Changed Marriage Pt. 02

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Developments, downsides, and betrayals!
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/14/2020
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Hello! Thanks for all the feedback on my last story, it really helps me write better. This one is a little longer and has a little more plot. It probably won't make sense if you didn't read part 1.

This story contains: breast expansion, penis expansion, muscle growth, lactation, sex with strangers, sex in public areas, and extreme amounts of cum.


Recap: Our unnamed protagonist and his wife, Isabel, began growing in various ways for an unexplained reason. They also began perceiving smells that made them constantly horny. Now they are going to the doctor's office, to see what is happening to them.

I spent the entire ride fidgeting. Having a big junk isn't all fun and games, with the compression shorts on it was impossible to get comfortable, and I still had to sit in a particular way to avoid squishing my balls. Between that, having to drive downtown, and being worried, I didn't really have time to focus on Isabel or make any conversation. With all the windows rolled down her scent was just barely perceptible.

We arrived at the hospital and hurried into the waiting room. I was worried that other people might notice our scents, but they didn't seem to mind. In fact, instead I began noticing the scents of everyone else. Isabel's was by far the strongest in the room, but practically every woman we passed had a distinct, slightly alluring, odor that sat on top of the usual hospital smell. I could only assume that Isabel was experiencing something similar. We sat silently, with our faces down, clasping each others' hands tightly. Isabel clutched her notebook to her chest.

Finally, after what seemed like forever but was really just a few minutes, a nurse came in and called "Mister and missus Mullen?" We stood up and followed him in. The nurse took all our various vital signs and basic measurements, then led us through a maze of hallways to the office of Doctor Renault. We had barely spoken the whole time, and he left us with a pleasantry. I nervously pushed the door open.

Inside was a relatively well-furnished office, with a huge wall of bookshelves on one side. Doctor Renault proudly displayed his M.D. and a few obscure awards and certifications on the other wall. The desk looked pretty nice, if a little old, and it was covered in papers and books. At the desk was a short old bespectacled man, presumably Doctor Renault, focusing intently on his computer screen. He said nothing for about a second and then glanced up and beckoned, "Please, come sit! I'll speak with you in just a moment."

We sat down in the two chairs in front of his desk. He continued to look at his screen for a minute and then turned his attention to us.

"I must apologize, I was simply trying to research your conditions before you got here. It's not often I get patients on such short notice. Are you feeling okay now? No dizziness, aches, or pains? Do the areas which have swelled feel painful or tender?"

We both shook our heads, but by the time my head stopped shaking he was already talking again.

"Good, good, that means there's probably no immediate issues. You two have a very unusual case going on, it's not unheard of for hormones to spontaneously go out of wack like this but usually there are some bad negative side effects. Now, Isabel, you mentioned on the phone that you took detailed measurements this morning? Could I see them please?"

Isabel opened up her notebook and handed it to the doctor. He quickly scanned it and looked at his screen some more. This doctor was certainly very unusual, he spoke and acted very quickly, and as he read he seemed to barely be aware that we were in the room. Somehow, it was actually a little comforting, and at least it helped me keep my mind off Isabel's scent and her beautiful, luscious body just a few feet away.

Finally Doctor Renault looked at us again and said, "Well, you both seem to have grown another inch and gained weight since you measured this morning, so I would say that this growth is probably ongoing. Additionally you both have high blood pressure. I think more measurements are warranted at the moment. Before we try to draw any conclusions about what might be going on and what the medical effects are, we need to gather as much data as possible. Would you please strip?"

I was a little shocked. Isabel spoke first. "Excuse me?"

"I asked if you would please strip. We need to measure every aspect of your bodies, and unfortunately many of these changes seem to be in sex organs so I will need to examine you both in the nude. Unless of course you would prefer me to examine you individually." He was already putting on nitrile gloves and a surgical mask.

Isabel and I looked at each other, and I could plainly see on her face that she wanted me in the room while she was examined. I said, "We'll do it together."

"Excellent! I'll get my equipment while you get undressed." With that, he left the room.

Honestly I was eager to finally get those compression shorts off. My balls were supremely uncomfortable. I stood up and pulled down my pants and the shorts in one motion. My penis sprang out and began filling with blood. I looked over at Isabel to see her staring at my penis, about to pull off her hoodie. Her scent was as strong as it was back home now, I couldn't help but get hard almost immediately. Finally she looked up at me, blushing, and we both seemed to collect ourselves and took off all our clothes. Isabel was somehow more stunning than this morning, and I wasn't surprised that we had gained some weight. Both of us were noticeably more muscular. Isabel's tummy, previously soft and a little out of shape, was now tight and firm, like she was just about to get a six pack. Her arm muscles, nonexistent the previous day and skinny earlier today, were now starting to bulge a little. Her breasts had definitely grown a too, they were now big enough that she had some cleavage even without a bra pushing them up. Her thighs were thick and tight, and when she noticed me staring she turned around to show me her butt, which was now huge, round, and muscular, like she was power-lifting every day. Her back also now had defined muscles. In short, she looked like a gym bunny, but unlike most of those kinds of women she also had a lot of hair. Her vagina was now covered in a thick shaggy bush, and her armpits sported black furry tufts. Even her legs were starting to grow a little hair.

I had changed as well, mostly in the muscle department, although I now had more body hair too. I had six pack abs and broad, muscular shoulders. My biceps and pectorals had at least doubled in size since this morning. My dick and balls now hung out from a mess of pubic hair that merged with the thick mat of my chest hair. I already had some coarse whiskers even though I'd shaved just the previous day. My dick also looked a little bigger too. It's weird how you don't notice these kinds of things when you're not thinking about it, I had just sort of assumed my body was the same until I took stock and saw how it really was.

We stood there, marveling at our bodies, our scents becoming exponentially stronger, until Doctor Renault came back in wheeling a small cart. That sort of snapped us back into reality, and while my penis didn't go down I suddenly lost all that building desire to push her up against the desk and fuck her brains out.

"Oh wow, you two sure smell funky! Smells like my son's old bedroom in here." He noticed my penis and our blushing faces and exclaimed "Well no wonder! You two are like horny teenagers. I guess that must be another effect of these hormonal fluctuations. Tell me, just on first look, what has changed since this morning?"

We spent the hour talking about our symptoms and being measured, poked, and prodded by the doctor. He was much more thorough than Isabel, and he asked us a seemingly endless series of questions, mostly to do with the changes, our diets, our lifestyles, our family histories, anything and everything. I had to concentrate as hard as I could, with Isabel's scent constantly distracting me. I remained hard for the whole examination.

We also did some strength measurements. I could carry Isabel on my back like it was nothing, and even ran around the room like that for five minutes without breaking a sweat. Isabel did a similar performance. It was fun, but I could barely focus with her hot flesh pressed against mine.

Finally, he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Well, there are a few more tests I need to do. First off, I want to get a full battery of blood tests from both of you. Then I want an X-ray of your abdomens so I can see what your internal organs are like, and a CAT scan of your brains. The nurse will take care of that all before you leave. Lastly, I want a semen sample. Now, I realize that may feel a little more private, and you may wish to go into the bathroom. I have a cup here, the bathroom is to the right and then left." he held up what looked like a small Tupperware cup.

I said "I don't... think it will all fit in there."

The doctor raised his eyebrows again and said "You need a bigger container? That's fine, I will have the nurse bring one when they take you to the bathroom." We both got dressed while he called for a nurse. There was no way I was going to fit my ten inch boner back into the compression shorts, so I just pushed it down my pant leg. The head poked out obscenely, much to the amusement of my wife.

The nurse came with a quart bag that was labeled 'urine sample', and Doctor Renault told her to take me to the bathroom. The instant she laid eyes on me, they began to travel down my body, in particular she gave my dick a good hard look as I walked towards the door. She wasn't unattractive either. Her skin was very white and her hair was black and cut in a short bob. She looked kind of short but I guessed I just wasn't used to being tall yet. The scrubs hid her body well but from what I could tell it was quite pleasant.

As we walked down the hall I noticed her scent. It was stronger than the other women in the waiting room, but still nothing compared to Isabel's. I kept my hands in my pockets in a futile attempt to hide my throbbing erection, and tried very hard not to stare at her shapely ass. As I entered the bathroom she gave me an unmistakable look, which I tried very hard not to return. I was a loyal man, even if her scent was really nice.

It was a single bathroom, no stalls. I was nervous and it took me a while to get comfortable on the pot, but I was also horny and I decided fuck it, let's see how this goes. I started rubbing my enormous cock.

It soon became clear that I didn't really know how to handle such a large penis. My usual technique simply couldn't work because it was too hard and I couldn't wrap my hand all the way around in just the right way. I tried different things, even managed to lube up better with some pre-cum, but to no avail. All that resulted was making my dick that much redder and me that much hornier. My lime-sized testicles felt like they were going to burst. I wanted my wife. After about five minutes of messing around I decided I would ask if she could come in with me.

I opened opened up the door a little, hoping the nurse was still there. She was.

"Hi, um, can I have my wife in here please?"

She responded "What? Why do you need your wife in there? How long does it take you to pee any way?"

"I... I'm not supposed to pee, this is for a semen sample... please just go get my wife..."

She paused for a few seconds. Her scent started to waft into the room, stronger than it was before. I widened the opening in the door to poke my head out and look at her. Suddenly, she slid into the room, pushed up against the door and locked it behind her. I was too stunned to react. Her face was flushed. Her scent was strong, almost as strong as Isabel's. I wanted to fuck her, despite myself.

"So I was thinking... it would be a bit of a walk to get your wife, and I'm right here, and I could help you out with your..." She looked down at my dick and back up into my eyes "problem."

"No, please lady, you're very sexy, but I can't cheat on my wife." I felt rooted to the spot. I had to stay faithful, but this woman was *right there*, and I felt like my brain was melting from all the sensations assaulting me.

"Well, I don't think it would be cheating. After all, it is my job to help you collect this sperm." She took a step towards me, thrusting her tits out(which I could now see were sizable), and bit her lip while looking back into my eyes. "I'm just doing my duty as a nurse, and you're just trying to unload those fat nuts into that bag. It's not cheating." She kept stepping towards me, and when she was close enough she reached out to cup my overfull nutsack. I inhaled sharply. She started kneading them lightly in her hand, and all my defenses broke down. I groaned with need. She smiled and backed away.

She started by taking off her scrubs. Under them she wore a simple white tank top, showing off her milky white breasts. I estimated they were at least as big as Isabel's were at the time, probably bigger. Overall her body was curvy and plump in all the right places. She watched me watching eagerly and started to dance, jiggling her big tits for me. Then she turned around and bent over, giving me a good view of her thick ass, and pulled off her top. She turned around, hefting her tits and grinning wide. They were very white, almost pale, and capped with puffy pink ariolae and big, succulent nipples. She swayed her hips and said "Well, big guy, like what you see?"

All I could do was nod in agreement. Her display had seemingly locked up whatever few brain cells I had left. She giggled and got down on her knees, placing her face between my enormous cock and my nut sack. She sniffed and looked up, focusing her eyes on the enormous trunk above her in awe. "It smells so good. Musky. Let's empty these things, eh?"

She punctuated her statement by popping one of my enormous balls in her mouth and humming. I very nearly came right then, it felt so good and unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Unfortunately, she wasn't done with me yet, and she popped it out right away. She re-positioned herself to give me a better view, and started to jack off my enormous cock with both hands. She used the ample pre-cum leaking from the tip to lubricate her hands and sucked my dick head into her mouth, sucking hard. Soon my hands joined in, and then hers left, one to pleasure herself and one to fondle my nutsack. We quickly found a rhythm, and within two minutes I nearly shouted "hrnk! Cumming! CUMMING!" She scrambled to get the bag and just barely got the funnel in front of my cock head before the first rope shot out of me.

She held the bag between her tits as it slowly filled up. I missed a few times and plastered her with semen, that just seemed to please her more. She kept saying "Mmmm yeah, empty those fat fucking sperm tanks for me baby, I want all your fucking cum, I want this fucking horse cock," egging me on.

My orgasm wasn't actually that intense compared to the previous ones I had had that day, and I barely filled up a third of the quart bag. I didn't even really feel satisfied, my balls definitely still had more in them. My cock remained hard. The only thing that changed was that my balls weren't painfully full and I could think clearly. After capping the bag and putting it away the nurse returned her attention to my cock, licking the head clean as it drooled the last few drops of my ejaculate.

"Gawwd you're still hard? After cumming that much? What a fucking dick. I need this thing in me." She stood up and got a piece of paper and pen from her scrubs, her chest still dripping cum. She scribbled down a number and handed it to me.

"Call me when your wife isn't enough."

I took the number. I had no intention of keeping it. While she cleaned herself and the floor up I quietly dropped it in the trash.

Finally we returned to Doctor Renault's office. She made some excuse about it being her lunch break as soon as I got in the door.

Doctor Renault and my wife appeared to be in conversation when we entered. The old man smiled and said "Welcome back! MY, that is quite a lot of sperm. Was that from just one ejaculation?"

I said "yes" flatly. I felt so guilty, I almost felt my dick deflate.

"Well, that really is marvelous. I was just talking to your wife about what I think is going on here. I don't have any hard facts, but it appears that you are both going through a sort of 'second puberty'. It's happened before, but rarely with this speed or severity, which has me a little worried. Another thing is your 'scents', as well as the fact that it happened to both of you at the same time. Many atypical things about this case, certainly. The lack of apparent side effects is the most striking." He grinned wide. "You two are going to make me famous!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the doctor.

"Well, anyway, there's some things to watch out for. Isabel, you can't take any birth control or even 'morning-after' pills for the time being, they may interact negatively with your changing hormones and may not work. And I find it implausible that a condom could contain this prodigious semen output. You may be extremely fertile or sterile right now, there is no way to know. So, you will probably have to think about whether you want to have a baby. And keep in mind that this may be genetic.

"Additionally, in this sort of situation things could go south at any time. Here's my cell phone number, give me a call if either of you experience nausea, dizziness, extreme lethargy, joint pain, or mood swings." He handed me a card with a number written on it in neat cursive handwriting. "I'll have another nurse come to do your other tests. Thank you! Have a good time!"

The rest of our visit to the hospital was the usual endless waiting in examination rooms, occasionally interrupted by needles and scans. We narrowly managed to keep ourselves from outright fucking in the hospital, but we did kiss. I felt horrible about what I'd done and I think Isabel knew something was wrong.

Soon enough we were out. When we got to the car, Isabel whipped around and kissed me passionately on the mouth, and I pushed her up against the side of the car. She pressed her body to mine and humped me. We barely got inside the car before our clothes started coming off.

Isabel took charge. Her crotch felt like it was on fire as she rubbed her pussy against my toned stomach with feverish abandon. I was already feeling pretty horny again, and she hadn't had any relief at all while we were in the hospital. She didn't even bother taking anything besides her hoodie off, she just slipped her soaked panties aside to admit my member. As usual, her pussy was soaking wet. She pulled herself onto me and growled. We fucked like animals, that is, if animals were stuck in a car and couldn't move very much. She bounced on me ferociously and I bounced back. Finally she howled and came hard on my cock, dripping her white goop onto my crotch. I wasn't quite there yet, so after she came back she laid down on top of me, shoving her tits in my face, and bounced more on me. Soon it was my turn. We came in unison, grunting and growling. A torrent of cum spilled on my crotch and on the car seat, until there was a small puddle under my butt. Somewhere through the ecstasy I thought that would be a big pain in the ass to clean up.

Finally we came back to ourselves and took stock of the situation. Isabel's panties were unusable, and some cum had gotten on the edges of her dress. A few drops had also gotten on my sweatpants, and we used all the wet wipes we had in the car to get it off my lower body. The car was already starting to reek of jizz. I'm sure someone had seen or heard us, but I forced myself not to think about that. If I was going to live with a new body and an insatiable libido I couldn't think about that kind of thing too much any more.