Charlotte's Dilemma


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"We Mountain Nymphs and the clan MacTool have a long-shared history stretching back centuries. Angus knows the legends. Ask him to explain them to you. It will help."

"Was Angus' mother a Nymph too?"

"She was," Elise replied solemnly.

"But how can I convince him I'm one. The only thing that convinced me is the telepathy thing and I can't speak to Angus, right? I don't even know how to speak to you."

"Nymphs can only talk to other Nymphs," Elise clarified. "You already have the functionality within you to do that and much, much more. But right now, you're like a piece of software that needs an activation code."

"So can you activate me?"

"I can, when the time comes. But for now, I can give you a limited functionality trial if you like."


"Kiss me."

"Seriously Elise?"

"You're going to make a terrible Nymph if you start going all bashful on me."

Charlotte had kissed almost as many girls as she'd kissed men when she'd been with Mark. He liked watching her do it and she loved the feel of another woman.

"It's just that your Angus' mom."

"Step-mom," Elise corrected. "And I think I look pretty kissable, if I say so myself."

Charlotte put her concerns to one side and kissed Elise. Elise's tongue darted into her mouth and made contact with Charlotte's, causing fireworks to go off in Charlotte's brain. Although it was just a kiss, the feeling was so intense. Instinctively Charlotte cradled the back of Elise's head with one hand and fondled her breasts with the other. But the moment their tongues disconnected the sensation stopped, leaving Charlotte embarrassed about coming on to her boyfriend's step mother.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Don't be. It's perfectly natural," Elise reassured her. "Sex with novice Nymphs is always the most intense."

Charlotte broke their embrace.

"So how do I talk to you telepathically?" she asked.

"You already are," Elise chuckled. "It just comes naturally."

Charlotte hadn't even noticed the transition.

"Fuck. I am, aren't I? This is amazing."

"Talk to Angus," Elise reiterated. "Then let's speak again after you have. You know how to contact me," she chuckled.

Chapter 4

After leaving Elise, Charlotte drove to her parents' house. She tried to paint for a few hours, but couldn't concentrate, her mind was full of what Elise had told her. So, she Googled 'Oread' instead. Wikipedia told her that the word came from Greek mythology. There were basic similarities with Elise's version but there was nothing about modern day incarnations.

She texted Angus and told him that she'd cook for him that evening then went to the store to buy some minced beef and tinned tomatoes, for a spaghetti Bolognese. Charlotte pushed the boat out and bought a bottle of wine and some candles to make the evening more romantic.

When Angus got home he couldn't help but notice the mood lighting and table laid for two. Normally they ate on the sofa watching the television. So, he had a shower and put on a fresh tee-shirt and jeans.

"I could get used to this," he joked as Charlotte served him his meal.

"So could I," Charlotte added.

"Is this a way of saying you'll marry me? Because, if you want me to ask you again, I will," he said hopefully.

"Tell me what you know about the legends of the Oreads and the clan MacTool first," she told him.

Angus' face went serious for a moment then he smiled.

"That takes me back," he chuckled. "I haven't thought about those stories in a long time. Who told you about them?"

"Elise did. Do you remember them?"

"Of course. They're one of the last memories of my mother," he said wistfully. "She was bedridden just before her death and every day for a while Elise would take me to see her and she and my mother would read me the tales from an old book."

"I'm sorry. If it's too painful..."

"No, it's fine," Angus said, smiling. "Although my recollection may not be perfect."

Angus took a sip of the cheap wine Charlotte had bought then began.

"Before we humans came along, the Fae inhabited Scotland, and the rest of the Britain too. Well at least that's what I was told," Angus laughed.

"Go on," Charlotte said encouragingly.

"The Oreads were Nymphs who inhabited the highlands and were, in a way, it's guardians. Like all Nymphs they were women, they could perform magic and their beauty was legendary. When man began to appear in the highlands some eight thousand years B.C. the Oreads formed an alliance with them. Legend has it that men found it impossible to resist them, partly because of their beauty and partly because of their insatiable desire for sex. The Oreads were, incapable of forming bonds though, incapable of love if you like. They were just in it for the sex. They gave birth to both male and female half-breeds who then reproduced themselves and so on, until eventually there were no Oreads left. They just became assimilated into human kind. They lost their magical powers and that was the end of them.

Angus took another sip and thought for a moment then continued.

"Or so it seemed. The legend goes that sometimes genetics combine to produce throw-backs. Beautiful, magical, insatiable Nymphs who, when they mature, can choose if they want to be human or Oread."

Angus stopped and took another sip of his wine?

"Is that it?" Charlotte asked. "What about the clan MacTool."

"Give me a chance," Angus chuckled, putting his glass down.


"The clan MacTool originated in Ireland. They sailed to Scotland somewhere around the fifth or sixth century and laid their claim to a large swathe of the Highlands. They were a warring clan, but they were different from other clans in that they didn't believe in marriage. Instead, they preferred communal rights. Men and women went with whoever they wanted."

"How progressive of them," Charlotte joked.

"Precisely. And it's this idea of free loving that's said to have attracted these new Oreads to the MacTools," Angus explained.

"Makes sense, if you like a lot of lovin'," she agreed.

"So are you ready for my favourite part of the legend."

"Of course."

"By the eighth century, magic had all but disappeared from the Highlands. The Fae were a shadow of what they used to be, but the Seelie court, the good guys, and the Unseelie court, the bad guys still battled it out. Legend has it that the Seelie court approached the clan MacTool because they knew that Oreads still lived amongst them and asked them for help. The MacTool clan formed an allegiance with Seelie court and fought with them in the Last Great Fairy Battle of the Highlands."

"The Last Great Fairy Battle of the Highlands?" Charlotte chortled. "It sounds a bit camp."

"You asked to hear the story."


"Anyway, many MacTools lost their lives in the battle and Oreads too but the Fae of the Seelie Court triumphed and, in thanks for their help, the Queen of the Faeries granted the Oreads and the MacTools each a wish. The Oreads asked the Faery Queen to grant them the gift of being able to love. Although they could never give up their need for sex, they wanted to form bonds with men."

"So, they wanted to have their cake and eat it?"

"Kind of."

"And the clan MacTool, what did they ask for?"

"I'm glad you asked," Angus chuckled. "Because they asked that the chieftains of the clan MacTool and their male offspring be forever endowed with large man-hoods."

"You mean the MacTools wanted large cocks," she laughed.

"I haven't seen you complaining."

"I'm not. Yours is a very nice cock and it is the largest I've ever seen."

"And I'm guessing you've seen a few," Angus said with a hit of resignation.

"Does it bother you?"

"The fact that you've slept with other guys no. I guess that's the MacTool in me. The fact that you were with Mark when it happened bothers the fuck out of me, if I'm honest."

"I'm sorry. If I could go back and change it I would," Charlotte said knowing that her words could only ever be platitudes. "Anything I did with Mark I'd gladly do with you though, and more besides. You know that, don't you?"

"I guess I didn't, until you said it," Angus chuckled. "Although I doubt Duntoolin is a hotbed of swinging."

"We could go to Edinburgh one weekend, or Manchester. Any city."

"Right now, there's a more fundamental question I think we need to address," Angus told her.

Charlotte knew what the question was.

"I know, but I just need you to hear me out first."

"Ok," Angus replied.

"I think I'm an Oread, Angus. At least I can choose to be if I want. Elise is one too and your mother was. It's like you said, somehow we're attracted to the clan MacTool."

"You're joking, right?"

"You said you'd hear me out."


"Physically I look a bit like an Oread, don't I? Nymph like, redhead, no body hair."

"I thought you shaved."

"No, never. And I do like sex, don't I?"

"I'll give you that one."

"But the Oreads are magical right. What's their biggest superpower?"

"They can tell the future?"

"Can they. I didn't know that. What's another one?"

"They can heal wounds."

"Again, not one I was aware of. Anything else?"

"They're telepathic."

"Bingo," Charlotte said finally. "Elise gave me the ability to talk to her telepathically. A sort of try before you buy trial. Only Oreads can do that. Ask me a question I couldn't possibly know the answer to."

"Ok. Who won the Champions League match between Newcastle and Bayern Munich this evening?" Angus quipped.

Charlotte considered this for a moment. It was quite a good one really. She couldn't know possibly have known the score as the match had only just ended. She tried to call out to Elise.

"Hi, how's it going?" Elise responded. "I've been hoping to hear from you."

"I'm trying to get Angus to believe that I'm an Oread and he's asked me to ask you who won the Newcastle vs Bayern Munich football match tonight."

"Bayern did. Three-two. Duncan made me watch it. Football is so boring!"

"Thanks Elise. I'll let you know how it goes?"

"Good luck."

Charlotte turned back to the expectant Angus and told him the score. She could see the surprise on his face when he looked it up on his phone and saw she was right.

"Can I ask another question?" he asked.

"I think so."

"When Elise took me to see my mother each day as kid, my mother always used to tell me something after they'd read the stories?"

Charlotte reached out to Elise again and asked the question.

"Charlotte's mother used to tell him that one day he'd marry a beautiful Oread and that she'd be the queen of the Nymphs," Elise replied.

Charlotte told Angus what Elise had said and could immediately see on his face that Elise had been right.

"I don't quite know what it means to be an Oread," Charlotte explained. "Elise told me I don't have to become one. But it seems like we Nymphs have been finding you MacTools for centuries. Perhaps that's why your mother told you those stories because she knew it would come to this one day."

"So does that mean you'll marry me?" Mark asked.

"Is that a proposal Angus MacTool because if it was, I don't think it was done properly?" Charlotte giggled.

Angus got up from his chair and went down one knee.

"Charlotte StClair, would you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"Angus MacTool, you're my saviour. It seems like I was destined to marry you and so yes, I will."

Angus got up and kissed Charlotte. But as the two of them embraced passionately, Charlotte couldn't help but reach out to Elise and tell her the news. And Elise couldn't help but tell her husband.

"Your father and Elise send us their congratulations," Charlotte Told Angus when they finished their kiss. "Your father says to come and see him tomorrow lunchtime, he has a few things he needs to explain to you. Elise is going to do the same for me tomorrow morning."

"This telepathy thing is going to take a bit of getting used to," Angus chuckled.

"You're telling me," Charlotte laughed. "But because you're such an understanding fiancé I think it's time you got your reward."

Charlotte pushed Angus down into his chair then knelt of the floor in front of him. She undid his belt and pulled down the zipper on his jeans then eased them over his thighs. Angus' cock was still sleeping but even so, it was almost as big some of the erect cocks she'd played with in London. She took a hold of it between her thumb and forefinger and teased the head with her tongue. It wasn't long before the first signs of arousal began to show. Charlotte liked to watch a cock grow, knowing that she was the reason for it.

As soon as he was stiff enough, Charlotte took the bulbous head into her mouth, taking care to lick off the salty precum as she did. She let her tongue dance around the shaft as she slowly consumed more of Angus' growing member and before long it was almost full size. Charlotte's lips were forced wide around the girth as the cock expanded in her mouth.

Angus let out a sigh as, with her free hand, Charlotte began to massage his balls. He put a hand on the back of her head and Charlotte knew what he wanted.

The first time Mark made her deep throat him she'd been sick. He'd held Charlotte's head down onto his cock as she gagged, only letting her up when she looked like she might pass out. On lifting her head up, Charlotte had spewed bile and undigested red wine all over his groin, which only seemed to increased his enjoyment. Then, when she'd caught her breath, he'd forced her down onto him again, fucking her face until he'd emptied his load into her. Charlotte had sicked up plenty during her ordeal, but although it had been a harsh introduction she'd learned a useful lesson. Guys love watching you swallow their cock. In the time they'd been together Mark had loaned her out to many guys in order that he could watch her satisfy them like that.

Charlotte looked up at Angus with puppy dog eyes as she began to bob her head up and down along the length of his massive shaft. Even after the countless guys she'd done it for in London, when they'd started dating, Angus' size had been a challenge for her. It had taken her a few goes to master the technique, but she'd done it and was proud of her ability to satisfy him.

She'd always assumed that nobody else had done this for him, but for the first time in their relationship she questioned this. In her experience few girls could properly deep-throat and she suspected that even fewer could take on a monster cock like Angus'. But then, what if she hadn't been Angus' first Nymph? Perhaps there'd been others at Uni. He'd never spoken about his previous girlfriends and the MacTools did attract Nymphs. It didn't matter, she told herself. Jealousy was going to get her nowhere in this relationship and besides Angus had chosen her.

Charlotte wanked the base of Angus shaft with one hand as she massaged his balls with the other, letting her throat massage the head of his cock. No man could take that sort of stimulation for long and when he came, she felt his cum shoot down her throat. It caught her by surprise and for a moment she thought she might gag, but practise makes perfect and she swallowed his load like the pro' that she was.

Chapter 5

Charlotte was still in bed, clinging limpet-like to Angus, when Elise reached out to her the next morning.

"We're going to Aberdeen to do some shopping," Elise told her. "Pack a few things for over-night and I'll see you outside at eight."

Charlotte reached over and looked at her watch on the nightstand, it had just gone seven.

"Ok," she responded.

This telepathy thing was very useful but Charlotte wondered whether it came with an 'out of office' or 'do not disturb' feature.

"Sweetheart, I have to get ready," she told Angus. "Elise is taking me to Aberdeen. She wants us to stay over."

"You don't want to fall out with the in-laws," Angus told her. "I've been thinking. Are you going to move in now?"

Proposal or not, Charlotte had been hoping Angus would ask her to move in with him. Living at home with her parents hadn't been ideal and she longed to spend every night snuggled up to Angus.

"I'd love to. We can tell my parents about the engagement when I get back and I could move my stuff in at the weekend, if that's ok with you?"

"Sounds good."

"Oh Angus, I'm so excited. I love you!"

"I love you too," Angus replied.

Elise was waiting outside the imposing entrance to Duntoolin castle when Charlotte arrived. Elise was always smartly dressed and today she wore a fashionable tweed skirt-suit, which made Charlotte feel a bit shabby in jeans and sweatshirt. The two women hugged and Charlotte felt a wave of excitement run through her.

"Congratulations," Elise told Charlotte. "You don't know how happy I am for the both of you."

"Thank you, Elise. I feel very lucky," Charlotte responded. "So, what are we going to Aberdeen for?"

"Well, I thought the journey would give us time to talk and there are few other things to sort out. You'll see."

Charlotte relaxed in the passenger seat as Elise's Range Rover made light work of the minor roads out of Duntoolin.

"First things first," Elise began. "We only speak with our minds when we have to. Otherwise, we risk being exposed. The fewer people that know what you are, the better. Just think what might happen if the military or the secret services knew what we could do."

The thought hadn't occurred to Charlotte until now but the potential impact wasn't lost on her.

"I hadn't thought of that," Charlotte admitted. "I won't tell my parents."

"Best not, if you can avoid it," Elise agreed. "The second thing to know is that you need to close down a conversation in your mind, just like you have to start one. All you need to do is think it closed."

Charlotte thought about Elise's words for a moment then realised that she must have been referring to the night before.

"Oh Elise, I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to listen to me with Angus," she said slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it," Elise laughed.

Charlotte thought about whether she should ask Elise about Angus' previous love life and eventually curiosity got the better of her.

"Elise, am I the first Nymph Angus has been with? I mean you said we were drawn to the MacTools."

"It's hard for me to say for sure. At university there was this German girl he was seeing. I think that, like you, she was a Nymph but didn't realise it."

"Would she have had a high sex drive?"

"Is that jealousy I sense?" Elise laughed.

"I don't know. It's a bit hypocritical isn't it," Charlotte chuckled. "I don't mind him going with other women, I'd just like to think that I was the best."

"I'm sure that, to him, you are."

"Can I ask about you and the Laird, Elise. I mean, he is a bit older than you. Does he manage to well.... keep your battery fully charged so to speak?"

"He does pretty well," Elise laughed. "I could survive if I had to. But you probably know that once a month Duncan and I go down to London?"


"Well while we're there we always visit a sex club. We go on what they call 'Greedy Girls'' night. The ratio is usually about three single guys to every couple, so by the end of the evening my battery is fully charged."

Charlotte chuckled at the way Elise continued the battery analogy.

"Twice a year we go for a week to a swinging resort in Mexico," Elise added. "And then of course there's the MacTool clan gathering."

"There's a clan gathering?"

"Of course. Each year one of the Chieftains holds it. We held it five years ago so there's a couple more years yet before it's our turn again. But let me tell you that's wall-to-wall debauchery."

Charlotte couldn't help marvelling at this side of Elise that she hadn't seen before.

"Will Angus and I get to go?"

"Well that depends."

"On what."

"On the Chieftains agreeing that you're a suitable bride for Angus."