Claiming Katy Ch. 08


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"Yes! Yes Miss Sophie!" I was wailing, and I actually tottered away from Sophie, turning my hip away. My toes were cold from standing on point on the stone floor, and I stumbled clumsily.

"And we call that sort of girl a slut. A horny little slut."

On the board she wrote "HORNY SLUT", and then she turned with a thoughtful expression. I began to hop on the spot in anticipation of the stroke, but instead Sophie came up close and pushed her hand between my thighs, fingers dragging forcefully over the fabric of my knickers. The fingers were raised to my face and rubbed over my nose and mouth. I tried to flinch away, but then guiltily licked my lips. I tried to lick the fingers, but Sophie held them just out of reach, laughing at me.

"Oh, Katy, you darling little thing." She went back to the board, rubbed out the last line and replaced it with:


Too late I realised my legs were still slightly apart, and the cane whistled up between them to flick against my shamefully damp pussy. I barked in pain, although Sophie had obviously pulled the blow. In fact, she clearly didn't consider that one the official stroke, and she immediately brought the cane around to bite the outside of my thigh. I whined and felt tears on my face, and not entirely from the pain. Sophie laughed at me.

"Read it!"

"Oh Miss Sophie! I'm a hor-horny dripping slut, Miss Sophie. Thank you Miss Sophie!" I was crying quite freely.

"Okay baby, you're doing well. Stay focussed." Sophie's finger ran deftly down the length of her torso, unfastening her blouse. She shrugged it off and laid it on top of my dress. Her skin was warmly tanned in the cellar light, and she was gleaming with sweat, though surely not from exertion. She wore a simple white bra which held her tightly.

She gripped the cane in both hands. "Fourth name, I think we'll look at what you're willing to do to earn your pay. Any good whore does it, and even a pathetic one will have a go. Tell me what you did to repay me."

"I ate your pussy! You smothered me and I tongued you 'til you came over my face! I drank you! Oh god..."

Sophie gave me a smile and a shrug which I couldn't interpret, and turned to the board to write:


I gasped, and instinctively turned to Mrs Alderney expecting her to be enraged. In fact she was watching quite impassively, but when she saw my face she shook her head sadly.

Sophie turned my head once again, this time quite gently and with a sigh. This time her palm stroked and caressed my cheek and she whispered to me.

"What's wrong with you, Katy? I mean are you doing this deliberately? Are you hoping I'll slap you on the other side to even up the stinging? Okay."

She stepped back and brought her hand round in a backhand swipe.

"Ahh no!" I shrieked. The slaps made my ears ring and my lips felt numb. My cheekbone felt thick and heavy. Three blows, then Sophie held my cheek once more. Her face was calm and sympathetic.

"Please behave Katy. Shhh... " She whispered close to my ear. "You know it's amusing to hurt you, whatever the reason. But I do want you to feel good about yourself too. So try to behave."

She held me close and stroked my naked back. With my hands bound, my face pushed clumsily into her shoulder, but I relished the contact with warm, sultry skin, and the strong, toned arms embracing me. I breathed deeply, soothed by the scent of sweat and perfume.

"I'm sorry Miss Sophie. I'm sorry. Please... is my nose bleeding?"

Sophie chuckled. "No, Katy. I'm keeping that in reserve for when you put too much sugar in my coffee. Come on now. I'll help you to focus."

She stepped away and tapped the blackboard with her cane.

"Nearly done. But from now on I'm just going to keep caning you at intervals. That way you will pay attention to me and your exercises. Read this one please."

"I'm a sticky little..." The cane bit viciously into my behind and I grunted. "Stickylittlecunt-sucker!" Another blow in the same spot, making me let out a feral gasp.

"Thank me for each one, Katy."

"Thank you Miss Sophie! Thank you Miss Sophie!"

Two more blows fell across the front of my thighs and I cried out, turning my second cry into "ThankyouMissSophie! ThankyouMissSohie!" The words squeezed out of me as I screwed up my face in pain, and in anticipation of pain.

"Just one more name..." Sophie struck my bottom and waited for the correct response before she continued. I was starting to tremble with the shock of the sustained assault; they were coming roughly every two or three seconds. But I admitted guiltily to myself that I was indeed starting to... drip. "This name is the obvious one, and I think it summarises everything..."

A chopping blow to my bottom in passing, and she turned to the board.


I screamed it. But even as the crop stung the soft flesh at the back of my thighs, and even as I howled, I had the sense to add: "I'm... a stupid fucking bitch!"

Over the sound of the cracking blows and my shouts of pain, Sophie spoke loudly and calmly.

"Are those all correct?"

"Yes Miss Sophie! Thank you Miss Sophie!"

"Are you sure Katy?" The caning continued, stroke, stroke, stroke, as Sophie took a sadistically long time with pointless questions. "Are you saying all these things are true and fair?"

"Yes Miss Sophie! Aaahoww!"

"So you'll be happy and grateful if these are the names you answer to? When a courier comes to the door with a package for a Miss Sticky Little Cunt-Sucker you'll smile and say 'Thank you, Miss' and sign your name?"

"Yes Miss Sophie! Please Miss Sophie, Please!"

"Then recite them."

Dirty Foot-Licker, Pathetic Whore, Horny Dripping Slut, Sticky Little Cunt-sucker, Stupid Fucking Bitch...

To my amazement, I found myself dwelling on each phrase and registering the significance of each. Despite the continuing caning to my legs, my bottom and now my back, my mind focussed on the acts that had earned me each title.

Dirty Foot-Licker, Pathetic Whore, Horny Dripping Slut, Sticky Little Cunt-sucker, Stupid Fucking Bitch...

It became like a mantra, and the tears stopped flowing, even as the caning continued. Sophie hitched up my knickers to expose my buttocks. I felt calm and relished the flavour of the words... Dirty, Pathetic, Horny, Dripping, Sticky Little Stupid Fucking Bitch...

I found myself moving from hysteria to anger. Not anger at Sophie or Mrs Alderney, or at the cane or the choking collar. I spat the words with contempt, intent on adding to my own abuse. All the words were true, all were fair. And the more I said them, the more I wanted them to be true.

Dirty Foot-Licker, Pathetic Whore, Horny Dripping Slut, Sticky Little Cunt-sucker, Stupid Fucking Bitch...

I realised the beating had stopped, before it ever became unbearable. I fell silent, except for my breathing which was ragged and shot through with desperate whines. My body started to burn as every stripe and scar began to sting and ache. I moaned and a sob escaped my constricted throat. I wanted the caning to start again, so that I could recapture the anger. Instead the burning made me squirm wretchedly and I wanted to cry again.

Sophie regarded me with gentle, sympathetic eyes, and stepped forward. She came and stood so close that the pointed tips of her shoes grazed my own aching toes. She pushed her body against mine and put her lips near to my brow. My vision was filled by Sophie's face and I felt her breath on my eyelashes when she whispered.

"Recite them again please. Show me you've learned them." Her hands closed around my head, holding me in place.

"I'm a dirty foot-licker, Miss Sophie. I'm a pathetic whore, a horny dripping slut and a sticky little cunt-sucker, Miss Sophie. I'm a stupid fucking bitch."

"Yes you are. So you have no right to speak to me at all, do you?"

"No Miss Sophie, you're a Goddess."

"Am I? So it's grotesque that you called me names, isn't it Katy?"

"Yes Miss Sophie. I'm sorry Miss Sophie. I'm really very, very sorry..."

"Shhhhh... I forgive you, baby, you know that. But I've taught you what you are, so you'll know your place from now on, yes?"

"Yes Miss Sophie. Thank you."

"Good girl. End of lesson." She slowly started to peck soft, dry kisses on my face, and she held me tightly. My eyes closed and my lips pouted, snatching kisses whenever Sophie's skin brushed close enough. I was helpless.

With a final "Good girl," Sophie stepped away and returned the cane to its place on the rack. She picked up her drink and took a long sip. All the while I watched her: her shapely back, her lithe arms, her shimmering hair with its one or two loose strands across her face, her beautiful profile... Miss Sophie, the terrifying goddess...

I realised my lips were moving silently, and my legs were fidgeting, and I realised I desperately wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything worth hearing.

"So," said Sophie, leaning her hips against the frame of the tool rack, "that's the lesson. I'm afraid we have to consider the punishment."

My expression managed to switch from awe to terror without any great transformation. My fingers gripped the chain of my leash and my body twisted. I watched Sophie's eyes follow my movement and it struck me that I might be sexually attractive to her right now. Broken, helpless, striped with caning scars, vulnerable...

I like breaking you. This is the way I like you...

I wondered whether I could influence the nature of my own punishment if I made myself more appealing...

"Turn around on the spot, please."

I shuffled around, now trying to move as seductively as my bonds allowed. I turned in stages, leading with my upper body, allowing my abdomen and hips to follow with a sort of snakelike undulation. I was brought to my senses with a shock when I turned far enough to face Mrs Alderney. She was sitting forward on her stool, chin resting on one hand, which in turn was supported by an arm propped on her knee. She was watching me intently, scrutinising me. I flushed with shame and guilt, and continued to turn more normally.

Soon I was facing Sophie again, who had stepped forward to look at me more closely. She shook her head slightly and smiled ruefully.

"Yes, you see Katy, the trouble is: you're a mess. We need to get a mirror down here so I can show you in future. But I'm afraid you're pretty pink all over."

"May I be caned some more?" I said, almost without thinking. Then I felt foolish. "I mean... I'm sorry Miss Sophie, I didn't mean to speak."

"Okay, you're a good girl, even if you are a stupid fucking bitch." She said this with a playful smirk. "But you're right: shut your stupid fucking mouth. Miss Sophie says you get no more caning. No physical punishment for the rest of the week, I'm afraid, or until your skin's no longer sore. So no orgasms either, which is a part of your punishment, of course. But not enough..." She came closer and brought a finger up to trace the contours of my lips. "Your dirty mouth got you into trouble, didn't it? I think your punishment should focus on that."

She let the finger brush over my chin, down my neck, between my breasts, down over my belly button, and finally to the waistband of my knickers. Her finger hooked the fabric and pulled down, all the while smiling at me. The knickers hung between my thighs, moist against my stinging flesh. I was sure I caught the scent of my own arousal, released from the knickers.

"Take them off and give them to me, please."

I was confused for a few moments, searching Sophie's face for help. Then I figured it out and began to wriggle and shake myself. I slowly made the knickers slide down my thighs and then they fell limp to my feet. I carefully gripped the fabric in my toes and lifted my foot. I whimpered in panic as I lost my balance and I swung alarmingly on the end of the leash. Sophie took the knickers from me with merciful speed and allowed me to stand on both feet again.

She lifted the knickers, letting them dangle from a single finger. She smirked again, and shook her head.

"Katy, Katy. What are you?"

I replied in a meek whisper.

"Horny dripping slut, Miss Sophie."

Sophie laughed once. "Poor thing. You're going to be aching inside for a few days, aren't you?"

I nodded. I was aching inside now. I watched the knickers swinging. I could certainly smell my desire now. I could feel myself blushing hotly.

Sophie smiled and stretched the knickers between her hands, forming them into a thin band with the crotch at the centre. She reached up and forced the crotch between my lips, between my teeth, then reached behind my head to tie the ends of the waistband in a secure knot. I stared a little sulkily at Sophie as she stepped away once more.

"An appropriate gag for such dirty mouth, yes?" Sophie patted my cheek very gently, and then turned to pick up her blouse. She began to dress herself, and when she spoke she was talking to Mrs Alderney.

"I don't know how you feel about this, but my plan was to have her wear a gag for a few days, at all times, around the house." Mrs Alderney must have nodded or shrugged. "I think the knickers are appropriate for the misdemeanour. She'll put on a clean pair to wear in bed, then in the morning those will be turned into a gag and she will put on a clean pair, then the same tomorrow bedtime, and so on. What do you think?"

"Very sound. I just hope she understands how fairly she's being treated."

Sophie smiled and stroked my hair, although she continued to look at Mrs Alderney. "She knows. Please don't be unkind to her over this, Mrs Alderney. She's had her lesson and her exercises, and now she has her punishment. And she apologised very sincerely -- and repeatedly -- so I think she knows she's done wrong." Her stroking hand tightened effortlessly into a fist, tugging my hair painfully and making me exclaim with a little sound like "Hng!"

"And it won't happen again, I'm sure." She fished a tiny key from her pocket and reached around to unlock my handcuffs. She returned them to their rack, speaking to me while her back was turned. "So, you won't speak while you're gagged, unless ordered to speak. You may remove the gag if you answer the door. You'll come to me each morning and evening with your dirty knickers and I'll replace your gag. Otherwise you will work as normal. And you're on probation: step out of line and I promise you'll regret it. Don't you dare disappoint me. Is that clear? You may say 'Yeff Miff Fophie'."

"Yeff Miff Fophie."

Sophie turned back to face me and she was smiling as warmly as ever.

"Stupid fucking bitch."

They watched me silently as I removed my collar, put on my dress and made my way out, trembling uncontrollably all the while. I bobbed an awkward curtsey to each as I passed.

I pattered up the steps without closing the door and went to clear away Sophie's plate from the kitchen table. I was relieved to see that someone had already washed up and stacked everything neatly beside the sink. This was a small mercy: I was desperate to get up to my room and put cream on my abused skin.

I was almost out of the room when I heard laughter from below. Sophie and Mrs Alderney were clearly sharing a joke, and this made my heart leap. I had rarely heard Mrs Alderney laugh at all, and this was a wonderful, unguarded laugh.

I couldn't resist tip-toeing to the top of the cellar steps and listening. There was silence for a few moments before Sophie spoke.

"But she did okay, didn't she? I mean, I can understand her turning to you, and I can't complain otherwise."

"You probably didn't need to slap her quite so hard. I don't mean that as a criticism, just something to consider. If you make her dizzy she can't concentrate."

"Yes, that's fair. But in this case I had to raise the stakes each time. She was directly disobeying me each time, I couldn't let that pass."

"No, I know... still, you didn't make her nose bleed."

Another burst of laughter and I felt a burn of embarrassment, but it couldn't compete with the pleasure I felt.

"She's so sweet," said Sophie. "She's so earnest. I can't help teasing her."

Mrs Alderney was still giggling. "You shouldn't have made her walk around on the leash like that. I couldn't keep a straight face. I forget how funny she can be." A little more giggling, then in a more serious tone she added: "You're right. She's sweet. And I think you're handling her well."

After a moment there was a ringing 'clink' as two wine glasses were touched together in a toast.

I closed my eyes and hugged myself, body alive with aching pain, wearing my knickers as a gag, and thrilling with a feeling I could only think of as love.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I thought part of the BDSM is that there is aftercare & love/affection/respect after a scene? That's the point where it's a bit difficult to read for me, because it seems to miss.

Otherwise I think it's a very well written story, the characters have all a very distinct personality, which makes the story lively, intense & intruiguing, so I still go on reading, although it's not really my lifestyle. You are a good writer!

graymangazergraymangazerover 7 years ago

Getting better and better and I can't wait to see what happens next. I love how the two women treat Katy as an object and how she accepts it, even loves them for doing so.

I hope the rest is just as good.

Randee1958Randee1958about 8 years ago
Love It šŸ˜˜

5šŸŒŸšŸ˜‰šŸ˜ Wonderful presentation. Reading your stories is such a nice way too end a long day. Thank You šŸ˜Š

va45va45over 8 years ago
no love

There was no cooling off and no love at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Same person

I feel like all three of the bad comments are from the same person lol. Personally I'm loving this series so far. Even though this wasn't that great of a chapter, I still enjoyed it and was pretty good. I personally prefer more time in the bedroom between just Sophie and Katy. Overall though good job.

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