Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 34


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"You want to join them?" I questioned.

"I want to watch," Iona clarified. "They are so much in love; it is a beautiful thing to witness."

"That it is," I agreed as I stood up as well. I led her toward my bedroom, Iona squeezing my hand tightly.

"Also, getting naked under the covers with you has its own appeal," Iona gave me a cute, hopeful look.

"What makes you think I'll get naked?" I teased.

"Well, Zane, you are my friend -- and you're easy," she teased right back. Ouch!

"I prefer easily accessible, thank you very much," I stated indignantly. "Have you been taking etiquette lessons from Rio?"

"Zane," Iona pouted. "That was unfair. I'd never abuse you the way Rio does -- or Barbie Lynn, or Paige, or Heaven." As we rounded the last turn in the Chinese screen maze that separated my sleeping quarters from the rest of the floor, Rio was pushing Mercy face-first onto her (Rio's) side of the bed.

Rio squatted behind Mercy. Mercy's torso was on the bed but her legs were still splayed over the edge. Rio probed forward, took a lick of that pussy, then another, before spanking Mercy's right cheek.

"Has anybody else been using what is mine?" Rio inquired threateningly. Mercy shook her head violently in the negative.

"Are you sure?" Rio persisted. "You are pretty clueless. Someone might have sexed you up while telling you they were doing your taxes, or something stupid like that. Did you let someone do your taxes?" Again Mercy shook her head 'no'.

"Well ... I don't trust you," Rio mused. "Zane, come over here."

By this time, I was naked -- I take off my clothes really fast because I hang around with some impatient women -- and Iona was down to her socks and panties.

"Sure," I responded. I walked around the bed until I was looking over Rio's shoulder.

"Does this cunt and asshole look used to you?" Rio asked me.

I reached out and with my forefinger, rubbed along Mercy's slit, starting with her clit. It was still a small nub but a few circles by my finger brought her out to play. Mercy moaned, wiggling her hips as she did. I scooped up from there, dipping between her labia until her fluids coated my fingers. I brought the finger up for a taste.

"Yum," I grinned at Rio, who double-pumped her eyebrows and smiled like the madwoman she was. I stuck my finger back in Mercy's pussy to get it nice and wet again, causing Mercy to moan repeatedly. This time, I placed my finger against her anus. I rubbed it around but didn't try to press it in.

The moment Mercy decided I wasn't going to give it to her, she thrust back, trying to drive my probing digit inside of her anyway. Rio smacked Mercy's ass to make her stop.

"No, you don't, Wench," Rio threatened.

"Rio, your baby-girl is pristine -- she's nice and tight," I informed my buddy.

"Thanks, Zane," Rio snickered. "I can never tell with this slut, she's always so horny. Or maybe I'm always so horny for her -- I get those confused."

"How about option three: you both are hot, horny babes addicted to each other's bodies?" I offered.

"I really don't care what Mercy feels," Rio lied. "She's only serves as a vessel for my lusts. Don't you exist to be solely a receptacle for my lusts, Slut-Bunny?"

Mercy slid down the bed until her knees touched the ground. She turned around to the less than amused Rio, waddled up to her lover and wrapped her arms around Rio's waist, hugging her tight.

"Yes, yes, yes," Mercy murmured contentedly.

"What the -- listen, you sk- --" Rio started out angrily. She never finished calling Mercy a 'skank'. She hesitantly, then gently, ran her fingers through Mercy's hair. "I missed you so much -- I was going nuts without you; just ask Zane," Rio gave her heartfelt confession.

"Rio," Mercy looked up as Rio petted her head, "I've given this a lot of thought and I want you to be my first -- tonight -- right now," Mercy pleaded. Rio's eyes shot a panicked look in my direction.

'You can handle this,' I mouthed my assurance to my Best Buddy.

Rio returned her gaze to Mercy and tilted her lover's head up until their eyes met.

"You know there is no coming back from this," Rio stated. Mercy nodded. "This will make you mine forever," Rio said next. Mercy nodded with greater vigor. "You know I am a complete fucking train-wreck and am more likely to ruin your whole damn life than make you happy."

"I am yours and you are mine," Mercy whispered, mimicking the tattoo Rio had placed on Mercy's back.

"I can't do this," Rio stroked Mercy's cheek. Mercy looked devastated. "We are both wearing clothes -- how can we properly make love if we are both still wearing clothes?" Mercy gawked, then shoved her face into Rio's stomach and bit down -- hard, it appeared.

"Ow, Bitch!" Rio screamed. "That hurt."

"Rio, you nearly scared me to death." Mercy sounded so pitiful as she looked back up at Rio. I really had no idea how Rio's twisted, crazy mind would take that. For a second, I thought she'd explode -- Rio didn't take pain like a rational person.

"I apologize -- Love. I have no excuse," Rio responded softly. She even used the 'L' word.

"Really?" Mercy whispered. Rio nodded. "Will you do me one favor?"

"Okay," Rio replied cautiously.

"Please never apologize to me again, my Love," Mercy pleaded. "It scares me nearly as much as you being mean to me a moment ago." Rio studied Mercy for a few seconds.

"Did you use the 'L' word?" Rio glared at Mercy. Mercy's eyes grew wide; she then buried her face back into Rio's stomach and began kissing away. "No, you don't, Wench. I will not be mollified by your sloppy, wet kisses. Strip your ass down and get into bed. Mom is going to go primeval on every inch of your smoking hot Temple of Babylon."

Mercy smiled, spun around, and quick-stepped as fast as she could back to the bed while still on her knees. Rio flashed me a look that spoke of a happiness I had never seen in her before. She was slipping out of her skirt as she hopped her way to her dresser, undoubtedly to get some toys. As for me, I crawled past Mercy and slipped under the covers held open by Iona.

"Should we leave?" Iona whispered to me.

"Mercy is somewhat of an exhibitionist and I doubt Rio cares," I answered quietly.

"In that case, let me get close to Mercy in case she needs some comforting," Iona told me under her breath. Before I could reason that out, she snuck her naked, tight little body over mine and slid under the covers to be close to Mercy.

Iona reached out a hand tentatively toward Mercy. Mercy regarded it, gave Iona a warm smile, and placed her fingers in Iona's palm. Rio affixed her modest-sized strap-on and lubed it up before walking over to Mercy. Her lover seemed entranced with the way the false phallus bobbed about as it approached her.

Rio threw back the blanket roughly so she could gaze down at Mercy's beautiful naked form. Instinctively, Mercy began to move her knees up to her chest.

"What's that?" Rio pointed to Mercy's hand being held by Iona. Mercy started to withdraw it when, "Did I tell you to move it?" Mercy stopped. "Put that hand back and put those legs down, you insipid cow."

Down came Mercy's legs with a muffled thud.

"Now I'm going to fuck you like I own you," Rio growled.

"You do own me," Mercy chirped. "I'm yours."

"Are you ready for me to pound that pussy?" Rio glared.

"Yes," Mercy moaned softly.

"Well, tough," Rio smirked. "You don't tell me what to do. I'm going to do this at my own pace, damn it." She sidled down to the foot of the bed while still facing Mercy. With delicate ease, Rio lowered her lips to Mercy's right big toe, kissed it then began sucking on it.

Mercy had raised her chin to her chest so she could meet Rio's steady gaze. As Rio began playing with her toes, Mercy shivered and groaned. When Rio switched to the left foot, Mercy whimpered.

"Please, Rio," she moaned.

"Hush, you," Rio mumbled around the current toe she was sucking on. "You are my plaything and I'll do what I want with you." Mercy's head fell back on the pillow as she clutched Iona's hand tightly. Iona seemed totally taken with events. She had rolled on her side so I cuddled behind her, my cock pressing against the small of her back, and began kissing her shoulder.

Iona pushed back into me and wiggled her butt against my thighs. She also reached back, took my free hand in her own then placed them together on her stomach. She matched me as I traced small circles over her torso.

"I hope I find someone who makes me that happy," Iona murmured.

"You'll find someone worthy of you, Iona," I replied quietly. She tilted her head to give me better access to her neck.

"I believe I will, Zane," Iona purred. "Now I know what to look for."

Rio was taking her sweet time with Mercy -- torturing the poor girl with lust.

Iona actually scooted over and gave Mercy a quick peck on the cheek to comfort her. She was back in my arms before Mercy could decide to take shelter in Iona's innocent sexuality. This was Rio and Mercy's moment and we knew she shouldn't forget that. When Rio got to the knees, she pressed Mercy's legs farther apart and rotated the hips so she could access the back of Mercy's knees.

She was running the tip of her tongue along the inner joint, driving Mercy nuts. The girl was humping her crotch up in the air and began pinching her right nipple.

"None of that, you cougar-wannabe," Rio snapped. "You can't toy with my playground. It's mine." Mercy's face scrunched up in frustration as a single tear escaped her left eye.

Mercy's free right arm began to flail about as Rio reluctantly stopped teasing the knees and began nibbling her way up Mercy's thigh. Iona felt the sympathetic energy and began massaging her left breast.

"Please don't," she gulped as I moved my hand to her right breast. "I'll lose it and this should be their time, not mine."

"Yes, Mistress Iona," I teased quietly. "Whatever you desire." Iona pummeled me with her butt against my thighs.

"Behave," she sighed.

Rio kept pushing Mercy's legs to the side until she was face (and lips) to Mercy's smooth cunt, letting the breath from her nostrils tickle the surface.

"Something's been drooling, all," was all Rio got out before Mercy exploded into orgasm.

"MotherfuckingChristGoddamn!" Mercy howled. Her whole body shook like an epileptic seizure had taken over.

"Cunt-muncher," Rio sputtered. "Did you just squirt in my face?"

Mercy was in no shape for an immediate reply. I didn't help matters when I snickered at Rio as her face rose above Mercy's thighs. Syrupy vaginal fluid was dripping off her nose and chin. Rio glared at me. I had a sinking feeling she was about to exile me from my room.

"I'm -- I'm sorry," Mercy groaned.

"I was thinking weak, pathetic, or nasty," Rio grumbled. She began stalking up Mercy's body on all fours until she was face-to-face with her toy. "Was that the extent of your apology?" Mercy propped herself up feebly and began to lick Rio's face clean. "If I'm not satisfied, no fucking for you tonight," Rio taunted her. That spurred Mercy on. She was sucking Rio's eyelids and eyebrows, licking her cheeks, jaw and neck as if her life depended on it.

Mercy ended up trying to French kiss Rio but she was having none of that.

"Do you think I've got some of your cunt juice hiding under my tongue?" Rio quizzed her. Mercy gave a short, energetic nod. Rio cracked a smile and her lips and Mercy dove up to literally tongue-fuck Rio's mouth until she was thoroughly satisfied she'd gotten every drop.

"No, you don't," Rio chastised her. "I know what you are doing and it is not going to work. I'm going to spank that sopping wet kitty and there's nothing you can do to distract me."

"Have mercy," Mercy pleaded convincingly.

"Oh, I am going to have Mercy again and again and again," Rio mocked her lover.

Rio retreated down Mercy until her false cock slipped past her pubic mound. Rio used her right hand to guide the dildo up and down between her labia. The response was tiny simpering noises from Mercy. When Rio let the tip enter her vagina, Mercy became very still.

"Relax, Babe," Rio urged her gently. "It will make it less uncomfortable." Rio avoided using the word pain.

"Deep breaths, Babe," Rio soothed her. "Think about how much pleasure you feel when I shove this dick up your ass. It will be the same way with your pussy, but better."

I could tell Mercy was really trying and that was the problem; she was trying too hard. Rio had an answer for that though.

"I've got a better idea," Rio grinned wickedly. She pulled out of Mercy and waggled her phallus at her mate. "I'm not going to do all the damn work, you perverted minx. Hike up those legs and spread them wide -- none of this folding at the knees crap. I'm going to mount you like John Smith ambushed Pocahontas, leaving you stupefied and wondering who the fuck just hammered you through the New World."

"I'm going to fuck you harder than the Pilgrims screwed over the Wampanoag -- you are going to ride my cock 'til dawn." I image the rest of us clearly showed our amazement that Rio knew so much -- well, of anything, much less American History. "What the fuck?" Rio took in our gawking. "I read -- things -- occasionally. Don't look so shocked."

"Iona," Rio added, as she went back to looking down on her woman, "get my camera phone. I want to record this moment for posterity."

"Zane?" Iona whispered to me. She didn't want to put either Rio or Mercy at risk of exposure.

"Its fine," I petted her shoulder. "You can make sure the file is secure."

"I'm okay with it," Mercy assured Iona. "I trust Rio."

"Be quiet, Pumpkin," Rio sneered. "This is going up on YouTube fifteen minutes after we are done. I'm going to title it: Lush Virgin Innocent plundered by Psycho Mistress." I groaned as Iona slipped off the bed to get the phone. "What; not descriptive enough?"

"Plunder me! Plunder me!" Mercy meeped. Rio slapped both of Mercy's nipples.

"Hush, you," Rio glared at Mercy. "The only thing I want coming out of that mouth had better be your tongue in my vagina." Iona walked up and handed the phone to Rio. "You keep it, Iona," Rio told her. "You'll get a girl's point of view. With Zane, it will be nothing but tits and ass."

We both knew that wouldn't be the case -- most likely wouldn't be the case. Iona returned to my side but was sitting up on her knees. She looked at the image in the phone and edged forward. I moved in behind her so that my stomach was against her buttocks. I remained reclining. Iona reached out and took Mercy's hand once more.

"I'm ready," Iona said softly. Mercy paled, biting her lip over her dual anxieties. Rio had let slip a serious yet compassionate facial expression which reaffirmed that her Mistress was about to take her. The other was the originally unlooked for trait of Mercy the Exhibitionist. Oh, it terrified her that her sexuality would be discovered, but that thrill only made her actions that much more vibrant and alive.

Rio positioned her fake phallus at the gateway to Mercy's virginity again. She leaned over Mercy, her arms resting on her fists to either side of Mercy's breasts, but her lady was taller and Rio couldn't quite span the gap between their faces.

"Get up here and kiss me, Mercy," Rio said, choked with emotion. "Kiss me one more time as my fuck toy. Next time we kiss, you'll be my girlfriend."

Mercy used her right elbow to prop herself up until her lips met with Rio's.

"Are you going to own me, use me, and protect me forever and ever?" Mercy pleaded.

"Baby-cakes, I own you for all time, I am never going to become tired of using you, and if anyone except me lays a finger on you, I'll wipe out their whole fucking family," Rio recited her twisted version of a marital vow with the tenderness of a child addressing a kitten.

"Thank you for choosing me," Mercy fought back tears. The kiss she gave Rio was long, passionate, and steeped in familiarity. Mercy was still enraptured with the declaration and kiss when Rio pushed forward. Mercy's hymen tore, completing her evolution from the blindly obedient school girl that had come to my room as one of the Chancellor's enforcers so few weeks ago into the woman who dared to experiment with her deepest erotic desires.

Mercy's eyes welled up with tears due to the pain. She trembled and her lips quivered. Rio didn't relent despite her lover's pain. She drove the dildo in relentlessly to the hilt. She ground the strap-on's base against Mercy's clit, withdrew a half inch, then slammed down hard. At the same time, she moved her left hand around to the back of Mercy's head, grabbed a handful of hair and forced Mercy into another kiss.

"What are you, my little Orgasmic Bombshell?" Rio demanded.

"I'm your girlfriend," Mercy sobbed through the renewing pain.

"You don't sound very convinced," Rio insisted. "Am I going to have to put a ring on that clit?" she bumped Mercy's clit again, causing Mercy to gulp and whimper.

"Not enough to teach your confused, simple mind who the boss is? Nipple rings it is, then," Rio taunted with all apparent seriousness. "You still don't get it?" Mercy shook her head, tears starting to seep down her cheeks as Rio kept fucking her. "Nose ring?" That suggestion seemed to scare the girl, probably because hiding such a piercing would be difficult.

"Oh, sigh," Rio exaggerated. "I guess nothing but putting a ring on that finger will beat the point home." Mercy's eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open. "Of course, that makes me your husband and Master -- none of this wife-shit for me. You'll have to do double duty as wife and sexual gratification machine -- available for sex on demand."

"Okay," Mercy wept joyously. "I am so annoyed with you right now -- Annoyer." Annoy = love; that pretty much symbolized those two.

"Mercy, if you fail me this time, I'm going to clone fifty of me and fuck you until you explode," Rio threated. Damn, Rio was so often unhinged from reality and common sense.

I figured the only reason Mercy didn't rebel right then and there was that she knew Rio couldn't really clone herself. Otherwise, death by multiple orgasm was exactly how Mercy would chose to exit her mortal coil, and Rio knew it. She also knew she was hammering Mercy into another orgasm quickly.

"Christfuckshithell!" Mercy screamed. Her legs vibrated then fell to either side of Rio. She wept, screamed, and convulsed on the bed but her Mistress held her firm by the hips and head. When Mercy finally collapsed, boneless from the exertion, Rio gently withdrew her cock from Mercy's vagina and settled on Mercy's right side, studying her intently.

Mercy's chest rose in ragged pulses for over a minute. Her first act was to release Iona's hand and carefully place it on her labia, dabbed it gently, then drew the results up to her face. Vaginal fluid mixed with a trace of blood was what she saw. Mercy's smile returned then. She rolled facing Rio and curled submissively into Rio's body, her head resting between Rio's breasts.

The four of us were quiet for some time. It was Mercy who broke the silence.

"I'm okay," she murmured into Rio's chest. It took Rio nearly half a minute to respond.

"You talk too much," Rio whispered to Mercy as she stroked her hair. "I think you can find something better to do with that mouth, so get to it." Mercy began suckling. "Good girl."

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justified15justified153 months ago

A wonderful comedy. As an old man, it's fun to reread the tales I read in my youth. This one certainly stuck in my mind as most epic good times do.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

James, I have really enjoyed this story, thank you! I wish you the best of luck with your health issues. I do hope that you find the time and energy to finish up this series, but in the meantime I'll have to read the rest of your works. Again, wishing you all the best. -Anon

lonecatALlonecatALabout 1 year ago

This is such a great tale that has everything a reader could want: humor, sex and a great plot that has been pretty well adhered to throughout all of the chapters. I read this tale, along with Life of a New Hire, at least once a year, even though it is unfinished, they both rate as among the very best stories on LIT. So happy that FinalStand is still following all the comments and responding when possible, it gives me hope for the future :-)

FinalStandFinalStandabout 1 year agoAuthor

Strangely enough since this has been a decade in the wilderness, I have been thinking especially about the two specials I always planned to write - the Winter Break and the Spring Break super-chapters. I need to be a bit better before I attempt them though Winter Break is over half-way finished, but I haven't forgotten this story.

Sigh ... Rio on a jet ski learning that watching it done in the movies does not equate to real skill ...


James aka FinalStand

lonecatALlonecatALabout 1 year ago

This is such a great story that I can't give up hope that FinalStand will someday find his muse again and push it along...

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Too bad, this story was off to a great start, but as of right now (April 2023), it has been 9 to 10 years since any new Christian College Sex Comedy has been published, ... I strongly suspect that James has moved on, leaving us high and dry, ... he has written previously that while he has plotted where he wants the story to go, he has no clue how to get there from here, ... oh well, it was a fun start, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I gotta admit that the extreme that the author took the Rio character to wasn't my favorite an there were moments of complete ridiculousness. However, I really enjoyed the series as a whole and really wish the author would come back to it at some point...

JhockJhockover 1 year ago

Fantastic story I haven't been able to stop reading it.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

I strongly suspect that James has moved on and has very little interest in this CCSC series at this time, ... He might think of something and pick it up again, maybe in a dozen years more, ... or not. ;-) TTFN

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFirealmost 2 years ago


I know multiple throuples and more that have been “working it out” for 20+ years. Polyamory is NOT for everyone but for those it is, they make it work just like any other relationship. Sorry you weren’t enough for whatever girl left you ✌🏻

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

For all of you polymory, polysexual fans this story was definitely not my bag. I have to laugh though at all you free love types because in reality when does that ever work out? I'm sure that for most of you watching the woman or women you love fucking a bunch of random people is the height of intimacy.....oh wait it's really not.

Anyway enjoy the STDs

LukoSavageLukoSavageover 2 years ago

Ahhh man I gotta reflect what the others have said, we need you to start this up again haha. That being said glad to see you’re looking to publish more of your works and I hope to anyone that’ll listen you’ll keep this and New Hire rolling! It’s been too long!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithalmost 3 years ago

Hey there BW, it has been close to a year since your information note, and around 7 to 8 years since the CCSC stopped dead in it's tracks,.. gee, no pressure, but,.. "please my I have some more?" Thank you very much,.. '-) TTFN

Messy112Messy112about 3 years ago

Excellent work with all your creations....good work that you add trancesex in this series.....

Just one request that don't pair Heaven (permanently) with any of the girls or women (a little fun and experiment is allowed). If she believes herself to be a girl than so be it don't make her confused about her sexuality. And I really like if she stick with Cristina and Zane till the end (with sharing kids and household).

tipacanoetipacanoeabout 3 years ago

Fucking excellent!!!!

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