Club MiXXXer Ch. 02


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Dean sighed and took in a big breath. She looked up and knew she had him. She kept eye contact as she traced the tip of her tongue along the tiny cleft in the head of his cock, flicking it as she went. Then she lifted her chin and rubbed it against the same area, moving it from side to side.

He took several quick breaths and made a tiny sound when he exhaled. She brought her tongue back down the cleft and stopped just below his cock head. She flattened her tongue and pressed it into his hard flesh.

He gasped, making noise with each exhale. She mashed her tongue against the sensitive area, covering as much as she could. She gazed up at him, barely moving her tongue.

Dean sucked in one big breath and held it. She moved up so that her upper lip covered the head of his cock. It was just in time, as an enormous flow of cum pulsed into her mouth.

He exhaled, loudly, and gasped for breath. She coaxed out each pulse and let it ooze into her mouth. Some of it dribbled out onto her chin. When he was drained, she continued to rub the head of his cock over her lips and chin, spreading out the gooey mess.

She pulled back and used her fingers to scoop up the cum on her chin and push it into her mouth. She swallowed with a gulp and licked her lips.

I hate to break this to you Edie, but the girls won. You took two minutes and three seconds.

The girls looked at Edie, their mouths agape.

Edie winked at them. "Congratulations!"

They didn't look like winners.

Dean got out of the hot tub and wandered off, no doubt to share his adventure with anyone who would listen.

"I can't believe it's that easy," said Nina.

"I'd like to think there is some skill involved," Edie said, with a chuckle. "But I think you girls could pull if off. Just imagine if all three of you used that technique at the same time."

She turned to her other Musketeers. "We've got to try that."

Edie asked, "Sal, how much time do we have before brunch?"

About thirty minutes, what do you have in mind?

"Where's Carl?"

He's in the kitchen, standing at the counter. I think he's drinking a beer.

"Anybody with him?"

Paco, Tina, Leslie and Steph are sitting at the bar.

Edie turned to the girls. "Want to do my husband?"

She didn't have to wait for an answer. The girls leapt out of the hot tub and grabbed their towels. She watched their cute little asses disappear into the house.


Edie stood by his robe hook and waited for her husband to approach.

He was grinning from ear to ear. "Are you responsible for that?"

She batted her eyes. "Who me?"

"Jeez Edie," he whispered to her, "those babes were so fucking hot. What possessed you to do that?"

She told him about the hot tub contest and doing Dean, her second big cock.

"You're amazing babe, and that thing in the ring last night, everybody's still talking about that."

"I'm sorry about that, it went a lot further than I ever expected."

"Hey, I'm proud of you."

She laughed. "Let's get something to eat."

They found a secluded table for two, set up on the lawn beside the pool deck. Edie asked, "Are you going to tell me about the girls?"

His grin was back. "I was standing by the counter when they walked up to me. I got hard just looking at them. They seemed to know Paco and Steph, and I thought they were going over to see them."

Edie said, "Yeah, they call themselves The Three Musketeers, and all three of them blew Paco and Steph at the same time. How did their wives react?"

"They seemed fine, but maybe they didn't know. Anyway, the girls came around the counter and stood next to me while they chatted with the guys wives. The next thing I know, two of them have their hands on my cock. I didn't do a very good job hiding my surprise, and both Paco and Steph figured out what they were up to."

"How about their wives?"

"Well, if they hadn't figured it out, they sure did when Nina excused herself and dropped to her knees. Fran and Jade were right behind her. As soon as all three of them had their tongues on me, I knew you were behind it."

"How long did you last?"

"You knew about that too?"

"Yeah, how long?"

"According to Sal, it was one minute and fifty-four seconds. Why did she time it?"

"Damn, they beat me."

"What's going on?"

"It's a little contest I challenged them to. Technically, they won, but they couldn't get Dean off after five minutes of sucking him. I did it in just over two minutes. You couldn't hold out another ten seconds?"

"We... maybe if you'd told me I could have, but I doubt it. They were good. By the way, it is fucking weird to get off while people are watching!"

"Tell me about it. I was in the ring, remember?"


Sal assembled the entire group in the grand living room. They were back in their robes and had just finished a fabulous brunch served on the pool deck.

A large HDTV screen descended from the ceiling and the Club MiXXXer logo scrolled across the screen. An animated blue dust devil whirled and danced around the screen. It got everyone's attention.

Edie spotted her name whirling around inside the dust devil. Apparently it comprised all the names in their group. Gloria's name flew out of the dust devil and ricocheted off the edges of the screen. More names flung out, depleting the whirlwind until it disappeared and all the names were in two columns, one on the left for men, the other on the right for women. They didn't appear to be in any order.

A drumbeat accompanied the guitar, followed by a thumping base beat. On each beat of the drum, two names bulged and a little arrow shot from one to the other, causing them to jiggle. A counter popped up next to each name, keeping track of each arrow strike.

After the third strike between Baako and Edie, the applause started. It was clear what the arrows represented. It took a little longer to realize that each arrow strike moved a name up the list. The applause got even louder.

When the last arrow arced across the screen, Edie's name topped the women's list and John and Jack were both tied at the top of the men's list. The counter totals were impressive, especially for the women.

Congratulations to each and every one of you, for making this the most successful first day we've ever had here at Club MiXXXer.

A loud cheer erupted.

Unfortunately, your pace is not sustainable.

A groan rippled through the crowd, but Edie knew she was right. She was exhausted, and the meal left her drowsy.

To counteract that, we are offering you several diversions to choose from, to re-charge your batteries, so to speak.

A one minute video played, describing a tournament quality golf course carved into the towering pines and granite walls of an old quarry. The aerial shots of the lush green fairways were breathtaking.

Next came a heart stopping promo for the Cirque du Soleil show playing in Lake Tahoe. But the real attraction came after the show, a two-hour training session with the cast and an opportunity to rehearse with one of the acts.

Last was a drone video of a hiking trail winding through the spectacular scenery of the Sierra Nevada, weaving in and out of the tree-line, past crystal clear lakes dotting the landscape.

The dust devil was back, dancing across the screen, sweeping up names as it grew in size.

You can catch a nap on one of our luxury coaches, and I guarantee that whichever choice your make, you will return refreshed and ready for day two. Make your choice now.

It did not surprise Edie when Carl's name was the first to spin out of the dust devil and into the golf column. She opted for the hike.


Sal tapped her wrist until she woke, just as the passenger coach pulled into the trail-head parking lot. The last thing she could remember was reading the trail options as the bus pulled out of the gate at Teal House.

Edie, along with Fred and Gloria, were the only ones that selected the most difficult hike. The driver assembled his charges and passed out fully stocked day packs.

"What time do we have to be back here?" Edie asked.

"You don't, you're on your own schedule. Just let Sal know when you've had enough, we'll come find you. Your watches will work on the trail, but only if you have the day pack with you, so don't leave it behind."

Edie turned to her hiking companions. "Hi, I'm Edie."

"Hi, I'm Gloria," she said, extending her hand, "and this is Fred."

"We've met," Fred said, taking Edie's hand.

She arched an eyebrow; she didn't remember him.

"You took my best shot in the ring," he said.

A thin smile pursed her lips. What do you say when you meet a guy for the first time, only to learn that he's already been up your ass?

Gloria sensed her discomfort and flicked Fred on the arm. "Smart ass!" She took Edie by the hand and turned back to her husband. "Eat our dust!"

They were in their late twenties, early thirties, probably the children of hippies; flower children, out of place by at least five decades. Fred's angular face and sharp edges was partially hidden behind a thick mustache. Edie had no doubt that Gloria would soon be picking a wildflower to adorn her long golden locks. Still, they were nice people and seemed happy to be outdoors, communing with nature. They were both fit and would be good hiking companions.

The pungent aroma of pine permeated the forest around them. A thick blanket of pine needles carpeted the forest floor. A brisk thirty minute hike brought them out of the tree-line and onto a sea of smooth, undulating granite. They left the well worn trail and followed the small stone pyramids marking the trail as it crossed the wilderness expanse.

They stood on an outcropping and looked down at a lake so clear and still that you couldn't be sure where the shore line started. The turquoise water was inviting, and they looked for a way down.

Sal taped Edie.

"Wait," she called to Fred, "there is a better spot up ahead, a place where we can take a dip."

Fifteen minutes later they sat on a smooth expanse of granite that disappeared into a beautiful turquoise lake.

Edie checked her watch. "We can swim here, but it will be brisk." She tossed aside her clothes and waded in up to her thighs. She dove forward into the clear water and quickly popped up, gasping for breath. "Shit! That is cold."

Fred and Gloria laughed, but it didn't stop them from giving it a try and getting the same results.

Edie stretched out on the granite and let the late afternoon sun dry her off. She watched Fred and Gloria prance around in the shallow water, stretching their arms to the sky in a ritual only they understood. Edie was struck by the thick tuft of hair growing under Gloria's arms. Why not, it went well with her thick bush. However, it wasn't all flower power; her legs were shaved.

They dressed and got back on the trail. Edie checked her watch. "Sal says that we can keep climbing for a couple of miles to a pickup point, or we can go back the way we came."

"Forward," both Fred and Gloria said in unison and pointed up the trail.

It took them nearly an hour to cover the rugged terrain. As promised, a driver with the Club logo was waiting for them. "It's just a short walk," he said, taking their day packs.

"Whoa," Edie said, taking a look at the big RV. "That's for us?"

The driver held open the door. "Come on in, there's cold drinks in the fridge and a hot shower in back. Make yourselves at home, you are back at Club MiXXXer."

They stepped up into the luxury vehicle. Edie noticed that there was no walkthrough for the driver. They were in a private room. Her thoughts immediately turned carnal. She let them go first in the shower and opened a cold beer.

It was no surprise when they walked out of the shower, freshly scrubbed and naked. It didn't take her long to wash off the trail dust; she didn't want to miss any of the action out in the RV.

"Sal," she whispered, "are we cool here in the RV?"

That's subtle, Edie.Yes, you are cool to fuck Fred. Apparently you made a real impression the first time.

"Yeah, so I heard. What about Gloria, is she... you know, like Judy... interested?"

Don't know, want me to plant the seed?

"No, I'll do it."


Fred and Gloria stretched out in the expansive recliner, easily big enough for two. She idly stroked his hard cock, barely moving her hand.

Edie smiled as she approached. "Starting without me?"

Gloria winked. "Just keeping him ready for action."

Edie nudged Gloria's leg over, making just enough room for her to sit on the edge. She placed a hand on Gloria's thigh, just above the knee and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Were you in the gym last night?"

"No, but Fred hasn't stopped talking about it."

Edie winked at her. "Let's hope he got that out of his system." She glanced at him with a look that crushed any hopes he might have had for a repeat performance. "Did he tell you about me and Judy?"

"You mean before... well, you know."

Gloria's small breasts were shaped like inverted funnels, conical and standing firm even while lying down. Her areola were lighter than her skin, and large, covering nearly half her breast. Her tits looked like tiny snowcapped peaks. Edie reached for one and gave it a tender squeeze.

"Yes, did you hear how I lost the first round?"

"I did..."

Edie moved her hand down and pressed her palm into Gloria's thick bush. "Feel good?"

Gloria nodded, and then squeezed Edie's breast with her free hand.

"Hey," Fred said when Gloria released his cock. "Am I included?"

Edie licked her palm and then wrapped her fingers around his cock and gave him several slippery strokes. "If you behave, I'll make room for you."

Edie strode to Fred's side of the love seat. She got him to his feet and pulled Gloria over so she lay back against her. She squeezed both tits and thumbed Gloria's hard nipples. She bent down and licked her ear and then whispered, "Don't worry about me, I'll do you first."

Gloria arched her back and extended her arms, wrapping them around Edie's back. She turned her head and kissed her on the lips, licking them with her wet tongue.

Edie buried her face in Gloria's thick pubes. She squeezed the underside of her thighs and pulled her legs up, opening up her glistening pink gash. Edie's tongue darted in and explored her sensitive flesh.

Gloria gripped Edie's ass cheeks and lifted her head to take several quick licks.

Fred nudged Gloria out of the way with his cock and slid it into Edie's slippery cunt.

Edie barely noticed Fred's cock filling her, but instead focused all her attention on Gloria's quivering snatch.

Gloria moaned when Edie attacked her hard little button, sending tiny jolts of pleasure roiling through her loins. Drops of Edie's musky juices fell to her lips with each stroke of Fred's pounding cock.

Gloria gasped, sucking in one last breath before locking her arms around Edie's ass and waited for the explosion she knew was coming.


It was Fred! Gloria had barely understood the goo dripping from Edie's cunt when her own orgasm hit, knocking all comprehension from her mind. Her rigid body bucked, eking out every ounce of pleasure Edie could deliver.

When she opened her eyes, her face was coated the mixture oozing from Edie's cunt.

Fred dropped to his knees and kissed Gloria's forehead. He used a finger to scoop the goo into her mouth and then finished the job by licking her face.

Edie turned back and saw the top of Fred's head against her ass. "Don't forget about me!" She rose up on her hands and pressed her crotch into Gloria's face.

Fred spread her cheeks and attacked her asshole, rimming it with his tongue.

With two tongues probing her sensitive holes, Edie didn't take long to get off. When she was close, she dropped back down and buried her face into Gloria's crotch; inhaling her musky sent was all it took to propel her into the abyss.

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GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneover 5 years ago
Too many contests

I liked Judy and Edie better when they were conspiratorial partners, helping each other prepare for anal sex, and exciting each other. The contest stuff was too mechanical, especially the anal contest. Chapter one was better. I’m heading on to Chapter 3!

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