Chain of Respect F/F Ch. 01


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They reached home, and as Lori took her sneakers off at the door, her worried eyes watched Agatha immediately make her way to her kitchen cabinet, taking out that fucking bottle of whisky. Good luck reopening the conversation now, Lori thought.

She scorned while she watched Agatha put her bottle and glass at the kitchen counter then pour herself half a glass. Agatha gulped it down in one go, her face wincing, before she put the glass down again with a thud, then poured herself another, and froze as she propped herself on the counter, breathing heavily as she looked down.

She felt like she had to say something, but she didn't know what to say, and she wouldn't risk saying the wrong thing. She stood there with her hands behind her back, waiting, praying that Agatha would take the glass, leave the bottle, then sit on her damn couch.

Her face lit up as she watched Agatha do just that. She took her glass then walked to her couch, before her eyes snapped towards Lori. Knowing what that meant, she nodded then walked towards her, taking her usual position at her feet.

She put Agatha's long boot in her lap, before she started unzipping it. "Did I tell you how fabulous you look today miss?" Another thing Lori had forced herself to get used to, was giving Agatha compliments, without being asked. Just another technique she'd started utilizing, in order to stay at her boss's good side; and she so wanted to stay at her good side at all times. She probably should've developed this skill earlier, but she'd learned her lesson.

It was amazing how easily she could make Agatha unwind after a stressful day, or outright make her laugh her ass off, by simply acting like a pathetic ass-kisser. It had been hard for her before, but she had no pride to protect anymore. With Agatha's mood this shitty, Lori needed to use her secret weapon now.

To her disappointment, Agatha didn't care to respond, but just stared over her head in silence. She pursed her lips, and eased Agatha's shoe off her foot. As usual, a wave of warm stench wafted over her, smothering her nostrils. Not caving to the natural temptation of turning her face away from the offensive smell, she breathed in, letting it enter freely. She still hadn't grown used to Agatha's foot smell, but she never tried to brush it off anymore.

She grabbed the socked foot, and raised it to her face, while her eyes kept staring at Agatha, waiting for her to look her way, she took a sniff, a deep one, like she was breathing in an appetizing scent; Agatha always liked that, nothing made her happier than seeing Lori humble herself this way, willingly sniffing the stink of her feet. She decided to say something to get her attention. She pushed her glasses up her nose. "Why does it smell like spring in here all the sudden." She smiled, waiting for a reaction.

But this time, Agatha looked down at her coldly, before she harshly pulled her foot away, then kicked her other boot into Lori's stomach, making her yelp. Lori unscrewed her pained face, then started unzipping the other boot, taking the clue to keep her mouth shut.

With both boots off, Lori tried to grab her boss's foot to give her her foot-rub, but Agatha wiggled it off, and instead raised her leg and rested her foot on Lori's shoulder, keeping the other planted on the ground. They spent a minute or so like this, both of them silent, and Agatha taking sips from her drink, before she finally said, "What were you saying in the car earlier?"

Relieved to open the conversation, but afraid to have it while Agatha was in this state, Lori mumbled, "'s nothing. We can talk later boss."

"No come on..." Agatha said, nudging her cheek with her toe. "I'm all ears."

"..." Lori took a breath. "I was just...wondering, about when well know...give me what we talked about."

"The promotion?"

"...Yes." Lori said, not committing the mistake of raising her hopes up. "The promotion."

"Well..." Agatha nodded. "I guess I can't hope to keep you as my assistant forever right."

The slight sense of warmth, sent a weird feeling down Lori. Do you want to keep me as your assistant? She didn't know if it was her messed up mind talking, but the question made her feel good, special, that Agatha saw her like something valuable, that she wanted her to stay. She shook her head, as if to wake herself up. Of course she wanted her to stay; what sadistic cunt wouldn't love a subservient girl at her beck and call, to make fun of, to reducible and belittle, and abuse. Agatha did value her, in her own twisted way. Where else would she find someone whose career mattered more to them than their dignity.

If there was one thing that Lori had made sure to stay wary of, was to not get attached. She'd gotten used to Agatha's treatment, and sometimes, they'd just sit there and talk, for long periods. Lori would be working her hands on Agatha's feet or cleaning around the apartment, or --rarely, Agatha would cook them both dinner--and they'd, laugh together.

At these moments, although for a the briefest of moments, Lori would forget about her situation, and she'd feel like she was in the company of a friend. And every time, she'd smother that feeling down in its prime, reminding herself of what the woman was doing to her, that Agatha was no friend, but a sadistic cunt who was ruining her life.

She looked up at Agatha's calm face, and smiled, nodding. "Well, you know why I'm doing this in the first place."

"Yeah..." Agatha nodded. "I know." She took a gulp from her drink, then smiled down. "Forgive me...I forgot. For a second there, I forgot what a slut you are."

Lori frowned, then removed it immediately, replacing it with a passive face. She was yet to get used to those names. Agatha didn't call her that often, not for months, not unless she was in a terrible mode, and trying to fix that mode by drinking.

"You realize that's what you are right." Agatha twisted her head, her eyes narrow. "A sluttt."

"Miss Santana..." Lori chuckled nervously, looking down.

"What?" Agatha said. "You don't like to hear it. Or maybe..." she said in a curious tone. "You don't believe it."

What the hell did she want from her. Why was she abusing her now? Lori's thought was interrupted by Agatha's foot sliding down from her shoulder, only to stop at her breast. Just having it there was enough to make her nervous, but when it shifted, inserting itself between Lori's blazer buttons, Lori trembled.

"Take your blazer off," Agatha said, out of nowhere, making Lori look up in shock.


"Take your blazer off."


"Cause I said so."

Getting uncontrollably scared, she whined. "Miss Santana why do I need to take my--" Agatha's drink splashed over her face. She gave a high-pitched yelp as she held her hands up, feeling the whisky trickle down her face and soak her shoulders.

"It's wet," Agatha said, before she pushed the sole of her foot against Lori's face and kicked her away, making her fall on her back. "Go grab me my bottle."

Lori, holding her shouts, feeling her limps shiver in anger and fear both, rose to her feet, and wiped her hands over her face. Some of her hair was wet, tricking down the floor as she walked to the kitchen counter. She handed Agatha her precious bottle.

"Take it off Lori I'm not asking again," Agatha said, pouring a glass.

With her face red as blood, Lori unbuttoned her blazer, then slid it off her shoulder. Agatha nodded towards the ground, instructing Lori to kneel. She did, and Agatha leaned forward, looking straight in her eyes.

Lori winced, as two cold fingers touched her neck, then gently, slid down. Her hands instinctively shot up, holding Agatha's hand just when it took hold of one of her buttons. She couldn't speak, and only stared pleadingly at Agatha's cold gaze.

"It's okay...little one." Agatha said, in a kind tone. "I own you remember."

With that, she brushed Lori's hands away, and undid her first button, then the second, parting the sides of her white shirt. Next, she let her hand slip in, her fingers caressing the upside of Lori's breast. "What are you doing." Lori whined, shivering under the cold touch on her breast. Only Bill touched her there.

Her hand slipped under Lori's bra, making her wince in shock, as she felt Agatha's palm make contact with her breast. "Proving a point," Agatha said, as she clutched her tit.

"Agatha!" Lori gave a high-pitched yelp as she tried to wiggle away, but Agatha put her drink down, and used her free hand to grab a handful of her hair, pinning her.

"What...." She squeezed Loir's tit in her grip, as she pulled her face closer so that it was inches away from her own. "Slut."

"Please..." Lori pleaded, hearing her plead come out as a pathetic whine, feeling her scalp burn from Agatha's grip. "Stop."

"If I didn't..." Agatha tugged harder at her hair, looking in her eyes with determination. "What will you do...Let me guess...nothing." She snickered. "You'll cry...suck it every other insult I've been throwing your way. Right?"

Lori closed her eyes in shame. She couldn't deny it, but she didn't expect Agatha of all people to be the one to call her out on it.

"You know...the only thing, the only nice thing I had to say about you, before all of this...was your unquestionable sense of pride. It was...admirable...obnoxious." She widened her eyes for emphasis. "But admirable. But it turns out...that too, was a front, a joke. Everything about you is a joke. A prideful little whore..." She dug her fingers in Lori's breast, making her squirm.

"You forced me to--"

"Shut up bitch..." She pulled her hair. "You had a choice. You could've quit, resigned, moved to another company. But no, a narcissistic bitch like you needs to work at the best company ever right. You're perfectly willing to lick the dirt off the bottoms of my shoe in here, so you can walk with false pride out there." She narrowed her eyes. "Here you are still...allowing me to have my way with your body. You're no better than a woman who'd sleep around for a job. If I was a'd be slobbering on my cock."

To her shame, Lori thought about the possibility of that being true. But it wasn't...she didn't choose this rood...Agatha made her. She'd tried to make her way up through hard work, but that simply didn't work, and it wasn't her fault. She wasn't some cheap slut that tried to fuck her way up the ladder. She did choose her career over her dignity, but Agatha made her take that choice, she had no right to judge her.

"Guess what...slut..." Agatha said, tugging on her hair, forcing her eyes to tear. "If you want to get that promotion through being a cheap little ass-kisser, you've hardly paid your dues. You need to earn it..."

"I'VE DONE EVERYTHING YOU ASKED." Lori screamed, the pulling of her hair making the pain in her scalp unbearable. Agatha let go of her tit, only to slap her, causing her cheek to sting.

"Watch your fucking tone." Agatha gripped her face, digging her fingernails through her cheeks and forcing her lips to pucker. "You did everything I asked and I'm still not about that cunt." She shook her head. "Got a problem with that." The menacing blue-eyed stare only allowed Lori to shake her head, slightly however, as Agatha's grip was still strong on her face. "I'm not impressed by your pathetic attempts...if you want me to promote you, as a reward for your...pathetic ass-kissing, as a reward for simply being utterly worthless and pathetic, you'll need to try much...much harder. You need to really crawl up my ass to earn it."

"What do you want from me?" Lori mumbled, through puckered lips, as her face was still squashed tightly in the woman's harsh grip. "What do you want?" She asked in defeat and loss.

"You're probably willing to say yes to anything aren't you?" Agatha said, a sly smile curled up her mouth, amused. "That's how cheap you truly are."

With that thought, Lori dreaded what was playing in her boss's mind. She was right. She'd say yes to almost anything, cause otherwise, all of this would be for nothing. She couldn't bear getting out of this nightmare with nothing to show for it...she just couldn't.

"What if I tell you to give me head."

Lori's face fell, as she stopped herself from gagging, watching Agatha smile in delight as a reaction.

"Would you do that for me Lori..." Agatha said, in a mocking tone. "Would you get your tongue out...and lap my a slutty little dyke."

"I'm not...a..." She stuttered. "I I..." She had trouble speaking as she shivered and stared in the cold pair of amused eyes. "I'm not a--lesbian..." She was still getting over her shock, when she saw Agatha shrug.

"Wow, I didn't think sexuality is a strong enough barrier for a resilient slut like you..." Agatha snickered, before she shoved Lori away, making her tumble to the ground. "However...I'm only fucking with you...I have no interest in having your disgusting tongue anywhere near my pussy."

Lori struggled to her knees, far from relieved. Her hands instinctively hugged her shirt to her exposed chest, as Agatha eyed her, her intentions obviously vicious.

"I have a more..." Agatha wiggled her head, thinking. "Appropriate, place for that tongue of yours."

Lori's shoulder sagged, as she speculated what the twisted woman meant. She looked down in defeat. She imagined herself following through with Agatha's disgusting condition. Was she really that...prideless? She'd already let herself be humiliated more than she'd ever thought she would, but the act she thought was running through Agatha's mind now, would surely sink her to a new low. Maybe she should get to her feet, tell the woman to fuck herself, and storm out of the house, let her nightmare end, go back to Bill's loving warm arms and his kind loving words, live the rest of her life and keep whatever remained of dignity. She'd find another job, start from the bottom, work her way up, try to forget.

"I can see you're a bit lost..." Agatha crossed her legs, dangling her socked foot casually as Lori gave her a hate-filled glare. "It's normal, every now and then...a woman like you will get a bit unmotivated, so let me...fix that for you."

Lori listened curiously, without a word.

"I'll...write a letter of recommendation...tonight..." Agatha said, smiling as a reaction to Lori's widened eyes. "I'll write it to our office at Jamani. It's a bit further from where you currently work but I suspect that won't be a problem. The further away from me the better right--"

"For. What. Position?" Lori interrupted, her tone bearing a mixture of weakness and strength.

Agatha smiled. "For a position better than the one you've been debasing yourself for. A step above. My letter is pretty much your guaranteed ticket to land the job, you know that. You'll be at your new office two days from now, and you'll never have to see my face again." She shook her foot, her mouth smirking knowingly. "Interested?"

She couldn't speak, but her face said it all. One final act. One final humiliation. Less than an hour, and all her troubles would be over, she could put this sickening nightmare behind her and not have to see that sadistic cunt again. Agatha must've seen her answer on her face, cause she chuckled, shaking her head. "You never disappoint...Lori." Agatha said, "Hand me your phone."


"I'll film this." Agatha said carelessly.

"The hell you are." Lori spat. "What are you crazy."

"It's your phone...idiot," Agatha said. "Now give it, before I change my mind."

Lori scorned at her, but she took her phone from her blazer. She hesitated just before Agatha reached to take it, which made Agatha frown. "Bitch do you think I need to blackmail you."

She handed her the phone, then took her place at her knees.

"Remove your shirt...and your bra...I want those slutty tits on full display for this." She said, not even looking, as if confidant Lori would obey. Her confidence wasn't misplaced, as Lori turned her mind off, and stripped out of her shirt. Before she unbuttoned her bra, she said, "If it'll be on my phone why do you want to film it...?"

"I'll watch it once before I give it to you...This is a first for me, I expect it's a first for you too, not the last though I'll always find a new boss to suck-up to." She giggled. "Once a slut always a slut."

Lori could only growl in response, as she unbuttoned her bra, letting it fall to the ground. She kneeled there, her hands on her breast by instinct. She felt exposed. She was exposed. She pushed her glasses up her nose, before she realized she'd better take them off, so she did, sitting them on the coffee table.

"Alright," Agatha took a gulp of her whisky, as she reached the Camera app. She looked at Lori, then snickered once she saw her covering her breasts. "Slutty Lori getting all shy? Hands off, let's see those udders."

Lori bit her lip at the labeling, resisting the urge to lunge at the woman. Almost over...Lori...Almost over. She took a deep breath, before removing her hands, letting her tits hang down.

"Ssssexy," Agatha laughed, making her blush. "Bill is such a lucky guy."

"Jealous?" Lori said instinctively, her tone the least friendly.

Agatha only smiled. "Alright bitch...I want a smile on your face the whole moment of hesitation, or if you suddenly get into this victim mentality shit and start crying like a little bitch on camera, we do the whole thing it. I want you doing this with pride...consider interview, this is your chance to really earn...your position." Agatha said, unable to stop her giggling.

Lori nodded coldly. She had no more tears to give. Half an hour at most, and this would be over. If anything, she wouldn't be that surprised if her smile would be genuine while committing the act.

"Fantastic," Agatha said, taking a big gulp straight from her bottle. She shook her head, as if to excite herself, then pressed the record button. "Hey bitch..."

Was she supposed to respond to that? "...Hey?" She said, fidgeting on the ground.

"Why are you here?" Agatha said, then took another gulp, wincing.

"..." she didn't understand, so Agatha repeated, irritated. "What are you about to do, dummy?" she asked while dangling her socked foot in front of the camera. At the same time, she gestured for Lori to smile, so Lori put on a wide, fake grin.

"I'm..." She took a deep breath. Her head suddenly felt light at having to state it aloud. "I'm...I'm gonna, lick your ass."

"Lick--No...Eat...You're gonna eat my ass right?"

"...Yes." She looked into the camera; her smile intact. "I'm gonna eat your ass." Her eyes darted between the camera and Agatha's smirking face. She had to be looking pathetic, kneeling there with her tits on show. Turn off your fucking brain for a sec. She shook her head. "Can we get this over with...?" She said.

"Ohhhh." Agatha said in a bubbly tone. "Eager little girl aren't you."

"Yeah I can't wait." Lori said, the sarcasm clear in her tone.

"First..." Agatha extended her foot. "Kiss my foot...thank me for the privilege."

Lori scorn showed only for a second, before her forced smile returned, as she grabbed Agatha's socked foot as it dangled in the air. Agatha angled her foot so that the sole was in Lori's face, so Lori kissed it, laying one kiss after the other. She avoided breathing the smothering stench, dreading the horrible smell she'd have to deal with soon.

"That's it..." Agatha said, rubbing her other foot on Lori's exposed breast, making her squirm. "You like that."

No. Lori didn't like that. But she couldn't help but feel a slight tingle run down her spine. She hated the situation and loathed the woman, but couldn't help but weaver while the fabric of Agatha's sock rubbed on her nibble. She closed her eyes, unable to hold Agatha's tormenting smirk.
