Cheating, Lying, and Revenge Pt. 04

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Julia goes slut again, I get a younger model.
4.5k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/15/2022
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This is a story about life, love, and a cheating wife. Not the most far-fetched idea, but it was worlds away from where we started. This is our story.

(Note to readers: I am a new writer, only two months attempting this. I had thought excepting comments from readers would help me become better with constructive criticism, but with the poor excuse for humans on this platform, that was not to be. It has gotten to the point where I cannot tolerate their vile putrid comments that I will no longer accept comments on my stories. I apologize in advance, as I'm sure this will take me longer before I become anywhere near proficient at this art, but it's the only avenue I see. Thank you for reading.)

Cheating, Lying, and Revenge

Part Four

Julia turns slut again, and I get a younger model

When I came out to the car, Julia was sitting straight up in the car with her ankles against the base of the seat and her knees up and together. I got in and started the engine before I gave her a bit of a scolding.

(Me): "What did we talk about you acting like a slut for others and not for me?"

(Julia): "What would you like me to do honey?"

(Me): "Your sitting with your legs closed, and your dress pulled down as far as you can get it. Pull the damn dress up or I'll take it off you and spread those legs, so you are in full display to me."

She pulled the hem of her short dress up around her waist and spread her legs as far as she could in the car.

(Me): "Take your fingers and spread those pussy lips as far as you can and hold them there."

(Julia): "Yes Sir."

She did as I demanded and opened herself up completely, and I reached over with two hands to push the clit hood up and reattach the clit clamp directly on her nub. She gave out a yipe and her face was grimaced, and I told her to hold herself open as we drove.

(Me): "I'm sure you remember the junior college you attended before you went to State college?"

(Julia): "Yes, of course I remember, we still support that football team."

(Me): "Yes we do, and We've been invited to a get together for them this afternoon."

(Julia): "Why, what's going on?"

(Me): "They won their divisional playoff game last night, and they're having an impromptu party this afternoon and as boosters for the team, we we're invited."

(Julia): "So that's why you had me wear this dress."

(Me): "Yes, last time we went to a function like this, you said you wanted to look like one of the Hot Alumni, and you wore that dress."

(Julia): "Thank you, it will be so nice to do something normal together after everything that has happened."

(Me): "Now, there are some rules, and you must follow them."

(Julia): "Ok, what are they?"

(Me): "First, the last time we went to one of these you disappeared for three hours."

(Julia): "Yes, I told you I met up with some old college girls and we slipped under the bleachers to drink a bottle of Champagne."

(Me): "I know that's what you told me. I wasn't sure back then that I believed you, and with what you've done in the past week or so, I sure don't believe it now. So, Rule number one is you don't disappear out of my site, this is a victory party not a fuck the entire football team party."

(Julia): "That's not what I did, but I understand you're doubts, especially right now."

(Me): "Second is your wearing your clamp to get any horniness out of your system, and you're holding your pussy open so you can bring yourself to cum before we get there, and your dress is up so you don't walk around with a wet spot half the night, so get to making yourself cum while I go over the rest."

(Julia): "Thank you for thinking about me, but I could do without Cumming right now."

(Me): "Humor me and get it over with, will you?"

(Julia): "Yes sir,"

She started rubbing her clit over the clamp which by now made it extra sensitive and fingering herself with her other hand. She started a little rough and worked up to furiously mangling her pussy and clit. It wasn't long before she was close to her orgasm.

(Julia): "Oh fuck, this feels so much more intense with that clamp. I'm getting Close, oh fuck me, awe damn, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm Cumming now."

Just as she started Cumming, I reached over and yanked that clitoris clamp off her swollen button, which sent her into a screaming orgasm everyone could hear as we drove through town. With her eyes welled up, and her heaving for breath, she still rubbed her clit manically.

(Julia): "Oh fuck, that was the biggest orgasm I ever had in my life."

I pulled over and reached in the back for a box of tissues, handing her four right from the start.

(Me): "You squirted all over."

(Julia): "Don't be silly, I've never squirted in my life."

(Me): "Look at your hand, it is soaked with your cum, and look at the dashboard in front of you, it is wet too. You squirted like a tiny geyser, now clean yourself up and wipe down the dash also."

(Julia): "Where did you get the idea to rip that clamp off like that, it really made me explode and set my pussy on fire?"

(Me): "I read it on the internet but let's get back to the rules for tonight. Rule number three is that if you're going to dance, you keep yourself covered. Last time the top of your dress was around your waist and all the players were rubbing, kissing, pinching, and sucking on your nipples."

(Julia): "That was just boys having some harmless fun, yes it went too far, but they were celebrating."

(Me): "Julia, I'm sure I saw a few fingers fucking you while you danced, so don't tell me you weren't being a whore, you and I know what happened."

(Julia): "I'm sorry, I will keep myself covered and not let them get too rowdy."

(Me): "If you can't keep your dress on while dancing, then you're going to sit with me and watch everyone else have fun."

(Julia): "Yes sir."

(Me): "And rule number four is you will stay up off your knees. There were numerous rumors about you sucking the cocks of most of the team last time."

(Julia): "Honey, I told you that was just the boys making up stories so that they could brag to each other, it didn't happen at all."

(Me): "I'm not sure about that either, all I know is your knees were filthy when we left."

(Julia): "Yes, and I explained that happened when me and the girls went under the bleachers to drink."

(Me): "So to recap the rules; No disappearing tonight, control your horniness, keep your dress covering every part of your body, and stay off your knees. No excuses Julia, I mean it."

(Julia): "I promise I will follow the rules tonight, you'll see...I'll be a good girl."

(Me): "Good, now are you all dried off down there? There are some alcohol wipes in the glove compartment, use them to freshen yourself so you don't smell like cum. And try not to get too drunk tonight, remember what happened in the back yard when you were drunk."

(Julia): "Yes Sir, I will behave tonight."

(Me): "Now fix your dress, we're almost at the school. If you feel the need to flash your pussy at someone, do it stealthily to me, Got it?"

I knew in my soul that she was going to be the whore of the party tonight, despite any promises she made me. After all she has been fucking most every guy at work for five years now, so her word really isn't to be considered reliable.

As soon as we pulled into the athletics department parking lot I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, this being her last chance to turn against being a whore for public use and try to control her urges, but it had been so long since she used that type of self-control, if ever. We got out of the car, and I watched to see if she would even carefully get out, but she just spread her legs getting out putting her bare pussy on display to anyone looking her direction. As I walked to her side of the car, I could see her pussy lips just peeking out beneath her dress.

(Me): "What did I tell you about staying covered?"

(Julia): "Oh, I didn't realize, I'll be more careful."

I knew she felt the air on her pussy, she just didn't care and didn't think I would see. As we entered, she was greeted by what I used to call the slut brigade, a group of older women whose sexiness and bodies have left them far behind, but now I see them as pathetic flirting women who at least are not whores like my wife. They cooed and carried on about Julia's dress and made lewd comments and I went to the bar to get us each a drink. I got her a white wine as to not get her too plastered like hard liquor does. When I returned, she was sitting on the couches with her friends, and her pussy was centimeters from hanging out for the entire college to see.

I delivered her glass of wine and whispered in her ear that her pussy was almost out for the world to see, and she made a token movement to pull her dress down, but it did no good at all. He friends were kidding me that bringing such a sexy woman to a college football team party was the recipe for a five-hour gangbang, little did they know she would participate in such a thing, or maybe they did from the last party we attended." I went to join the other male boosters at the bar.

The guys were perfectly polite to me although I could see them all trying to catch a glimpse up Julia's dress and I thought to myself; Don't strain your necks guys, that dress will probably be in the floor by the end of the night. I engage them in sports conversation as they did their best to act like they cared and glanced back at Julia to see that three players had joined her and two women sitting there on a couch directly across from where Julia sat. The next time I looked over the two of the three players had switched seats with the two other women and Julia was sandwiched between football studs. The third was walking back with a bottle, shot glasses and a six pack of that high content beer they sell at the 7-11 store.

I walked over and asked Julia if she could join me for a minute, as she got up one of the players hooked the top of her dress with his finger pulling it down and exposing both breasts. She smacked his hand playfully calling him bad with her top still down giving them all a look before she pulled it up and came to join me.

(Me): "What the hell is going in over there?"

(Julia): "What, I'm just having a few drinks with the boys?"

(Me): "And your top coming down was just the wind?"

(Julia): "Oh, that's just boys being boys, no big deal."

(Me): "Boys being boys will be you with 72 cocks inside you for the night."

(Julia): "Oh come in, you're overreacting."

(Me): "This is your only warning; I'm not doing this again with you."

(Julia): "OK dear, relax and I'll keep things under control."

I could see the little bit of alcohol was having the effect intended by the football players, and there was little I could do about it. They were planning in fucking her tonight, and I think she was planning on fucking them, and my plans didn't figure in at all. I watched as she tried to sit back down between these two buys and as she lowered herself, they put their fingers under her dress making it and up around belt level, and she didn't do a thing to fix it. She glanced over at me, and I gave her a mean look and she pulled it back down shaking her head like I was acting crazy. I waked over and whispered in her ear so only she could hear me.

(Me): "The next time I see any part of your body is exposed; we're leaving even if I have to drag you out by the hair!"

As I walked away, I heard her telling the guys that I said the next time I see her exposed, we were leaving, so make sure I don't see her showing her naked body. I continued to watch her and for about fifteen minutes she seemed to keep control and keep covered, but there was a lot of in the ear whispering going on, which told me they were planning something. I kept an eye on her every few minutes while more people joined the party and it was getting a little crowded and hard to see Julia, but I would catch a glimpse of her every few minutes laughing and talking with the guys on either side of her.

Then a group of about six Young me gathered in the middle of the floor between Julia and I, and I lost sight of her. About five minutes later I looked over to find that Julia and her two football friends had left the couch area. I immediately started checking the athletic building for her, looking in layers rooms, coach's offices and even closets but couldn't find her anywhere. I tried texting her, calling her, but she didn't answer, wondering where she could be. I did the only thing I could think of to do, so I called Geoff.

(Me): "Geoff, by chance do you have a GPS location on my wife's phone?"

(Geoff): "Yes, of course I do. Would you like me to locate her right now?"

(Me): "Yes, please give me her location."

(Geoff): "She is 125 yards due south of you, just walk that way and you will find her."

(Me): "Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow."

125 yards south is out back, so I went out the rear players door and all I saw was the stadium. Then it occurred to me, why are the field lights on for a party inside the athletic building? I walked out to the field and along the way found her dress and heels, so I kept going until I got to the spectator seats. There on the 50-yard line was Julia riding on cock reverse cowboy up her ass, another drilling her pussy while he held her legs back and open, one in each hand and another in her mouth with her head leaned back. I looked to the players entrance to the stadium and saw the rest of the football team taking their clothes off to join the party. I knew I wouldn't be able to put a stop to this as there had to be at least 50 horny young men waiting for their chance to fuck their newfound whore. I called Geoff back and asked if he had the capability to record from the stadium cameras and he assured me he did, so I asked him to do so.

I just got up and left for home, another victory party where my wife is the trophy for the boys. I got home and saw my neighbors light in, so I took my phone and walked over there. In the kitchen sat Dave and his wife Tina, Dave being the one who basically raped Julia out in the lawn when she was passed out, and how I was pissed off and I was going to have me own style of revenge.

(Me): "Hello Dave, Hello Tina."

(Tina): "Hello, how are you?"

(Me): "Not good, I have something very important to discuss with you two."

(Tina): "Well come on in and we'll sit in the living room."

I came in and sat while Dave made us all drinks, And I was thinking this could be good or this could be very bad, but I had to find out which as angry as I was. But I was going to make this one thing worth my while and work to me benefit.

(Me): "I want to first inform you of something, my wife was raped in our back yard earlier this week."

(Dave): "My lord, do you have any idea of who it is?"

(Tina): "Is there anything we can do?"

(Me): "Let me answer both of your questions like this. I have video of the attacker peeking into my yard, and video of him ass raping Julia."

(Tina): "Well I hope you give that bastard what he deserves?"

(Me): "Dave, you're remarkably silent all of a sudden?"

(Tina): "Dave, what is he talking about?"

(Me): "Let me show you Tina, so that you get the whole unvarnished truth."

I first played the video of Dave watching her through the bushes. Then I played the video of him sneaking into our yard and assaulting Julia in the ass.

(Tina): "What the fuck did you do Dave?"

(Me): "Before you two have your marital fight and split up, let me explain everything to you. As you can see, she was passed out cold, which means she legally couldn't have given consent no matter what Dave's fantasy told him she did. And the fact that he watched her for some time before shows he premeditated a plan before he violated her and the law. Now the question is what we do and where do we go from here, you two can fight or kill each other after I leave, so try to pay attention."

(Tina): "What do you mean?"

(Me): "What I mean is after I put Dave in Prison, which won't be hard to do, I will sue him and take this house, your cars, and everything you own, leaving you and your daughter Shea living on the streets Tina."

(Tina): "Please don't do that, we will pay you or do whatever you want, but please don't put Shea and I on the streets?"

(Me): "Beings this involves Shea, and you won't be able to keep it from her, don't you think you should include her in this conversation?"

(Tina): "Yeah, I guess it does involve her, let me go get her."

(Me): "You are one piece of shit Dave, couldn't control yourself, could you? Now you and your family are going to pay the price."

(Dave): "Please, take this out on me, but leave my family alone?"

(Me): "You can't do anything for me except stay the fuck out of my way and control that orca of a wife when I'm finished her tonight."

Tina finally came down with Shea in tow, and she sat next to me with her parents across from me. I was now ready to make my demand and watch this family turn on each other.

(Me): "Shea, did your mother tell you what is going on here?"

(Shea): "You mean that my dad is a pervert, and our lives are going to be ruined by you making us homeless, yeah she told me."

(Me): "Shea, I understand your anger, I'm angry also but your anger is for your father not for me, and I don't know how you normally act but if you give me that attitude, I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life. Do you understand me you little bitch?"

(Tina): "Hey, you don't have to talk to her like that, she's just upset."

(Dave): "Tina, shut up and let him go."

(Me): "She's angry Tina, how about I'm fucking angry, and you need to keep your fucking mouth shut from here in out, how about that? Now, everybody shut the fuck up, or I leave and to hell with your whole worthless fucking family? How's that for angry?"

(Shea): "Will you two shut up and let him finish?"

(Me): "I want you to restore things to how they were before you assaulted my wife's ass with your dick, but you can't do that, so I want the very next thing."

(Tina): "What can we do, I mean as a family, we will do whatever we can to save ourselves."

(Me): "I want a kind of Reciprocity from all of this."

(Tina): "You mean you want to ass rape me?"

(Me): "Tina, look at yourself. You about 200 pounds overweight, you dress like a pig, you haven't been near makeup for a decade, and you don't even bother to try to look any better than you do when you get out of bed. Why would I want to fuck you?"

(Shea): "He wants me mom, he wants me."

(Tina): "Oh Shea, don't be so foolish, your only 19 years old."

(Shea): "Listen Mom, I'm over legal age, I'm thin and pretty, I've seen him look at me, and I'm not a virgin, and besides, he's kind of sexy looking too."

(Dave): "You can't be serious she's, our daughter?"

(Me): "And that was my fucking wife's asshole you jammed your fucking cock into."

(Tina): "You fucking low life bastard, do you see what you did to your daughter simply because you were too horny to control your dick?"

(Me): "The next time either of you speaks out while I'm trying to talk, I leave and I take this whole family down, is that understood?"

They all quieted down and settled to hear what I was going to demand. This was going better than I expected so far, and if I hadn't been so irate with Julia, I wouldn't have done this, but I was and I did.

(Me): "Now, Tina, although Dave was the criminal in all of this, you had a hand in it too. You walk around looking like a beached whale, never looking good enough for him to come home and fuck you, so he looked elsewhere. Can you even begin to understand that?"

(Tina): "Yes I know, I'm fat, I let myself go and I didn't do a thing to make it any better."

(Me): "Good.

First, if Shea does this to save your Family, you're going to provide for her in return. I will have my lawyer set up a trust in her name and you will sign over everything you own to It.