Chuck's Fantasy Ch. 04

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Some changes get made to the program.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/23/2006
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The next five weeks were glorious from my standpoint. Chuck had been so turned on by watching Mark fuck me that he wanted me to do it again. I had Mark back on Thursday and spent three hours with him while my hubby watched from the closet. As he was getting ready to leave Mark asked me when he could see me again and that is when I gave him the bad news:

"You can't lover. It has been a blast and I have loved every minute of it, but I told you going in that I wasn't looking for a relationship, just an experience."

Saturday we went to a party and I let Jack Malloy talk me into going outside for some fresh air. We did some heavy necking and it turned into a grope session with him getting a finger in my pussy and my giving his cock a few strokes. I told him I couldn't do anything there because Chuck was around, but if he wanted to stop by my house on Tuesday when Chuck was at a business meeting maybe we could get something going. I let him have me Tuesday and again on Thursday and then I told him goodbye.

That set the pattern for the coming weeks. A party on Saturday or Sunday to pick out my next lover who got to enjoy me (and me him) on two nights during the coming week and then he was gone and I was looking forward to the next party. Chuck was in a constant state of arousal and I was getting more sex from him in a week than I got in the three months prior to starting our watching arrangement.

There was just one problem - the more cock I got the more I wanted! I spent my days at work wanting cock. I wanted cock in my pussy, cock in my ass and cock in my mouth and some days I didn't want to wait until I could get home to Chuck or my lover of the week. I began to visit the bookstore regularly on my lunch hour. I know I was stretching it, but I didn't believe that I was cheating on Chuck as long as I didn't take a cock in my pussy or ass. Not that I did a lot of cock sucking; it had to be a really nice one for me to do that, but almost every day at lunch some guy got his cock worked on by my hand while I masturbated. One day I even took a long lunch and jacked off three and sucked off one.

I was out of control and I knew it, but the charge I got out of leaving that booth and walking through a store with several men standing around in it and not having the slightest idea which of them I'd just done was out of sight. It was destructive behavior and only God knows what would have happened to me had I not had an unbelievable stroke of luck. Cathy, one of the girls I work with came up to me just before lunch one day and asked me if I was up for some excitement. It turns out that her brother was a cop and he told Cathy they were going to raid the bookstore that was close to where she worked and that if she just happened to be in the area of 11th and Sutton around twelve-fifteen she could watch it go down.

"Why would they raid an adult bookstore?" I asked.

"Joe says they received a tip that there is a hooker working in the arcade. You want to go with me?"

"It sounds like fun, but I have several errands that I have to run so I'll have to take a pass."

No way was I going to be anywhere that corner. I could just see the cops leading out someone in hand cuffs and have the guy suddenly see me across the street and yell, "There she is, over there, the blonde in the blue coat - that's her!" That put and end to my lunchtime fun, but still left me with the want - the hunger - and no way to do anything about it during the day.


That weekend Chuck took me to the next step. We were going to a party at the home of one of the guys he worked with. On the drive over Chuck said, "You feel like a change of pace baby?"

"What kind of change?"

"I told you way back at the beginning that my fantasy started out as me watching you with another man, but that it changed into me wanting to see you with several men."

"I remember."

"I'd like to see you do two tonight."

"You want me to take two out to the car?"

"No, not the car. Either during the party or after we will go to a bedroom with Tony and Roy."

"Tony and Roy? I take it from the way you are talking that you won't be in the closet this time?"

"No, this time I get to play too."

"So we aren't really talking two, we are talking three?"

"Yeah, three of us."

Jesus Chuck, I don't know about this."

"Why not?"

"I don't know if I can do three. Up till now all I've ever done is one. Doing one is no different than just doing it with you. And I don't know Tony or Roy. Up till now I've only done it with guys I know and feel I can trust to keep their mouths shut."

"Tony and Roy will keep quiet about it. They haven't ever said a word about what they do with Alice at Randy's poker games."

"Are they expecting it to happen?"

"No, they are hoping, but I told them that I hadn't talked with you about it yet. I told them that I thought you might, but I didn't promise."

"Well I'm not going to promise anything either. We will have to see how things go after I meet them."


I was not going to miss my trips to the adult bookstore. My new problem was going to be keeping myself from spreading myself on my desk at work and taking on all comers. By the time Tony, Roy and Chuck got through with me I was hooked! It was like one long continuous orgasm as the three men took me one after the other for almost three hours. I had a cock in me almost all the time. One would finish and then he would get out of the way and make room for the next. Two men were always standing there and stroking themselves to get hard again while the third was pounding away at my pussy and making me scream. It was the first time in my life that I had a cock in my mouth and one in my pussy at the same time and I loved it. Tony wanted to try my ass while Roy was in my mouth and Chuck was fucking my pussy, but I wasn't quite ready for that yet.

"Maybe next time lover" I told him. And there was going to be a next time - a lot of next times - I would make damned sure of that.


We were no sooner in the car for the ride home when Chuck said:

"What did you think? It sure looked like you enjoyed yourself."

"Is that your way of asking me if I'll do it again?"

"You did seem to have a good time."

"Of course I had a good time, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I want to do it again."

"Why not, as long as you liked it."

"I liked it, but that doesn't mean that I'm not feeling guilty."

"Guilty about what?"

"Have you forgotten all about the vows I took when we got married?"

"Come on baby, that isn't anything to feel guilty over. All of those words just boil down to one thing - that you will be mine until death do us part. Nothing you have done changes that. You are mine and always will be mine and I know it. No matter what we do that won't change. There is something else that's bugging you, what is it?"

"You won't like it."

"How do you know?"

"I know you Chuck, that's how I know."

"You brought it up sweetie, now you have to tell me or it will just bug me and I'll have to bug you until you spill the beans."

"It bothers me that it is all one sided Chuck. Counting tonight I have done eight different guys for you, but so far you haven't even hinted that you might do what I told you my fantasy was."

"What was that?"

"Don't give me that! You know damned well what 'that' is. I want you to eat my pussy while it has cum in it."

"Hey, that isn't my fault. You always made them wear rubbers."

"That's bullshit Chuck and you know it. I didn't say that it had to be another man's cum. I specifically said I wanted you to eat me after you made love to me. I've never made you wear a condom, but you have never even come close to offering to do it."

"Okay, okay, the next time we make love I'll do it."

"No Chuck. I'm pissed that I had to ask so things have changed. I didn't make Tony, Roy or you wear a condom tonight and I'm so full of cum that I slosh when I walk. When we get home I want you to eat me."

"I can't do that. I can't eat your pussy with the cum of two other guys in you."

"No problem Chuck. That is what I expected you to say."

"What does that mean Loretta? I know that tone of voice, what are you going to do?"

"It isn't what I'm going to do Chuck, it is what I'm not going to do any more. I don't get what I want, you don't get what you want."

"That's not fair Loretta. You like doing what I wanted you to do, but I'm not going to like doing what you want."

"How do you know that if you don't even try?"

"I don't have to try it to know I won't like it."

"That isn't the point Chuck. I gave you your fantasy without knowing if I would like it. Hell, I gave it to you not knowing if you would really like it or could handle it. I did what I did for you, not me, but you can't return the favor? Fine, no problem. You can tell your buddies sorry, but the deal is off."

"What do you mean tell my buddies the deal is off?"

"Is that what you think of me Chuck, that I'm just some dumb bimbo? This whole thing got started because of you watching Randy's wife getting gangbanged at that poker party. Start me out small - one guy - to see if I can handle it. Then you move me up to two of your card-playing buddies. Was the next step going to be three or were you just going to set up a poker game and go for it? That is where you have had this thing headed right from the start, your poker playing buddies gang fucking your wife. Well let me tell you something Chuckie baby, it ain't going to fucking happen. You want me to be a slut for you then you had better get down and be a slut for me - a cum slut. You don't go down on me when we get home no dick but yours will ever touch me again and that ain't all of it. From now on anytime I fuck somebody for you, one or fifty, you will clean me out when they are done and that hubby dear, is what you call non-negotiable."


I wasn't worried that I wouldn't be able to do it again. In fact I knew I would be doing it again and my demand that Chuck suck his friend's cum out of me had nothing to do with my having a fantasy and every thing to do with the fact that I was pissed at my husband big time. I had taken a bathroom break and I don't know if it was that my hearing was especially sharp that night, the guys talking too loud and thinking I couldn't hear or the acoustics of the house were just right, but I heard enough to get really pissed at Chuck.

Tony: She going to do it? Chuck: No problem. I've got her just where I want her. Roy: No fooling? This is critical to Ben and me. We don't have wives or steady girlfriends and Alice is the only pussy we were getting and now that she is out of commission we are really hurting. Chuck: Not to worry buddy. I'll have her pulling trains in no time. We will have a poker party at my place in two weeks and Lorrie will wear all of you out. Tony: Don't let us down Chuck, we're counting on you.

HE has me where HE wants me? HE will have me pulling trains in no time? There wasn't any doubt in my mind that I would do a gangbang at a poker party. I'd known that I was headed there from the start, but HE was giving a guarantee? He was going to pay for that and there was no doubt in my mind but that he would do it. He had promised his buddies and now he had to deliver or become the object of their scorn and derision.

"Come on Lorrie, you can't be serious about this."

"You don't have to Chuck, it isn't big deal, but don't you ever ask me to give you one of your fantasies again."

Chuck whined about how it wasn't fair, how gross it was to have to do it with other men's stuff in me and that he would make sure that he did it the next time we made love.

"Fine Chuck, you do that. You can consider that as making us even for what I've done for you and we will put all the fantasies out to pasture and never mention them again."

When we were home and upstairs in the bedroom I undressed and said, "I'm going to take a shower and douche, but before I do are you absolutely sure you want me to?"

"Why wouldn't I want you to?"

"Once I've cleaned Tony and Roy off of me and out of me you won't ever see me with another man again."

"Please Lorrie, don't make me do this."

"I'm not making you do anything Chuck. All I'm saying is that to get what you want I have to get what I want and I want it now."

He stood there looking at me and not saying anything so I said, "Fine. Just remember, it was your choice" and I headed for the bathroom. I had just reached the door and had my hand on the doorknob when he said, "Okay, okay, I'll do it."


It started out as a half-hearted attempt to placate me, but I wasn't having any of that. Chuck had stepped into it big time when he said what he said without making sure that I couldn't overhear him and I was not going to let him off easy. As soon as his tongue touched me I had the fingers of both hands in his hair and I pulled him to my (considering how much man juice he and his buddies had left there) fountain of love. It wasn't about me getting another orgasm, it was simply my getting back at Chuck for what he'd said to Tony and Roy, but as soon as Chuck found my clit he went to work in earnest. He must have decided that since he had to be there anyway he might as well see if he could make me happy. He did. Chuck had eaten my pussy a lot over the years we had been married, but it had always been a foreplay thing; he had never dug in the way he did this time and he actually gave me a very large orgasm. When it was over and I had relaxed and let go of his head he asked:

"Was it what you expected?"

"It was more. You actually ate me to an orgasm. You keep doing that and I'll do a gangbang for you every night of the week."

"You wouldn't say no to a poker party this next Friday?"

"If you eat me like that when it is over I wouldn't say no to a poker party an hour from now."

"So I can go ahead and set it up?"

"How many?"

"Seven, including me."

"Who are they?"

"Just the guys from work."

"Is Alice going to be upset with me for stealing her action?"

"Alice had a hysterectomy last month so the boys haven't done anything but play poker."

"Is this office politics? Are you using me to get on the good side of Randy?"

"No baby, nothing like that. I've wanted to watch you ever since the night I watched Alice."

"Okay lover, bring em on; just remember, I do them and you do your imitation of a Hoover vacuum cleaner when they are done."

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty disgusting

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
4 stars.

She is so mean to her husband. For a man to eat cum, has to be gross.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

That is one hot wife for sure. I hope it comes to the point you are licking that pussy as it is being filled by all the guys!!

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
What You folks are disappointed?

This is typical JPB stuff. You know when you see this kind of story that the husband is going to be a cum-lapping chickenshit. It is the Modus Operandi. Hell, the women have to be sluts so they can get pussies as big as the husbands are! Even the stories where the husband doesn't "whimp" out the husbands are seriously twisted in some fashion. This should be of no surprise. Why the bad scores? Hell, even I gave him a 50% because this is his standard fare.

My biggest question goes back to the first paragraph in the first chapter. There the woman alludes to all this leading to a possible a divorce. Why? Is she nuts?! She has a husband who lets her fuck anyone and anything she wants, he licks her clean, gives her the good ol marital fuck as well, doesn't hassle her, still works, still pays the bills, and does all the husband shit.

THIS IS EVERY MARRIED WOMAN'S DREAM COME TRUE! All she has to do is fuck and let him watch. Why on earth would she want a divorce, Bob? That is what doesn't make sense.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Now this part of your story is fucking sick

I can't magine what that slut's pussy looked like with three guys fucking her for thre hours. But the husband is a fucking wimp. The story was great before the multi-cream pie.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
not a favorite

Not what I call typical JPB story. Like the "caught cheaters" better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Probably the First Wife Eh

No woman could stomach a wierd watching sick wimp like this for long under her roof with her children nearby.

Gee bobie kinda hard to keepem home after they are cocked in by the gross.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
wish i could be there

Awesome way hot! almost had my woman to be so open and hot ,but she left. wish i was one of the lucky guys bettr yet wish i could be chuck after the poker party!

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