Christmas in the Outback


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Breakfast was an early affair.

Mostly because Clancy and his brother organised the traditional wake up for their parents. They might not be kids anymore, but it didn't stop them from stealing the blanket at six in the morning.

Which meant that Clancy was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, sipping at some freshly made apple juice, McIntosh, and the rest of his family were at various stages of toast, bacon, or pancakes, when the stranger wandered nervously into their midst.

Clancy waved her over and onto a stool. "Get a good sleep?"


He nodded, "Ah. That sucks. Breakfast?"

"I... Feel so guilty being here." She whispered.

Clancy shook his head, "Nah. Family would open the door if you arrived without me. You're fine. So... I reckon you might like pancakes. Maybe bacon?"

"I don't normally eat breakfast." Ginger confessed.

He shrugged and stood up, "And I don't normally treat a gal, but when the opportunity presents..."

"I don't want to put anyone out." Ginger shook her head.

"Bacon, mushrooms, eggs and toast, then." He grinned.

She gave a guilty acceptance, and he walked into the kitchen. "How are the mushrooms?"

"Grabbed 'em this morning." Kringle answered brightly, bouncing him out of the way with a hip to start frying something of her own. "Down by the river, where we used to go hunting."

Clancy frowned, checking the fridge, "No eggs, today?"

"Henry ate the last." Kringle shook her head, "Sorry, no full traditional for your gal."


"A lil." Kringle gave a small laugh, "But that one is into you. Proudly told me about your singalong."

Clancy laughed, "Oh geeze. My voice has not getting better since I was young."

"I know! You tortured her, and the gal loved it." Kringle shook her head, "No idea what that one is thinking. But you win."

He hugged his sister sideways, "Sorry, bub."

"Yeah, yeah, me big bear." She hugged him back.

"You really don't need to make me eggs... Also, I can hear everything you're saying." Ginger interjected.

Kringle turned around, putting the last touches on her bacon sandwich. She bit into it as she stepped out of the cooking area, "... And?"

Ginger rolled her eyes, "I get to choose who I want. None of this competing shit."

"Competing is fun." Kringle laughed and took Clancy's vacated seat. "'Sides, everyone loves you too much to steal any decision that should be yours. Whole house has been busy making sure your name is under the tree."

Ginger coughed, "Oh no. I... I don't have presents. I mean, Clancy offered to share some of his, but -"

"Whatever." Kringle shrugged, speaking through her food, "Not like any of us care much. We love to give. Ain't so great at receiving things. Family just loves to spoil people. Ya fine."

"I need to at least make cards. Somehow. Nowhere near the shops, are we?"

Clancy waved idly, still cooking, "That's doable. But it'll have to wait. We'll do a big family photo after breakfast, and everyone will want you right in the middle of it. Unless you hate photos."

"I have no place in a family photo." Ginger stated nervously.

Kringle sighed, "Aw. Come on. Family already loves ya. I bet I'm not the only one plotting your Christmas presents for next year. You have to come back. You're one of us, now."

Clancy smiled over at her, "On the off chance we date, and then break up... Family will totally tell me to stay home, so you won't feel awkward when you come."

"Ya family be nuts." Ginger shook her head, and then grinned, "I fuckin' love 'em."

Kringle bounced a little, "So that means you're doing the photo, right? I want us arm-in-arm. If I can't kiss ya, least I can do is be your best friend. 'Sides... I know all of Clancy's secrets."

"You're totally my best friend." Ginger replied, "Even without the secrets. Speaking of... Who was his first girlfriend? She any better than me?"

"Oh, come on." Clancy complained.

Kringle laughed, "His first kiss? Yeah, nah, that was a school thing. Means bupkus. I don't think Clancy has ever had a serious gal, before. Mostly because he's too serious for them. Looking at marriage and shit as a possibility, before the first date."

"Dating not just for hormones, but for life." Ginger said, sounding a little bit impressed.

Clancy swept in, delivering a plate full of food, "May I distract her ladyship?"

"Nah, but you can nick off." Kringle grinned, "Gals got some gossiping to do. Don't want your ears bleedin'. Go bug Pop."

Ginger shrugged innocently, siding with his sister.

"I'll go check on the photo setup." He said with a groan.


It was his mother, who was the photographer in the family.

She was busy arranging the camera, which was not something modern. The thing still used film, and she had an entire processing studio out the back of her house for it.

Everything was manual, and decades old, but he couldn't argue with the results. His mother's photographs had won her more than one or two awards. These days though, she was more picky about when she took a photo. Age was catching up.

Except on Christmas.

"Oh Clancy, could you get that screen for me? I need it over here." His mother called out from underneath the cloth, where she was lining up her shot.

He started helping to rearrange the props, listening for comments and adjusting things bit by bit. He could remember doing it, back when this house had been his own.

The nostalgic memories flooded back as he recalled the countless Christmases past, assisting his mother with her big family photo. It was a timeless something, capturing the joy and magic of the holiday season through her lens.

The others slowly filtered out and onto the porch. Some sporting breakfast bowls, others just glad to be out and about instead of crammed inside the house.

As he carefully adjusted a Santa figurine who was riding a bike, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of all the laughter and excitement that had filled this space over the years. The camera, despite its vintage appearance, held within it the power to freeze time and capture precious moments that would be cherished for a lifetime.

His mother emerged from beneath the cloth, wearing a smile. "Perfect, Clancy. You've always had an eye for detail. Now then... What about this girl of yours?"

He blinked, "Hmm?"

"Does she think you're worth the effort?"

He shrugged, "I think... Maybe? We've got a shot at something. We'll see."

"You best be on your best behaviour, Clancy. You can't go riding down the side of a mountain to save this one." His mother said sternly.

He rolled his eyes, "I am. And I did pick her up on the side of the road."

"Yes, I taught you to be a good boy." His mother gave a small laugh.

Clancy was thankful as the woman in question approached, and killed that conversation from embarrassing him any more. She was looking a little bit uncomfortable, but happy with the state of things.

"Kringle give away all of my secrets?"

She gave a small grin, "A few. You're not terrible enough to have any good ones. Or she's a nice one."

"Kringle ain't a bad sister." He gave a small laugh.

Ginger nodded, "So um... I know today is supposed to be... Us... But..."

"Wanna do something with Kringle?" He said in surprise, "You've got until lunch. We don't do much until then. Enjoy your Christmas morning."

"You're too sweet." She shook her head, "None of my old boyfriends would let me nick off with their sister. Right when we might have got our first time alone together."

"Apart from my awful singing in the ute."

"Apart form your awful singing." She grinned broadly, her freckles almost shining. "You really wouldn't mind?"

"I assume Kringle wants to teach you to ride a bike. Every decent woman can ride a motorbike." He shrugged, "Sounds like hella fun. You go for it."

Ginger grabbed him in a hug and kissed his cheek, "I might just love you."

"All right, all right! All of you form up. Ginger, Clancy, over here in the middle." His mother started instructing the crowd.

Ginger held one of his hands, and Kringle ended up on the other. Whispering her apologies for stealing his new girlfriend, and instantly being silenced by their mother.

They took one straight photo of everyone just crowding together, and then they took a sillier one.

Kringle stuck out her tongue and did a handstand. Ginger sat on his shoulders, and Clancy jumped for joy. Ginger came down quickly, after that, embarrassed and cheeks red enough to hide a handful of her freckles.

It wasn't long before she was dressed in leathers, and the two girls were disappearing into a cloud of red dust.


The motorbikes came pulling into the yard as Clancy was setting the table, humming a Christmas carol under his breath. A couple of his cousins were also helping.

Most of the others were sitting around, chatting and over-eagerly eyeing the pile of Christmas presents in the loungeroom. That pile was something impressive, encircling and dwarfing the plastic Christmas tree.

A loud whoopee came from his sister in the yard, followed by the sound of Ginger telling her to shut up and stop embarrassing her. He smiled at that. Sounded like they were old friends.

It wasn't long before he saw his sister come striding in, her hair slicked back in a ponytail, and her face red from exertion. Kringle was beaming from ear-to-ear, and it came out with hugs for all of her cousins.

Clancy felt a bit of a surprise, and a bit more disappointment, when the star of the show didn't follow his sister into the room. He had to admit he was feeling nervous as he finished setting the table, before ending up leaning against a wall.

One where he could see both doorways into the room.

Kringle was busy catching up with their brother, and trying to convince some of their cousins that motorbiking was fun. Most of them just shook their heads, not at all believing that the dangers could possibly be worth it.

As quickly as she'd meshed with the family, the truth was that Ginger was still a stranger. One who was crazy enough to try and cross the desert on foot. She wasn't suited to bushland, and this was a bush family.

That being said, himself and most of his cousins did live in one city or another. Though Australian cities would hardly be considered that in another country.

He knew a little of her likes - mostly things that were bright and energetic. That didn't mean he knew where she'd come from. He hadn't asked about her work, or her goals in life. It hadn't felt proper.

He hadn't expected to create more than a friendship, at most.

All the same, Ginger was special in a way that just wasn't common. She might get a little nervous, she might find his family a little overwhelming, but she was a star shooting across the night sky.

She was entirely unique, and he wanted to be part of her life. This woman who felt brave enough to cross the desert on foot, without prepping... That part was the drawback of her not quite having the sense to know when things were unsafe.

On the other hand, that was exactly why she fit in so well with the family. She didn't see them as dangerous strangers. She saw them as a family trying to enjoy a holiday, and a rare get together.

He looked at both doorways, hoping she'd come back. She'd come this far with them all. Kringle wasn't acting like she'd done something stupid. She might still have scared the girl, but he just didn't know.


The least manly scream in the world burst out of and then died in Clancy's throat. He stared at the laughing girl beside him, as he tried to guess how in the hell she'd got by him and into the room.

Ginger covered her mouth, trying to bury her amusement, "Sorry."

Her laughter made her eyes sparkle in a way that Clancy had never seen. Someone's eyes sparkling is just meant to be some fluffy nonsense that authors write, not something of the real world.

"You uh... You have fun with Kringle?" He tried to pretend he hadn't just embarrassed himself.

Ginger's eyes lit up, "Hell to the yeah! She took me down the back paddock. Apparently that's it's name? Like with capitals. The Back Paddock. Floored it all over the place."

"I broke my arm for the first time, there." Clancy said with amusement.

Ginger scrunched up her nose and pulled back the side of her fringe to reveal a series of dotted red lines. "I came off twice. Damn it bloody well hurt! But... So much fun."

"Got right back on?"

She nodded, "'Course. Lil bit of pain never stopped a gal."

"You got hit in the head. Not showing any signs of -"

Ginger yawned, "Yeah, yeah. I'm not an idiot. I got hit in the noggin. But I'm fine. No sign of concussion or nothing. Can you be fun, again?"

"Guy has to look out for a gal." Clancy said defensively.

She grinned, "Mmm. I'd be annoyed if ya didn't. But... Gal can't admit she's vulnerable. World is so full of bullshit at the moment. Ya have to look tough, or they leave ya bleedin'."

"Such bullshit." Clancy agreed.

Ginger suddenly grinned, "I wasn't going to show you. Thought it might freak you out. But I am a gal who can take care of herself... And might like sharp objects."

Clancy blinked as a tiny little flick knife appeared in her hand. A knife she must have been carrying all along. One he was very glad hadn't ended up in his side for picking up a stranger in the desert.

He reached immediately for humour, "That ain't knife. This is a knife."

It was Ginger's turn to stare, as he revealed the eleven inch knife strapped to his ankle. "Comes in handy, far more often than it rightly should."

She shook her head, "Yeah. That's a freaking knife. Don't you need a license to carry a damn thing like that?"

"Anything that isn't a utility knife isn't allowed to be carried in a public place. Have to be sealed or contained." He shrugged sheepishly, "I'm kinda in the wrong. But Pop gave it to me, to help out on the farm and... I don't wear it when I'm in town?"

Ginger frowned, "Yeah, I'm going to stop that. If we're a thing."

"Yes ma'am."

"Still... You've got a cute reason for carrying a huge knife. Not a brave or Aussie bully thing." Ginger grinned and hugged his arm, "Y'all are totally cute on the inside, ain't ya?"

Clancy was very thankful that his mother called them to attention at that moment, and had them all sitting down at the table. In the mess of it all, he and Ginger ended up sitting with a couple of his cousins, and across from his Pop.

Kringle ended up at the other end of the table, with their brother. She did seem disappointed to miss out on her new friend, but... Clancy was jealous. He wanted her to himself for a bit.

His mother gave thanks, with varying amounts of respect for the moment from the family. Some of them were hard Christians, some more lax, and most of them had no belief at all. All the same, they did show some regard for the head of the household. No need to be a dick about it.

Then the family traditional meal began, and almost immediately overwhelmed the newcomer. There was roast chicken, and roast pork... And roast turkey, and roast beef... And roast lamb and salmon. There were even more kinds of hot veggies.

There was everything from roast potato to fried garlic mushrooms.

Ginger stared as Clancy loaded her plate, before piling up his own. Clearly believing she wouldn't be able to eat it all. His experience told him better.

It didn't take long before his family started pulling out the Christmas crackers. Everyone had their own, so there was no arguing about the winning person getting too many, and the loser none.

Clancy offered his end to Ginger, and she looked at it suspiciously. "If that thing pops confetti all over me, ya gonna regret it."

"I did not mess with your cracker." Clancy shook his head, "I think we're a bit new at this, to mess you around that way."

She grinned, "Good. That also means you're gonna wear the crown, right?"

"Not since I was a kid..."

Ginger's face dropped, "This means you're gonna wear the crown, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

There was a loud pop as she instantly tried to grab it from his hand, and Clancy's thumb tightened down. A small paper with a terrible joke, a paper crown, and a tiny plastic toy, all tumbled out and into Ginger's lap.

Crown went on her head and she held out his cracker to him, "Your turn!"

He lost to her, to Ginger's absolute delight. She grabbed the crown from inside and slipped it onto his head, before hesitating and then giving the briefest whisper of a kiss to his cheek.

Their first kiss.

The world seemed to drop away for a moment. He and Ginger were in on one world, whilst another flowed all around them without a single care.

His eyes met hers, seeing the fear and hesitation, but more than that, the woman who was excited to walk through a desert on her own, who laughed and sang about a rusty ute to a Christmas tune with the stranger behind the wheel.

"If you start making out, I'm asking if they've got popcorn." One of his cousins killed the moment.

The two of them looked away, and were soon back into the swing of the laughter rippling around the table. Ginger and Kringle exchanged the tiny toys they got in their crackers by throwing the length of the table. Everyone gave a little friendly ribbing to each other.

For all intents and purposes, Ginger was welcomed in as a member of the family. Everyone overindulged in the food, and at some point Christmas music was set to play in the background.


"Shake." Ginger said, crouching in front of the Dog.

The animal cocked his head, looking at her strangely. She crossed her arms and glared at him seriously, "Shake."

Dog let out a small whine, and looked over her shoulder to where Clancy was trying not to burst out in laughter at the young dog.

"No treat, unless you shake. Shake." Ginger instructed.

Dog lay down on the ground and looked up at her with pleading eyes. She gave a heavy sigh, "I thought you said he knew how to shake?"

Clancy walked over and crouched beside her, "Shake."

Dog sat up quickly and waved a paw for it to be caught and shaken. Which Clancy did, and then gestured his head at Ginger. She gave the dog the treat, but reluctantly.

"So he only does what you say? Or is it because I'm not family?"

Clancy put an arm around her and squeezed, "It's because he and I have been together since he was born. He's a stubborn git, sometimes. Nothing at all to do with you."

"He'd do it for Kringle." She pouted. Which he had to admit, was adorable.

He frowned, "Tell you what, I'll give you a secret. Dog does actually have a name he responds to. A kind of... In-joke, between him and me. No one else ever uses it."

Ginger gave a small laugh, "You don't have to cheer me up, Clancy. I know I'm being selfish. I just... Want him to like me, as much as he does you."

"He better. If we're going to date... You best be aiming to become as much his mistress as I am his master."

She grinned, "Good. We're on the same page, there. Dating is looking for forever."

"Anyways, I call him the Iron Paw." He shrugged, "Boyish little joke."

The Dog's ears perked up, and he almost seemed to get a steely gaze to his eye, a tightness to the muzzle. As if he was doing a heroic pose.

Ginger giggled, and brushed his head, "Nah, that's special. Just between the two of you. He'll get used to me, because he's going to see me around a bit."

"Oi, you two!" Kringle called from the window, "Are you done lazing about? I wanna do presents!"

They stood up, and Dog hesitated for a disappointed moment before trotting off to sunbathe. Clancy felt like he'd missed another opportunity with this amazing woman who seemed to have dropped out of the heavens, just for him.

Well, not just him. She was there for the whole family. He'd had a few girlfriends try for his family, but never had one who was as much friends with them, as they were there for him.