Christmas in Zonei Pt. 12


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"Rae—Raeden!" Kim's cry was high-pitched and needy.

Raeden smiled around Kim's cock as he accepted it deep into the back of this throat. Salty bitterness spread across his tongue. He lapped at the slit and was rewarded with another spurt of precum. Raeden let out a low groan, then set up a fast rhythm, going deep each time until Kim was shaking underneath him, fighting to get his hips free of Raeden's firm hands and so he could fully participate in plunging his cock deep into Raeden's throat. Not wanting him to come just yet, Raeden gave a last lick to the head of Kim's cock and nuzzled lower, breathing deep of the musky scent of Kim's balls and taint. Tenderly he pulled the balls into his mouth, sucking on the tender orbs as Kim serenaded him with the most exquisite whimpers. He took his time, savoring the delicacies.

Then he pulled Kim's hips up off the blanket and slid his tongue lower, across his taint, and then further to the puckered opening. He lapped at it and Kim came unglued. His hips strained against Raeden's strong hands as he tried to thrash wildly. A cacophony of keening mewls poured out of his mouth, rising in pitch as Raeden breached him gently with his tongue.

Raeden fucked the fluttering opening slowly, letting his tongue lengthen and fatten as Kim's muscles relaxed and let him in. Eventually his tongue was long enough to find that special spot, and he knew when he touched it because Kim jerked convulsively and cried out. He flicked his tongue back and forth across it and Kim's body stiffened and began to shudder. His beautiful, frantic noises filled the room and Kim reached down and grabbed his cock, starting to pull himself off.

Raeden stilled his hand. "No, love," he whispered. "That's mine."

He'd of course had to pull out of Kim to talk, and Kim gasped for breath, his head thrown back and his face etched with ecstasy. His body was tense with need, so very close to orgasm. His cock had made clear, sticky trails all over his stomach.

"Please, oh please," Kim begged.

Something about his lover's tone lit an inferno within Raeden. With a growl he lurched up and tore off his damp boxers. His cock bounced before him, swollen and blood red, as he leaned down to give Kim a scorching kiss. His body began to tremble with need.

So close, so close. I'm about to claim my mate. It's going to happen.

His cock nudged gently against Kim's opening and Kim whimpered again. This time, though, there was a different quality to the sound. Raeden caught a ripple of terror coming from Kim even though he could tell Kim was trying to hide it.

He paused, taking iron control of himself. Looking down into Kim's eyes, said, "I want you Kim, more than I've ever wanted anything in my life."

He felt a flare of guilt in Kim, which had not been his intention at all. "I want you too," Kim whispered, "but I'm afraid."

"Trust me, Kim. I would never hurt you."

"I ... I do trust you. But you're so big and I'm so small. I don't see how it could possibly ... not hurt."

"Ah, love. You forget that I'm not entirely human."

Kim's eyes widened as he looked up at Raeden. He wanted to trust him, Raeden could tell, but he couldn't let go of his fear.

"How do you think I managed to tongue fuck you so thoroughly? I have the ability to make my tongue longer. I also have the ability to make my dick smaller."

Kim blinked at him, slowly comprehending.

"This..." Raeden waved at his huge cock. "This is just for show." It wasn't really. Raeden was naturally big, but he didn't have to be.

"You can shrink yourself?" Kim asked, obviously having a bit of trouble with the concept.

Raeden focused for a second, pulling his flesh back into himself, making his cock as small as it could go until it was short and stubby. "What do you think? Talk about a pencil dick." Raeden smiled as he looked down at himself. His cock still leaked precum and was hard, but it was about the size of Kim's thumb.

Kim looked down at him burst into laughter. Raeden couldn't help but laugh with him. The tiny cock looked ridiculous on his big frame, but he didn't mind. His lover was happy and no longer afraid.


Tears flowed from Kim's eyes and he fought for breath. When he finally had enough control over himself to speak, he gasped out, "Oh my God, Rae!" Then he was taken by another bout of uncontrollable laughter.

Raeden's cock looked miniscule, dwarfed by his large, low slung balls. It was still beautiful, just ... tiny—much smaller than Kim's own cock, which had started to soften with the distraction of hilarity.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at you." Kim paused to chuckle a bit more. "It's just that it looks so unreal. Does it hurt to do that?"

"No, not at all." Raeden smiled at him and Kim felt his amusement.

"I don't think you need to go quite that small. I ... I can probably handle a bit more."

"Whatever you want Kim," Raeden murmured, starting to kiss along Kim's jawline.

"Does it...?" Kim paused, afraid of Raeden's answer. "Does it still feel okay to have sex when it's so small?"

"Oh yes. It feels amazing no matter what size I am." Raeden was now running his tongue along Kim's collarbone. Then without warning he swooped down and nipped one of Kim's nipples.

Kim cried out as a burst of heat tore through him. Raeden licked the abused nub, then sucked and nibbled on it. Kim erection burgeoned once more into full hardness.

"I want you, Kim," Raeden rumbled. "I want to be in you. I want to fuck you hard and fast. I want to fill you with my seed."

Kim's fear had entirely disappeared in the face of Raeden's wondrous abilities, and his lover's low growly voice as much as his inflammatory words stoked Kim's desire to new heights. "Yes, oh yes," he begged.

"I'm going to pound into you ... claim you. Make you mine. Make you feel so good. Make you come so hard."

Kim's begging dissolved into whimpers as Raeden pulled Kim's hips up and arranged his legs over his massive arms. Raeden's cock, still small, but hard and leaking, nudged his entrance.

Kim could feel Raeden's barely controlled need. He was shocked that the big mod had the ability to pause and look him in the eye and say, "Tell me you want this, Kim. Tell me to make you mine."

"Yes!" Kim gasped out. "Yes, please, please ... Raeden make me yours. Now. Please!"

Raeden must have heard the desperation in Kim's voice or maybe he felt the insane craving Kim was broadcasting, because he pushed in, not quickly, but steadily. Kim felt a stretch, not quite a burn, and then Raeden was past the ring of muscle and sliding further in. The summer sky eyes never left his own and the tenderness emanating from him caused an ache in Kim's chest.

You're okay? Raeden's question came into his head. He knew that Raeden knew the answer to that already. As Raeden rocked his hips gently, his cock filled Kim's channel perfectly, and Kim's mind exploded in bliss.

"Oh, yes! Oh, please!" Kim sang out and he slammed his hips up to meet Raeden's tentative thrusts. "Fuck me. Oh, fuck me!"

Raeden let out a long groan and Kim felt his mind go white with blinding passion. Then Raeden was pounding into him, his need catching Kim and hurling him along with the raging torrent. He felt Raeden's cock swell and lengthen and it began to hit his prostate with every frenzied stroke. He heard himself babbling incoherently. Then, as if a damn broke, a huge cascade of ecstasy washed over him, tumbling him over and over, drowning him with its power and ferocity.

He was vaguely aware of Raeden's cries joining with his own, loud and impassioned. Somebody's balls turned themselves inside out and he wasn't sure if the sensation was his own or Raeden's or maybe both of theirs. His screams turned to whimpers and his body shuddered and shook with the last vestiges of delirium. Raeden collapsed on top of him but not crushing him. Then Raeden grabbed him and shifted and suddenly he was lying on top of Raeden, the big man's cock still buried and throbbing in his sated hole.

He became aware of the sharp crack of explosions. He had thought they were part of his orgasm but now realized they were coming from outside.

"Fireworks," he mumbled. "It must be midnight."

"Happy New Years, love," Raeden whispered in his ear.

Kim let out another soft whimper and his mind shut down completely.


Kim became aware of a sensation on his head: a slow, repeated, gentle tug on his hair. He was lying on something hard and warm, that smelled ... like Raeden after sex. His front was toasty where he lay against the hot mod, but his back was cool. He shifted his hips slightly and realized Raeden's cock was no longer in him, but he could feel a bit of wetness leaking from down his thigh. He let out a contented sigh.

You okay? Raeden asked.

Kim blinked his eyes open and shifted his head, peering up at Raeden. The dim light from the tree cast deep shadows across his face, making the planes of Raeden's cheekbones and his square jaw seem all the more masculine. His eyes, robbed of their wonderous color by the gloom, were on Kim with concern.

I'm fine. I'm great, actually. Why wouldn't I be?

Just making sure, little one. Kim could feel the affection in Raeden's words.

I love you, Rae. It just slipped out. Kim had thought that he had fallen in love with Raeden, but hadn't planned to mention it just yet. His spike of anxiety was immediately relieved when he felt a jolt of happiness run through his lover.

And I love you, Kim. I can't believe I found you.

I believe I found you, Kim corrected teasingly.

That you did.

And I'm never letting you go.

I should hope not.

But you're not the most comfortable surface to sleep on. My God Rae, you're like a rock.

Raeden chuckled and sat up, shifting Kim gently into his lap as he did so. I suppose we would be more comfortable in bed.

Kim stretched and then slowly climbed to his feet, relishing the pleasant ache in his backside.

You sure you're okay? Raeden had stood up as well and was looking him over with a gimlet eye.

Never better. Will it always be so amazing ... making love to you?

Well, I can't promise that, but yeah... Raeden cupped Kim's face in his big hand and swooped in for a long, lingering kiss. When he finally pulled away and smiled down into Kim's eyes. "Yeah, it will always be amazing between us."

Kim sighed again happily. When had his life turned into a romance novel?

Seeming reluctant to leave his side, Raeden eventually pulled away. He went over and turned off the tree lights, removing the warm glow and leaving the room bathed in the bluish lights of the city outside.

"We should take the tree down tomorrow," he said.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow." Kim wished they could keep the tree up year round. But then it wouldn't be special and drying needles were already littering the carpet.

Kim stepped to the sliding glass door, staring in wonder at the fresh inches of snow that blanketed the balcony and the railing. Flakes were still swirling down, like tiny dancers pirouetting and dipping their way across the sky. Kim shivered more from the coldness of the scene than from any real chill.

A soft blanket settled over his shoulders and Raeden stepped up close behind him, pressing his warmth against Kim's back. He caught Kim's hands in his own, wrapping their fingers together and then folding their arms around Kim's chest.

Kim felt safe and protected and loved.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Raeden spoke softly.

"It is," Kim agreed, leaning his head back against Raeden's solid chest. The lights of the city spread out before them, a multitude of jewels giving way to blackness at the edge of the lighted zones—the rest of the city went on in utter darkness.

An ache welled up in Kim's chest at the unfairness of it all. He had always chaffed against the zones and the fact some had so much more than others. Now that he was one of the haves, the disparity and injustice seemed all the more wrong.

What's wrong, Kim?

Nothing really. I mean nothing I can do anything about. I was just thinking of all those people in the lower zones with no warmth or light or hope.

Who says you can't do anything about it?

Kim twisted to look at Raeden's face. The big man was staring pensively out the window at the sprawling city. It's a new year, Kim. We'll have to see what changes it brings. And what we can do to move things toward a better future for us all.

It was a nice sentiment. Kim couldn't imagine that anything he could do would make a bit of difference.

A chime, almost like a bell, went off in Kim's head. Curious and slightly alarmed, Kim turned his attention to it.

Hello Kim. It was his father.

Hi Dad. Happy New Year.

Yes, I didn't want to bother you, but I felt you were still awake and wanted to wish you Happy New Year.

Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't spend it with you.

No you're not. Kim felt his dad's amusement.

Well, I guess not. Kim felt himself blushing and wondered if his dad somehow knew how he'd spent his evening. But I'm really happy you're here, back in the city again.

Me too. Now get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night, Dad.

Kim felt the connection with his father end. That was nice. My Dad just connected—um mentally—to say Happy New Year, he told Raeden.

Yes, I felt him. I couldn't hear what he said, but I knew you were talking to him.

Kim smiled. "I can't believe you found him after all this time. I can't believe I have my father back. I have a family again. You and me and him."

"Yes, family." Raeden agreed, hugging him more tightly and brushing a kiss across the side of his neck.

Kim stared once more out the window at the snow and the city and the darkness beyond. For the first time in many years he had hope. Hope that the future would hold something more than strife and struggle. He had found love and comfort. He'd found family.

With their steadfast support, he felt he could face anything.

And, yes, maybe he could find a way to make a difference.

The End

Author's Note: I hope you liked my story. Thanks for voting and commenting, but most of all, thanks for reading. You can find out what I'm up to by checking my blog (url is on my bio page).

Hope you all have a peaceful and joyous holiday and a kickass new year!

--Jay Vaughn

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SubgeneSubgene5 months ago

THIS WAS a fucking awesome trip into this world, been searching for this and I’m so fucking glad i found it😍🎉✨ Thank you so much for your writing and transporting me there! So hot, interesting and beautiful, thank you so much😭Most deff one of my favorites on here❤️😘😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What a great and marvelously written story. You sure do, as you said, like to torture your characters and readers. However, it makes for an adventurous and edge of your seat work. It was so satisfying that Kim and Raeden found love and happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Yes, as others have said, one of my favorite stories.... I Know that time has passed... I just wish there was a just conclusion to this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is my very favorite story on Lit! I had given up on you finishing it like a year ago or so! I am so happy you finished it but now I just hope that you do a sequel!!! Please please please! I want to know if they are able to help the people and if Kim is able to hide his talents and what they are like fighting together!!! I want to know so much more!! Please consider continuing this one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Need a sequel!! My fave of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Thanks. This was a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

your stories are the best.. I loved this one...

mrjackbearmrjackbearover 8 years ago

I hate to see this series end but it was a great conclusion.

Sometimeess is more. I didn't want to see this series

turn into a fight and the characters suffer. To me they

already had suffered enough. BRILLIANT


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Noooooo don't end it give me more!!! This story is lovely


kmillerk1kmillerk1over 8 years ago
Wonderful Story

But you can't end it, you can't end it this way, :oP

shirohshirohover 8 years ago
amazing, perfect...

thanks for this lovely story. I agree with the comment asking you continue this, maybe with another name, but the same main characters?

anyway, great story.

baikalisanbaikalisanover 8 years ago

This cannot be the end :(. Please let it not be the end:( 💔

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Very well written, and a really good plot. Thoroughly enjoyed your story, thank you for sharing it with us all.

Headhunter22Headhunter22over 8 years ago
Loved your story!!

Hope you have a kick ass New Year too. Can't wait for your next story!

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