Charles and Diana Ch. 01


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She gasped suddenly as Charles reached forward with his right hand, grabbing her body and spinning her aside as he pulled her against him, his right arm around her waist and his left arm around her shoulders as he crushed his mouth to hers. Her left hand went to his right arm and then trailed up to his shoulder slowly as he kissed her passionately. He lifted his head from kissing her and looked at her for a couple seconds, then released her and pushed her slightly away from him and said, "I'm sorry, Kathleen," as he picked up her sweater off of her chair and handed it to her.

She almost smiled again as he had figured it out and was playing along with her; "Your sense of duty again, Kirby?"

"I've seen things that make my sense of duty important," he said regretfully. "I'll take you home." He started to lead her out of the bar, both of them smiling and nodding to the people around them who had witnessed this performance as well and were clapping again. A few men even broke into chorus singing the first lines of "I'll Take You Home Kathleen," which had been one of the main musical themes of that movie, making them look at each other and grin widely. Her girlfriends were among the crowd and they were grinning broadly and cheering loudly—they'd never seen her this taken with a man that she had just met, and they all hoped that he was finally THE ONE.

Charles led her out of the pub to his car, helped her into the passenger side and then came around and got in on the driver's side, but he didn't start the car. He turned to look at her and asked her to fill in some of the details about her life that he couldn't tell from just observing her, like what she did for a living, where she worked, what kinds of things she enjoyed doing in her spare time, etc.

So she told him about her jobs at the movie studio—as an administrative assistant to an executive producer and a studio recording singer, and her part-time singing gig at the nightclub. That she enjoys music and ballroom dancing, playing poker with her girlfriends, goes for target practice every few months at a gun range, and used to enjoy fishing, sailing and horseback riding, but hadn't been able to do any of that since she moved to L.A.—except for one special fishing trip a couple years ago with the big man. As he listened to her, he almost started to believe that maybe she had told the truth about having a fling with John Wayne—she sounded like just the type of woman that Wayne would probably be attracted to; hell, she'd just increased his desire for her by several notches.

Then she asked for some more background information on him. He told her he's been with the FBI since he graduated from med school about 4 years ago, and he just transferred to the Bureau's L.A. office less than a month ago from Washington. He was born in Maryland but his family had lived in a couple different places when he was growing up—Texas and Colorado—before they wound up back in Maryland by the time he was a teenager. He'd loved Colorado and wished they would've stayed there; he much preferred the countryside and the mountains to big cities and hoped to retire there when he was ready to quit the Bureau.

He admitted that he didn't like his job much because it kept him reminded that there were still adverse forces around the world threatening the security, peace and freedoms the U.S. has struggled to establish and maintain; but at the same time, he felt his job was important in the fight to help protect our way of life. He told her that because of what he has to deal with at times in his job, he had developed a bad habit of bottling up his fears and anger to remain calm during tense interrogations. Then, sometime later, the least little thing would set him off and he explodes in rage and takes it out on whatever or whoever happens to be around him at that moment. After that, he usually needs to be left alone for a day or so and then he returns to his normal, easy-going self again for a while.

She looked a little worried when he told her that because she knew she could have quite a temper at times, too; so she asked him how he expresses his rage when he explodes. He told her that he has broken many things over the last few years, punched a few walls and doors, but he's never hit a person during those outbursts—just yelled at them. Then she asked him if anyone had ever yelled back at him when he did that, and he said no because other people were usually shocked to see him like that so they just walked away from him. Then she told him that they might have a problem with this because she had quite a temper herself, and if he just yells at her sometime for no reason, she was likely to yell back.

He grinned at her and said he'd thought about that because he'd already figured that out when she tried to smack him for kissing her, and he hoped he already has a solution. When she asked him what his solution was, he shook his head and said he wasn't going to explain it to her now because he needed to learn more about her before he'd know if it would work. Then she asked him what more was it he needed to learn about her, and he looked at her in irritation and said, "Damn it, woman! I'm not going to tell you any more right now! I guess there's only one way to shut you up!"

He grabbed her and pulled her against him and kissed her hard at first, then backed off and softened and deepened the kiss as their lips parted and their tongues met for the first time. She moaned softly into his mouth and he moaned in response as he caressed her back and sides firmly with his hands; she had her arms on his shoulders and her hands on his neck and the back of his head. He was a damn good kisser and she was melting into him again as she envisioned him with his head between her legs, his mustache tickling her clit while he stroked her pussy with his tongue the same way he was stroking her mouth and tongue; she groaned deep in her throat as her pussy throbbed and soaked her panties.

Charles heard her deep groan and he knew she was turned on and wanted him probably as much as he wanted her; he had been hard since he first saw her and he was throbbing painfully now, but he wasn't about to take her to bed tonight—he just laid eyes on her a few hours ago! Hell, he didn't even know her name yet—all the questions he'd just asked her and he hadn't asked for her name! He suddenly pulled back from her and stared heatedly at the look of desire on her face as she slowly opened her eyes, both of them breathing heavily, and he asked her raggedly, "By the way, what's your name?"

She grinned crookedly and said, "Maureen O'Hara." She gasped and moaned loudly, closing her eyes again, when he moved his left hand around to her right breast and pinched her nipple through her clothes with his hand and thumb, so she moaned even deeper, "Gail Russell." Her eyes popped open when he pinched her nipple even harder and it was starting to hurt, and she could see a look of warning mixed with the desire in his eyes so she squeaked quietly, "OK, OK!" So he released his hold on her nipple and caressed her breast gently making her moan again, and then she said quietly, "I'm name is Diana Maitland."

He'd been a little nervous to try it, but he figured the only way to get her to tell him what he wanted was to torture her sexually; he'd been surprised at how well it had worked on her, but scared at how it had made HIM react. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then leaned toward her and kissed her tenderly as he slid his hand from her breast, moved his hands to her sides and set her away from him as he turned to start the car and said gently, "Nice to meet you, Diana Maitland. Now tell me where you live so I can take you home."

Diana just stared dazedly at him for a few seconds, still breathing heavily; how could he do this to her?!! She hadn't felt this turned on since she'd been with the big man and now he was just going to take her home?!! Her anger exploded and she turned to open the car door to get out, but she fumbled with the handle, and he reached over and grabbed her wrist, holding it tightly, and said calmly, "Just where do you think you're going?"

She struggled to free her wrist from his grasp and yelled at him loudly, "Nowhere with you! Fuck you, Charles Richards! Let me go!"

He grabbed her body again and yanked her across the seat into his lap, wedging her between him and the steering wheel as he held her tightly against him. He was breathing heavily again and there was a slight look of anger mixed with the desire in his eyes as he said slowly, calmly and deeply, "I'm never letting you go. And don't worry; you'll get to...fuck much as you soon as you're my wife! Now, is that understood?"

She was breathing as heavily as he was and she grated through her teeth, "Understood! How much gas do you have in this car?" He frowned in confusion, so she asked again louder and angrier, "Do you have enough gas in this car to get us to Vegas?" His eyes went wide and he just stared at her, so she said forcefully, "I'm not letting you get away from me tonight without fucking me, and if you won't do it until I'm your wife, then you'd better get this car headed toward Vegas!"

When he still hesitated, she started ranting exasperatedly, "Hell—I wanted to fuck John Wayne all my life and I managed to get him to do that just 3 hours after I met him! You're the first man since him that has made me want more from you than just fucking! I couldn't marry John Wayne even though he loved me, but I do want to marry you even though I don't know if I love you, and you were the one who said I was going to be your wife, but now you're hesitating—how ironic is that?!! Now, do you want to marry me or not? If you do, then start heading for Vegas, and if you don't, then let me out of this car right now and I don't want to see you again unless it's to take me to Vegas and marry me!"

He was confused as hell! Why was she moving so fast? He felt there was something familiar and special about her the moment he laid eyes on her, but then he thought he was going to have to take time to convince her they belonged together because she tried to walk away from him when he so blatantly told her that she belonged to him, and then tried to slap him when he kissed her! Now, here she was ranting at him, demanding him to take her to Vegas and marry her even if she wasn't sure she loved him?!! Well, he wasn't sure he loved her, either, though she's made him feel more different and exciting emotions in the few hours since he'd first seen her than any other woman he's dated or bedded before.

What he hadn't told her was that he was sure she had way more sexual experience than he; he's only had sex with one other woman in his life—the woman he was married to for 7 years until he divorced her 3 years ago because she cheated on him. He'd been crushed when he found out because he'd loved her and had always been faithful to her. Then he couldn't find it in himself to forgive her because she'd acted like she felt no remorse for what she'd done, and because he'd also learned that she'd done things with the other man that she wouldn't do with him and he'd asked her to try them.

He'd always thought his ex-wife was beautiful and had desired her immensely because she had vaguely resembled his dream girl. But she never seemed to want him as he did her, even though he thought he knew how to please her because he could give her an orgasm almost every time he made love to her, and was always patient and gentle with her. His ex-wife had not been very adventurous in bed with him—the only place she'd ever let HIM have sex with her—and the only way he could give her an orgasm was by stimulating her clitoris with his fingers until she came. Then he'd found out why she didn't want to have sex with him very often and wouldn't try anything different with him—because she was getting it elsewhere!

Diana reminded him of a grown-up version of his dream girl that he'd fantasized about since he was a young teen. He thought he'd seen his dream girl once when he was about 13 at a small carnival one summer when he'd visited his grandparents in Virginia. She'd been the prettiest girl he'd ever seen; a vision of bright, shining golden hair tied back with a ribbon, her curvy body hugged by a bright, yellow dress, smiling and glancing shyly at him with her sparkling gray blue eyes. The memory always seemed to play in slow motion, but in reality he'd seen her for only about 10 seconds as she'd moved away from him in a crowd. Later, he'd come to believe that he'd only imagined her because he never saw her again even though he had looked for her many times over the years.

He shook his head as he remembered he'd told Diana that he thought she was from Virginia and she hadn't denied it—could it possibly be her? Was she his dream girl? He asked her where she grew up in Virginia and when she told him her hometown, he asked her where it was because he wasn't familiar with it and when she told him that it was south of Richmond, he knew it couldn't have been her, because his grandparents had lived northeast of Richmond, close to the Chesapeake Bay. When she frowned questioningly at him, he shook his head and said, "Just curious!"

Diana was even more beautiful than his ex-wife—and she definitely had a shapelier body, and she certainly seemed to be sexually adventurous, but her aggressiveness worried him a little. If it turned out that they weren't compatible in bed—which he seriously doubted—but, if it was so, then he was scared she'd step out on him like his ex-wife had. But if the sex turned out to be as incredible as he imagined it would be, then he would be in love with her instantly and could only hope it would do the same for her. Maybe Vegas wasn't such a bad idea; they could have a quickie marriage, find a honeymoon suite somewhere and make love immediately, and if it was bad, they could get a quickie divorce!

Diana had been watching him for a few minutes as he was frowning and looking at her, and then he would close his eyes for a few moments while he thought about something, and then look at her again. She could tell he was torn; he definitely wanted her because she could feel his hard cock pressed against her right hip as it was cradled in his lap, but he'd obviously experienced something in his past that was making him hesitate jumping into marriage with her. The last time he opened his eyes and looked into her face, she could see him studying her features, then he glanced down her body and then back into her eyes, and they deepened with desire again, then a determined look came over his face.

He pulled her tightly against him and lowered his head, and just before he crushed his lips to hers, he stared into her eyes and said firmly, "We're going to Vegas!" He pressed his lips against hers hard for several seconds, then lifted her off him, sat her next to him, put the car in gear and headed out of the parking lot. He asked her if she needed to pick up anything at her home before they left town, and she told him she had everything she needed in her purse, except for things they could get when they got to Vegas. She had plenty of cash on her and her checkbook if they needed more and her personal identification information.

Charles knew it would probably take them about 4 - 5 hours to drive to Vegas and it was almost 10pm—it would be the middle of the night before they got there! He had a better idea—the Bureau had a private plane that they kept at the local airport and there was a pilot always on duty in case of an emergency. He was friendly with the pilot and the pilot owed him a favor—he figured this would be a good time to cash it in since it would take less than an hour to fly to Vegas. The pilot could return with the plane immediately and would be gone less than 2 hours, so it was doubtful anyone would find out! He and Diana could just make arrangements to take a commercial flight back when they returned.

Oh damn! He just remembered; all Bureau agents are supposed to do background checks on their potential spouses! He looked at Diana and said quietly, "We can't get married tonight. Because of my job, I'm required to have a background check done on any potential spouse...I'm sorry."

Diana looked at him and smiled and said, "If we can get to a phone and you can call someone in your office and tell them who my father is, I don't think there will be a problem." When he looked at her and raised his eyebrows in surprise, she continued, "My father is a retired Air Force Colonel and had the highest security clearances because he worked off and on at the Pentagon during the war. I've had background checks done on me before—there won't be any problem."

As he headed to the airport, Diana asked him where he was going, and he told her it was a surprise. When he turned onto the road leading into the airport, she told him there was no way they could get a flight out tonight, she was sure the last ones had already left! He told her not to worry—they would get a flight. Then she saw that he drove past the main terminal building and out to one of the hangar buildings, and parked the car. He asked for her father's name and current place of residence and then started to tell her to wait in the car, but she needed to go to the bathroom so she asked him if there was a restroom in the building, and he told her there was. So they both got out and he showed her to the restroom just inside the door and she told him she'd be waiting by the car when he came back.

She started to feel nervous and excited while she went to the restroom and then back outside to wait for him to return; nervous that she was just about to fly off to Las Vegas and marry a man she just met a little over an hour ago, and excited at the thought of flying—she'd never been on a plane before! All her cross-country trips back home to Virginia had been by train; she'd always wanted to experience flying but plane tickets were so expensive!

She saw him coming out of the door they had entered into the hangar and he came over to her, grinning, and said, "It's all arranged. It'll just take the pilot a few minutes to notify the tower that we're leaving and file the flight plan so they can notify the Las Vegas airport that we're coming, and then get the plane ready for takeoff. And you're not going to believe this, but the pilot has heard of your father! He was in the Army Air Corp during the war as a young Lieutenant and Captain flying B-17's, and he said your father was a man who helped to design the bomber engines, and was the officer responsible for keeping the AM schools informed on the mechanics and maintenance of those engines! Is that true?" She nodded, and he exclaimed, "Is this a small world or what?!"

She frowned and smiled in amazement, and then asked him which plane they were taking, and he pointed to a small prop plane that looked like it could accommodate about a dozen passengers. She looked at him and smiled excitedly and then told him that she'd never flown before and was really looking forward to it. He smiled back at her and said he was glad he was going to be the first person she experienced flying with. He just hoped he would be able to excite her as much in bed!

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I guess the next step is becoming a loving wife. John Wayne was the greatest.

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