Cockatoo Pt. 16


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I had no thought in my mind other than the feeling of her cock in my mouth and I thought I would faint at one point. I felt her cock harden as her climax quickly approached and with a muffled 'UNNNPPPH' she came into my mouth. I took as much as I could but some splashed out around my lips. Seconds after she came, my groin tightened and I exploded into her mouth. I felt like I was high, so intense were the feelings in my groin and my mouth, my mind just could not make sense of what was happening and I fell back, exhausted onto the bed.

Alex pulled out of me and my cock felt cold as it slipped out of her mouth. She switched position and lay down next to me and wiped away with her finger the cum that had spilled out of my mouth. She offered it to me and I sucked it holding her finger in my lips until it was all gone.

'Holy mother, that was good,' she said.

'It was alright, I suppose,' I said, deadpan.

Her head jerked up to look at me and a tiny smile creased my lips.

'You are such a bastard James, and I will really get you for this.' She picked up a pillow and started beating me with it. I tried to grab her and she screamed as I got my arms around her. Still trying to hit me with the pillow we collapsed, giggling like kids, back onto the bed. I held her tight and we kissed, the taste of each other's cum lingering on our lips and tongue. We lay back and I put my arm around her shoulders and she snuggled in close. Her hand stroked and played with my nipples and I gently caressed her breast. I looked down and her cock was lying across mine and that just felt so right and I kissed her and said, 'I love you Alex.'

She grinned and said, 'Mmm, I'm not sure, I'll need to think about it.'

I tweaked her nipple and she squealed, 'Alright, if you insist, I love you too.' She leant over and kissed me deeply, her lips so soft and warm I could have kissed her forever. Alex put her hand down and I felt her take both our cocks in her hand and slowly stroked them together. It was strangely calming to feel my cock alongside hers and I put my hand down too and replaced her hand with mine for a while. Her cock I realised for the first time was slightly bigger than mine and I felt a pang of insecurity until Alex kissed me again and I forgot everything except the feeling of her lips on mine.

We eventually broke the kiss and lay there listening to the sound of our breathing and gradually fell asleep. The last thing I could remember hearing was Alex saying softly, 'Those shorts made your bum look very sexy.'

I woke early the next day, my mind already full of what I needed to do. Alex had spooned up to my back during the night and she was snoring gently, her hand laid across my waist. I gently interlaced her fingers with mine and she stirred but did not wake. I lay there for a while planning what I was going to say to Kritsada later that day. Once I had sorted out what to do, I slowly got out of bed and stood looking down at Alex. The night had been warm and we had kicked off the covers and she lay there naked, her breasts rising and falling with her breathing, her cock just visible over the top of her knickers, and I had to fight hard to resist the temptation to wake her with a kiss on its tip. My heart did a little flip as she stirred in her sleep, and a small smile seemed to appear out on her face, making her look angelic in the light that was just beginning to break through the balcony window.

I still could not believe that this girl was in love with me and I swore to myself there and then that I would never do anything again to jeopardise that love. I tiptoed away to the kitchen to make some coffee and took it and the Macbook out onto the balcony. I checked my bank account which turned out to be in a pretty healthy state as I had not spent any of my salary since coming out to Thailand. I had some savings too back in the UK, as before I had met my delightful ex I had rented out the house my parents had left me when they died, and that had easily paid the rent on the flat I had shared with her. I had been able to put away most of my salary, so I wasn't rich by any means but not about to need food stamps. I hadn't spoken to Alex and Areeya about living at the flat but I felt I needed to start making some kind of contribution.

I sipped my coffee, watching the sun rise and feeling its warmth grow as it lazily slid above the horizon. A germ of an idea had begun to grow in my mind after the conversation about the Ladyboy cabaret last night and I used this moment of peace and quiet to wrap some flesh on the bones of the concept. I was interrupted when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my neck from behind and Alex started to nibble my earlobe.

'Mornin' Mr Hugh Grant.' She whispered in my ear.

'Good morning Julia.' I replied and she nipped the earlobe.

'Oww, what was that for?'

'I hated Notting Hill, always wanted to be Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones.'

'Me and my ear are glad we now know that.' I said, rubbing my ear where her teeth had nipped it.

She moved round and slipped onto my lap only then did I realise she was still wearing only her knickers. She wiggled her bum against me and my cock immediately woke up too.

'At least someone is glad to see me. I see you're still wearing your nice tight shorts, or should I call them your knickers?' She smiled and kissed me on the lips.

Only then did I remember I was still wearing those damn shorts. I put my arms around her and we kissed and cuddled for a while, until she stood up and said. 'I need coffee, can you make me one please.'

I walked off to the kitchen and met Areeya coming out of her room. She was wearing the most beautiful silk robe and her hair was still tousled from sleep and she had that air of just waking up that I find irresistible. She kissed me and patted me on the bum as she passed and said, 'I like those, they make your butt look cute.' She gave me a kiss and I asked her if she wanted a coffee. She yawned and said yes please.

I brought the coffees out and Alex was now sitting on Areeya's lap with their arms wrapped around each other, just watching the sun rise. I felt not even a pang of jealousy as I watched them, just happy that whatever God was up there had let me meet these two beautiful people.

Alex looked across at me and said, 'Areeya has just come up with a good idea, James.'

Areeya laughed and said, 'Alex, why is that when you have an idea for James, you blame it on me?'

Alex grinned and continued, 'I was thinking that if you are going to take the job with the show, you need to be more familiar with what being a member of the cast entails.'

'Not sure what you mean, Alex.' I said.

'Well, you know the expression 'walk a mile in my shoes?' she asked innocently.

I nodded, already fearful of where she was going with this. Alex stood up and came and sat on my lap, put her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear, 'I want you to dress as a girl, just once, to see what it's like.'

'Are you crazy?' I said. She wiggled her bum against my cock and I felt that damned traitor begin to get hard.

'Well someone thinks it's not a bad idea,' she whispered and licked my ear with the tip of her tongue and she moved my hand to her breast and her fingers sought out my nipples.

'No, no, I won't do it, I would look stupid.'

She was now nibbling my earlobe and my nipples were hard between her fingers. I was caressing her breasts and beginning to pant as she continued to move around on my cock.

'Please, James, just for me, it will only be once, it will help you understand what the cast have to go through.'

My cock was now hard due to Alex's wiggling and she pushed one finger through my lips as she kept whispering, 'You never know, you might like it. It will just be between us, baby.'

My cock was now painfully hard and Alex was still whispering in my ear, 'Just imagine those soft silky knickers sliding up your freshly shaved legs and cupping your cock and balls, you will love it, sweetie.'

I was now desperate to get some relief and blurted out, 'OK, Ok, but I want to fuck you now.'

'Do you promise, James?' she was almost bouncing up and down on my cock by now and I couldn't stand it much longer.

'Yes, yes, I promise.'

'Thank you, sweetie, you won't regret this.' She raised herself a little, pulled down her knickers and tugged my shorts down a fraction to let my cock spring free. Areeya had come round behind my chair and she took over where Alex had left off by kissing and nibbling my ear and her hands found their way to my nipples. Alex turned round and she straddled my lap to face me and spat on my cock to give it some lubrication and just eased herself onto the tip. I was desperate to get inside her, but she just moved up and down on the head for a few times and then impaled herself onto my cock.

She moaned as it went deep into her and I grunted as I felt her tighten up around me. Alex began to move up and down and I tried to move up as well. Areeya reached around, encircled Alex's stiff cock with her fingers and started to masturbate her as she rose up and down on me. Alex kissed me and then Areeya moved around and the two girls began to kiss right in front of me and this sent me crazy, the two people I loved most in the world were kissing in front of my nose whilst Alex rode my cock like a horse.

I knew I couldn't last much longer and I felt my cock expand inside Alex and that lovely warm climax travelled from my groin up through my cock and with one final huge thrust I exploded into Alex, my cum covering her insides and then she grunted and her cum spurted all over Areeya's hand. Areeya quickly pushed her fingers into my mouth and as I licked Alex's cum from them I could still feel my cock hard inside Alex. She kissed me and whispered, 'Remember, a promise is a promise.'

Right then, I was so spent I couldn't have cared less what I had promised; I would have given her my right arm if she asked for it. Alex stayed on me squeezing the last drops from me and as she got up, I came out of her with a soft plop. She bent down to give my now rapidly deflating cock a kiss and a lick before kissing me one more time. She pulled up my shorts and said grinning, 'It looks like you're already wearing a pair of knickers.'

I tried to give her a punch but she easily danced out of my way. We all sat back down again, Alex gave Areeya a hug and disappeared off to the bathroom whilst Areeya came across and this time she sat on my lap. We sat there, her arms around my neck and mine around her waist. She gave me a kiss and said, 'When will you call my father?'

'I was thinking about that. What would you think if I went to see him face to face?'

Areeya looked at me for a second and said, 'I think that would be a good idea.'

Alex came back, 'What's a good idea?'

I said, 'I was going to call Kritsada, but on second thoughts, I think I want to look him in the eye when I tell him. So I think it's best if I catch the next flight to Bangkok to see him and fly back tonight.'

Alex looked uncertainly at me, 'Do you think that's necessary?'

Areeya came to my rescue, 'Alex. I think James is right. My father would appreciate hearing this face to face.'

Alex still looked doubtful and I said, 'Alex, I wouldn't do this if I didn't think it was a good idea. I promise I will be back tonight.'

She bit her lip and nodded, 'OK, but call me with your flight so that I can meet you at the airport.' I kissed her and then Areeya and got going. I called Kritsada's office on the way to the airport and managed by the skin of my teeth to get the next plane out to Bangkok. Three hours later I was waiting outside Kritsada's office anxiously waiting to see him.

He walked out of his office and warmly shook my hand, 'James, welcome back, I thought you would call me but this is most welcome to see you in person. Please come through.' His office was in the corner of the building with a wrap around view of Bangkok's downtown. We sat opposite each other at a meeting table where he had positioned himself with his back to the window, so I had to squint to see him and I smiled to myself; he couldn't stop playing power games.

'Sir, thank you for seeing me personally today.' He nodded in acknowledgement.

'I wanted to give you Alex's answer and to answer any questions you may have. Alex has accepted your offer to release her from the contract you had with her, she is grateful for your generosity, as am I, and for my part I consider any debt you felt you owed me is now paid in full.'

Kritsada nodded, 'James, thank you for telling me in person, I like to see the face of someone when I do business with them. Please tell Alex that nothing else will be affected by her decision.'

I took a deep breath and said, 'Sir, there is one other matter that I would like to discuss with you.'

He looked at me and his eyes narrowed, 'Yes, what is that?'

'I have decided that my future is in Thailand with Alex and Areeya. I want to become more a part of their business and they have offered me a role in the new venture on Samui, but I would like to be more a partner with them than just working there. I understand that you have generously provided capital for their new venture and I want to know if I could buy out your share of that business. Of course, I would compensate you for the loss of profit on your investment by paying back your original investment plus 10%. I can make the transfer within a month if that is acceptable to you.'

His eyes narrowed a bit more, but he didn't react at all. I stayed silent; the next move would have to be his.

'I must say James, you do like to put me on the spot.'

'I'm sorry sir, but I wanted to ask you this face to face.'

'As it happens, James, the timing of your request is fortunate. I have another opportunity that would be of benefit to me with that capital. However, I don't think that just 10% is sufficient return to justify my acceptance.'

My heart sank, I knew that my savings plus selling my parent's house would cover this and give me some left over but I didn't want to pay more than 10%.

Kritsada stayed silent, his face impassive, and then he smiled, 'but there may be a way for us to come to such an agreement. I have done some background investigation on you after the attack on Cockatoo and I was impressed by the reports. Very capable in your field and I already know just how resourceful and persuasive you can be. Don't be upset with my paternal concern, I just wanted to make sure I knew the man who was living with my daughter. I believe that I could use your skills in my organisation, if you would be willing to provide me from time to time some, let's call it, consultancy services, then I would be minded to look favourably on your financial offer.'

An alarm bell started to ring in my head. 'What exactly would these consultancy services be, sir?

Kritsada waved his hand in a vague gesture. 'Oh, it wouldn't be anything that your skills would not be able to deal with, and all perfectly legal, of course.'

If I had been more experienced I would have known that if anyone says that something's all perfectly legal, it is probably the exact opposite.

I was so keen to get this done that I didn't really think it through, 'Sir, I am sure that we could come to some arrangement in that respect.'

He smiled, 'Excellent, shall we shake hands on this?'

I reached over and took his hand, 'It's a deal, sir.'

'I think this calls for a celebration drink, how about a glass of the GlenDronach?'

So we drank to the deal in fine Scotch and I had became part owner of a Ladyboy cabaret that was yet to be launched and had agreed to be a consultant of some kind to a Thai businessman with shady business practices. I had well and truly burnt my bridges.

It was on the flight back to Samui, that I began to appreciate what I committed to. I had no idea how Alex and Areeya would react to what I had done and how things would pan out but I now had a real incentive to make the Ladyboy cabaret work and I began to wonder what I had let myself in for by agreeing to work with Kritsada. A promise had been made to Alex that she would certainly hold me to and I had no idea where that would lead.

But that's in the future and will make a great story sometime...

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MilllMilll7 months ago

i dont like the gangster

Kathryn65Kathryn65almost 2 years ago

Such a wonderfully crafted tale that I simply could not stop reading. Everything from word one onwards was a joy to read

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

One of the best, so good that I would have paid for the book. More instalments please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
keep it going

i want to read more about them keep it going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

oh please more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Keep them cumming. Can't wait to read how James likes being in drag!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please Don't Keep Us Waiting Too Long

I'm not usually a fan of long, multi-chapter stories as they rarely keep my interest past the first 3 or 4 chapters. However, Cockatoo was utterly fascinating and I couldn't wait to read each subsequent chapter. It's a story that's tender, human and with well developed characters. Thank you for sharing them with us. It made me continually want to find out what happened to them next, and..... I indeed do want to know what happens to them next. What revelations and experiences will James have dressed as a woman? Will they somehow dovetail with his consultancy commitment to Kritsada to compensate for Kritsada losing Alex's services in Bangkok? And what of Areeya, Pao and Alex? So many possibilities for more great stories and I truly hope “in the future” is a very short time.

sissys_BFsissys_BFabout 9 years ago
One of the very best stories on Lit - thanks!!!

One of the top 5 stories on Lit - I enjoyed it immensely!

zetjester1zetjester1about 9 years ago
Wondeful characters

I am so pleased James & Alex had their happy ending.

So look forward to the characters, being part of other stories in the future!

Followed the story from the beginning with anticipation, it's been a beautiful journey,

You have enriched my life with this special tale.

Love you Loads

Jerry xx

zetjester1zetjester1about 9 years ago

Expecting a super finale, or more twists Nikkie! You are such a tease lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
you are the best

This is one of greatest stories I ever read, Please continue. Regards from South America

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Still Lovin' it

Keep the Chapters Coming. I hope there will be more Ladyboy action

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Long past being done

Should have ended chapters ago.

Valyn76Valyn76about 9 years ago
Come On

You can't leave it hanging like that. Please give us more. I want to see how you unwrap the fact that Sam is the "leak", and how unfortunately Areeya deals with the betrayal by having Pao tear Sam apart for hurting her and James "cause Pao will cut a bitch if they screw with Mr. James". I want to find out if Pao also becomes James new assistant. Please, Come On!!! BTW, I love this story, I am laughing, crying, the whole thing. You are very good and I thank you very much for sharing this story with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

As allways I keep checking if there are new chapters in Your beautifully wirtten story.

And as allways I devour it as soon as they come out.

And also as allways I'm never disappointed with them.

Please do keep them comming as it's a bliss to feel that I'm part of it just for follow it up as a full supporter.

Many thanks to You

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