Charlotte's Dilemma


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"Why do they have to agree?"

"You've got to remember that MacTool clan tradition is to share their women," Elise reminded Charlotte. "So, when a Chieftain's son takes a bride, he has to show the other Chieftains that she will fit in, so to speak."

"You mean sexually?"

"I do."

"Are all the other Chieftains married to Nymphs?"

"No. Some are, some aren't. But all the wives are expected to observe the tradition."

"How do you keep up if you're not a Nymph?"

"You'd be surprised how well the non-Nymphs do. It's like they have something to prove. Anyway, you'll meet all of them soon enough, as Angus will be expected to present you to each of the Chieftains within six months of a promise of marriage."

Charlotte was pretty sure what Elise meant by 'present' but now wasn't the time for appearing coy she thought.

"Did you have to do this?"

"No. My circumstances were slightly different," Elise admitted. "Angus' mother did, but as Duncan's second wife, I didn't."

"It's a pretty big coincidence you being Angus' nanny and an Oread isn't it?"

"When Angus' mother knew her cancer was terminal she wanted to find Duncan a suitable replacement, so that when she died the MacTool tradition could continue. She was a lovely woman. You would have liked her."

You could see from the way that she drew breath that that the next part was hard for Elise to say.

"I grew up in the rough part of Glasgow. My mother was an Oread but she was also a prostitute and a heroin addict. I've no idea who my father was. Anyway, when I was old enough, my mother activated me herself so that I could earn her the money for her next fix. I didn't want to, but the hunger for sex meant that I did it all the same."

"I'm so sorry, Elise. I had no idea."

"It's not the sort of thing you want people to know about you and I'd really rather you didn't tell Angus."

"Of course."

"Somehow the Fae became aware of my mother and me. They keep a close eye on things and they were worried I could be a threat to their secrecy. So, they offered to buy me. My mother could only think of the drugs she'd score with the money and sold me in a heartbeat. I learned later that, with the cash burning a hole in her pocket, she'd gone on a bender and a week later paramedics found her dead of an overdose. I think the Fae knew it would happen. They can be quite mercenary when it comes to protecting themselves. They saved me but she was too far gone."

Charlotte was silent.

"They got me out of Glasgow to a beautiful old house on the shore of Loch Lomond. It was idyllic, but after a week I was going up the wall, desperate for sex. Then I was introduced to a handsome young man who took me to bed and satisfied my urges. He had the largest cock I'd ever seen and the sex was fantastic."

"The Laird."

"A week later he visited again, this time with his wife. She didn't look so ill at that stage, but she sat me down, told me that she was going to die, then offered me the job of nanny and companion to Duncan. I accepted. I don't think I had much choice really, but to say I wasn't sure at that stage was an understatement. I'd grown up in the city and Duntoolin seemed like the arse end of nowhere. But from the moment I arrived, I felt like I belonged there."

"That's because you do," Charlotte told Elise lovingly. "I don't really remember the Laird's first wife but everyone in the town loves you, not only because of you, but also because it's clear that you and the Laird are so happy together."

"Thank you."

"Elise. How do I get activated?"

"If you and Angus are sure then we can do it here in Aberdeen."

"I sort of assumed Angus would be there when it happened."

"Activation isn't necessarily something you want your future husband to watch," Elise said apologetically.

"Oh." Charlotte replied. "In that case let's do it and then I can come back to him as a proper Oread."

"I was hoping you'd say that. I've already booked us a room at the Radisson, but before we go there need to pay someone a visit."

Chapter 6

The 'Serpent's Kiss' was Aberdeen's only gothic clothing shop but on a Friday morning it was as quiet as a graveyard. The old-fashioned door-bell clanged as Charlotte and Elise entered the shop and a young goth girl with jet black hair appeared out of a back room. She had several piercings through her ears, nose and lips, but all the metalwork on her face couldn't hide her exquisitely delicate beauty. She walked up to Elise and the two women embraced.

"It's good to see you. Thank you for coming."

"I owe you a great debt but I come as a friend."

Charlotte noted the way Elise spoke to the young girl, almost deferentially. Then the goth turned to her and smiled.

"And you must be Charlotte," she said. "I've heard much about you. My name is Ariel."

Ariel embraced Charlotte but as she did, she felt Ariel jolt violently, as if hit by an electric shock.

"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked.

"Perfectly fine," Ariel responded, although clearly slightly shaken. "Has Elise already activated you?"

"No," Elise butted in, "We were planning to do it this evening, here in Aberdeen. With your consent of course."

"I think that's an excellent idea. The sooner the better. Do you have a dress for this evening?"

"Err. No."

"How about this then? On the house."

Ariel took a little black, lace and velvet, cocktail dress from one of the racks and held it up to Charlotte. It was flattering but Charlotte could see it was short and would only just cover her bottom.

"I think that would be perfect. Thank you, Ariel," Elise replied, again deferentially.

"Yes, thank you," Charlotte added.

Ariel then took off the silver necklace she was wearing and offered it up to Charlotte's neck.

"I'd like you to wear this too. At least as long as you stay in Aberdeen. Longer if you like. Will you promise me you'll do that?"

"I'm not sure what to say," Charlotte said looking at Elise for guidance.

"I think 'thank you' would probably be a good thing," Elise suggested.

"Thank you."

Ariel put the necklace around Charlotte's neck then gave her another embrace. There was no jolt this time. Instead, Charlotte felt overcome by a feeling of warmth and well-being.

"Now," Ariel began when they separated, "the reason I asked you to come Elise. Follow me."

Ariel locked the shop door, put up a closed sign in the window then ushered the Charlotte and Elise into the back room. Charlotte had expected some sort of store room or little kitchen but it was like walking into somebody's living room. Asleep on the couch was an attractive blonde-haired girl in her early twenties. Perhaps more disconcertingly though, standing on a perch in the corner of the room watching over her, was a jet-black Raven.

"Jasper found her in the Red-Light district last night," Ariel told Elise as she stroked the Raven's neck. "She was offering her services, independently. So, you can imagine how that went down with the local pimps."

Elise nodded knowingly.

"I think she's a Nymph and, if she is, then from looking at her I'd say she hasn't had sex in a while. But she can't or won't talk. Can you try to get through to her?" Ariel asked.

Elise sat on the couch and gently pressed her hand against the girl's arm, causing her to wake. The girl looked at Elise and the two sat there in silence for a minute or two.

"Her name is Freja and she's from Norway," Elise announced. "She stowed away on a freighter from Stockholm. She's trying to get away from a violent boyfriend."

Now that Freja had lifted her head up, Charlotte could see her sallow complexion. She recognised the look. Freja's internal battery was empty just like Charlotte's had been in London.

"Can you help her?" Ariel asked. "She needs to get out of Aberdeen and I'm afraid she can't stay here."

"We could take her tomorrow but we're staying in town tonight," Elise said apologetically.

"Of course. Charlotte is the higher priority," Ariel agreed. "But if I could arrange transport to Duntoolin?"

"Then Duncan and Angus could give her what she needs this evening."

"Thank you, Elise. I was hoping you'd say that."

Elise turned back to Freja and silently explained what was going to happen. Freja nodded appreciatively at the news, the implication of which hadn't been lost on Charlotte. Freja was going to be taken to Duntoolin so that she could receive an urgent fucking from Angus and his father.

Chapter 7

As they drove to the hotel, Charlotte tried to act nonchalantly, as if she wasn't bothered by the news that Angus would be having sex with another woman that evening.

"Who is Ariel," she asked Elise.

"Ariel is an old friend. It was her who saved me in Glasgow," Elise replied.

"But she doesn't look old enough to have done that."

Elise laughed.

"Ariel is a faerie. She doesn't age like we do."

"A fairy. You're kidding."

"Nymphs are real but faeries are mumbo jumbo?" Elise chuckled. "Ariel is no ordinary Faerie. She's part of the Seelie Court. The ones who control magic. The ones who you and I answer to if we muck things up or step out of line."

Charlotte remembered Angus talking about the Seelie Court and the myth of the Last Great Battle of the Fairies, or something like that. It was a part of his story that she'd assumed was just a bit of a yarn.

"Where is the Seelie Court?"

"Somewhere deep in the mountains. It's not for us to know things like that."

"So, if Freja's a Nymph then why doesn't she have red hair?"

"She's an Anthousai, a flower Nymph. They tend to be the weakest Nymphs of all. They're almost human really and they tend to be quite submissive, which is why a lot of them can end up as prostitutes."

"She was quite pretty."

Elise could see where this was going.

"You're going to have to get used to Angus being with other women young lady. Besides if you were in her situation wouldn't you want someone to help you?"

"I suppose."

"Anyway, after tonight you'll feel different," Elise reassured her. "Activation will strengthen your baser instincts."

"I'll still love Angus though, won't I?"

"Some things will never change. The Fae gave us the ability to love and you've made your choice. That's that. Angus is stuck with you now."

"There's no need to put it like that, Elise."

Chapter 8

The hotel bar was packed that evening. Mainly men in suits, chatting and drinking in small groups. There must have been some sort of expo' or conference on in the city.

Charlotte felt a little self-conscious in the little black dress that only just covered her bottom but Elise had insisted she wear it and, in fairness, Elise was wearing something almost as revealing herself.

The two women had eaten in the hotel restaurant before going to the bar for cocktails. During the meal Elise had made it clear to Charlotte that, if she was to be successfully activated, Charlotte needed to follow her instructions to the letter.

"Activation is a very energy consuming business and' first, we need to make sure that your battery is topped up before we begin," she explained.

It wasn't the first time Charlotte had been on display in a bar. Mark had enjoyed watching other guys try to pick her up and it had invariably led to her being fucked by some 'random'. But being offered out by her future mother-in-law was a first.

Two slightly overweight middle-aged men were the first to chance their luck, sending a waiter over with the offer of drinks, but Elise turned them down. Then, a short while later, a couple of American guys in their early thirties came over and introduced themselves as Brad and Lance. In Charlotte's opinion, if Chris Hemsworth was a 'ten' and Angus was a 'nine' then Brad was probably an 'eight' and Lance a 'seven'. When they asked if they could buy the girls a drink, Elise agreed enthusiastically.

Brad and Lance were good company and explained that they ran a company specialising in holidays for adrenalin seekers. It turned out that the reason everyone was in town was for a travel expo and Brad and Lance had been looking to include Scotland in their portfolio.

Elise concocted a story that she and Charlotte were sisters who'd arrived a day early for Charlotte's hen weekend. This was the last chance for Charlotte to 'let her hair down' Elise explained to the guys leaving the inference lingering. Charlotte giggled girlishly at the suggestion.

"Well maybe we could buy you another round then," Brad offered.

"I've got a better idea," Elise suggested. "Why don't we go up to our room and raid the mini bar."

The four of them left together and caught the elevator up to the girls' room. As they waited for their floor, Charlotte let Lance run his hand along her leg and then up under her short dress. She reciprocated, putting her hand on his crotch and feeling the burgeoning erection in his trousers.

Elise led Brad on and there was kissing in the lift but any illusion Brad may have held that he'd be fucking Elise that evening was quickly dispelled once they were in the room.

"Charlotte's the centre of attention tonight," Elise said authoritatively. "You can both have her, I'm just going to watch."

Charlotte lay back on the bed and opened her legs for the guys, letting the short dress ride up over her hips to reveal her panties. Brad and Lance looked at each other and silently, acknowledged they'd be sharing her, then unfastened their belts. Elise lay on the chaise long and watched, she pulled up her dress and began to play with herself as the guys first stripped Charlotte of her dress and underwear then got to work on her.

Charlotte felt very slightly guilty as Brad began to kiss her and Lance fingered her pussy. She felt like she was cheating on Angus, but she justified the attention as a necessary part of being activated. Besides, Angus would be fucking that little blonde Norwegian Nymph this evening. For a moment she thought of Freja's lithe little body enjoying that big cock of Angus', but then Lance's finger found the right spot and Brad's tongue worked its way into her mouth. Suddenly all of the feelings of guilt disappeared from her mind.

When Lance lifted her knees up off the bed and slipped his cock into her for the first time, Charlotte moaned into Brad's mouth. She reached down and fingered her clitoris as Lance began to fuck her, gradually building up the pace. Brad squeezed her nipples tightly as they continued to kiss and Charlotte was in heaven. Who knew charging up your batteries could be so sensual?

Adventure sports guys tend to be fit and Lance put up a good show on the stamina front. Charlotte writhed in ecstasy, orgasming almost continuously and not wanting it to end. But eventually Lance couldn't hold on any longer and emptied his load into her. He quickly moved out of the way for his buddy and Brad climbed onto Charlotte, eager to sink his cock into her creamy pussy. They fucked missionary style and Charlotte wrapped her legs around Brad's waist, urging him to give it everything he'd got. There were more orgasms and Charlotte clawed at Brad's flesh with her fingernails before, inevitably, Brad too finished off in her, leaving Charlotte, a sticky, sweaty mess on the bed.

"You can go now, thank you," Elise told the two men the moment Brad had pulled out of her.

Brad and Lance looked a bit confused. They couldn't figure out if they'd just been used, but they dressed, wished the girls well, then left.

No sooner had they gone than Elise climbed onto Charlotte forcing her legs apart. The two girls kissed and Charlotte felt Elise reach down to finger her cum filled pussy. The cum acted like lubricant to what was an already well lubricated orifice and Elise kept pushing more and more of her hand into Charlotte until Charlotte felt all of it disappear inside her, up to the wrist. Elise began to fist Charlotte's pussy, fingering her G-spot as Charlotte succumbed to the most mind-blowing orgasm she'd ever experienced.

Elise then pulled her fist out of Charlotte's vagina as Charlotte's whole body began to convulse wildly. Charlotte felt like explosions were going off in her brain and powerful bright lights were being shone into her eyes. The convulsions lasted for a good five minutes and throughout the ordeal Elise pinned Charlotte to the bed with her body, to stop her from hurting herself.

Eventually, when Charlotte had exhausted herself, the convulsions stopped. She lay on the bed covered in sweat.

"Quick," Elise told her. "Put your dress back on. Don't bother with your underwear."

Elise bundled Charlotte out of the hotel room and into one of the taxis waiting outside the hotel.

"The Eagle pub, down by the docks," she told the driver.

Chapter 9

The Eagle public house was a spit and sawdust establishment where no self-respecting woman should be seen. It was a place frequented by workers just before or just after a spell on the oil rigs. When the taxi dropped them off outside, Elise took Charlotte to an alley next to the pub and propped the exhausted Charlotte up against the wall

"You need to recharge," she told her. "I'm going into the pub to get some of the men inside to come out and fuck you."

Charlotte was too exhausted to question Elise and rested against the wall awaiting her fate. The first guy came out even before Elise had had a chance to return. He was middle aged, rough looking, with a big fat belly on him. He turned Charlotte around so that she was facing the wall, supporting herself by her elbows then he wanked his cock a couple of times before pushing himself into her.

"Your nice and wet for me," he told her not knowing what sort of an evening Charlotte had already had. His breath smelled of beer and cigarettes.

It was a short fuck. It reminded Charlotte of the way a pig fucks a sow, but without the squealing. The guy probably didn't get too many opportunities for sex without paying for it she thought and she pitied his wife, if he had one. He grunted as he came in her, enjoyed the dying moments of his erection, then pulled up his trousers and walked off, leaving Charlotte facing the wall. She didn't turn round. She didn't want to know who was next. She just wanted their energy.

After five men had emptied their load in her, Charlotte was feeling revitalised again. The sixth guy was different though. She didn't need to turn round to know that he was a giant of a man and he struggled to line his cock up with the entrance to her pussy. So, he gave up and decided to fuck her in the arse instead.

Charlotte squealed as he forced his dry cock into her dry anus and she was reassured to hear Elise's voice telling him to stop.

"Shut up bitch," the giant told Elise.

Elise squealed and Charlotte turned round to see her forced to her knees by two guys both of whom were wrestling with their belts at the same time. The giant forced his cock deeper into Charlotte and she tried to reason with him.

"You're hurting me," she pleaded

"I don't fucking care," he shouted.

She could hear the triumph in his voice. He was a man who clearly enjoyed intimidating women. Then she felt him grab her hair and slam her head against the wall.

Charlotte almost lost consciousness, but the pain of having her face smeared against the brickwork kept her focussed. She could taste blood on her lips, presumably from her nose. Had he broken it? She tried to push back, tried to free her face from the wall, but he was too powerful for her. Nonetheless, she growled her resistance as he sank his shaft all the way into her rectum. Then it stopped...

Suddenly the giant wasn't pressing Charlotte against the wall anymore and there was no one inside her. She spun round to see the giant sprawled on his back on the far side of the alley. The two men who had been face fucking Elise looked on in surprise. Their cocks still erect but just hanging there. Charlotte looked at them and, as she did, they were both lifted up and thrown against the wall, as if they'd set off an anti-personnel mine. Yet Elise, who had been on her knees in front of them, was untouched by the blast.