City Lights


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"I sure could use a massage."

"Really? We can hook you up."

"Good. This job isn't all fun and games."

Billy nodded. "I know about that. A day at our spa will make all that pressure totally go away."

"Great!" I smiled back. My smile turned into a little frown. "My computer, on the other hand..."

"What's the problem with your computer?"

I gestured to my desk, and to the computer there. "Look, it's completely frozen."

"How long has it been like that?"

I glanced at my watch. "About an hour."

"Did you try re-booting?"

"Actually, no." I smiled, sheepishly.

Billy said, "Long way from the Blue Parrot, aren't we?"

I blushed. "Yes," I said softly. "We are."

"I have to admit, I didn't know you worked here. Seeing you here was a bit of a surprise."

"It was a surprise for me, as well."

"But a pleasant one. Right?"

"Yes." I blushed. "Very much so."

"Me too. Because I was kind of hoping we could continue that kiss."

"Any time you want, baby." My voice was soft, caressing the words. And then he reached his hand out to me. My rational mind was screaming at me to hold up. But another part of me, the stronger part, made me put my hand in his.

I let him pull me into a comfortable embrace, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me so close my breasts were touching his chest. I lightly placed my hands on his shoulders. We paused, looking into each other's eyes. And then we kissed.

The feeling went straight to my toes! Billy held me and kissed me and caressed me and drove me insane.

We had been kissing for the entire afternoon it seemed, when I felt something pressing against my hips. It was his erection. A good, strong one.

I didn't think twice. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers, letting his cock pop out. I stroked him up and down... up and down... My god, it looked so beautiful, especially in my hands. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like in my pussy.

Then I got down on my knees before him, spread his legs, and started sucking on his cock. Oh my god, I couldn't believe how good white cock tasted! I went to town, and gave him a loud wet blowjob.

And then, I couldn't believe it, when Billy gently stopped me. I let his cock pop out of my mouth. "What it is, baby? Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "No. But I do believe I should return the favor."

I smiled, and nearly melted. I sat on the couch, and spread my legs for Billy Francis. But he came over to me, took my face in his hands, and kissed me instead, the kiss of a patient man, almost tasting me, using his tongue.

I nearly melted as he kissed my earlobes, then my neck. I felt him caressing my arms.

I moaned out the words. "Oh god, baby."

"Been a while?"

"Since a man has taken care of me like this, yes."

"Glad to take care of you." His lips caressed my neck, as he put his hands on my breasts through my dress. That did it. I love having that done to me.

And then, he did the ultimate -- he slid his hand under my dress. His hand slowly slid up my creamy smooth thigh, and found my pussy. "You're not wearing panties."

I gave him a look of lust. "That's right, baby. Just thinking about you gets me all hot and bothered."

"Been thinking about me all day?"

My lustful expression deepened. "What do you think?"

His fingers found my clit, and gently rubbed it. "I think it's time for a real man to take care of you."

My pussy was aching, throbbing! I pleaded with him, sultrily, "Oh, baby, please fuck me!"

He looked in my eyes, and groaned. "Don't have any condoms, Yvette."

"I don't care." I spoke clearly and explicitly, in a low voice, breathing heavily. "I want you to fuck me with your beautiful white cock right now!" I practically ripped off his blazer and threw it on the floor.

Billy put his hands around my waist, and pushed my dress up. I spread my legs for him willingly. Then he pulled me to the edge of my couch and moved in between my legs.

I felt the head of his cock press against my pussy opening.

I dug my nails frantically in his shoulders. "Oh god, Billy, put it in!"

And then he did. All of him went inside me.

My back arched, my eyes nearly rolled inside my head as his white cock slipped all the way inside me.

After a slight bit of adjustment, he began to move, slowly, teasing me. But I knew, the way he looked at me, that this was the best pussy he's ever had.

I tried not to make a lot of noise, but his smooth easy fucking had me thanking God for this wonderful private office with sound-proofed walls.

I also tried not to hurt him with my nails, but with each stroke I gasped and dug them in to hold on to him.

It didn't take very long for me to reach that special place that women long for -- orgasm.

I dug my nails in this sexy white man's shoulders as I felt the waves come. UHHMMMMMMM...

I finally floated back down to Earth. I was in my office again, with this man between my legs, holding me, kissing me. Rubbing my back. "Wow."

"Yeah," he agreed. "More like whoa."

I laughed. We held each other for a little while longer, and then he let me hop off the couch. I rearranged my clothes and turned around to face him.

"I wish you didn't have a boyfriend," Billy said suddenly.

"Me too," I said softly. "Then you could be my boyfriend." And so much more.

"Yeah. So, what are you waiting for?"

"For someone to pinch me and end this dream."

Billy squeezed my arm. "See? No dream," he said quietly.

Trembling, I hugged him as tight as I could. "I know," I whispered. "Baby, you're turning me inside out, did you know?"

Billy nodded. "Maybe you needed to be turned inside out."

"I know I needed it." I took a deep breath, tried not to cry. "This is all a little too much right now, Billy. I'm sure you understand."

He nodded, unhappily. "Yeah. Sure. Let me know how your free visit goes." Then he picked up his blazer off the floor where it had landed and put it back on again. He combed his hair and wiped my lipstick off his face. Then he started for the door.

I stopped him with a touch. "This has never happened to me before, Billy. I'm so incredibly happy right now. But I still need time to sort it all out."

Billy smiled. "Right. But I'll tell you something. Don't sort too long." And then he walked out of my office.

I recognized the wisdom of his words as I looked at the day-pass. Unfortunately I didn't have time to ponder them. My phone buzzed again. I picked it up. "Yes?"

"Miss James, Mr. Baker needs you in his office right away."

I swallowed. "Thank you, Tera. I'll be right there. And call tech support, I know they haven't shown up."

"Yes, Miss James."

I saved what work I had done on my laptop, then walked over to Leo's office. I was trembling down to the heels of my boots. I was so afraid that I was about to be fired for the shit I had just pulled. He was standing next to his own secretary's desk. "Leo, you wanted to see me?"

Leo saw me and actually smiled. "Yes, Yvette. I just wanted to tell you myself, what a wonderful job you've been doing so far."

I smiled. "Why, thank you, Mr. Baker. I appreciate that."

Leo smiled slightly wider. "And I'm also bumping up your salary."

All the breath wooshed out of me. "Thank you!"

"Congratulations, Yvette. And once again, great job."

I left his office, in a day dream. A raise!

* * * * *

I first met Billy on Thursday night. We had sex Friday afternoon in my office.

I still can't believe I pulled that shit! But damn, it was good.

I had Billy's card burning a hole in my purse still as I pulled into the parking lot of the day-spa. I also had a plan burning a hole in the back of my mind -- to completely change my look. I mean, every so often a girl has to try something new, right?

But you see, Antoine is one of the most conservative men I've ever met. He thinks salons are a waste of time, even though he goes to have his damn goatee trimmed once a week. To make a long story short, he's probably gonna freak when I come to the coffee shop later, sporting a brand-new hairdo and long nails, not to mention a brand-new raise, thank you very much.

So I strode inside to the reception desk and showed them the free pass. The girl asked me, "What are you interested in trying today, ma'am?"

"I want my hair and nails done."

Shazam -- just like that -- I was in a spanking white terrycloth bathrobe, and in the tender loving care of a dude named Henry. I told him I wanted my hair cut to just past shoulder length, and permed, too. Two hours later I was in the nails salon with my new hairdo getting a manicure. I didn't even recognize myself in the mirror. The girl asked me how I wanted my nails. I told her long. Well, she sure delivered. My new nails were a full inch long, polished a natural color to match my skin tone. Damn, not even my mother will recognize me like this!

* * * * *

Loaded down with information about their additional services, I changed back into my orange velour hooded top, matching pants, and flip flops, left the spa and drove to the coffee shop to meet Antoine.

I went in just in time to see Antoine's eyes go wide as saucers.

Antoine stood up and I gave him a quick hug. "What?" I laughed. "Don't you like my new look?"

"You're seeing someone," he said.

"Antoine, don't be silly," I said. "Maybe I just got a raise at work. Maybe I just wanted to celebrate and change my look."

"Maybe," he conceded. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

Antoine said, "So, you got a raise, huh?"

I said, "Antoine, just because I got a raise, doesn't make you any less of a man."

Antoine looked at me like I had just said the sky was green. "You know I'm proud of you."

"Actually, no, I don't know that. Everytime I mention work, it seems like you disapprove."

"That's because I should be taking care of you, Yvette."

I'm sorry, but I actually laughed. "Baby, let me fill you in on something. I've supported myself almost every day of my life, starting when I was twenty, in college. You honestly expect me to just stop working?"

Antoine's face went slack. "Yvette, that's what a woman does. Let a man take of her."

I laughed again. "Baby, we're not even married. And in certain areas of your manly responsibilites, you have not been taking care of me. So I don't really consider myself beholden to you."

"Yvette, I'm sorry, but I think we should start seeing other people."

"Antoine --"

"Yvette, my mind is made up. We are obviously not compatible."

I snorted. "And you discovered this, when?"

"So I think it would be best if we didn't see each other any more."

I pretended to be shocked. Got all emotional. But I gave him the jewelry he bought for me -- which I had been carrying in my purse -- without a word.

Then Antoine left. I covered my mouth with one hand, so nobody could see me laughing. That was entirely too easy. After I finished my hot cocoa I went into the book stacks, savoring my new-found freedom.

In case nobody ever told you, I can spend hours in a book store and not even realize it. I didn't even realize it was night until I looked out the nearest window. I put the book down and turned--

--And nearly bumped into Billy! He was dressed casually, in a black t-shirt and black drawstring pants with white stripes down the side, sandals with white socks.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, yourself. Didn't know you came here."

"All the time. You too?"

"Me too. Whenever I can."

"I can spend hours in here." I smiled. "Like I just did."

"You'll pardon me for not recognizing you at first. You look different. But beautiful."

My heart nearly melted. "Do you like my new look? Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Love it, in fact. Very flattering on you."

I laughed, tilting my head to one side. "Thank you, sweetie."

Billy looked at his watch. "I realize this might be too forward, but would you like to have dinner with me at my place? It is getting a little late."

I laughed and blushed. "Nothing is too forward, Billy. Can I follow you to your place, though?"

He nodded. "Sure."

* * * * *

About fifteen or twenty minutes later, I was in Billy's apartment.

It was a colonial style bulding, built of solid red bricks outside. Inside, his apartment was cozy, mahogany wood paneling and cabinets, and hardwood floors. Directly ahead of me as I came in, was a smallish kitchen. To my left was a couch and coffee table facing a low-end entertainment center.

To my right, down the hall, was the -- gulp -- bedroom, and a bathroom.

Billy came out of the bathroom, no shoes but still wearing socks. "Have a seat, make yourself at home. I'm gonna start dinner."

The kitchen was small but had a bar where I could sit at and watch Billy. I did so and said, "Dinner sounds good," I smiled. "I'm hungry from all that book reading."

Billy laughed and nodded. Then he made himself busy. He went to the stainless steel fridge and took out a couple of little containers. "I hope you don't mind Italian."

I shook my head. "I love Italian food," I replied.

"Great," Billy smiled. "Oh, I forgot something." He put a CD on his little stereo, Tweet, and then turned on a small air scrubber. I got the feeling this was a routine with him. He went back to defrosting some sauce. "Would you like a glass of wine while you wait?"

"Yes, please."

He quickly got a bottle of rosee wine out and poured me a glass. "Hope that's okay, Yvette."

"Okay?" I repeated. "This is great!"

"So. Do I qualify for the boyfriend spot yet?"

I said, very softly, "It was yours all along."

Billy blushed. Suddenly his phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello...dude, what's up...really, no shit?...dude, I can't talk long, I got company.."

I smiled at that respectful reference.

"Yeah, I got company...I'm not a freakin' hermit, dude...yeah, later...bye." He hung up, and shook his head.

I swirled the wine in my glass. "Billy, I have to admit, I've never had sex in my office before."

Billy blushed as red as the sauce he was heating up. "Well, I can honestly say, neither have I. I hope that makes me special."

I reached across, took his hand and squeezed it. "That makes you perfect, baby."

* * * * *

A little while later, as we were dancing to the music, I asked Billy, "Have you ever been with a black woman before?"

"No." He shook his head. "You're actually the first."

"How do you like it so far?"

"I don't invite that many women to my apartment," he said quietly. "But you're the first black woman to be in my apartment."

I kissed him. Once...again...and again...and again..over and over and over...

I only paused in my kisses long enough to help him out of his black t-shirt. I stared into his eyes as ran my nails over his sculpted torso, kissing him again...

Then I felt Billy's hands move up from around my waist to my breasts, gently cupping and squeezing through my orange top. Then I felt him unzipping the zipper. He was so smooth our kisses didn't stop even though his hands brushed my nipples and made them hard...

Topless, we made our way over to the couch, still kissing...

Giggling, I kicked off my flip flops and then straddled Billy on the couch. As he feasted on my chocolate nipples I reached down between his legs and scratched with my long nails. He was hard in an instant.

"Mmmm," I whispered. "What do we have here?"

"I'm sure you know what to do with it," Billy gasped.

"I'll bet I do," I whispered sexily. "Come on," I said. I took his hand and stood him up, then helped him out of his pants and boxers. His erect cock stood out like a flag pole. I got down on my knees before him and eagerly began sucking him.

This was what I had been waiting for -- Billy's cock in my mouth. But when Billy's hips began moving back and forth, that made me even hornier. When he exploded in my mouth, I sucked it all down. Then I stripped off my velour pants, peeled off my panties, and laid down on his couch. And I spread my legs for him.

Billy didn't need further prompting. He moved in between my legs, kissing up my inner thigh as he moved him. The slit of my pussy began oozing juices.

Billy's talented tounge was soon tasting me. Not only that, but taking me to new heights of desire! I had one hand on top of his head, pushing him closer, and another hand searching for anywhere to hold on to, screaming, "Oh, Billy!"

He made me come twice just with his tounge, but then I noticed he was hard again. I pushed him back on the couch and straddled him again, my pussy just over his hard cock. His hands held my waist and lowered me gently down.

Finally I just screamed, "OH, BABYYY."

Good thing his couch was velour, or I might have fallen off. But he held on to me so close, our bodies still touching.

"I apologize in advance if I was too loud."

"No problem." He gulped air. Finally our breathing calmed down, and I came back down to earth.

Finally I stood up. "I have to be going home, Billy." I began collecting my clothes and putting them back on.

As I put my shoes back on and found my purse, Billy reappeared with something in his hand. "What's this?"

"Something I was hoping to give you," he said. "Turn around." And he put something around my neck and clasped it. "Look."

He held a mirror up so I could see -- it was a diamond pendant on a silver chain! I said, diplomatically, "This is beautiful. But you should know, the last boyfriend I had liked to do this, too."

Billy nodded. "I doubt he gave you any of his mother's jewelry."

I exhaled. "You're not serious. I can't take this!"

"Sure you can," he said. "I'm giving it to you."

"Don't you think it's a little early to give me something like this?"

"We had sex the second day we met. I think we've blown away the relationship schedule."

I giggled and blushed. "I suppose we have. Good night, baby." I kissed him good night and left.

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Comentarista82Comentarista82over 8 years ago
Loved it!

Not forced, not stilted and felt quite natural! I would have preferred more buildup to them having sex, but there was enough backstory to establish how Yvette felt. VERY hot and I'm glad I found this! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
please another story

Please do a continuation of this story it is so good

ladiebrowneyezladiebrowneyezabout 10 years ago
its okay..

i didn't like how she called him "baby" so soon and every so often, and infront of coworkers? not professional, who does that? and everything happened too fast, omg i wish he was my boyfriend, next day her boyfriend lets see other okay now they going out the fuck? in the net chapter they gonna be married with kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
i like...

its a good story but whats up with all the "baby" . its like somebody's mom but i like where it's going.

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127almost 13 years ago

You have enough to finish another story...ohhh please continue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I am in his situation

I am 53yrs. old white and deeply in love with a beautiful black lady. She is the first that I have ever dated, and I am her first white man. We both have a second chance at happiness. We can't keep our hands off each other. We read the story together, and I licked and sucked her to two orgasms before making love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Left Me Shivering

I'm a black woman who's never been with a white guy but every once in a while I see one who turns me on to distraction. This story was so erotic it made me cum and left me shivering for a white tongue to be licking all over my body and belly button and making me scream and cream from the pleasure. Very well done, you've hit onto one of my fantasies.

C_frommnC_frommnalmost 14 years ago
Loved It


mrskelleymrskelleyover 16 years ago
Great Story

Will there be more to this story?

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