Changing Mouse Ch. 02

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Stanley and Loretta's adventures continue.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/03/2014
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Mouse considered her first month the very worst. The sisterhood delighted in pouring on the punishment. Girls can be so cruel to each other that it hard to watch. I've had enemies I treated better than some of those sorority women were treating a woman they considered a "sister." I made a note to myself to never piss off the Gammas.

One delight for both Mouse and myself was discovering that my cock was not too large for her petite mouth. Mouse took great delight in sucking me off twice a week. "It's the only time when I am all woman." She explained to me. When I tutored her in physics we spent the first thirty minutes with Mouse servicing me. We were ALWAYS careful about my spunk. Telltale semen stains on her dress would get us both in trouble.

In some ways Loretta/Mouse was beyond humiliation. She had grown a rhinoceros hide in response to the gawking and comments she attracted. Across campus she was known as "Lolita" because of her little girl fashions. Because I spent so much time with her I was inevitably dubbed "Humbert." No one called me that to my face however. I would eviscerate them if they did. I had to admit that some of it was fun. I never got tired of the touch and look of Mouse's beautiful bald pussy and I really came to appreciate her ass. After the first three months the sisters eased up a bit. They let me take Mouse to lunch every day in a regular dining hall. She thanked me profusely for arranging it. The diet of baby food was driving her insane.

Diane, the chapter president, asked me for a progress report midway through the third month.

"How are the two of you getting along Stanley?"

"Well It's working out Diane ."

"Obviously. But how are you and Mouse getting along. You too seem to be spending more time than required for this assignment. You aren't fucking her are you?"

"No! Diane, not at all!"

Diane broke into a mischievous smile and said. "We KNOW that she gets a thorough examination every time you return her to the chapter house. We don't go so far as to resort to a speculum but we come close. I just wanted to get a rise out of you." She winked at me and continued. "I must say that girl is made out of more grit and guts than I ever imagined. If she makes it past Christmas break I have no doubt she will complete the entire punishment. Sometimes this punishment is a drain on us as well. Some girls are not going to spring break because they have to tend to Mouse and Mouse won't be permitted to go home for Christmas. In fact she can't be home alone unsupervised for the rest of the year. As they say, it sucks to be her.

She has to be under the control of the sisters at all times. This summer is actually going to work out. Liz and Marta Wilcox are going to take her home to their family bakery. They will make sure she stays diapered. They will give her a job in the bakery. Of course every dime she earns has to go back to the chapter to fund her upkeep. Diapers and wipes are expensive . She must look at your time together as blue skies. Are you developing feelings for her Stanley?"

I knew that Diane could read me far better than I liked, so I decided against evasion.

"Its hard not to Diane. We are spending a ton of time together to be honest I think she's really cute and has a wonderful personality."

"So long as you don't act on those feelings while she is being punished Stanley, we have no problems with you two developing a relationship. You DO look really weird together however. I admit that we girls in the sorority convulse into hysterics when we try to picture the two of you screwing!"

Diane caught her self and her face wore an instant visage of apology.

"I'm sorry Stanley, that was mean. Please forgive me."

"Its OK Diane. Its not like we haven't heard the laughter."

"One more thing," the ravishing sorority president said, "Friday night is movie night at the house. Because Mouse has been such a good sport lately we voted to allow her to stay up and watch the movie. However there is no one available to get her ready. I'm afraid we divvied up all the duties and forgot about the "baby". Would you be a good sport and get here about 7:00? Mouse needs a bath and a shave and needs to be diapered and placed in her onesee. After the movie you will brush her teeth and put her to bed. Can you do it Stanley? It's not like you've never seen her naked."

The prospect really appealed to me so I readily agreed. Friday seemed to take forever to arrive. I got to the Gamma house fifteen minuets early and Stacy Hardiger announced,

"Mouse your "sitter" is here."

One of the sisters brought Mouse out to the front room. Loretta's eyes lit up when she saw me. She was still dressed as she had been for school, a pair of saddle shoes, catholic school girl skirt, white blouse with a tight black sleeveless sweater. She looked radiant.

Diane Hollis appeared and said,

"The tub is at the top of the stairs, second right. Mouse's clothing hamper should be obvious. The girls have left out shaving supplies, Mouse's fresh diaper and her onsee. I think we can trust the two of you but if you take too long both of you will be in trouble. You can issue instructions to Mouse but the two of you can not converse. Mouse is only permitted to babble while in the chapter house. We decided to let you two sit together for the movie as as well. Mouse might need to be changed after the movie, then you will brush her teeth and put her to bed. Rumor has it that you are very gentle and tender Stanley, and to be honest we girls would like to witness that."

I responded to Diane that I understood. Mouse's face lit up when she saw me and had been smiling ever since. I tried to hide the obvious enthusiasm that I had for this assignment. I wore my best poker face. I knew, however, that my body would betray my excitement so previously I had donned a jock strap one size too small to keep my boner from being obvious. I could already feel my manhood filling the garment.

I led Mouse up the stairs, giving her a knowing wink when we were out of sight of the rest of the sisters. I had been ordered to leave the door of the bathroom open so that the sisterhood could tell that I was following the rules. A sizable peanut gallery sprang up in the hall to watch.

I turned on the taps of the tub, making sure that the temperature was not too hot. I sat Loretta down upon the commode and unlaced her saddle shoes. She wore the cutest little white ankle socks. I figured I could probably only get my big toe into them. Loretta had lovely little perfect feet. I feared that my erection would become so intense it would snap my athletic supporter like a too tight rubber band.

I had Loretta stand and slid the sleeveless sweater up and over her head. Being given the privilege of undressing her was blessing I intended to savor. Loretta's eyes gleamed as she followed my instructions. I could tell this was turning her on as well. I began unbuttoning the white blouse delighting as her clear even skin was revealed. At last I opened the blouse and slid it down her arms. Loretta's cute tiny tits were lovely. Normally I didn't go for flat chested girls but there was something about Loretta. I placed the cast off clothing in the hamper set aside for Loretta.

Mouse was clad now in just the short skirt and an her diaper. The girls do not make her wear her clamshell closure when she was being directly monitored. My hands trembled a bit as I unzipped the skirt. She stood now in just her disposable diaper. I unfastened the tape and gazed again at Loretta's spectacular pussy. It was a sight I never got tired of seeing. She had a day's worth of stubble on her crotch and under her arms.

My heart nearly stopped beating when I considered the enormity of what I was about to do. It would be easier for me to shave her while she was seated before me on the commode than me breaking my back bending over to shave her while she was in the tub. When you are as tall as I am the ground is a long, long way away.

As delicately as I could I took up the razor by the sink and collected the can of shaving cream. I could not help but notice that Loretta was wet even before I daubed the cream on her lovely pussy. Running the blade under some warm water I then began the process of gingerly shaving Mouse's sacred grounds. Despite their size, my hands can be quite gentle when I need them to be. Often when running wiring through a sound board I had to use finesse and a light touch rather than brute strength. I also learned quite some time ago how to type on a standard keyboard. My huge fingers are far larger than the keys but custom keyboards are very expensive, so I learned to gently coax the information I needed out of the same keyboards everybody else uses.I can be quite a fast typist when I need to be. Normal sized people have no idea the problems giants like me face every single day.

In an odd way I appreciated what Loretta had to go through on the other end of the spectrum. She had to deal with a world that was largely sized to people far taller and larger than her. Loretta told me that grade school girls often surpassed her in height and that to most men she was practically invisible as men preferred taller women. Once Loretta had confronted me,

"Would you have looked at me twice Stanley If I weren't assigned to you as part of this little exercise in humiliation by the Gammas?"

I answered that I would have. Loretta knew full well that I was lying but she did not call me out on it. That conversation was months ago and both of us had changed a great deal. I stopped looking at the other women on campus, Loretta filled my mind now. I coveted our sessions of fellatio and when I was in private I jerked off to mental images of Loretta. We had a secret calender we kept in one of my notebooks. Each day Loretta served her penance was crossed off with a large X, At the end of the calendar Loretta had drawn a huge bed with two figures under the covers with the legend, "Freedom to Fuck Day!" Loretta is not a bad little artist.

I suppressed a slight flutter in my hands as I shaved Loretta. I felt her succulent womanhood when My fingers parted the lips of her pussy to razor away the stubble. I can't imagine how strange this little ritual looked to the Sorority girls gathered outside the door. I realized that I was being judged just as much as Loretta was. This was some sort of test. I certainly hoped that I would pass.

With a damp washcloth I erased the last of the shaving cream from Loretta's snatch. Her lovely pinkness was so tantalizing and so close. It took every bit of resolve in my body to not place my head between Loretta's legs and eat her out then and there. Imprisoned in its jock strap my penis howled in pain. Loretta read my thoughts. I could tell that she wanted me to eat her out just as much as I wanted to dine on her. We exchanged nods.

Forcing the thought from my pornographic mind, I chose to focus on shaving Loretta's arm pits. While those were cute, underarms had never been something that turned me on. I treated this as just another shaving job and in short order I had completed the task. Focusing on this caused my erection to shrink somewhat. I then took Loretta's hand and led her to the bathtub.

Naively I had believed that shaving Loretta would be the most agonizing part of the night. That was before I was lathering up this beautiful miniature person. I had been acutely aware that Loretta was all woman but seeing her in the tub with my hands massaging every part off her body was the most erotically intense moment of my life. Really turning me on was Loretta's total trust. She let my hands do as they wished, knowing that I would be gentle and thorough. I savored this time as though it were a gift from heaven.

Realizing that I could not take too must time I had Loretta stand and I rinsed her off. She felt like a fine exotic animal as I dried her off in the huge towel provided. On the mat set aside for her I had Loretta lie down and I placed the diaper around her hips. I was supremely disappointed that her pussy was now hidden from my view. Loretta did absolutely NOTHING, obviously relishing my touch, as I fitted her into her pink onsee. I pulled up the zipper, and just like that my wondrous assignment was over.

The sorority sisters in the hall broke into a round of applause as I led Loretta out of the bathroom.

A beautiful redhead stood in front of me and said,

"Stanley, if I were to go and fall in the mud, would you give ME a bath like that?"

Sorority president, Diane Hollis quickly interceded and said, "Enough of that Clarice. Stanley is our guest tonight as sitter for Mouse. If you want to proposition him do it on your own time."

We all retired to the den to watch the movie. I love action flicks but the sisters selected a romance. Ordinarily that wasn't my thing but sitting on the couch, with Loretta on my lap, it didn't seem to matter. It was a real kick to have Loretta so close for nearly two hours. I was grateful for Mouse's diaper as I'm sure Loretta would have been able to feel my stiffy otherwise.

I was disappointed when the movie ended because it meant that I had to put Loretta to bed. I had to change her as the sisters had given her bottle after bottle of various liquids to drink while we were watching the movie. I took a long lingering look at my handiwork of her shaven pussy before putting on her final diaper of the evening. Brushing her teeth was a lot of fun. I had come to adore her sweet small mouth with its tiny teeth and soft sensitive tongue in so many other ways that it was nice to just look as it as teeth that needed a good brushing and flossing.

I kissed mouse on the cheek just before I dropped the gate to her crib. She kissed me back with a light brush of her lips on my lips. Her eyes tried to convey to me that she was very satisfied with how this night had gone. The same emotions flooded my eyes in response.

Diane Hollis took me aside before sending me back on my way to the Delta house. "Stanley, you have NO idea what a turn on it for a woman to see a huge man like you embrace and excel at sensitivity. You will make a fine husband and father one day. We college women see male testosterone ALL the time. It's nice to see that men can be driven by more than just their hormones. I know that you are very attracted to Mouse but your attraction did not get in the way of doing your job. We sisters of Gamma are not entirely heartless. It was obvious that both you and Mouse enjoyed that bath so I have decided that you will be permitted to bathe Mouse twice a month. Do you think you can handle that Stanley?"

I answered loudly in the affirmative. As I walked back to my fraternity house I gazed passed the campus lighting into the moon and stars above and I felt incredible. Instead of six foot seven I felt one hundred feet tall.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Can not go home for Christmas? Her parents would be all over that sorority. Good fantasy.

Ellienora35Ellienora35about 8 years ago
Please write and finish this!

Please write and finish mouse! For me, this is your very best story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Terrific story

This story really pushes my buttons. I love the way you made Stanley so gentle and Loretta such a worthy recipient of his attention.

AndrewmsailingAndrewmsailingalmost 9 years ago
Don't stop here!

I know you are teasing Stanley and Mouse, but please don't tease your readers, who evidently, like me, long to see more of the development and consummation of this loving relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Quickly becoming my favorite!

What else can I say but, Please more!

You are incredibly talented and it shows!


Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 10 years ago
Have I already mentioned this is my favorite?

This really is my favorite. I don't read the fetish section, but I have been browsing through your stories, Stanley is hot. I hope he doesn't do anything to mess her up. I want to see what happens next,

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 10 years ago
This may be my favorite of your stories

I love the ageplay aspect of Mouse and Stanley. I am bugged by the way the sisters are treating Stanley when he's doing them a favor. I can't wait for more installments of this. It's hot, but it's truly sweet. Loretta is going to want to be his little girl for the rest of her life, I hope. Sigh.

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