Coerced and Loving It Ch. 01

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Wife is forced to give it up to bosses.
3.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 04/29/2005
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Twenty-three years! Twenty-three fucking years! No, twenty-three NON-fucking years, all down the drain. And I'm just waking up to the new light.

My wife Diedre (DD for short) was the youngest daughter of a couple who gave birth to eight children and even though her mother obviously had her fun days, she taught all five of her daughters that sex was dirty, that it was only for procreation and not for fun. DD was indeed a virgin when we got married ... she made sure that all I got before then was an occasional squeeze of her tits.

And what she knew about sex on our wedding night could have fit in a thimble and you're finger still would not have felt it when you put it on. I set about teaching her the hows and whys of various activities but mostly she refused to participate. She wanted nothing to do with oral sex, either giving or receiving. Vaginal sex was okay occasionally in the missionary (me on top) or doggy positions but anything else was forbidden. It was to be conducted only in our bedroom and with every light out ... otherwise someone might see something they shouldn't.

Oh, but I loved and was in love with that girl. She was a beautiful redhead with a very nice body, including a pair of 38D hangers at the time we were married and they grew to 38DD after nursing three kids (and occasionally me, when I could talk her into it). By the sixth year of our marriage, I had vowed to stay with her, be as faithful as possible, and when the urges became too great to push down, discretely purchase a blow job and go back to my sweetheart. So now for 23 years, I've lived with fucking my little redhead once or twice a month, jacking off frequently and getting a pro to suck me off about six times. I remembered my excursions into the realm of anal activities with other girlfriends before we were married but I pretty much kept those desires buried in the past or confined to some wistful glances at an occasional passing booty. I realize that this meant that I was not altogether faithful to my wife but there was a lot of suffering in those 23 years for no more than six blow jobs by strangers.

Then a couple of years ago (about three months before our twenty-first anniversary in March), some subtle changes began to occur. DD worked for the local outlet of a regional department store chain, one that was nevertheless large enough to be traded on the NYSE. As much as anybody who preferred to be doing something of their own choosing, DD was happy with her work. She occasionally complained about various things but she also looked forward to getting up every day and getting to the store and her office in particular.

But that began to change in December for some reason. When I asked why she no longer seemed to be happy about her work, she told me I was crazy and didn't know what I was talking about. But there were other changes too. She had always worked a set schedule and I could count on her leaving the house within three minutes of 07:45 AM every day, because it took her eight or nine minutes to get to work and park and then two to three minutes to get to her office. She was never late but she was also never early, preferring to spend as much time as possible at home before she left. Then she would be home within three minutes of 05:15 PM every day, always leaving right at five, walking out and driving the same route to the house.

Oh, her job required that she occasionally spend a little time working late to complete quarterly or annual reporting but that didn't happen every reporting period by any means. But in December that changed. She started working late two or three times a week every week. With no explanation, she had to make quarterly overnight trips to the home office. By March her attitude seemed to recover somewhat and she became her old friendly self but her schedule remained erratic. When I tried to probe into why all the changes occurred, she became furious with me, telling me it was none of my business, that she was just performing her job and after all we needed her income to maintain our standard of living.

I could understand it if her job assignment had changed and she had new responsibilities but she wouldn't talk to me about it. Why not? What was the big deal? If they had changed, did it involve a raise? And she didn't want to share her good fortune with me? She had never done anything like this before but I guess there's always a first time.

I let it go and tried to be understanding and helpful. However the change that bothered me the most was that she no longer seemed able to stand to have sex with me. We went from once or twice a month to once every six weeks to once or twice a quarter. I begged her to let me make love to her but instead of opening up, she closed me out as if she didn't even want me to see her body, let alone try to sample it. Her magnificent tits, which I had always adored, became off limits. Not only could I not suck on her twins, I couldn't even fondle them.

I tried to finger-fuck her pussy but she clamped her legs together and sent me away almost in tears. She yelled and screamed that all I ever wanted to do was have sex and nothing else was important to me. Where the hell did that argument come from after more than 21 years of marriage by that point? I tried scheduling a quiet weekend at a picturesque B&B in the beautiful hilly woods of the state but, even though part of my plans were nonrefundable, there was no way she was going with me. Even when I asked in advance about scheduling dinner at a nice restaurant, she always made the excuse that she didn't know if work would let her get off in time; as it turned out, she cancelled out almost 70% of those dates I had set up.

I spent hours and hours sulking and watching TV with absolutely no comprehension about what was on because I was trying to analyze our lives and determine what was pulling them apart. I talked to our daughter and both sons but all of them were puzzled by her attitude; when they asked her what was wrong, she snapped at them that it was her business and they had better just buzz off, thank you, or she'd throw them out of her life completely. That was the first time I could ever remember DD being anything other than a loving mother to her children.

I talked to her about how our marriage was falling apart and asked if she would go see a marriage counselor with me. She said that there was nothing wrong with our marriage and no way was she going to let a stranger tell her what she was doing right or wrong. As for me, I could do whatever I wanted to do. To say that the love had gone out of our marriage would be a gross understatement.

I decided to make one last attempt to resolve whatever was wrong. Our twenty-third anniversary was less than two weeks away. I would plan a nice dinner and something for afterward, nothing that couldn't be cancelled but available in case she could make it. I planned to meet her at work and try to sweep her off her feet to see if it would rekindle the spark.

That afternoon I arrived at the store at 4:45 PM, hoping that she would get off on time. I parked between her car and the door she always used. I was going to surprise her before she got to her car and see if she would go with me. If not or if she didn't show, I would just go away quietly.

Five o'clock came and went and no DD. At 05:05, other office employees were streaming out but no DD. Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes passed and still she did not show. By 5:30 I was reaching for the key to start my car when another group came through the doors. And there she was! She was in the middle of a group of three men. Although I didn't know any of them well, I knew that all of them were in management. One was the regional manager David Grady who was the son of the chain's primary owner and founder, the other two were middle managers, one in purchasing named Shawn Bennett and the other in receiving named Tom Schneider. The RM had his arm around my wife's shoulders while the other two were close by her other side. They were all laughing and joking.

Instead of heading to her car, they targeted an aisle in the other direction. Surreptitiously I started my engine and slowly followed them, staying far enough back to keep from being obvious. The four of them piled into a luxury car, with DD in the front passenger seat and the RM driving. He started the car but before he pulled out of the parking spot, DD's head disappeared and I was sure she had dropped her face into his lap! What th' hell was going on!

They moseyed off at a leisurely pace and I kept my distance, shocked and completely at sea with this turn of events. But it was only to get worse. They drove less than two miles to a neat but old single-level motel. When the car turned in, I pulled over and stopped at the curb. They rolled halfway down the series of small units and pulled into a parking space. Suddenly DD's head popped up and she got out, straightening her dress. The three men were still laughing and joking. I heard the driver say "Let me get my camera" as he walked to the back of the car. He took out what looked like a video camera and tripod and stopped long enough to open the door with a key he extracted from his pocket and let the group inside.

Try as I might, I couldn't think of one plausible reason for DD to be here in this place at this time with these men. No way, no how! Hundreds of thoughts and emotions flashed through my mind in seconds, not the least of which was to drive home as quickly as possible, pick up my hunting rifle and a box of shells and go back and clean house. But, no, that was not my style. I had to do better than that. I had to know if DD was doing this because she wanted to or if she was somehow being forced into it ... although she sure didn't look like she was being forced.

Logically there was only one thing they could be doing in that little room but there is always a little seed of doubt. I had to make sure. Shedding my jacket and tie and making myself look as rumpled as possible, I got out of the car and began strolling up the driveway to the first unit on that side, then quietly and slowly walked with my head down until I passed the until the quartet was in. Sure enough there was the unmistakable sounds of sex and all three of the men must have been fucking my wife at the same time.

I heard DD's voice saying "Come on, fuck me, fuck me hard NOW! OH, YESSSSSSSSS!!!" and then she must have been in the throes of an orgasm. This was totally unlike my DD, because in 23 years of married life, I could never, EVER coax her into saying anything during sex, let alone something that indicated how she felt or what she wanted. That was against mama's training!

I completed my walk and went back to my car, immensely saddened by what was happening. I watched and waited but it was more than an hour later before the door opened and the four of them walked out. When the two younger managers checked to make sure no one was watching they grabbed DD's tits in public and lewdly began to manipulate them, the receiving manager going to far as to enclose one in his mouth and leave an obvious wet spot on her dress. DD just laughed at him and rubbed his crotch. The RM came out with his camera equipment and I knew that he had recorded the whole thing for their subsequent viewing pleasure. I wondered how many of these sessions had occurred and how many tapes had been made before today.

When he turned the car in the parking lot, I ducked down to avoid detection and then followed as they went back to the store. After they dropped DD at the store entrance, the three men got in separate cars and dispersed. I headed for home, arriving twenty minutes ahead of DD, who had changed clothes before she came home. With my lack of observation, I now wondered how often she had done that in the past two years.

Rather than confront her now with minimal information, I decided to let things ride while I sought to find out as much as I could about the situation. We exchanged our usual tepid greetings and I offered to call for some oriental delivery for dinner while she was getting comfortable; she said that would be all right with her.

Right after making the call, I went upstairs and heard the shower running. It occurred to me that she had not made it a practice to shower after getting home from work ... until about two years ago. I spotted her work clothes in a pile on the bedroom floor and dug into them until I found her panties. Sure enough they was sopping wet with her pussy juices and cum stains, lots of cum stains. Even the skirt of her dress had cum stains all over it. There could be no mistaking what she had been doing this evening. I dropped her clothes back in the pile and went downstairs, deeply saddened.

One advantage of running my own business was that I could set my own schedule. In this case I decided that it was more important that I get an understanding of what had caused my wife to do what she had, even though I knew my business would suffer without my guiding hand. I made arrangements with my staff to cover for me when I planned on working on the investigation.

Over the course of the next few days, I finally resolved to personally find out more about the three men who were fucking my wife. I already knew that all three of them were married and that they lived within a 50-minute drive of the store, albeit in different directions. Picking on the RM, David Grady, first, I obtained his home address and began to stake out his house. His wife, who was a very attractive but sophisticated looking woman, did not work outside the home but she was involved in a myriad of outside activities, causing her to spend quite a bit of her daytime hours away from home. I got lucky when I spotted her leaving one day and she hid the key in a flower pot beside the doorway.

Getting a copy of the key was a short task. After that I began a systematic search of the house. I found that he was a real fan of the video equipment that the department store carried and, in addition to a fairly sizeable collection of XXX pornos, he had made and collected several hundred tapes, apparently of his own making. I viewed a sampling and found that he was a frequent participant in the sex acts. The other two men were just the tip of the iceberg ... it looked like he had taped every manager from the store and some guys who weren't that high up the ladder, all being involved in group sex activities. I didn't know most of the female stars of the tape shows although I suspected that most, maybe all, were employees of the store. By far the majority of the tapes involved one woman and several men, although there were a few that included full-blown orgies with multiple members of each sex.

On several of the tapes, I found the exploits of my wife DD to be the featured attraction. I was shocked. She did things with those men that I had given up all hope of getting her to do with me. She sucked cock after cock, letting them spray their cum all over her body, in her hair, on her face, and down her throat. Although I could never get her to talk about what she was feeling and always wondered if and when she was having an orgasm, she talked long and loud to the men, frequently telling them "I'm cumming, don't stop fucking me!" She took all kinds and sizes of cock in her anus and seemed to crave more. She let two men fuck her pussy at the same time on several occasions in just the few videos that I could review. She had become a total fuck slut with them, while denying me almost every pleasure.

By mid-afternoon, I was concerned about getting caught so I copied one of the tapes that featured my wife, put everything back in place and left, locking the door behind me. I had found a calendar on which the wife posted her planned activities and over two weeks, I spent enough time in the house to take inventory of most of the videos. It became obvious that somehow he gained control of the women and then used them as rewards to men employees for something. Although the men that I watched screw DD frequently repeated their activity, there were many others who also got time in her orifices. I could see that many of the other women stars seemed to follow the same pattern. Maybe the three men were the key to the whole situation ...?!?

When I moved on to concentrate on the other two managers, it was not quite so easy. Both of their wives worked but at less-than-full-time jobs and it was hard to get a grasp of their schedules and harder still to gain access to their homes when they were out. However I finally did both successfully. I found that neither of them had nearly as much video equipment, although they both had a secret stash of their own exploits. I learned that all three men had from one to three children, and that all their wives, especially the younger two, were very good looking and sexy women.

Almost from the beginning, I knew I was searching for revenge. Perhaps DD had done this on her own but I didn't believe it. I had spent over twenty years with her and there is no way she was a latent cum queen all those years and it never showed until now. Something else had to have been at the root of it. Even if I got my revenge, which may or may not include revenge for DD too, nothing in the world could get us back to where we had been. We were either going to move forward or completely break apart but it wouldn't be the same.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Idiotic crap!!! MINUS 5*!!!

Which man in that world would react as your protagonist? It's unbelievable that he don't confront her and the chums immediately!!! She is a slut intending or not and has to be divorced!! And all the others get sued!!! Maybe that you are a fan of cuckolding/wimp??!!

oldwinooldwinoalmost 17 years ago
Great Start

Hope this is the first of many chapters as he gets his revenge and makes DD his whore.

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
this guy, I love his work

This guy has guts to know what he wants to do to find out about his wife, before he takes action. He works as though he was a private investigator, before he makes his move. I love his tact and the action he is working on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
what a stupid story

all that abuse and neglect going on for months before he found out about it... what EXACTLY does he hope to gain by finding out the REASONS?

She is sucking cock of her wedding anniversary

His wife is a whore and doesnt gIve a shit if he lives or dies...

the only viable option here is for this whimp to blow this cow's fucking head clean off and murder the managers

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
great start

now become rich off the companys indiscretion and get ridof the slut of a wife you have .. would be different if you could have done all them things but to let many men do what you have never been able to do nail her ass to the wall along with every body elses... if they offered me a cpl of million to not take it public i probably would ... as long a my wife divorced me and didnt claim any and signed off on any cliaim to our property conditions ... and i would go now and get the best prostitute i could find and charge it to gradys charge card ...this is not a marriage

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago
good start

great start! i look forward to chapter2

ryu77ryu77about 19 years ago
Got my attention....

I wonder what this all is about, but I bet she LOVES the gang bangs.

Will wait for next chapter.


gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

The start of a great story, I can't wait for the other chapters. Please don't make him a wimp, Its one thing for a wife to have problems with sex, its another for her to cheat on her husband. she could have told him she was having problems at work if she was. She sound like she just dosn't like sex with the hubby so its time for revenge on everyone and him to move on

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

The start of a great story, I can't wait for the other chapters. Please don't make him a wimp, Its one thing for a wife to have problems with sex, its another for her to cheat on her husband. she could have told him she was having problems at work if she was. She sound like she just dosn't like sex with the hubby so its time for revenge on everyone and him to move on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Nice start

I liked how you show the husband trying to find a justification for his wife of over 20 years acting like she does. Seems like a very reasonable response when when confronted with such a shocking discovery. I hope you dont have him bury his head in the sand with respect to the wife though.

She behaves like a whore for 2 years, wont tell him there is anything wrong and gets mad when he suggests getting help for their marriage. Not much could justify her behaviour over such a long period of time (including blackmail etc) while allowing the husband to believe she still loved him IMO.

Hopefully you have some kind of great twist in chapter 2 that will justify giving her a 2nd chance. If not, I hope the husband can see who really hurt him after he gets even with her coworkers.


Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Good start

but don't wimp him out in subsequent chapters.

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
I gotta read the next chapter

This next chapter if you write should be great and I don't want to miss it. This was a great start.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
interesting beginning

the protagonist does not react as i expect, but folks are different.

still one would expect a human to go thru the 5 stages of mourning/grief when a marraige dies: denial, anger, barganing, depression and acceptance. this guy has jumped straight to depression, it seems.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Appreciate the Intended Consequence

Thanks Author - reality seems to be on the way - nice work and talented writting.

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