Christmas Ripples


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She blushed, looking between Paula and Steph, unsure of exactly what to call their relationship.

Paula saw the puzzlement on her face and smiled.

"It's okay, I suppose we're girlfriends?"

She glanced back to Steph, blushing slightly, "Lovers?"

Steph's cheeks rouged up, and she confirmed, "I don't think we've really thought that far, but all of those and everything in between. We're like any other couple, better if anything, as we've known each other for so long."

Paula to look at her mother, who was visibly relieved.

"I'm just so glad I hadn't brought any baby or maternity clothes."

She grimaced as her husband grunted a knowing harrumph, indicating that he'd given some rational advice to her first. Paula showed Steph the vouchers, surprised at the values.

"Oh, wow, Debbie..."

Then she looked at Paula.

"Now you have no excuses to clear out all those baggy fashions of yesteryear and buy something better. And these vouchers."

She pointed at some, fanned out in her hand.

"Are accepted at my gym, so you can join me two nights a week. They do starter spin classes and introductory sessions or just copy me."

Paula's heart sank. That meant stretched, tight clothes, sweating and loose bits bouncing everywhere, her worse nightmare. But she did like the idea of watching Steph working out in her Lycra gym wear.

Her mum sealed the deal.

"That's fabulous, now you have a New Year's resolution and you'll have Steph to incentivise you."

Paula scowled at Steph, "Huh, thanks a bunch..." For her to add sarcastically, "Mate."

Although her mother possibly didn't realise which incentive Paula had in mind if she ever went to Steph's gym.

Mandy opened her present from Pete's parents but looked a little unsure at the ranges of face cleanser, packs, moisturisers and make up accessories. Steph, though, was impressed and explained each item. It soon became clear Mandy was still quite naïve over how to use many of the items, and her brutal application of her current makeup proved it.

Steph outlined how she could improve her image and blend more by using the foundations with the brushes. Paula realised that she was using their experience of Misty's make up to build ideas for Mandy.

It impressed Mandy who asked questions. When Debbie confirmed Steph was a beautician, Mandy's excitement rose.

"Oh, can you show me?"

Steph agreed, and before she knew it, Mandy had pulled her upstairs for a demonstration.

Peter got a mixture of socks, underwear and handkerchiefs. Paula's dad opened his present from Pete and feigned surprise to find the pair of slippers his wife had selected for him. The afternoon wore on, but Paula felt more relaxed than any previous Christmas in recent history.

They watched a little more TV as the light outside faded and they drew the curtains. Paula checked with her father if he had any plans to get them home, before he got too settled, but he was more than pleased to stay sober as long as was needed, or until they wanted to leave.

Steph entered the room later with a very proud Mandy, whose makeup was now more subtle, her eyelashes had more body and her skin didn't look as dry. Paula immediately noticed that she'd lost her panda eye image.

Once again, the adage of 'Less is more' was proven with the same gradual blending of her makeup in the same way as Misty's. A very happy Mandy kneeled down in front of Pete so he could see. Paula rolled her eyes as Steph smiled at her, both knowing she wouldn't get the praise she was fishing for.

Peter smirked and grunted, but that seemed to satisfy Mandy, who squealed and gave him a hug. The remainder of the ladies in the room shared surprised looks as neither of them understood.

Paula's mother thanked Steph for helping, to which Mandy added.

"She knows so much. I never realised it could be that complicated, but my skin feels a lot better. Steph says they have other foundations that would also help. So we're off shopping tomorrow, Pete."

She looked gratefully at Peter's mother.

"Oh, Debbie, I feel I can now use all those moisturisers and stuff properly. Thanks, but without your gift, I'd still be at a loss about all these things."

Paula saw the glint in her mother's eyes that she was warming to Mandy at last. Her mother suitably pleased announced.

"I don't know about everyone else, but my dinner has settled. What would you prefer, we have enough cold meats and nibbles for something light, or we can finally have those puddings?"

Paula felt hungrier now that at lunchtime. She looked at Steph, who wouldn't want too much, who nodded in agreement.

"I see you had a trifle option, Debbie, if everyone else wants sweets?" Steph confirmed.

"I'm definitely up for some Christmas pud!" Paula offered.

Mandy followed, hot on their heels.

"Sign me up for pudding too, please."

Pete grunted something that sounded roughly similar to, "Apple and custard, mum."

"That settles it then. We may as well all stay in here as we're comfortable. So what's everyone's preference: custard, cream or brandy butter with the Christmas puddings?"

In the end everyone settled for custard, to simplify matters. Paula volunteered to help her mother make her father another mug of tea and also went around filling glasses. Mandy asked a few more questions to Steph on her recommendations, whilst on several makeup websites.

After several rounds of puddings, trifle and Christmas cake, they all settled down to some coffees, whilst watching a celebrity round up program with Steph and Paula informing everyone over the various soap and reality TV personalities.

During the evening, Steph suggested Paula check her phone, as Lesley had been in touch. Paula caught up on the multiple messages where she'd separately told the pair of them of her Christmas with Misty, at her parents.

"So much for her settling up a joint WhatsApp group. She's still texting us separately!" Paula chuckled, shaking her head.

"Do you think we should come clean with her before she accidentally finds out?" Steph whispered.

Paula looked at Pete, then at her mother. She knew, even with the best will in the world and promises, the cat was now well and truly out of the bag. It would leak out soon enough.

"Whilst it was Lesley who spilled the beans about the phone call and we lost the resulting bet, she'd be hurt if she discovered the truth from anyone else. Especially as I claimed to be straight with her."

"Okay, so how do we do it? She's suggesting an evening out with Misty, as they're free a few evenings this week?"

"Hmm, what if we say Steve and Paul are available to join us on Tuesday? Come to yours for a couple's night. We could have UBER meals brought in."

"You are mean, but she'll keep claiming they stood us up."

"Not once she sees two toothbrushes in the bathroom, her & hers dressing gowns and two sets of drawers with smalls in. And we can wear our bracelets!"

"Ooo, nice, I like it. Do you think Misty will be in trouble for keeping our secret?"

The pair text Lesley separately, saying their partners had agreed and Tuesday night would be perfect. It didn't take long for her to reply, confirming they were available and would turn up at eight. Steph sent her address to be on the safe side, unsure whether Lesley could remember her flat number from the time Alison brought her in the taxi.

Once they finished their coffees, Paula noticed her dad's eyes were drooping and the emotional day had caught up with her.

"Dad, are you okay to drop us off back at Steph's before you get too settled?"

He agreed, and the pair got their presents packed in their bag to take home with their slippers as they put their shoes and boots on. Paula's mum hovered in the hallway with them, and Mandy poked her head around the lounge door.

"If Wednesday is still okay, could I pop in on my way home from work? Half five'ish..."

"I'll say yes, for now, but text me in the afternoon, in case they want us to stay later, but no later than six. Things won't be so manic by then, so it should be okay."

Mandy rushed through to give Paula a big hug, thanking her. As usual, Pete was nowhere to be seen. She also gave Steph one too, before stepping back. Once they had their coats on and her father had gone out to the car, Paula's mum hugged the pair.

"Thanks girls for coming. I think the day turned out far better than any of us hoped."

She kissed Paula on the cheek and another squeeze.

"I am pleased for you, love. You both look very happy."

She followed them out to stand in the doorway.

Despite the chill earlier, rain clouds had rolled in, it felt milder and as the pair went to enter the car, Paula's mother called to Steph, in a tongue-in-cheek comment.

"Make sure you look after my daughter now."

She gave her a loving smile, which confirmed that everything was going to be fine.

Initially, her father remained quiet as he drove. Then he coughed to catch their attention.

"Well, I think that could have been handled better, but everything worked out in the end."

Paula bit her tongue, unsure whether that was his disapproval of her or her mother or the both of them.

"Although, your mother is far happier now than if you'd brought a rich play boy back with you with a wedding date."

Steph and Paula shared confused looks.

"Never repeat this, because I'll deny it and I know she will... But when you were both younger, at college when everyone experiments, she said she wouldn't be shocked if you two had gotten together. Not to spite her or anything, you both seemed to be closer than either of you had been with any boyfriend."

"You never said?"

"No, I didn't, and never would."

Paula and Steph shared surprised looks. Paula ached to ask more, but from his demeanour she knew that was the last he'd ever say on the matter. Steph guided her father around a one-way system close to the high street, as priorities had changed.

Once he parked up next to their door, Paula reached over to give him a hug from behind, kissing his cheek.

"Thanks dad. Sorry, if you're going to get grief from mum later."

"No, quite the opposite. She'll actually sleep tonight. I wish you two would have been more open with each other. I know she's difficult, love, but I'm glad you and Steph are happy."

Steph cut in before exiting, "I am John... I am."

Steph exited, and after the door slammed shut, Paula confirmed.

"I am, dad. It's wonderfully different. We know each other and there's no secrets, no competitions. To be honest, ever since we got together, I've slept at night too. I'll try to be a better daughter, especially if mum can keep this up. Ignoring the first bit, today was lovely, just sitting and chatting with you both. Thanks."

She pecked a kiss on his cheek and got out of the car, shouting a last goodbye as she closed the door. They watched and waved as he drove off before dashing inside. Paula's tired legs couldn't chase Steph up the stairs.

She groaned at the top as Steph welcomed her with a bone-crushing hug and passionate kiss. Unfortunately, feeling as exhausted as she did, it didn't light her fire, even though she kissed back and their tongues tussled across between them.

"Tea or something stronger?" Steph asked.

"Stronger please..."

She hung her coat up and removed her ankle boots. Placing her slippers on, she padded down the hall after Steph.

"I've got your slippers, or did you want some for Christmas?" She joked.

She entered the kitchen to find Steph pouring two large glasses of white wine.

"I assume Tequila might be too strong?"

"Hmm, maybe not. But I'll take this for starters. Thanks lovely."

She pecked a kiss on Steph's lips that tasted of the sweet white.

"You've been wonderful today. I still feel awful for throwing you into the lion's den."

Steph put her drink down and hugged Paula.

"No, you didn't. I'd like to think I saved you from her as we have to come clean eventually and it made for a far better day."

Paula squeezed her back, kissing her.

"It did, thanks lovely. If I'd have known you were up to experimenting when were in college, I'd have let you try that banana trick on me."

"Nah, you'd have run a mile and knowing my luck, it would only have squashed in my nickers."

They laughed and headed to the lounge with their drinks. Paula curled up inside Steph's legs, leaning back on her, as she cuddled her whilst watching another serving of Christmas films on TV.

During an advert break, Paula went to the small Christmas tree and returned with the little wrapped boxes.

"I'm dying to wear mine, even if it can only be here until we come out of that closet with Lesley."

"You sure about announcing us to the world?"

"It's a bit late to worry about it. Whilst she's lovely, once Lesley knows, she'll spread it faster than announcing it on the ten O'clock news. I assume you are?"

"I am now. I'm glad we've had a little honeymoon, so to speak. But maybe we have to be adult about it and now I feel more confident about us riding out any gossip... You?"

Paula snuggled back down in the warm patch between Steph's legs. She turned to kiss her.

"Yes, I am. So long as you think I'm kissing you enough?"

Steph squeezed her legs and arms around Paula.

"Yes, but I don't think there is such a thing as too many kisses."

Paula kissed her again, with a nice sloppy, lip sucking one. They opened their boxes and Paula examined hers.

"I love the way he added 'forever' after our names, I'm amazed he managed to squeeze the two lines of text on the back."

She put her bracelet on, and they placed their wrists together.

"Ooo, let me get my phone."

After a fiddle with her phone, and took a few single handed photographs. She double checked, deleting the slightly out-of-focus ones, then sent the best to her mother. She thanked her for the day and the presents for her and Steph.

Their attention returned to the film whilst sipping their drinks, with Paula enjoying having Steph's soft breasts as a pillow, and the shallow rise and fall of her breathing. Despite the interesting film Paula's eyelids dropped again, she tried fighting it, but then her phone buzzed, bringing her around.

She checked it to find a text from her mum.

"Awe, that's nice, mum says. She loves them and her necklace. She thanks us for coming."

Steph gave her a double squeeze.

"Of course she does. Her wonderful daughter chose it."

Paula rubbed her head between Steph's two soft mounds.

"She's got a very lucky daughter who is madly in love with her beautiful girlfriend."

Steph kissed her scalp, before cringing.

"I keep getting brief hints of Mandy's patchouli oil, even though I was careful and washed my hands before and after."

"Ha ha, she's our best friend now... It was lovely what you did for her. It really softened her look and features."

"Not such a panda."

"What do you think she said to Pete to make him change his mind about moving out from underneath his mother's skirts?"

"Ha ha, couldn't you guess? Sex every night, judging from his present to her!"

The pair chuckled and Paula hugged Steph's arm, resting her head back inside it, enjoying her perfume. It didn't long before Paula's eyes weighed heavy once more and she relinquished her fight to stay awake. She wasn't sure what time it was, but Steph shuffling woke her up.

"Oh, sorry lovely, I've got pins and needles in my legs. I think we need to get to bed, as we've both got a busy day of sales ahead of us tomorrow."

They quickly tidied up. When Paula returned to the bedroom after cleaning her teeth, she found Steph in her a T-shirt, smiling at her.

"I assumed you were too tired. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, not at all, thanks lovely. All day you've just been wonderful and even now, you're thinking of me."

The couple hugged and kissed as Steph headed off to the bathroom. Paula quickly changed whilst getting her clothes ready for the morning and set her alarm. She was in bed by the time Steph arrived to turn off the fairy lights and curl up with her.

They cuddled up together, fidgeting as they got comfy inside the chilly sheets, trying to warm them up.

"Babes, did I tell you I simply adore you?"

"Sort of lovely, but I'll take that. I love you too. Just don't expect me to go through another Christmas day like that again."

Paula kissed Steph, "This is turning out to be the best Christmas ever."

"It already is, for me. You falling for my banana trick tipped the balance."

They chuckled and settled down, slowly drifting off.

The next few days of sales meant the lovers returned exhausted and by Monday night, they elected to pop out to a local wine bar to eat and hang out for a quiet drink together. Tuesday morning, they slept in and then headed off to walk around Richmond Park to get away from shops and busy crowds.

They got back home for four, giving them time to chill, have a light snack, and tidy up the apartment. After checking the local take-aways online and decided which options may work. They'd already done a shop, so had a range of drinks readily available for their guests.

They turned all their fairy lights on and kept the curtains open, so the street's decorations also helped illuminate the lounge. Steph wore a figure hugging faux leather dress, which barely covered her shoulders, which Paula struggled not to keep stroking her hands over where it stretched over her, which included her butt cheeks and breasts.

Paula chose a blue with white polka dots summer dress, which Steph begged her to wear as she remembered enjoying seeing her in it, despite her worrying she'd outgrown it, with it feeling tight in a few places.

Paula had to admit it was a favourite, and she felt good wearing it, now being more confident about her body. She often caught her beautiful svelte lover admiring her, which gave her an extra boost of confidence that no weight loss or therapist could.

As Paula enjoyed watching Steph fuss over some detail, getting it exactly as she liked, the intercom buzzer announced Misty and Lesley's arrival. Paula scurried to the hallway to press the 'Speak' button.


"Hi, it's Lesley and Misty."

Paula held down the 'Open' button, setting the buzzer off.

"Come on up."

Only when she heard the ground floor door close did she release the buzzer. Steph joined her and they both went out to stand on the landing. Misty followed Lesley, coming up the stairs as fast as six-inch heels would allow.

The two friends gasped as they realised Lesley and Misty were wearing near matching vintage high waisted, fifties dresses that wouldn't be out of place in a period ice cream parlour, with hair styles to match. Both had pashminas wrapped seductively around their almost bare shoulders.

"Wow, you ladies look fabulous." Steph gasped.

"You both look amazing."

Paula noticed their polished gloss black stockings in complete contrast with their brightly coloured dresses.

"Thanks. They're from Misty's collection of vintage clothes. You should see some of the underwear!"

They hugged Lesley first, then Misty, who wore some very stylish fifties makeup with bright red lipstick. Before they had a chance to say anything, Lesley asked, "So where are the boyfriends?"

Paula made the mistake of glancing down the hallway, as if they were waiting in the lounge. Lesley dashed down to peer through the doorway.

Paula realised what she thought were black stockings were in fact too shiny and the squeaking sound as she moved puzzled her. She looked at Misty, who smiled, seeing her confusion, and explained.

"Lesley has embraced many of my hobbies and she couldn't decide which one to satisfy tonight. So she compromised on vintage fifties wear with modern latex underwear."

Misty gave the two lovers a coquettish smile, guessing the questions that now ran through their minds.