Charlotte and the Landlord Pt. 02

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Charlotte gets outplayed again by the landlord…
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Another week had come and gone and I slept fitfully every night. I couldn't always remember my dreams, but my thoughts when I woke were clouded by images of Charlotte naked, posing, at the complete mercy of Tony's demands. My girlfriend, my love, degraded for rent money. While the details eluded me, I knew that my dreams alternated between nightmares and the erotic. It was like my mind hadn't decided yet how to categorize the events from the previous weekend.

We didn't have sex that week. But I masturbated every night to the images seared into my memory. Her labia exposed by the slit cut out of the panties. The cheap high heels he made her wear. Her breasts framed by the open bra. I have no doubt Tony did the same, only to the photos instead. I wondered if Charlotte knew. I wonder if she knew that he had almost certainly shared the photos with his friends. I wonder if she knew the amount of cum that had been spilled this week on her behalf.

We were tantalizing close to having earned the money we needed, with 450 dollars to our name. We knew that Tony wouldn't accept anything less than the full amount and the last thing I wanted was to negotiate with him again. I had gotten nearly all the hours promised by Manuel, but we hadn't anticipated needing to spend a few dollars to live for the week. The food we had remaining wasn't able to be stretched as far as we had hoped. And Charlotte's job hunt continue to be unfruitful. I suppose a small part of me questioned how hard she was looking, if she was willing to do what it took to earn the money. I dismissed the thought that perhaps she was planning on going through with the second session, against what we had decided on.

We had made a plan for that Saturday evening. We'd go downstairs and Charlotte would say the safe word before anything happened. Per the ground rules, it would buy us another week, a grace week, enough time to earn another few hundred dollars. Enough time to find another place to rent by the next weekend, if we were lucky. Otherwise, we'd bus to the nearest city with a consulate. We'd report our passports stolen, and with our remaining funds we'd pay for new travel documents and stay in a hostel while earning the remaining money we needed for a plane ticket home. The dying flame of the lives we dreamed of would be extinguished.

So that fateful Saturday evening, we walked down the outside steps to Tony's unit. Not bothering to knock, I reached for the doorknob. My hands shook as I opened the door to a subtly lit room, the smell of cheap candles hitting me like an invisible wall. Tony sat on the couch, his back to us, and he turned slightly to beckon us in. Without a word and barely a glance he motioned me towards the same wooden chair that I had sat last week. He held his fingers to his lips and smiled, and I understood the deal to be the same. If I said anything at all, we'd be evicted immediately, no grace period.

But I was trusting Charlotte to execute our plan without becoming entrapped in our landlord's subtle manipulation. As I took my seat on the hard wooden chair, doubt crept back into my mind that Charlotte would somehow do something she didn't want to do. I knew that I'd probably make things worse by opening my mouth. I took my seat and nodded at Charlotte for her to say the safe word - simply "no" when he inevitably asked her to strip to start things off, the exact procedure the ground rules had dictated. We'd follow the rules to the letter so that he couldn't evade his commitment. It would be over, and we'd get our week to move out.

Tony sat down in the same spot on the couch, the spot where had been when his intense orgasm had drenched Charlotte in his cum. Charlotte sat in the armchair opposite the couch. As we settled, he spoke. "I'm eliminating the grace period. You don't go through with this and I evict you today."

A wave of heat washed over me. For the first time that night, but not the last, I was at a loss of words. Charlotte responded with barely a whisper. "You know we have nowhere to go."

Tony responded casually, unconcerned. His demeanor was indicative of the power he held in the situation. "You''ll find the eviction laws here heavily favor the landlord. And I'm good friends with the officers that are investigating the robbery of your unit. I could have them here within the hour. They wouldn't hesitate to escort you out if you don't go peacefully."

I squirmed in my chair, both knees bouncing uncontrollably. Was he bluffing? Could we take that chance? We'd have nowhere to go. I don't even know how we'd survive. Were eviction laws that strict? How could we consult a lawyer - and with what money?

It took all my power not to say anything. I wish I had. Charlotte seemed to be looking down at her feet, thinking about how to respond. She didn't look over to me, even though I tried to will it. Even just a second of eye contact. Tony took advantage of the uncertain silence and started talking again. "I'll make this easy on you. I'm okay with just a handjob. I've already been edging all morning thinking about this, so I'm going to cum quick. And both of us can stay fully clothed."

I could tell that Charlotte was taken aback. She assumed that Tony would make this session the most depraved version of the ground rules possible, just as the first session had been - but here he was promising the opposite. Tony seemed to have anticipated our move of surrender. Charlotte seemed to be considering and decided to test his generosity. "What if you wore a condom too?"

"I can do that. Whatever makes it easier."

I squirmed in my chair but tried to hold onto the belief that Charlotte knew what she was doing. But there was something else more powerful that prevented me speaking, something small in the back of my head. I couldn't get the first session out of my mind. My arousal disgusted me, but looking back, there was some depraved curiosity of seeing my prudish girlfriend give another man a handjob. Part of me wanted to know what it would feel like to watch.

And with that agreement things began unfolding at a dizzying speed. Tony stood and walked over to the couch, sitting down beside Charlotte on her right side. He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants off, then his underwear. His erection sprang out, revealing his full length. Charlotte gave me a quick look and then focused her eyes on his cock. Even from my vantage point, I could see precum glistening over the head of his penis. He wasn't lying about having been edging.

He reached into his pocket for a condom. Looking back it should have been a red flag that he had anticipated Charlotte's request, but I thought nothing of it at the time. Undoing the wrapper and tossing it aside onto the couch, he placed the condom on the tip of his penis and unceremoniously rolled it down to the base - or at least attempted to. His girth was such that the condom became stuck about two-thirds of the length down, where the remaining material bunched up and created a ring that dug into his flesh.

He grinned. "Even large condoms are a little snug sometimes."

Charlotte adjusted herself, brushing her hair to one side and trying to push away from the dip in the couch that Tony's mass had created. She reached out and wrapped her delicate hand around his erection. Her hands were small, but now they looked tiny in comparison. She began slowly, rhythmically moving her hands up and down. Tony let out a small moan. That image - the love of my life with her hand on another man's penis - is seared into my memory forever.

Charlotte began slowly working her hand up and down the length of Tony's shaft. I knew she had never held a cock of this size, and she wasn't quite sure how to even hold it. But she kept her composure. Tony lay there, head on the back of the couch, eyes closed. Charlotte briefly looked in my direction. She momentarily held my dumbfounded gaze as her hand worked up and down our landlord's erection.

It was an awkward angle, sitting on the couch beside him like that. I imagine her arm began to fatigue. After a couple of minutes she let go of him and shifted down onto the floor, onto her knees. Now, directly in front of him, she resumed pleasuring his penis in earnest with both hands - working up and down the length of his shaft, up to the head. She quickened her pace slightly, trying to maintain even pressure and constant rhythm. One hand ran up and down over the head of his penis, and her other hand right below. Even with two hands, her stroke didn't come close to the base of his shaft.

He kept his eyes open, focused on her. I could see her return his gaze for only a moment, but it seemed too intimate. I imagine she preferred looking down at her hands as she pumped them, picking the lesser of two evils.

This went on and on. Charlotte on her knees, pumping his cock with two hands, trying to get him to come. I knew if I had been in his position I wouldn't have lasted more than a few minutes. Maybe even just a couple. But it seemed like it had been closer to twenty minutes, even though I was not in a good place mentally to judge the passage of time.

At some point, I noticed that Charlotte seemed to be looking off to her side intently. I followed her gaze to the condom wrapper that Tony had discarded. She kept her eyes focused on it, as if she was reading the label. Tony also noticed her looking at the wrapper and looked over to wink at me. "Too bad your girlfriend insisted on a condom. All I had was the numbing kind. Makes me last over an hour sometimes." He laughed. "You'd better both get comfortable."

Charlotte paused momentarily with this piece of news, unmoving, hands still on his penis, looking up at him. She said nothing but I knew the effect his words had. He said nothing in return. Instead, he leaned forward, raised his hand, and brought it down on Charlotte's ass. Her yoga pants did little to muffle the sound it created, and she squealed in surprise as the force of Tony's hand sent small ripples through her ass cheek.

He snarled at her. "Get on with it."

I sat in a state of detachment. In my head, I begged her to say the safe word. Nothing was worth this. But the scene I was witnessing had left me without a voice. And to my horror, Charlotte did something I could never have anticipated her doing. I realized that day that there was a side of her I was only just beginning to understand. Her need to not let this creep win was a force more powerful than her disgust with the situation. At least, that's what I needed to be true. I refused to believe that she was aroused by the situation.

Charlotte, recovering from being spanked, slowly stood and pulled her top off. Then she reached around to unhook her bra and let it fall to the ground, revealing her milky-white breasts and soft nipples. Then she pulled off her yoga pants and her socks, her sheer lace panties the only item of clothing she left remaining.

Again I opened my mouth but I could form no words. My penis stirred until my erection was bursting against my jeans, my body's physical arousal now in full disagreement with the torture of my brain.

And then nightmare began in earnest. Charlotte dropped down to her knees in front of the couch. She reached forward, her nipples gently grazing Tony's exposed thighs as she took his penis in both hands and rolled the condom off. She maintained eye contact as she lowered her head, and while stretching back his foreskin, tentatively took the tip of his unprotected cock in her mouth.

Tony let his head fall back on the cushions and groans. "Oh my god. Your girlfriend is such a fucking slut."

I sat in my catatonic state as Charlotte slowly moved her lips back and forth over the head of his penis, exploring the surface as she cleaned up the pre-cum with her tongue, while taking a little bit more of his head each time. After a minute of exploration, she placed her hands on Tony's thighs to steady herself, she began bobbing up and down on Tony's cock, going further and further past the head of his penis as she loosened up her mouth and explored the limits of her gag reflex.

My mind began objectively processing what I was seeing, almost as if I was analyzing the scene in a detached state. The facts ticked off in my head. That I had only gotten blowjobs from Charlotte early in our relationship. That I knew that she struggled to go very deep. That her gag reflex was intense, and I always let her control the pace. I mechanically noted that while she could get nearly to the base of my penis comfortable, it looked like she was less than halfway down Tony's shaft.

The sounds of the room faded in and snapped me back to the reality of what I was witnessing. The sounds emanating from the interaction between our landlord's penis and my girlfriend's mouth - the slurping, the light gagging, his moans - were almost too much to bear. The sounds were inescapable.

Tony let out a long moan as Charlotte quickened her pace, his penis now awash in a combination of her salvia and his increasing amount of pre-cum.

"Deeper" Tony groaned.

Charlotte kept the rhythm and tried to go ever so slightly deeper, but it was clear she was at her limits.

"Deeper!" Tony demanded, unsatisfied.

He placed a hand on the back of her head and pushed down. In an instant, Charlotte took significantly more of Tony's cock inside her mouth as she spluttered and gagged. At the deepest point of his cock in his mouth, she rebounded and pushed herself off him, gasping for air, strings of spit loosely connecting them. She coughed and wiped her mouth and nose with the back of her hand. With this sight, my heart completely skipped a beat and I tried to flex my body to keep myself from passing out.

"Don't do that again" she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Tony put up his hands as if to say sorry. After a minute she had recovered and started up again and Tony let her go back to her original technique. But soon enough he placed her hand on the back of her head and pushed her head down on his cock again. Charlotte gagged as his cock bottomed out at the back of her throat. This time though Charlotte made no complaint but instead immediately shallowed out until Tony again shoved his cock so far down her throat that I could see her delicate nose dig into his drooping stomach.

Once again she gagged and the entirety of Tony's penis slide out of her mouth as she came up for air, gasping and heaving. Tony gave her no more than a second of respite before using his hand to guide his erection to her lips and the gagging and slurping resumed.

She seemed to decide that it was better if she committed than having her head forced down. She began deep throating Tony's cock without his assistance, coming up for air occasionally in a mess of saliva and precum, before continuing to take Tony's huge penis in her mouth. It seemed Tony's actions had dulled her gag reflex and stretched out her mouth sufficiently that she could take his full length and girth. Or maybe Charlotte was beginning to enjoy her new found abilities and felt the power of having an entire cock deep in her mouth.

After what felt like hours, Charlotte needed a break. She remained kneeling. Tony took this opportunity to pull his pants all the way off, put a pillow behind his back and spread his legs wider. The effect was to expose his massive erection even more. When Charlotte resumed she struggled to take in the incremental length. Tony's hand immediately reappeared, shoving her head down so far that his balls smashed against Charlotte's chin. Her whole body recoiled in a dry heave as Tony's cock went past her epiglottis and down into her throat. She withdrew immediately and gasped for air for several seconds, her light mascara starting to run down the side of her eyes.

Tony used one hand to gently guide her head back to his cock and with the other reached down and began fondling Charlotte's breasts. She was unable to speak with the penis in her mouth, but moaned her displeasure. Tony didn't stop, but instead gave each nipple a firm squeeze to which Charlotte exclaimed in a combination of surprise, pleasure, and pain. The tan-lines were so prominent, making her milky-white breasts seem even more exotic against the backdrop of her golden skin; a reminder of the privilege of viewing them, of touching them.

I couldn't take it anymore despite the horrors I was seeing. The sights and sounds had turned me upside down and I unzipped my jeans, fed my modest erection through the flap in my boxers and began furiously masturbating to the sight of my beautiful girlfriend deepthroating our landlord for rent money.

I had only been masturbating for less a minute and upon seeing Tony fondling her nipples I worked my hand faster and faster until I came in waves and waves that shook me like no orgasm had before. The load drippled over the head of my penis, the thick globs running down my shaft and onto my hand. I sat there, hand still on my penis, as the last of my juices squeezed out of me. It felt like a thousand thoughts evaporated from my head at once, suddenly clear and empty.

Neither Tony or Charlotte even noticed.

I knew immediately it was a mistake to have orgasmed. The sheer eroticism of what I was witnessing was gone in an instant. I was left only with jealousy, pain, and disbelief.

In the meantime, Tony's hand migrated to her sides, and then slid down the small of her back to her ass. Charlotte continued to bob her head up and down on his cock. Slowly, he explored her skin and curves, running his hand down the side of her hips where her skin gently folded, down to the bottom of her ass cheeks. Then he suddenly raised his hand and brought it down, hard.

The impact rippled through both cheeks. Charlotte squealed, and the surprise caused her to briefly bring the tops of her feet off the ground. She pushed back against his legs, trying to come up for air. But Tony had a good grip on the back of her head, and didn't allow her to fully rise. She spluttered and gagged again. His hand came down again, even harder. Charlotte shrieked again but made no attempt to stop him this time. A large red mark was already forming on her right cheek. The contrast between her tanned legs, pearly white untouched ass cheek, and rosy-red spanked ass cheek was striking.

Tony continued spanking Charlotte's ass as she did his best to make him orgasm. Soon he was spanking the other cheek as well, and then yanked her panties down so that they were just above her knees. Then he brought his hand to his mouth, covered it in a glob of spit, and reached down to rub her exposed asshole with his finger tips. Again, she tried to come up for air, successfully this time, and stood all the way up.

"Don't you dare touch my ass" she said angrily.

Tony yanked her down by the arm, put a hand around the back of her head and she resumed the blowjob with a fury. He spanked her harder and harder, the skin becoming tinge with streaks of red.

Then suddenly he pushed Charlotte off of him and stood, and before she could react, pushed her down on the couch so that her knees were on the seat and her breasts were pinned against the back cushions. Then he buried his face her ass. Charlotte gasped. But for the first time, she started moaning - slowly at first, then like crazy as Tony lapped at her asshole. Gripping her legs, he pulled her deeper into him.

I'd never even put a finger on her asshole. It was strictly off limits. And here was this stranger eating it out, with Charlotte moaning in a different way than I had ever heard her, with a fervor she never reached with me. My post-orgasm paralysis had me sitting in the hard wooden chair, the smell of the cum covering the crotch hanging thick in the air, as I watched our landlord do yet another thing with my girlfriend that I had never experienced and never would.

He licked her asshole with a passion, seemingly feeling out every fold of skin and clearly enjoying the flavor of the forbidden. Charlotte screamed and moaned, the sounds muffled by the couch pillow she had her head buried in, in a combination of pleasure and agony. Tony used his hands to spread her red-tinged cheeks wider, lapping and sucking like her asshole with a deranged intensity.