Childhood Best Friend Ch. 01

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Ugly girlfriend turns hot and mean.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/21/2022
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At the age of 15, Sidney Queens is called a fat girl by all the other kids in her year. She can't blame them though, since she really is quite overweight. It is a thing that the blonde girl is fully aware but still can never get fully used to. All she could do is try not to cry in front of the other students whenever they tease her about her weight and call her out on it. Holding back her tears become harder as they get meaner and call her fat more often though, and she find herself having to cope with depression from a very young age. It sucks.

Fortunately, she has one person in her life who has always been there for her and makes school just bearable. Jake is a stick thin, reedy guy who has been friends with her since they were eight. Whenever someone calls her fat he'd be there to hug her and tell her that it's going to be okay. She just couldn't imagine getting through all the struggles without him. He is so kind and sweet to her, and such a cutie too. Ever since they were little she has always loved him, and the romantic feelings she harbors for him have never gone away. But she has never been brave enough to own up to her feelings and confess to him until now.

He is sitting right next to her on their favorite bench in the park, having some ice cream. Jake doesn't eat as much as she does. That's why he isn't fat, unlike me, Sidney thinks morosely. No, she can't think like that right now. She has to put it behind her and try to do this properly. It is her perfect opportunity. They are alone together in the place that both of them like a lot. It is now the right time for Sidney to just rip the bandage and confess her feelings to him. She is going to do it, no matter how unlikely it is that he feels the same way.

"Can I please tell you something?" she asks him. He nods, giving her a warm smile that makes her heart throb madly in her chest. "Remember the rumor that you're gay? I was actually the one who spread it." Jake gasps. "Before you start shouting at me, I really want you to know that I did it for a good reason. It wasn't malicious or anything. I just had to do it. It was kind of selfish of me to do that, but you have got to let me explain first. Can you do that for me?"

She gives him the cutest puppy dog eyes she can.

Jake sighs and nods. "I am only letting you explain because you are my friend and mean a lot to me," he mutters, his pale cheeks slightly red once he realizes what he just said to her. Sidney raises her eyebrows at this but doesn't allow herself to think too much of it. Jake's probably just embarrassed about being sentimental, she thinks to herself as she gazes at him. "Go on. You can tell me why you did what I did. Better be a really good reason though." He looks at her meaningfully, the vanilla ice cream in his hand and the rum & raisins in hers momentarily forgotten.

"It's because I love you, Jake Tanner. I love you so much and I was worried you would go out with another girl. That's why I told people you are gay, so that no one would want to go out with you and I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore," she says to him. Jake's face turns bright red and she leans into him, hugging him from the side. "I know that you probably don't want to be with a fat girl like me, but if I didn't confess to you, I know that I would regret it forever. So please let me down gently, okay?"

She begins to turn away but Jake tells her to stop. "Sidney, do you really think that I would reject you because of how you look?" he asks his childhood friend, sounding wounded. "Do I really seem that shallow to you?" The girl quickly shakes her head to say no but he cuts her off "It's okay. I know that you have to deal with a lot of burden from bullies and that the mockery could affect your self-esteem. But please don't let it get in the way of us, because I love you too, Sidney. Always have, always will."

Sidney gapes in shock at his word. She can't believe her ears, but the coy look on his face tells her that she heard him correctly. Still, the girl wants to be sure and asks "Can you say that again?" He blushes even more as Sidney nags him. "Please say it again, Jake. I really want to hear you say it again. It would mean so much to me!" Her doe like eyes stare into his and he gazes away shyly, his face redder than it had ever been in his entire life. The intense sun is causing their ice creams to start melting but neither of them notice this.

"I love you, Sidney. I love you so much and I'll tell you I love you every day for the rest of our lives if you want me to," he says. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She nods and quickly hugs him, tears of happiness welling in her eyes. Sidney is, simply put, overjoyed. She's always seen herself as nothing but a fat, boring kid, and here she is, now dating the boy she has always been in love with. This is all that she ever wanted. She loves him and he loves her too, and nothing else matters.

A lot of people make fun of them and call them the 'Thick and Thin' couple for really obvious reasons. Sidney finds herself daunted by it but with Jake's help she learns to shrug it off and take the comments in stride. He is always there for her when she needs him and the first week after they got together is the best week of her life. Sidney never thought she could ever be this happy. The girl decides to cherish every single moment with him. She's waited for a few years to be with him now and this doesn't disappoint.

When Sidney turns 16 though, things begin to change for her. After deciding to cut back on all the snacks and start working out regularly, she begins to lose her extra weight. Jake is always there to offer her emotional support and encourage her. With both his support and her own dedication, she is able to get rid of all of the excess fat and gain a washboard stomach. Now no classmate can call her a fat kid anymore. Sidney is in excellent shape thanks to her efforts, and proud of it.

Her face also becomes more beautiful. She takes better hygienic care and it gets rid of the acne, making her pimple free for the first time in years. The girl also learns how to apply make up and allows her previously short blonde hair grow from shoulder length down to the middle of her back. Now Sidney is a seriously pretty girl. She went from a 3 to an 7 within just one year, but still manages to remain the same kind girl, not yet becoming an arrogant teen. Her attitude is still the same as it used to be.

With her being now much prettier than before, a lot of guys start to ask her out. She always tell them no, since she is madly in love with her boyfriend, just like she has been for their entire lives. Jake is the only one for her and Sidney makes sure they all know it. When they call him a nerdy loser and tell her she could do so much better than Jake, she would always tell them that he was there for her when they were busy with calling her a fat girl. That would always shut them up as they can't deny it.

One would think that Jake would get jealous as his formerly fat girlfriend is now way out of his league, with him still being a 4. But because he loves her he trusts Sidney, and there has never be an issue from him being jealous at all. They are still going steady one year after they confessed to each other and neither of them would rather be with anyone else. He just loves Sidney so much and doesn't want ruin anything by being jealous. He isn't going to be one of those dumb guys who screw it all up by not trusting their partners.

Sidney tells him one day "I want to join the cheer squad, baby. It could make me more popular and help me have some more friends. What do you think about it?" They are sitting in her room after making out. Jake is feeling quite surprised by this since it came out of the blue. She then asks "Come on, hun. I really want to know what you think about this. Would you mind it if the other boys could see me wearing and jumping up and down in those really short skirts?" The blonde looks at him as she waits for his answer.

After just a few moments he says "I trust you, Sidney. It's just looking and nothing else. When is the try outs?" Sidney tells him that it is in a month. "You better start training now then," Jake replies. "Let me bring you energy drinks after your workouts. I don't want you to push yourself too far, so could you please promise not to go overboard with it? You should train hard but not too hard, you know?" She nods at him and pecks him on the lips, thanking her cute boyfriend for being so understanding.

She works really hard during the next month to get into the best shape of her life and learns a great routine really quickly. Her body fat level is now down to 9% with her six pack abs being visible. At the try out, she dazzles the older girls and easily outperforms the others from her own year. It is clear that she did extremely well and she goes home feeling confident. Surely she couldn't be rejected after her incredible performance. There is no way that they wouldn't want her on the squad. She doesn't want to seem too cocky but just couldn't hide a smirk throughout the rest of the week.

Just a week after the try outs, Sidney rushes into her boyfriend's bedroom and flings her arms around him. He is startled by her sudden appearance and hugs her back slowly. "Hey, darling. How did you get in here?" he asks her. "And what are you so bubbly about? Did something really good happen?" She is a cheery girl but this is still a lot even by her standard. The girl is now jumping up and down in front of him as he looks on at her in puzzlement. It looks like Sidney is on a caffeine high after drinking what must have been ten cups of coffee in a row. That's the only thing that can explain how hyper she is.

"I made the cheer squad baby!" Sidney reveals. "Oh, I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for always being there to support me. You always believed in me, even when I doubted myself. I love you so much, baby. I'm a cheerleader now! Yah!" He looks at her and thinks about how adorable she is when she is this excited. It brings a smile to his face and the teo of them hug.

"I love you too, Sidney," he tells her.


Two years later

After a lot of hard work over the period of two years, Sidney has risen within the cheer squad to the very top and is now the head cheerleader. She is now the queen bee of the high school, with dozens of close friends who are fellow cheerleaders, along with other popular girls. The 18 years old has gotten even hotter, with her ass now very large and muscular, thanks to all the exercises. Sidney went from a 7 to 10 out of 10 and she knows it, wearing form fitting dresses that shows off her powerful booty, feeling very proud of her perfect figure. It did take her a lot of work to get to this point, after all.

The attention has gotten to her head by now though. Once a sweet, kind girl, Sidney has changed and for the worse. Although the girl became even more beautiful than she already was at 16, her personality became horrible as people started to worship the ground she walked on and make her feel like she is a goddess. Hanging out with toxic bitches made her one of them. Sidney was already spoiled by her parents but managed to hide that well before. But she no longer bothers doing that and lets it loose, and is now one mean bitch who enjoys bullying other people the way she was once bullied.

Right now she is leading an initiation of a few prospective members of the cheer squad who just signed up for it a couple of days ago. Two of Sidney's friends are holding Mary, a younger girl's arms while the third one presses her head into the toilet bowl and flushed, giving a nasty swirly. Sidney watches on, feeling very intoxicated by the power she now has over people. "This really is fun, boss," Kath, the one who is pressing Mary's head into the toilet, says. "What do you want to do to her next? Or should we move on to Rina?" Rina quivers at her place in the corner of the restroom.

Sidney thinks about it for a while. The head cheerleader has many ideas in her pretty head but one of them stands out from all the others. With a dangerous grin on her face, the blonde bombshell says "We'll stuff this idiot's sock into Rina's mouth and then tape her mouth shut. Then we leave Rina in here for the next half an hour with her hands tied behind her back." Her evil words make Kath smirk and the two other girls who are holding the victim's arms also share a smile at this. "Come on. Get me the duct tape already."

Elise, another of Sidney's minions, gets the duct tape from inside her satchel and hands it to her. Sidney then waits as Elise removes one of Mary's socks and then stuffs it into the trembling Rina's mouth. After that, Sidney grabs Rina's mouth and personally tape it shut, before forcing her to turn around and then taping her hands together behind her back. She then kicks Elise in the stomach, knocking her down on her ass in the corner, where Sidney and her four friends plan to leave her.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Mary asks, with her cute face soiled in the dirty toilet water. She is crying now and Sidney and her followers start to laugh. Sidney laughs louder than the other cheerleaders, flipping her long blonde hair back and then tying it up in a high ponytail. "Can't you just let us into the squad without all this? If you don't stop then I'll tell your boyfriend about it!" Silence permeates the air. Everything goes quiet in an instant. You could hear a pin drop in the girls' toilet right then.

Sidney walks up to her and then wipes the sole of her boot on Mary's face. "If you ever show up near my boyfriend, I will cut all your hair off and leave you skin-headed," she threatens her. Mary whimpers. "I really mean it. Jake is my property. I own him and I don't like it when other girls touch what belongs to me." She then turns around and leaves the restroom with her cohort, still with an angry look on her gorgeous face, her friends knowing far better than to say anything when she is acting like this.

Even though Sidney is the much hotter one in their relationship, the teenager is extremely possessive of Jake and has never allowed her boyfriend to have a female friend. Jake has tried to criticize her for bullying other girls and begged her to stop several times, all without any success. She doesn't know that he has considered breaking up with her over it but didn't do it yet because one, he is still in love with her, and two, he knows his presence can put her in a good mood and make her less cruel to her victims.

When she goes over to her nerdy boy's house later that afternoon, the head cheerleader is in her uniform, having had practice during lunch break. "Hey, baby," she says to him, trying to kiss him on the lips. She fails, since he turns his face away, only letting her lips land on his cheek, making her frown. "What is going on? Why won't you let me kiss you properly?" Sidney demands angrily as he backs away from her. "You should know your place in this relationship by now. If I want a kiss I get a kiss. Don't even think about backing away again."

"I talked to someone at lunch," Jake says. "She said she saw you and your friends drag Mary and Elise into the toilet. Half an hour later they came out looking shaken, with Mary's face totally drenched in what looked a lot like toilet water." He glares at her. "I told you last week that you either stop bullying the other girls or I'm breaking up with you. You didn't stop it so we're over now." He then starts to walk towards the door with the intention of opening it and ushering her out, wanting to be rid of her now. He still loves her but can't see the monster she's become.

"No, you are not breaking up with me," Sidney thunders at him. She glares at her cute boyfriend angrily, saying "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. If you break up with me, I won't take it out on you but will hurt people even more. I will stop hazing them if you are an obedient boyfriend and let me suck your cock right now." Jake stares at her in shock as she grabs his his junk through his pants and give it squeezes. Even as he tries to pull away she still holds tight to it.

"F F Fine," he stutters. "I'll stay with you and let you suck my cock. But you have to stop bullying people!" He feels kind of slutty letting her have his cock so easily, but this is only to protect the other students. Jake watches as Sidney gives him a smirk and lowers his pants, taking it and his underwear off. To his embarrassment, his dick is already rock hard. He can not be this easy. No, this is to save other people from her wrath, he tells himself as she places her hand on his bare cock.

She wraps her fingers around it and begins tugging the shaft. "You know, I am being very kind with you," Sidney says as she strokes her boyfriend's dick. "Since your cock belongs to me, I have the right to suck it whenever I want to. You don't have the right to say no, but I give you that privilege, because I love you. None of my friends care enough to consider their boyfriends' consent." It's something she and her friends have in common. Total control over the boys' dicks. She squeezes it and he gasps in pleasure, making her smirk. "Thank me for not raping you."

Jake turns redder as he says "Thank you for not raping me." Then the tall blonde cheerleader bends down to suck it into her mouth, wrapping her full lips around the very base of it. It isn't too difficult, since the rod is only four inches. But the cock is attached to the boy she loves, and that makes all the difference to her. Sidney bobs her head back and forth, sliding her lips along the length of his tool. The inside of her mouth is so warm and wet, and it all makes Jake feel so amazing, he could hardly believe what is going on.

He feels guilty about enjoying it when she forced him into staying with her and letting her violate his dick. But her blowjob just feels so wonderful. Soon, he loses control of himself and begins spurting inside her mouth, firing his thick, creamy semen down the toned girl's throat. Sidney greedily swallows all of it, smiling around his dick before finally pulling away, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "Look at how weak you are," she says. "You can't even protect your cock from getting sucked by me."

Sidney then pushes him onto his bed. "Wait a second. I can't get it up again so soon," he protests, as she starts to fondle his sore penis. It hurts from how hard she is jerking it, using her saliva as lube. "Please don't, baby." His words fall on deaf ears as she caresses his rod and brings it to full erection again, with a massive grin on her stunning face. He can do nothing but watch, paralyzed as she licks her pouty lips, gazing at the top of his cock with lust in her eyes. It is very clear that she is eye fucking him.

"I changed my mind. I have the right to do whatever I want with your cock and I'm using that right. Your consent does not matter," she tells him and descends upon the thin pole, impaling her mouth with it in one movement. With him in her mouth, she now has all the power, just like she normally does anyway. She then starts bobbing up and down, using her lips to slobber all over the place and swirling her tongue around the tip of his penis. All Jake can do is hang on for the ride and let her ravish him.

She sucks him hard and fast, using her mouth like a vacuum, forming a tight suction with her lips. The girl hums around him and the vibrations on his dick shocks Jake so much that he soon cums for the second time, filling up her mouth with his jizz again. "Please stop already and let me rest," the weakling says as she continues to blow his cock. Sidney only pauses and withdraws her lips long enough to shake her head, before going back to sucking him off. She is totally ravishing Jake with her mouth right now and he can't do a thing to stop that.