Classy, a Sapphic Siren Interlude


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"That was close. We were saved only by the fact that I was praying to St. Christopher the whole time."

"Can I buy you lunch to make up for it?"

Eilís glanced at her. "I'm aware from a certain lesson I overheard earlier today that the way to some women's lady parts is through their stomachs. Did I hear that right, Melina?" she asked coquettishly.

Melina grinned. "Yes, you did."

"And are you hoping I'm one of those women?"

"Frankly, I was hoping we could skip lunch."

Eilís laughed. "Lost your appetite, have you?"

"Let's find out. Do you know a place we can stop for a while?"

"There's a multistory carpark two streets over," Eilís said as she signaled for a turn.


Moments later, Eilís had found them a relatively secluded spot on the top level of the carpark. It was in the uncovered section, far from the parking elevators, and a heavy rain was starting to fall. No one was likely to venture near the limousine in this location under these conditions.

"Best we wait out the storm here, don't you think? The roads could be hazardous," Eilís said playfully.

"Very sensible, Ms. Quinn. But I suggest we move to the back where it's more comfortable."

Eilís giggled as they made a dash for the passenger compartment. Once they were inside, they locked all the doors and closed all the privacy blinds, settling at last on the seat Melina had occupied earlier.

"Did you get wet?" Eilís asked.

"Not yet," Melina replied suggestively. "You can do something about that, right?"

Eilís tried not to smile. "That's rubbish! I'm soaked through just from hearing your goings-on. So there's no way you aren't still wet from everything you did back here with Lady Beatrix less than an hour ago," she added as she removed her cap and hairpins and shook out her hair.

"We didn't actually touch each other, you know," Melina mock protested.

"Oh, I know," Eilís said as she leaned toward her. "Will you be using the same technique with me, then?"

Melina pretended to consider it. "I don't know. Would you prefer I avoid making contact?"

"I don't recommend it. You can't do much snoggin' and shaggin' without touchin'."

Melina smiled. "Quite right," she said.

"I would think an elite lesbian like yourself would know that, Melina," Eilís teased.

"Must be the jet lag dulling my senses," she replied with a chuckle.

She brought her hands up to Eilís's face and kissed her. It was slow and soft at first, and then she deepened it, opening her mouth and swallowing the young woman's moans.

They pulled back breathless and began to disrobe rather urgently. Shoes, clothes, and undergarments were off in mere seconds. Desperate to touch the young woman in all the places that counted, Melina guided Eilís into a straddling position on her lap, kissing her deeply again. Then she settled back to have a good look at her.

Eilís's nipples were a livid reddish-pink against her creamy white skin. And here and there, a light brown freckle dotted the smooth surface. Her breasts were smallish, but still a handful. Melina tested their size to be sure, which caused Eilís to arch into the contact and moan. Melina's eyes trailed down the young woman's torso to her toned, flat stomach. And further below, she found a small triangle of bright red hair covering her sex. The hair was glistening.

"I can't wait to taste you," Melina said, her voice deep with arousal. "I'm going to taste every bit of you."

"I can't believe I'm finally getting to see you," Eilís said. "I was going nutters knowing you were back here in the nip and touching yourself, and I couldn't see a thing."

"In the nip?" Melina asked.

"Starkers. Naked. Not a stitch of clothing on you."

"Ah. Well you can look all you want now."

"Oh, I am!" Eilís said, raking her eyes all over Melina's bare flesh. "Can I ask you a question, though?"

"Of course."

"Are you a nudist?"

Melina laughed. "No, why do you ask?"

"Because you've been in this country only a few hours, and you've been in the nip most of that time."

Melina couldn't help chuckling at the observation. "Well, with Lady Beatrix, it was more about getting her to loosen up. And I knew you could hear us."

"So that was what? A bit of foreplay for my advantage?"

"Aye, lass. And I'm no tease."

"Prove it, then."

The fire in Eilís inflamed Melina. She mirrored the hint of challenge in the young woman's amused expression as she brought her hands up to her bosom and began fondling her.

Eilís gasped with pleasure and then moved her own hands from Melina's shoulders to her bosom. They matched each other with surprising dexterity—pinch for pinch, tug for tug, tweak for tweak.

The pleasant ache in Melina's nipples fueled an even more delightful ache between her legs. Eilís was equally aroused, judging from how wet Melina's lap was getting. She wanted to prolong the anticipation, but when she considered the morning's diversions she realized there had already been enough foreplay between them.

Wrapping her arms around Eilís's back, Melina twisted over to the left and laid her down on the seat, raising herself over the young woman's body. She hovered a moment, looking at her. Eilís's eyes were dark with passion. Melina kissed her and then trailed her mouth down her lovely white neck. The moans she heard propelled her further down the soft body writhing beneath her.

"Oh, yesss!" Eilís hissed when Melina's mouth reached her nipples.

Melina treated each breast to a long session of singular devotion, as if nothing mattered more in the world than sucking long and hard on those perfect peaks, which seemed to get larger the more she pulled on them. She wasn't satisfied until they were plump and red from her attentions.

Her own nipples were pleasantly sore, too, as Eilís had been pinching them the entire time. When Melina moved further down, planting kisses along Eilís's abdomen, her nipples moved out of the young woman's reach. Apparently not satisfied with being empty-handed, Eilís immediately brought her hands up to her own nipples and tweaked them fiercely.

Melina loved that. She loved watching Eilís touch herself. It made her sex twitch for attention. They had been doing such a good job of mirroring each other that she wondered if they couldn't continue doing the same now. She lifted herself off the young woman and crouched next to her.

"Do you fancy a snack with me, Eilís?" she asked suggestively.

Eilís smiled. "Are you asking me if I want to nibble your giblets while you nibble mine?"

The phrasing caught Melina off guard, sending her into a brief fit of laughter. She was glad she was already crouching on the floor. She would have landed there anyway.

"Oh, Eilís," she said, still chuckling. "I've heard that particular sex act described hundreds of ways, but never quite like that."

"Well I didn't invent it—the description or the act. But I am rather good at it," the young woman replied invitingly.

Melina was suddenly quite taken with the idea of feeling Eilís's mouth tenderly nibbling her giblets.

"Show me," she said breathlessly.

Eilís turned sideways on the seat, creating a space in front for Melina to lie down with her head in the opposite direction. The wider and deeper seats of the limousine accommodated their two bodies if they bent their legs in the right way. Both of them seemed to know exactly how to work the puzzle. Melina pillowed her head on Eilís's left thigh while Eilís nestled her head on Melina's left thigh.

The vision that met Melina's eyes was one she'd seen countless times over three millennia. And still she found it utterly thrilling and irresistibly enticing. Women had the same essential bits, but they were so unique in size and color and scent. She always marveled at those differences, every nook and cranny a new discovery. She parted the outer lips of Eilís's ginger mound, revealing a very small and dainty set of inner lips, crimson and glistening.

She had almost forgotten that Eilís was engaged in her own exploration down under until she felt skilled hands parting her lips. Then she felt strong fingers gliding through her wet folds, tickling and titillating all at once. She moved her own fingers through Eilís's wetness, matching her stroke for stroke.

Their movements were slow and deliberate. It was a rhythm Melina preferred at the moment, and she was pleased Eilís was keeping the same pace. There was no other place they needed to be, no pending date or anticipated interruption.

If she were honest with herself—and she always was—Melina knew she had wanted to be between Eilís's legs all day. Having finally arrived at her destination, she intended to tarry here a long while and experience everything the young woman was willing to offer. She indulged her desire to slide her fingers in and around Eilís's lips, her attention occasionally and delightfully diverted every few moments by the delicious sensations Eilís's fingers were coaxing from her own sex.

Eilís was the first to deepen the contact. Melina felt her slide a finger inside her sex and then pull it out again. It was a brief little intrusion, hardly anything to get excited about, and for all that, it was easily the most thrilling experience Melina had had all day. Apparently, the young woman was merely dipping into Melina's well to spread her wetness across her lips. Would she go back for more? The anticipation itself caused Melina's body to lurch. She felt a fresh trickle of moisture spill out of her sex.

She treated Eilís to the same sensation, sliding a finger inside the young woman and stirring it around several times before pulling it back out. The body against hers bounced in excitement. Melina smiled. The game was well under way.

They filled and were filled by each other in the next moment, each of them pushing first one, then two, and finally three fingers deeply into the aching opening inches away from their faces. Melina inhaled. That, too, was a scent she would never tire of, the familiar scent of womanhood, instantly recognizable but each with its own unique bouquet. Eilís's smell reminded her of soft grass after a rain storm.

She heard Eilís moan, gratified that she was enjoying what Melina was doing to her. Melina's own voice hitched unexpectedly a second later as Eilís returned the favor by rubbing a thumb against her sensitive clitoris. Their cries were accompanied by the wet, smacking sounds of their fingers pumping in and out of each other.

Melina was eager to use her mouth but didn't want Eilís to peak too quickly. So she kissed the inside of her thigh instead and then gently nibbled on the tender spot next to her mound. Eilís bucked. Evidently, that little swipe produced enough of a spark to alert neighboring areas of an imminent fire.

Eilís's oral counterattack made Melina shudder. She licked all the way up the inside of Melina's thigh, flicking at the flesh in the hollow next to her sex. Melina felt out-maneuvered. She was humbled yet again in her long life by the awesome power of that tiny muscular organ. Even giants could be brought to their knees by a well-placed tongue.

Her quivering response apparently encouraged Eilís to escalate. She pulled her fingers out of Melina and began languidly licking all the way up and down her sex.

Concerned she would call out in her siren's voice, Melina decided to occupy her mouth by subjecting Eilís to the same torment. The sensations were as delicious as the taste of Eilís on her tongue. Melina loved having sex in this position. She had to concentrate more, but with the right partner, the experience lifted her to a different level of awareness. All her senses were activated—the taste and smell of the woman she was with, the hot press of their bodies, the sounds of their fingers and mouths at work, the blissful feel of her own sex being treated to exactly the same sensations she was creating. It was virtually impossible to climax at the same time. But it wasn't uncommon for both women to begin their ascent at the same time—again, with the right partner.

Apparently, Eilís was the right partner. Melina felt her body begin to climb as Eilís started quaking and whimpering. She latched onto Eilís's clitoris and sucked on it, feeling her own nub pulled into a hot, wet mouth. When Eilís moaned, Melina felt the hum against her sensitive bundle. She began to alternate flicking and sucking until both of their bodies were writhing and bouncing. Melina tightened her grip on Eilís's thighs and stroked her until she cried out.

A moment later, she felt Eilís return her mouth hungrily to her sex. She fixed her lips around Melina's clit and began sucking it long and hard. That was all it took.

Melina's body tensed, lifted higher and higher by Eilís's singular attentions. She tried to hold out a moment more, but her tiny nub seemed to be allied with Eilís's mouth. They conspired to propel her over the edge. Even her strong will was no match for their combined power. She muffled her cry by pressing her own mouth into the young woman's sex again. She felt her own sex weep in ecstasy, fresh rushes of fluid squeezed out of her with each spasm.

When the waves of ecstasy finally subsided, her whole body became fluid. It seemed to puddle around Eilís's own liquid limbs. They stayed like that for several moments, spent and breathless.

Melina recovered first. She sat up carefully and then turned around to lie next to Eilís, face to face.

"I missed you," she said with a huge smile.

Eilís laughed. "Aye," she said, "and I missed you, too, but it was worth it. That was a genuine bag o' swag."

"Swag is good, right?"

"It was more than good. It was cla. It was feckin' brilliant!"

Melina laughed. "Do you realize, lass, that you sound even more Irish after a good shag?"

Eilís giggled this time. "Well, shaggin' just happens to be a cherished national pastime here."

"I do so love Ireland," Melina said.


Melina and Eilís passed the time in that cherished Irish way once more before resuming their journey. They made one quick stop at a computer store, where Melina bought a tablet for Lady Beatrix and had it shipped to her with a private note. She wondered at her reaction when she got the gift. She also insisted on buying lunch for Eilís and herself, which they ate on the way. In the end, they arrived in Kenmare only an hour or so later than Melina had originally planned.

"There's still something I don't understand," Eilís said a few minutes shy of their destination.

"What's that?"

"Lady Beatrix wanted to get a ride off you. Why didn't you have sex with her, then?"

"I wasn't that interested in her."

"Don't you like classy women?" Eilís asked.

"I do."

"But you slept with me instead of her."

Melina smiled fondly at Eilís. "Exactly," she said.

Eilís smiled back, pleased. "So you'll call the rental office when you're business here is done?"

"Yes, I'll need a ride back to Dublin, probably in a week. Will you have any trouble getting the assignment?"

"Not if I'm available. You're the client, so you can request any driver you please."

"Excellent," Melina said. Then she took a deep breath and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about that business I have to do here."

"Is it serious?" Eilís asked with concern.

Melina smiled. "Nothing I can't handle. But can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"What do you know about banshees?"


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Hayley18Hayley18over 5 years ago

Thank you I really enjoyed the story, much different than most others. However like other comments I can't see the need for mythical creatures, but I gave you a 5 has I thought it was more deserving than a 4. Please write another one about her ladyship and Janna

RandAlThor66RandAlThor66almost 6 years ago
Great read!

I enjoyed every bit of this story. Would happily read more. Very well written, thanks.

AvyKAvyKabout 6 years ago
Looking for more

Stories from before or after this interlude! Thank you.

MarksEroticCornerMarksEroticCornerabout 6 years ago
Excellent Story-Telling!

This is a very good, well-written and well structured story. It has all the features to interest a reader, and the pace is set steadily. I don't quite get the involvement of mythical creatures such as the siren or the banshee, however it adds a slight twist to it, even though it doesn't affect the story in much way. However it is a really good read! Well done, I hope to see more of your work, really looking for ward to it.

hanna_ahanna_aabout 6 years ago
Funny and well written

I do not quite get: Why the supernatural thing? The idea of mythological beings that need lesbian orgasms to exist or fly is very interesting. But in this story it was not necessary to assume such things. Everything could have happened with quite normal female mortals.

Unless you plan to tell us something about banshees some day? I am as ignorant as Quinn ...

tonyd75tonyd75about 6 years ago
loved it

I loved the pace of this story. I also like your knowledge of the geography. You are Irish?

PenelopePinnPenelopePinnabout 6 years ago
Very Cool

I like humor, too.

RastanuraRastanuraabout 6 years ago

Ah yes, we Irish are that good. But you forgot the Leprecauns.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 6 years ago
A very yummy story!

I hope for more of this story to come! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Really lovely

I like your main character, she's really cool.

And the sex was delicious.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Great atory ,, i love it ,, but can you make a version for the lady beatrix , plz !

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 6 years ago
not bad

I would have liked to have heard more about lady B and Janna but this was good too

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