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Laura said, "Dad needs me Mum. I'm staying with him."

Madison said, "Fuck off you cheating whore."

They were both well and truly old enough according to the courts to make their own decisions. Hell, they were old enough to move out on their own. Laura had just turned twenty-two and Maddy was almost nineteen.

The new house I bought us put me out of pocket a few hundred thousand. At thirty-nine I wasn't too worried about the debt. I had plenty of working life ahead of me to pay off the mortgage. Laura insisted on paying rent to me which I put into a savings account for her without her knowledge and Maddy had finished school and was working in childcare. She had no designs on studying full time like Laura.

It was a glorious December afternoon. The back yard had perfect mowing lines criss-crossed across it (call me OCD) and the beer was cold and wet. What more could I want?

Arms wrapped around me from behind and Laura said, "Penny for your thoughts, old man. Dollar if they're dirty."

"Haha. Just... I don't know..."

"Feeling good, Dad? It's a hell of a lot more relaxed these days."


She releases me and takes the washing basket over to the clothesline to hang them out. I watch as she stretches up to the line to peg things and her fitted t-shirt rises to expose her trim young belly. She's wearing a pair of cotton gym shorts that cling to her like a second skin. My cock twitches in my shorts and I admonish myself.

"Dirty old bastard. You need to get laid."


"Nothing pumpkin. Might need to... go to the pub or get some kind of life again."

"Feeling a bit backed up, old man?" She laughed.

"Something like that, kiddo."

"...Maddy... I... that..." She mumbled something to herself and shot me a funny look that fell from my face to my shorts.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. Hey, we've got the house to ourselves tonight. Maddy is over at-"

"Clare's. She texted."

"Pizza and Vikings?" We've been re-watching Vikings lately.

"It's a date, pumpkin. Steve dropped by earlier while you were at the shops." She really hasn't been as cut up about their split as I thought she would be

"What'd he want?"

"Don't really know. He just gave me a box of stuff for you."

"Oh good. That'll be my makeup and things."

She's finished hanging the clothes out now and hugs me again as she goes back inside.

"I better go and find something nice to wear for my date this evening then, Daddy." She kisses me a little naughtily on the lips. "I get to pick the pizza though."

I really do need to get laid. Mary had been a really sexual woman. Until the affair she was quite attentive and giving. We were hardly rabbits but when we got together, we really got together. There was very little off the menu. Since the affair and divorce I hadn't really been... Well, I had a lot going on and I was seldom thinking about it.

Lately though... I've been going to the gym to try and get in shape and maybe that's why I'm half hard all the time. I fucked a woman a few weeks ago. We'd met in a bar after a work function and she invited me back to her motel room.

She was a firecracker in the sack. Not usually my type, I was surprised at how attracted I was to her generous curves. I usually like the more... well, slender women. Her name was Margaret which was kind of creepy because that's Mum's name. She blew me in the elevator on the ride up to her room, wiped her lips clear of jizz and smiled as the door opened on her floor.

I'd been so damned horny and nervous at getting caught with my pants down in the elevator that I hardly lasted more than a minute before choking her with my cum. She swallowed! In the last twenty-two years, Mary never...

In her room she dimmed the lights and invited me to shower with her. It was a great idea. I got to know her luscious curves quite well, querying them soundly with the soap. Her tits were massive; giant melons of squishy flesh that I luxuriated in. She got me hard again by soaping me while I played with them, then used them to wank me. I shot great gobs of cum all over her neck and chin just moments later and somehow when we made it to the bed, I was ready to go again.

Just thinking about her has me hard and ready as I put the new mower away. My new garage has a small office attached to it. The old owner ran a business of some sort from home. I use it to watch porn and wank away from the house. Some things my open-minded big girls understand but really don't need to witness.

"Big tits brunette." I type in the search bar and moments later I've taken myself in hand. I have all afternoon, so I edge over and over to different scenes of brunettes getting fucked and I remember that Margaret chick. My god, her pussy was exquisite. I'd only ever fucked two other women before that, my first girlfriend and Mary.

That Margaret was tight and hot and rode me so enthusiastically through three or four of her own orgasms before somehow, I was able to roll her over doggy style and fill her full of cum. How I managed after blowing twice already, I don't know but was really happy about. I asked her for her number, she just smiled and said, "Oh sweety, I'm married. This was fun but a one-time deal."

That threw me for six. I hadn't seen a ring. I beat myself up about being a cheater the whole way home in the cab. I guess I've moved along pretty quickly after Mary, but I don't feel ready for or even the need to date again yet. I've got work. The girls. Rusty. And life now is sweetly uncomplicated.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" The brunette on the screen yells lustfully and the shock of the taboo moment launches me passed the edge and I coat tissues as I think about fucking my own girls. Jesus! You sick cunt Lucas.

I mean I know my daughters are grown women and have most likely had sex numerous times. It's a thing a father comes to terms with. But for a moment there I was thinking of them both sexually. Damn it, to be honest, I was thinking of that skin-tight red dress stretched over Madison's ridiculously pert bottom. The bum she wasn't wearing knickers on. The one she said was wet from watching me confront Carl.

In the moment I came I was picturing her bent over in front of me and my dirty old Dad dick sliding up into her tight little pussy. The wet pussy.

And now post orgasm, I just feel guilty and conflicted.

Oh well.

Just dirty water.

"Clean yourself up and get another beer, you dirty old pervert." I laugh into the little office.

The pizza is divine. When Laura mentioned pizza, I thought we'd just get dominos or something delivered. But no. My lovely big kid had spent the afternoon making dough and salsa and shopping for seafood. As a result, we had what could only be described as gourmet pizza.

"What are these Cthulhu looking things?" I asked, picking one of the delicious little squid things up and scoffing it.

"Baby octopus."

"So, not only am I eating an octopus, but it's also a baby. It didn't even get a chance to grow up."

"Ahuh. Delicious little baked babies, aren't they?" She laughs. "I won't tell PETA if you don't, old man."

"Sure are." There are prawns, and calamari, muscles and mozzarella. Its fucking fantastic and I eat way too much.

"Going for a shower, Dad. You want to cue us up. Lagertha was about to fuck up Kattegat and that Aslaug cow. Oh, and there's a couple more of those Chianti's in the fridge if you want to get us one."

"Okay pumpkin." Good lord, after this afternoon's wank and that brilliant feed, I'm probably going to fall asleep on the couch, but I do as instructed.

It's cooled off after the thirty-degree day but still warm enough to just need my singlet and boxers. I'm arranging the little plastic ice-bucket and our glasses on the coffee table when Laura returns. My jaw just about trips me.

She's still steaming a little from the hot shower and she's wearing a tiny pink baby doll negligee. It's more or less see-through. Her dark nipples poke at the lacey top and my eyes wander lower to see a similarly opaque pair of pink knickers that do nothing to hide the new knowledge that she prefers a racing stripe.

"You like, old man?" She twirls for me. "It was in the box Steve dropped off. It's one of my favourites."

"You look..." Words... do the words... "Um..."

"Sexy, I hope. It always made me feel sexy." She smiles those teeth that I paid almost six thousand dollars in dentistry for at me.

"Um... Not sure you should wear that around your old man, kiddo."

"Why? You'd never hurt me. I like you to look at me. Always have. Not saying you're a pervy but it always felt really good to know that my Daddy thought I was pretty. So just suck it up old man."

She plonks down on the couch beside me and reaches for her wine glass. In no time, I'm immersed in the series, and we've finished the first bottle of wine. I piss loudly into the toilet in my room. Mary used to lose her shit if I pissed into the water and made noise so now it's another minor rebellion. When I return with the second bottle, I'm a little disappointed to see that Laura has covered that spectacular negligee with a throw rug.

"Cuddles dad. It's getting cool. Sit." She smiles like a little girl and pats the couch. I arrange myself and pour another wine. She declines and lays down. Her head rests on my lap as we watch men with braided hair slaughter each other and shield maidens plunder villages. I thought she was sleeping until the sex scene came on.

It's no surprise that there was a sex scene. What surprised me was I started to get hard. I was praying to whatever Norse god's there were in the show that Laura wouldn't notice. I mean, it wasn't a full-blown hard-on, not a throbber. It was just a bit of swelling. So, I sipped my wine and pretended it just wasn't happening.

Laura's moan shocked me. I had thought her sleeping. She was certainly warm and cosy.

Then she did it. A thing that shocked me thoroughly. She took my hand that was resting on her shoulder and moved it around to cup her breast.

"Hold me, old man. Hmm..." She moaned again, "This is so hot don't you think?"

I didn't know if she meant the sex scene or the fact I was holding her breast.

"I... uh..."

"Relax. You made them. Surely you should be allowed to play with them? Besides, I'm horny as fuck right now and going to rub one out. It'll help me."

"What the..."

"Fuck." She groaned as her hand snaked down inside her underpants. I could see her fingers working languorously on her slit and soon enough could smell female arousal rise from her. 'Now' I was throbbing. Throbbing against her cheek as she pleasured herself beside me and watched the people fucking on the screen. Fucking surreal! Did I mention I was shocked?

In no time at all she bucked against her hand. Her hips thrust in spastic crunching and I knew she was cumming. My daughter was cumming beside me on the couch. My dick was pressing hard against her cheek and if I was not mistaken, she was nuzzling against it.

"Ohhhh fffffffuck..." She hissed. "I needed that so much, old man."


"Move your hand a bit." I lifted it completely off her firm young breast.

"Not off me... Sheez. Move it around a bit. I like being rubbed after getting off." So she guided my hand back to her breast and demonstrated a gentle fondling action that if I'm completely honest, I fucking loved.

It was so god-damned wrong but it felt so god-damned good.

"So hard, Dad. Is it sore?"

"Shit Laura."

"Show me."


"I want to see."

"We cant..."

"You just watched me cum. I'm not going to fuck you. That would be a bit weird. Maddy would in a heartbeat but not me."


"Oh, she's madly in love with you. Now show me the dick that made me."

"Laura pumpkin..." I shake my head and she rolls over to look up at me.

"What? I've seen dicks before. I'm a grown-up woman, Dad. Pull it out. Don't make this weird now. It's just us, right? Fuck it, I'll do it."

Then she sat up, fished her hand in the fly on my boxers and pulled my erection into the night air.

"Holy smokes. You're diamond hard. Is that from the movie or from-"

"Watching you, pumpkin."

"Dirty daddy..." She smiled and kissed me gently on the lips. "You know I love you right?"

I nodded.

"Well. I know you have needs too. I don't expect you to stay single and dote on us now that Mum's gone."


"You got lucky a few weeks ago, but that's hardly taking care of business is it. You're a man. You need to look after that side of things or you'll not focus on the important stuff. Like I said, I'm not going to fuck you but we need to be a little more honest and open about things in this house if we are going to live together as adults."

"You knew."

"Of course. It was written all over your face for a few days after." She is still holding my dick. My daughter is holding my dick. Tightly, like a prize. Her fingers are warm and wet. Fuck! They are wet from her own pussy and on me. Her pussy juice is on me.

"Do you love me, old man?"

"More than anything." It was true.

"Then watch the show and let me do this thing for you. It's the least I can do after everything you do for me."

I'd like to tell you I had something clever to say at that moment but she pulled the blanket over her head and sucked my cock full into her mouth. My jaw opened and no sound came out. It stayed like that for long moments as I watched the sex scene on the television and Laura, my daughter, sucked my cock.

Not just sucked it. She made love to it with her mouth. She was slowly and sensuously tonguing and sucking and bobbing and making sloppy wet love to me with her mouth.

Mary had been good at this too. When she wanted to be. Maybe three or four times over the last...

"Fuh... Hmmm..." I groan.

But not this kind of good. Not this kind of awesome and fucking wrong at the same time. It was only the fact that I'd blown a wad in my fap den earlier that stopped me painting the back of Laura's throat much earlier.

It built. Slowly rising like a grumbling volcano, full of threat and heat. She drew it out of me. Her little fingers rolled my balls gently and her lips caressed me and she drew it up. My arse muscles tightened as it drew up and I rested a hand on her head.

She groaned at the touch and that was it.

Lights... Fireworks... Like a grenade going off.

She moaned around my spurting shaft and I could hear her swallowing my load. My daughter was swallowing the same sperm that made her twenty-two years ago. She was swallowing it and loving it.

It felt...






And just as the guilt was starting to wash in behind the orgasm, she let my softening cock slip from her warm mouth and pulled the blanket back to shine those beautiful smiling brown eyes on me.

"I love you, old man. Now shut up. Don't be weird. This is okay. Promise?"


"Just promise you're okay now. Not weird. Not going to bug out. Just love me. Tell me you love me and that I'll always be your baby girl."

"I love you, pumpkin."

"Close enough." She giggled and sat up to take a mouthful of wine. "Haha, you should tidy that up, old man. Tuck him away before he gets ideas again."

"Fucking hell.."

"Haha, I think we were both going there long before tonight. Now shut up and snuggle while we watch the end of this one."


Oh god... if I continue this stuff, I'm next and I don't know if I'm ready to tell you how I fucked my dad. Maybe I'll get Laura to tell that story. It feels easier to be honest when I write from someone else's perspective. It was certainly cathartic to talk this through with Dad while I wrote this bit down. There were tears and laughter and I suppose that's what life is about. Love the one's you're with. Every day this side of the grass is a gift.

PS Thankyou to my friend RB who beta-reads. Any spelling and grammatical errors are mine. Any moments of brilliance are probably a result of his suggestions.

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KeenVoyeurKeenVoyeuralmost 2 years ago

I just wonder if all Aussies are as dirty ... certainly had me stroking whilst reading (and wishing I had daughters like Laura and Maddy!) Hope Chapter 2 is as good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hey, nice writing!

jcus0511jcus0511almost 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story & the flow of consciousness style adopted to get the “old man’s” perspective right. Looking forward with interest to the next instalment(s). Two things the first is that Lucas is such a lucky bastard to have such hot & loving daughters and secondly, as an Aussie it’s great to read a story that reflects our world on Literotica.

ipreferoralipreferoralalmost 2 years ago

Waiting for part two where Maddy and Laura further debauch their dad.

laughdruidlaughdruidalmost 2 years ago

This was the most difficult story to read that I have read on Lite, what a dumb shit. I just scrolled through chapter 3 as I could not take it any longer.

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60almost 2 years ago

I enjoyed it for the most part. I'm reminded, " There is no one as blind can be, as those who just refuse to see!" I'm not sure I got that 100% right, but close enough. So the big question is: do the two sexy daughters fuck their dad? And are you going to write it? Also, just what happens to bitch on wheels ex wife and his fuck head friend? Please don't let this be RAAC, without any retribution or punishment. That would suck. I do hope you finish this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A decent story if didn't contain non stop vulgarity

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Guy is WAY too big a pussy for this to be an entertaining story.

KClover21KClover21almost 2 years ago

Cant wait for part 2 it will be epic

Wash2015Wash2015almost 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story overall but I agree with the comments about why didn't he confront them at the bar. To me, Deb came across as knowing and covering for them but almost like she didn't want to. I took it as she didn't want a divorce so she just chose to ignore it but it still hurt her. And the light bulb part when he realized wasn't clear on his thought process as it happened, just all of a sudden sad and drinking and then jumping to a few weeks later.

The divorce was covered in 2 sentences, no real confrontation, no payback, no reason given on why she did it or for how long. Did he still work for the father in law where the divorce could interfere with his job? Closure at some point would be nice.

Over all the writing style was a bit choppy and jumped around, probably made worse for me with unfamiliar slang. I hope the next chapter slows down just a touch to more clearly explain what is going on and the characters thought process.

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