Cheater's Gallery Ep. 04: Linda


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"I'd love to, Dave, and I would another time, but I want to make tonight special for Jim and me. I'm only dancing with him tonight," she said. I felt pride at her answer. I handed out the wings and whispered in her ear, suggesting we leave. She put me off, promising a hot night in bed later on. Then it happened, much like it had at Dr. A's gallery the previous day.


A few minutes later, the band took a break. In the relative quiet, we could hear loud laughter from another table, and turned to look.

"Hey, isn't that Marc LaValliere?" Phil asked, craning his neck to see around me.

"It is, it is!" Dee squealed excitedly. Marc LaValliere was the star tight end on the Sharks, our city's professional football team. Unlike many others on the team, he made his year-round home here. He had the reputation of being a genuinely good guy, and he was as well known for his community activities as for his exploits on the field. Marc became the main topic of conversation at our table, as the guys talked about his football feats and the women praised his good works and good nature.

"It doesn't hurt that he's a hunk, either," Dee added. Linda and I both knew who he was, but we weren't very interested in anything besides each other just then. We let the conversation wash over us, holding hands under the table.

"Hey, you two, get a room!" Dee said. Linda and I looked at each other. We hadn't even been kissing. Well, not really kissing, anyway. My feeding her wings didn't count. Besides, we'd already gotten a room. We were saved from further embarrassment when the band started again.

"Shall we dance here, or upstairs?" I whispered to Linda. Before she could reply, Jane interrupted.

"Look! He's coming this way!" she exclaimed. Sure enough, LaValliere had left his table and was heading for ours. I was amused by the reaction of the women at our table. Four of them primped and strutted, all but saying "pick me, pick me!" Talk about an embarrassing display. If you think a woman can't strut while she's sitting down, think again. Linda looked down, and held my hand a little tighter.

"Hi, I'm Marc. Would you like to dance?" he asked. He stood behind Linda's left shoulder, holding his hand out to her.


For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then it happened. I saw the look of rapture on her face. I saw her raise her arm and watched as his large beefy hand encompassed hers. I saw her start to rise, and I suddenly knew what I had to do. I stood up quickly and spoke out.

"The lady's with me and her dance card is already filled," I said. Marc looked at me, surprised, as though I was just an insignificant bug to be squashed under his heel. Linda turned to look at me, surprise and shock on her face. I looked back at her. "Isn't that right, dear?" I asked, firmly.

Suddenly, her face changed, almost as if waking up from a trance. Her eyes grew large as she looked up at me. She turned back to Marc and yanked her hand back, as if she had just touched a very hot stove. Marc looked surprised.

"My husband is right," she told him. "I'm flattered, really, but I promised him all my dances." I could see the indecision in his eyes, as he considered his options. I knew he could clean my clock if we came to blows, but I was damned if I was going to let this piece of crap ruin our marriage. Come hell or high water, I was prepared to defend myself and my wife from this homewrecker or die trying.

He shook his head after a few moments. "Very well," he finally said. He turned to the other girls at the table and asked if any of them would like to dance. I decided to take a chance and spoke up.

"They're taken as well," I said firmly. "Isn't that right, gentlemen?" I asked forcefully, hoping the other men at the table would get a clue. Slowly, I could see the light bulbs flash on in their minds. To the women's surprise, they each stood up with me.

"That's right," Dave said. The others nodded their heads in agreement. The girls were shocked and surprised. Apparently, they weren't used to their husbands standing up like this. Dee looked at Dave and started to say something, but Dave shot her a look that made her close her mouth. Marc looked at all of us, stunned.

After a few moments, the standoff ended. Marc nodded his head, realizing that if he pushed the issue, there would be a very embarrassing public altercation -- something that would certainly not help his image as a community "hero."

"Alright," he said, holding up his hands in defeat. "I get it. No problem. You folks have a nice evening, you hear?"

"We will, thank you," I said. To my surprise, he turned and walked away, heading for another table of anxious ladies.

"Do you know who that was you just turned away?" Dee exclaimed angrily.

"Yes," Linda said. "A no-good homewrecker. Believe me, girls, Jim just did us all a huge favor."

"How do you know that?" Dee asked. "You just met him."

"Trust us, Dee," I said. "He's the last person you want in your life." I turned to look at my wife and I saw it -- the look of love reserved only for me. But there was something else. Pride, perhaps? Or a new-found respect? She closed her eyes and leaned in, giving me a scorching hot kiss. Our tongues wrestled for a few moments as we kissed each other deeply.

"Care for a dance, my love?" I asked. She smiled and leaned into my ear.

"The only dancing I want to do right now is in bed. With you. Naked," she whispered. I liked the sound of that. She grabbed my hand and turned to our friends. "Sorry to break up the party, but Jim and I are heading to our room." She looked back at me before continuing. "I just need to stop at the little girls' room on the way out." She almost pulled me to the restrooms and I stood outside the door, waiting for her to return. Dave sidled up to me as I waited.

"What the hell just happened?" he asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said.

"Does LaValliere have something to so with it?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's just say he's not what everyone thinks he is and leave it at that, okay?"

"Okay," he said. "Everything alright between you and Linda?"

"I think they're going to be better than alright," I said. "Go have fun, okay? I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, Jim," he said. "Talk to you guys later." He went back to the table and the restroom door opened. Linda walked out and handed something to me. I looked and saw her tiny panties in my hand. She had a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm naked under this dress and I'm horny as hell right now," she said. Happy and smiling, I took her arm and escorted her out, waving to our friends on the way. We embraced in the elevator on the way up to our room and I could smell her arousal. We got to the room and she was naked before the door finished closing.

Later, we held each other in bed, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Linda turned to me and ran her finger over my face as she looked at me.

"You're the bravest man I know, Jim Carlisle," she said. "You stood right up to Marc LaValliere even though he could wipe the floor with you."

"What can I say? I think you're definitely worth fighting for," I told her.

"You would really have fought him over me?" she asked.

"I was ready to," I said.

"My hero," she whispered with a smile. Okay, yeah, it was a corny line, but I accepted it in the spirit it was given. "I love you so much, Jim Carlisle. Only you. Never forget that."

"I love you too, Linda," I said. "You're my life and I simply wouldn't be complete without you." She kissed me again and we made love one more time. We finally fell asleep holding each other tight. I knew that all would be well.

The next day, we left the hotel after sharing breakfast with the others. On the way, we stopped at Dr. A's gallery. As before, Adrestia opened the door before we could knock.

"Please come in," she said with a smile. "I trust you had a pleasant evening."

"We did, thank you," I said.

"Good," Dr. A said. "Please follow me. I have something to show you." She opened the double doors to the parlor holding the portrait and ushered us inside. We saw a tall, well-built man in a fedora and a trench coat. "This is Max," Dr. A said. We shook hands and Adrestia stood next to the covered portrait.

"Thanks to the three of you, I'm forced to open a new wing in the gallery," she said.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked. She laughed.

"Normally, I deal in revenge and retribution," she said. "Happy endings are very rare here."

"Well, you know the old saying," Max said. "Living well is the best revenge."

"I'm impressed with your recently-acquired knowledge of George Herbert," Dr. A said, giving her husband a smile. "We'll have to discuss this philosophy sometime. But first, I think our guests deserve to see their new portrait." She lifted the cover and we were treated to a picture of the two of us in bed, covered, gazing into each others eyes.

"What happened to the other portrait?" Linda asked.

"It... changed," Dr. A said. "Do you approve?"

"Yes," Linda and I said at the same time.

"So, what happens to LaValliere?" I asked.

"Don't worry about him," Adrestia said. "He'll get what's coming to him soon enough." She smiled and turned to Max.

"Sweetheart, would you be a dear and hang this up for me in the new section?" she asked.

"Of course, my love," he said with a smile. "Your wish is my command." As we watched, he picked up the portrait and left the room. Adrestia turned back to us. She gave a wink and spoke in an exaggerated stage voice.

"The trick is to make 'em think they're in control," she told Linda, who smiled in response. "Seriously, I'm really glad things worked out well for you," she said after a few moments. "You both chose... well. Now, go, live, love and have a very happy life. And remember... The doctor is watching." She pointed two fingers at her eyes, then at us. We got the message.

"One final thing," she said as we approached the front door.

"What's that?" Linda asked.

"Congratulations," Adrestia said.

"For what?" I asked.

"You'll know soon enough," she said with a smile. Linda and I looked at each other, confused. Adrestia closed the door and we left, wondering what she meant.



A few weeks later, I arrived home to find Linda waiting for me at the door, wearing nothing but a very short, transparent negligee and a smile.

"I could get used to this," I said. "Where are the kids?"

"They're staying with my parents for the night," she said. "I have some good news for you."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You're going to be a daddy... again," she said. I held her in my arms and kissed her face. That was the best news I had heard in a long time. "As near as we can tell, it happened at the hotel that night."

"Really?" I asked. Was that what Adrestia meant when she congratulated us? How could she know? I shrugged off that thought and accompanied my wife to the bedroom, where she rocked my world yet again. Yes, things were going well.

The next day, I went to see Adrestia. I wanted to tell her the good news. But when I got to the address, I found nothing but an empty lot. I verified the address, but was confused. Where did the house go? I looked around and saw an older man sitting in a rocking chair on his front porch. I walked over to him.

"Excuse me, sir," I said. "What happened to the house in that lot?" He looked at me like I was crazy, then looked at the empty lot.

"Son, that lot's been empty for a decade, ever since the old Barton place burned down," he said. I turned to look, but saw no evidence of a house, or any other habitat. Confused, I thanked the old man and drove home.

A few weeks later, we saw an item in the news. Apparently, LaValliere had finally met his Waterloo, in the form of a very angry husband who took exception to his wife being seduced from right under his nose. According to the report, the man, who turned out to be a highly-decorated veteran suffering from PTSD, went to LaValliere's house the night his wife left to be with the Asshole.

When LaValliere opened his door, the man saw him, and his wife, wearing nothing but bathrobes. Incensed, he pulled out a 12-gauge shotgun and blew both of LaValliere's knees to kingdom come. He took a third shot at the player's groin as he writhed on the floor in pain, but most of the buckshot missed. Still, it was enough to effectively end LaValliere's career as a wife-stealer.

Police took the veteran into custody, charging him with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. The vet said if he intended for LaValliere to be dead, he would be. Somehow, evidence of LaValliere's past deeds mysteriously came to light and the jury felt sorry for the man. He was found not guilty of attempted murder, but the assault charge stuck. The judge took his PTSD and military service into account and sentenced him to time served and two years probation.

LaValliere's reputation in the city took a nose-dive after that. His football career finished and his endorsements gone, he fled west where he finally got a job as a sportscaster for a radio station in Fresno. The last we heard, a group of men whose marriages he had ruined got together and filed a class-action lawsuit against him. No longer worried or concerned about LaValliere, we put him out of our minds.

Life went on in the Carlisle household. Linda and I were closer and more in love than ever before. Her pregnancy was going well and we signed up for Lamaze classes. Both Tommy and Emma were looking forward to having a little brother or sister. Linda went into labor about noon on Thanksgiving while we were visiting her parents.

Kristen Marie Carlisle came into the world at 5:30 that afternoon, weighing nine pounds, eight and a half ounces. We all agreed, she was our special Thanksgiving blessing. Linda glowed as the nurse placed the newborn in her arms.

On Christmas, Linda and I sat on the couch, watching Tommy and Emma open their presents. Linda held Kristen, nursing her as the other children enjoyed their new presents. I looked at the tree with its blinking lights, tinsel and shiny ornaments. One ornament in particular caught my attention -- it was a round silver ball, but there was a reflection in it that made me look twice.

As I watched, I saw two figures looking back at us -- a young, petite blonde and a man in a fedora. I instantly recognized them -- Adrestia and Max. They smiled, waved and nodded their heads. I began to raise my hand to wave back, but the images suddenly disappeared. I felt a chill run up my spine. Linda looked at me, concerned.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "Everything is fine."

"Good," she said. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart. I love you."

"Merry Christmas to you," I said. "I love you too." We kissed and turned back to watch the kids play with their new toys. I looked down at little Kirsten, sucking on her mother's breast.

As I watched, it hit me. Yeah, February can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to suck -- at least, not completely.


Final note: Last year, I decided my final piece of the year would be something with a happy ending, in recognition of Christmas. I decided to do the same this year. I want to thank you all for your readership, your kind words and your votes over the past year, and would like to wish each of you a very happy and memorable holiday season.

Until next time... Happy trails...

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willyk1212willyk121210 days ago

good take great story 5 stars

Womanlover60Womanlover6017 days ago

I have read the different variations of February Sucks and all of them have different outcomes and the basis of end to vary based on different outlooks but this one I love!! I hate the fact that for one moment or second, Linda wavered. It took Jim standing up to “break the spell”. I just wish there was one where she stands up and laughs in Marc’s face because she is so in love with Jim that the mere thought of being seduced by anyone else is so out in left field they it is hilarious!!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Def a 5 star effort. The good guys triumphed for once in these sequels to GA's story.

DadieODadieO2 months ago

Best February story yet.

LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa4 months ago

#135 FS sequel read. ST you rock! And yes I saved the best for last. Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story, ‘Tramp, thanks. Look forward to reading the next story. “Happy Trails”…? You’re not gonna start singing 🎶, are ya? ;-)

Five stars


Norseman123Norseman1237 months ago

I just read the whole series again and still give it 5*****

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Year, this submission while very much agreeable, seems not to fit in with other tales under "Cheaters Gallery."

Just as Adrestia decided to create another partition for the frame, the new series should become, "Overcomers Gallery."

Very good work. Keep them coming.

Definitely 5*****

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Very good story. The only way it could be any better is if someone could guarantee that this is the very last “February Sucks” sequel. I’m pretty sure everything that could be written about ‘that’, has. Sorry, didn’t mean to preach, but IMHO, enough is enough.

5 stars, ‘Tramp, another great one. Keep’em coming, please.

Calico75Calico758 months ago

An excellent happy ending--very different to the other February Sucks sequels.

crazymike45crazymike458 months ago

Finally. A happy ending to this crap.

Schlouis57Schlouis579 months ago

Impeccable. Pour une fois que cette histoire se termine bien et que cette salope de Lavallière se fait péter les genoux, je suis très heureux.

BabalooieBabalooie9 months ago

ANOTHER fine job. Five big ones.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nice variant of FS. Inaction is a terrible decision. Act, confront, intervene. Don't just watch ang say "oh woe is me".

rdady1966rdady196611 months ago

One the better February Sucks stories

RanDog025RanDog02511 months ago

Another 5 BIG ONES but I never want to read another February Sucks rewrite as long as I live! lol.

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