Closeville Ch. 1


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Sherry began to protest against her binds and Frank did not correct her but did not move to intervene. Cousin Bob shoved his finger deep inside her, hurting her.

"Hey Bob, don't ruin the ending!" A voice shouted from the crowd around.

Frank sighed heavily, the sigh of one putting up with a relative for the sake of the family, though he might prefer to punch him.

"Oh don't be such a bunch of prudes!" Bob shouted back, getting some cheers from the young folks, disapproving clickings of tongues from the older generation. Bob had Sherry's juices covering his hand, and he took his pinky, well lubricated, and pressed it inside her virginal anus, causing Sherry to arch her back and whimper with surprise and pain, increasing as he moved his finger around in a circular fashion. He laughed and withdrew his hand.

"A real cutie, Frank!" He sucked at her and bit her, causing her to shudder as the pain hit her, also causing her cunt to clench ferociously as what might be the beginning of an orgasm began to hit.

Alarmed, Frank rose from his seat. He took a step towards Bob who backed away. "all right, all right. For God's sake."

A girl waiting in line rolled her eyes. "He almost made her cum, I mean really. He should know better than that."

"Of course he knows better," replied her companion. "He's just a jerk."

Sherry struggled against the straps and shivered, gasping, feeling wetness flow down her throbbing cunt.

"Yeah, like the bitch didn't like it. Look at her!" Bob's voice from a distant table.

"Calm down, Sherry." Frank, stroking her face. "it's okay, don't cum yet. Just calm down."

Sherry shuddered and tried to stop her pussy from clenching and the orgasm mounting. Little Emily rushed forward, next to Frank.

"Is it going to ruin everything if she can't stop?"

"No" said Frank, "it's just better if she doesn't. Want to help me get her calm."

"Okay!" Emily beamed.

"Here..." Frank took her hand and ran it up and down sherry's sternum, stroking her lightly. " just do that for a minute, it's very soothing for her." Frank continued to stroke Sherry's face. The light strokes were easy, reassuring, and in a few moments Sherry did calm down, and felt better. Her mouth was becoming very sore from the gag, and tears poured down her face. Again her nose stuffed up and she had trouble breathing, though she was not frantic as she had been earlier. Frank looked concerned.

He kissed her cheek. "If you promise not to talk, not talk at all, not even a word, I'll take off the gag. Do you think you can do that?"

Sherry nodded quickly, wondering how he knew that was what she needed so badly.

"Okay.." Frank said, "But a warning. If you talk, even one word, it goes right back on and will stay on all night. understand?"

She nodded through her sobs, her breath hitching. Frank untied the gag and removed it, allowing Sherry to breathe freely. She looked up at him gratefully. He smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Little Emily stood by, wide eyed. Frank smiled at her. "You okay? First wedding and all?"

"Oh, she's beautiful!" Emily sighed. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she'll be okay. You helped a lot, I think."

"I did?" Emily smiled happily.

"Yep. You want to stay here and help me for awhile?"


Frank took Little Emily's hand and placed it over Sherry's right breast. The girl was tentative, this obviously being a new experience for her. She touched the breast gently, stroked it as one might stroke a flower. Her fingers danced around the nipple, and she smiled as she could see it grow erect as a result of her touch. She pinched it lightly with her fingers.

"Let's finish this up" Frank said cheerfully.

A pretty redheaded girl came forward, her eyes meeting Sherry's with a smile, then nodding to Frank. She bent forward and licked Sherry's slit, then stepped back with a startled smile. She reached into her purse and pulled out a floral handkerchief and dabbed at Sherry's labia, removing much of the excess moisture. Her finger gently swabbed around Sherry's anus, cleaning her off a bit. Sherry could feel the stickiness there abate a bit, and was grateful to the girl, whose name she forgot. The redhead leaned forward again and kissed her clitoris, licking at it in a delicate, circular manner. She sucked on it then, and teased with one finger around the opening of her vagina.

Sherry sighed, a smile escaping her lips. She looked up to Frank, who gazed back at her. He bent forward and brushed his lips against hers, upside down. Sherry could feel Little Emily's fingers on her breast, still kneading gently. She felt stimulated and loved, and her excitement grew again quickly. Her pussy contracted and the redhead withdrew, kissing her again on the thigh before walking away.

Jeff and Tara approached, him holding her arm forcibly pushing her to the table. Tara stared ahead with dead eyes, and Jeff scowled at her with anger. He whispered to her, and she slowly leaned forward, her head between Sherry's spread legs, her warm cheeks touching Sherry's thighs. She stayed there for a moment, but did not offer a kiss.

Tara lifted her head as if she had, but Jeff knew. He gritted his teeth and grabbed her hair, pushing her head into Sherry. Tara let out a muffled sob. Frank winced, bending his head to kiss Sherry's forehead, reassuring her.

"I want to hear you, Tara." Jeff growled under his breath, but loud enough for those at the table to hear.

Tara sobbed. "I can't" , almost unintelligibly. But she did, as he held her head firmly, pushing her nose into Sherry's vagina, covering her face with the juices flowing there. Tara began kissing the skin there, making sucking noises through her sobs, until finally Jeff was satisfied and pulled her head back. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face messy. Jeff took a napkin from the tableside and wiped her mouth with it, as her eyes began to dull again.

Jeff sighed, shaking his head. He leaned forward and offered Sherry a quick kiss, then came to the head of the table, Tara held firmly by her arm at his side.

"You'd think it killed her, right?" He said, chucking. Frank smiled and shrugged.

"Ehh, good luck is all that I can say." Jeff led his wife away.

Sherry stared at Frank wide-eyed. He kissed her lips gently.

"Don't worry, Sherry, we won't be like that."

The remaining few guests were gentle , the elders in the crowd watching murmured their approval. Cousin Bob had nearly ruined it, it was good that the youngsters left were mature enough to do the right thing. Still Sherry began to pant, a moan escaping her lips. She looked to Frank fearfully, afraid of the gag, but he made no move. No words, she reminded herself.

Tommy the bartender approached nervously with his face bright red. A few words of encouragement came from the guests, as he bent between her throbbing legs quickly and delivered a very quick kiss before turning hurriedly away.

Brenda, the dark haired teenager who helped with the gown giggled as she put her hand on Sherry's knee, tracing it up to the thigh. Sherry jumped in surprise as the young girl nipped at her clitoris, barely stifling a yelp. The girl laughed and stepped aside.

"You're next" Frank said to Little Emily. "You, then me." He winked at her.

Little Emily grinned and stepped to the lower end of the table. The crowd hushed and gathered closer, voices mingling from them. It was her first wedding, someone get the camera. Words of encouragement as Emily stood looking curiously between Sherry's legs. Sherry realized then that this night was as much an event for Emily as it was for her.

Emily leaned forward and pressed her nose to the slit, nuzzling her open. The guests applauded. Aunt Deborah, Emily's mother, could be heard sobbing softly. Emily pressed in further, inhaling audibly. She probed into the hole with her tongue, licking and pressing it in as far as she could go.

Frank moved from his position and joined her at the bottom. Sherry bit her lip, her body once again getting the best of her as she began to writhe in excitement. Frank patted Emily on the head. She looked up at him, and he nodded for her to continue. Her tongue circled and probed, and Frank licked his finger and worked it in between Sherry's labia, finding her clitoris and rubbing it from side to side, slowly at first, then vigorously. Sherry closed her eyes and struggled to not speak, gasping and shuddering. She could feel the liquid pouring out of her, dripping all over the remnants of her gown, Little Emily's face, and Frank's finger. The crowd applauded merrily as the crescendo increased, as her hips began to rise against their restraints to meet the flesh penetrating her. Emily stepped away and there was just Frank, just her husband, stroking her clit and slit and probing his fingers into her. Sherry began to scream.

Then there it was, hot and hard pushing into her, hurting her but still she wanted it. She bit her lip against her words, "Yes ..oh please yes!" , succeeding to leave it sounding like the moan that it was. Frank pushed into her in a white and red flash, as the cameras went off and the guests nodding exchanging smiles. His manhood slid in and out of her, the friction hot and painful to her through the pleasure. A shudder began that would not stop, and she bounced around on the table through the binds, feeling her pussy contracting in rhythm with her husband's thrusts. She arched her back in ecstasy and gasped as her orgasm started. Frank grunted and released his sperm into her, filling her just as she screamed again and shook uncontrollably, feeling her own hot juices mixing with his. Frank panted and collapsed across her, his tuxedo pants hanging at his knees. He lay there for a few moments, the room silent except for the camera clicks.

He withdrew from her slowly, kissing and nuzzling her breasts. Moving up to her mouth and kissing her again. He put his finger across her lips again as he stood and walked away. Sherry dared not speak.

"A lovely ceremony, Frankie."

"I can't wait to see the gown displayed!"

"Quite a catch, the blood's the telltale sign. Good work, Frankie!"

The praise continued from the parade of relatives. Frank shook hands and posed for pictures, as Sherry still lay exposed, feeling the air cooling the wetness she lay in, making her sticky.

"Frank, honey, she really should be gagged." Aunt Deborah said from behind her camera.

"She's ok. She's not talking."

"Yeah, but one little mistake. It's really bad luck if she does. Everything has gone so nicely so far it would be a shame to see it ruined."

"Well, it hurt her, and I don't want to. She doesn't deserve it."

An argument began then, over whether the superstition was worth it, and whether Frank was being too lenient, and what should be done about it. Sherry lay listening, still somewhat aroused, feeling angry and betrayed for being in this situation. There was no warning from Frank what marriage to him would mean, and yet she loved him anyway, and was still glad to be his wife. She felt guilty for enjoying it, then, it was so contrary to her lifelong beliefs of what was proper. She began to cry softly, but still dared not speak.

"Frank, see, she's upset. Any little mistake.."

"Okay, okay." Frank came over to her, smiling at her and touching her lightly. "The party won't be for much longer, Sherry, but until the end we have to take care that you don't make any mistakes. It's just tradition, okay, and some of the older folks are worried about some old superstitions. It's better to just go along with them, it won't be bad. Just relax."

Frank pulled a smaller gag from his pocket, which required not tie behind the head. She could spit it out easily enough, but she wouldn't, and he knew she wouldn't. She opened her mouth and he put it in, the outer rim of it resting on her lips, the small bulb inside fitting comfortable, but making speech impossible. He praised her then, and took another item from his pocket, covering her eyes this time with the black blindfold. No longer able to see, Sherry felt his hand brush along her chin, her chest, reassuringly cupping a breast, then he was gone.

The party continued, music and dancing, gossip around the table. Anonymously guests would come to her then, some touching her lightly, some stroking her heavily, until again she was covered in her own juices. Some drank from her. None talked to her. Some visited for a fleeting moment, some lingered, stroking until she thrashed on the table, desperately holding onto the plastic between her teeth. She fought the orgasm as well as she could, not wanting to cum without Frank there, but in the end it could not be helped. A few sets of hands gathered around the table clapped at the time, though if they rewarded Sherry or the unknown lover, she did not know.

Some of them left without goodbyes. Some stroked her breasts briefly in a silent farewell, some shook Frank's hand and promised to call soon. Mother Emily hugged her son hard and dabbed at her own tears, saying his father would have been proud. Little Emily hugged him and giggled.

The last guest out the door, Frank came to his bride and kissed her cheek, her forehead, untying her left hand.

"I told you they were going to love you."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I hope part 2 is on the way. :)

SqooddSqooddabout 10 years ago
Loved it

This was a great story. I want to hear more.

Please consider writing about Jeff and tara. I would love to know what happened to them after the reception.

LuxSexLuxSexabout 11 years ago

More! More! More!

kitty5670kitty5670over 11 years ago

Please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
loved it!

I'd love to hear more from these characters. I love it. What happens to the other couple? Can this new girl help? What else is "messed" up with these people in this town. What happens to Emily? Etc... I loved it! great Story.. Orginal and refreshing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

What a weird ass town! After the initial shock of everything and the whole situation, I did cum to like the story, especially that she came to loke it too. Great writing, real imagery!

EarthSeaSkyEarthSeaSkyover 19 years ago
Deja vu

I love the powerful characterisations and originality of this bizarre tale. My travel agent has been unable to provide me with any information on the whereabouts of this cosy hamlet, Closeville!

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