!" Oh God, it was Nyx.

Nyx and Anathane had fu-*

Jack came back to real time as a needle sucked blue liquid out of his arm, and he gasped in fright and surprise. He gave Anathane a guilty nod, and she flushed extremely red. It wasn't every day that Jack saw her genuinely embarrassed.

Without speaking a word of inquiry toward the short scene that he'd witness probably from a kajillion years ago, he set to work creating a mold for his blade. He found a block of stone, a chisel and hammer, and carved out a mold in about twenty minutes.

"You, uh, almost done?" inquired the demon meekly.

Jack couldn't let it go. "How could you two even...I mean...the tentacles are really...?"

"No! No, no they're not anything like that!" Anathane explained quickly. "No, well, you remember how I said I used to have Nyx as an exclusive fuck buddy?" Her eyes became worried when Jack shook his head. "Well, I did, and we used to do that every day. It's like...um, scissoring for human girls, only a little different."

"But...you were..."

"Oh! You're...oh Gods no! I would never...I'm not in to that anymore. Trust me, I would never do that to you. I...sure it would feel...good..." Jack glared at her. "I won't! I swear I won't!"

"Sure," Jack said, warily. He didn't say anything else about it for the duration of the stay in the armory.

After Jack had carved the mold with Anathane's memories in his head, the right ones this time, Anathane shaped and purified the metal in less than an hour's time. She cooled, hammered, and sharpened it until she deemed it acceptable. Jack hadn't seen anything like that in his life.

What he had expected to take hours took only forty or so minutes. Hammering and shaping the blade itself, heating it again, cooling; it had all been done so fast. She'd grabbed almost a dozen hammers with numerous limbs and gone to town on the hot metal, pounding it with the force and speed of a jackhammer.

Jack was amazed when the sword was finished and Anathane presented it to him. She held it out to him with one hand at each end, beaming at him proudly.

Jack's bad mood was gone, and it was now replaced with a happy one. Well, not really happy. It was more like he was in shock of the whole situation. Anathane gently pushed her hands against his chest, the sword resting on her palms.

"Go ahead. Fine Japanese katanas are folded two hundred to two hundred and fifty times. They can cut fine steel if their wielder is strong enough. Guess how many times I folded yours."

"Five hundred?" Jack was just taking a shot in the dark.

"Hmph! Well, I thought you'd give me a little more credit than a Swedish metallurgy factory. Incomplete boy, I folded your blade one million times exactly. Not only can you cut a silly little bar of steel, you can cut diamonds. You can even cut me, so be careful now." Anathane's smile widened when he took the blade and held it in his hands.

"It's beautiful. I...thank you. Thank you Anathane." Jack wasn't lying when he said it was beautiful. The sword gleamed in the orange glow of the molten slag nearby, streaks of light dancing across the perfect blade.

The end of the blade was notched and was widened, making a curved arrowhead that was about four inches long at the end. It was like a double-edged hook. He looked up at Anathane, half expecting to see her hand wanting the weapon back for her own use.

"Glad you like it."

"But, are you sure? I mean, don't you want it? I wouldn't give this to another soul if it was mine." He offered it back to her, but she shook her head gently and closed his hand around the hilt. She then leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Good thing you do own it then, huh? I'll only accept the best for my incomplete boy. So be happy. I'll make you a scabbard right now in fact. Just hold out your hand." She held out her hand and he clasped it. He almost dropped his new sword when her hand detached itself from her wrist and turned into an amorphous blob of black goo.

Jack shrieked, "What the fuck!"

Anathane's hand grew back and she stuck her tongue out at him like a five year old doing something cute. The blob crept toward his shoulder and then down to his waist. It split in half and one half wrapped around him like a belt. The other half extended down to his foot, the end at his hip fanning out.

"It's a scabbard, you know, like my pussy is for your little sword? Just stick that big thing in there and you'll find it's quite safe from doing anyone any harm until you draw it. Whoops! Speaking of that, are you planning to sheathe any other blades, hmmm? Looks like you've drawn your real blade early."

"Har har, that's so fuckin' funny. Don't talk about your pussy anymore unless you can deal with what happens next." Jack grumbled to himself as the scabbard sucked his sword in like it was candy.

"You know I'm always ready to face the consequences. The only thing left is to see if that big 'ole boner of yours made your blood pressure rise." She donned the nurse's outfit again. With a pleasant 'shlurp' sound, the uniform surfaced through her skin and hugged her body like it was made of wet paper.

She spun around, chest swaying, and stepped magically into a pair of high heels. Which was like giving the Schwerer Gustav HE rounds: overkill. Now, because the heels were nigh on twelve inches, the demon rose above even giant status. She was a golden colossus.

He looked down and saw her uniform barely containing her curvy body. It was a sexy sight, no doubt about it, but he had sort of grown used to her being entirely naked. But, because he had a nurse fetish, he decided to let this slide, and jiggle, and wobble...and whatever else her soft parts did when she sashayed her hips like that.

When they returned to the meeting room, they found Anthony assuming the position of a boiled shrimp, with Volna whispering numerous apologies in several languages into his ear. Jack looked at Kadae for answers, which she soon gave him.

"Squeezed his balls a little too hard."

"Indeed, that did seem quite painful to be playful. Volna, be more careful with your partners in future situations." Grymir scratched the side of his face boredly and arched an eyebrow at Anathane. "Is that for him?"

"Of course. Who else do I dress up for? I even pulled out the little black dress for him."

"Two points of contact?" Grymir asked.

Anathane shook her head. "Not yet. He might get a nosebleed if I do that. I stuck with the straps this time, but I did slip into some heels. Not this size," she brandished her twelve inch high heels. "But they were still enough to show off these legs of mine. Look Jack."

"I know what your legs look like. I'm not allowed to forget." He winced when Anthony opened his mouth to speak and nothing but a raspy moan came out. Had she popped one? It seemed like she'd gotten both at one point or another.

"Not allowed to? I've never given you any rules." Anathane put a finger to her mouth and her brow knitted in thought. Jack grinned and ran his hand up her thigh, bringing her short uniform up over her ass so he could ogle her all he wanted.

"I couldn't forgive myself if I forgot what kind of lucky I was to have a woman like you wrap legs like these around my head." He started laughing when she narrowed her eyes.

"Suckup," she stated.

"Can you blame me for trying?"

"No, I guess I can't...because it worked. You little weasel. I'd fuck you now if Nyx wasn't already on her way here."

"Ah, beim ersten mal tuts immer weh! Herkommen!" Volna pleaded.

"Fuck off, Jesus. Somebody get her off me! No Volna! Nein! Nein! Nein!" Anthony growled as one hand stayed in the vicinity of his fragile crotch and the other had one of Volna's wrists in a death grip.

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TheHornyPhoenixTheHornyPhoenixalmost 7 years ago

Gotta say, love the German

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
katana...ha ha


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Damn! I Am in Trouble Now . . .

because this is beginning to make sense to me. I have obviously slipped a cog someplace! As to comments about metalurgy and "machining," I can only agree with "...just read the story." The author's statements are automatically correct; Hell it is HIS creation! He is the God of this story; go find another diety to argue with! Lynn

ELLIMISTELLIMISTalmost 11 years ago
Ah people just read the story

I'd think there would be other things to criticize like jack trying to fuck his best friend as soon as she says she loves him without thinking that he's leaving her or trying to tell her any of the truth of what's going on with him. Does what you say really matter? From the start i thought it was weird the story was made with succubi but the main character is hardly fucking them when succubus was a creation of sex meant to drive a man wild with sex and forget about everything else until he died. I never said anything about how they are not really succubus but you people got a problem with folding metal...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


they are in hell. i think carbon and steel would have different properties there. lets assume that and enjoy a truly lovely and fucked up story shall we? btw im an engineer. just sayin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
1 million folds wouldnt do much actually

After 20 foldings, (2 to the 20th power, or about a million individual layers), there is too much diffusion in the carbon content, the steel becomes almost homogenous in this respect, and the act of folding no longer gives any benefit to the steel

KotonaruKotonaruover 12 years ago
Minor correction...

"Herkommen" is far to commanding to be considered anything resembling pleading - it's what a commanding officer, superior, or other kind of person of authority would use. Also, it's only used for actual movement.

The pleading version would be "Komm schon!", which is less commanding, less formal, far more common in everyday use and can be used both for "come here" and "calm down".

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenabout 14 years ago

I first started this story several hours ago before a normal persons bedtime... -__- Its now morning its been over 15 hours since I last slept and I can't stop reading (this and another story). My main issue is who exactly is this Dalaria (if I spelled it write) and her part is too sudden as well as the hell escapade. Need more transition there.

Marine_GirlMarine_Girlabout 14 years ago
awsome as usual

ive bin reading this story since you posted the first one and have never bin dry since amazing story i really want to know what comes next

KamattlockKamattlockabout 14 years ago
Nice continuation

Great story so far can't wait for the next chapter. There were some gram issues and spelling that I didn't notice in the previous chapters but it wasn't too bad all in all a very good read.

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