Colleen and the Leg Trick


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"We'll see how sore I am in the morning," Meredith said, grateful to be done for more reasons than one. "But yeah, this felt good."

Meredith usually covered up with a towel on the way to the shower on her rare visits to any public locker room. But since the whole point this time was to get a look at Colleen's body, it felt only right that she not be shy. As much as it was against her inclinations, she managed to look confident as she undressed and stuffed her workout clothes in her locker and grabbed up her towel in one hand. Mike owed her big time! But, she had to admit as she strolled naked towards the shower, it was kind of a kick.

Colleen looked just as confident as ever as she undressed a few yards down the bench from Meredith. As she struggled not to peek, Meredith realized this was probably as much an act for Colleen as it was for herself. That was a pleasant revelation for Meredith.

But not as pleasant as the revelation of Colleen's body. Mike was in for a treat if he could get over his reservations, all right! Colleen's thighs were just as furry as her calves, and they came together to cloak her womanhood in a veritable forest that encroached every which way onto her hips and belly, replete with a modest happy trail that, Meredith could see, ensured Colleen could never hope to hide herself completely in any pair of panties. Meredith herself longed to run her fingers through it. But she did her best to look only at Colleen's face, which was welcoming as ever.

The small talk was of work and plans for the weekend -- Colleen had none to speak of -- as they washed up together. Meredith was driven to distraction at the show Colleen was inadvertently putting on for her, especially as she soaped up her vast bush, but she managed not to stare. "I think I will try to join you again next week," Meredith said when the conversation hit a lull.

"That's wonderful, Meredith. I'd really like a companion for this, it keeps me honest as well."

"Makes sense." Meredith could only hope Colleen couldn't sense how hard it was to maintain eye contact as they spoke. But she'd learned just what she wanted to know. If only she could tell Mike!

Then again, she mused, it was only Mike whose secrets she'd vowed to keep.


The next morning, Meredith kept an eye out for any sign Mike would be heading to the file room. He did, but Jim was out and about and he knew too much already about Meredith and Mike's tendency to get away for a chat. Meredith had to settle for scribbling down a post-it note to keep at the ready for when Mike returned.

When he did, Jim had retreated to his office. Perfect. Meredith stood up and set the note discreetly on the corner of Mike's desk, and didn't look back as she retreated to the file room.

She only had to spent a minute or so pretending to look through a file before Mike appeared. "More gossip about Colleen, I take it?" he asked.

"Of course," Meredith grinned. "I went to the gym with her last night."


"So I saw her in the locker room. And she's perfect for you, if you catch my drift."

"How do you mean...Oh!" Mike laughed. "No kidding?"

"Trust me, you don't want to miss this chance. And she's interested in you, too. She told me yesterday on our coffee break."

"Yeah, but she doesn't want me just asking her out because of...of that. Then she'd think I'm a freak!"

"Mike, she's afraid you wouldn't even be attracted to her because of 'that'."

"I guess that figures," Mike said.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't told you how I discovered I like what I like," Mike said. "Can you get away for lunch? It's not something I could talk about here."

Mike had often wondered, once he'd told Meredith about his intimate preferences, should he have told her how they'd come about? It still seemed a bit disrespectful to poor old Nicole, so he hadn't. Of course he hadn't seen or heard from Nicole since that bittersweet summer seven years ago, and she had all but ghosted him in the first place, but be that as it may, he'd kept all that to himself.

Until now.

Poor Nicole. Mike could only hope she'd learned to love her body half as much as he had loved it. He also could only hope he'd learned something about how to tell a woman how much he adored any part of her body since then, but there was no telling whether he had, for none of his girlfriends since then had sported a beautiful, dark, full and wild bush like Nicole had.

They'd made love three times that summer, after spending senior year flirting with one another and sharing one wonderful slow dance at the prom. He'd been a virgin before that, she'd already lost it. Mike was never to know anything about Nicole's previous partners, but evidently they hadn't appreciated her natural beauty at all. Mike had learned that in the most unfortunate way on the dazzling July afternoon when they'd done it for the third time. The initial awkwardness being over with and both of them now being quite comfortable with one another, he'd let it slip while admiring her lying back on her side of his narrow bed. He hadn't said anything about her big bush, but he'd gazed at it in utter delight and she'd followed his gaze right between her thighs.

"Oh, please, don't say it!" she'd said, grabbing a pillow and hiding herself behind it. "I know it's a mess, but how would you like to have to shave down there?"

"What?!" Mike had exclaimed. "No, Nicole, it's beautiful! It's like nothing else I've ever seen!" (He cringed now at the choice of words, recalling that Nicole knew she was the first woman he'd ever seen naked.)

"Mike, please!" She'd stood up and grabbed up his bathrobe from the hook on the door to wrap herself in. "Don't tease me about that, okay? I know it's gross, but what can I do? I shave it and it just grows back, and it itches like crazy!"

"It's not gross!" Mike had protested. "I love it! It's beautiful."

"I said don't tease me!" Mike wasn't sure if he'd really noticed tears in her eyes right then, or if he'd imagined it since then, but she'd definitely sounded like she was about to cry. "You can't know what it's like! I used to love the way it looked and felt, before I knew I was a freak, but the girls in the locker room...oh, forget it! You'd never understand!"

"Nicole, please!" Mike recalled being angry. Angry for her, a little bit angry with her, but he'd tried to keep his cool all the same.

Then Nicole definitely had cried. "Please turn your back, Mike. I want to get dressed."

Since even at 18 Mike had fancied himself a gentleman, he had followed her order. "I wish you'd believe me," he'd said as he'd stared at the wall and listened to her hurrying on her clothes behind him.

"I wish I could," she'd said. "But I can't, and now I can't undo you staring at me you did. Goodbye, Mike."

He'd kept his back turned as she left the room and he heard her slamming the back door. Though they'd both had another month before heading off to college in different states, he'd never heard from her again.

Mike had gotten on with his life since then, of course. But he'd never come across another woman like Nicole. Certainly not his most recent love, Amy, who'd gone on her way months ago. Even before they'd ever gotten intimate, he'd noticed her sparse, pale eyebrows. Not long after that, a conversation had happened to turn towards personal grooming and Amy had made her tastes clear: "I don't have much to shave or trim anyway, if you catch my drift, and I like it that way."

When they had made love for the first time not long afterward, he'd seen how right that was. But the sex had been great and the relationship had been pretty good, for a while anyway, and his disappointment had been fleeting as always.

But he'd never forgotten Nicole.

"Wow, that's sad," Meredith said now over lunch. "But it's all too common for teenage girls to think they're hideous if they're different in any way, you know. And I mean, we know Colleen isn't like that, because of the leg trick."

"The leg trick?"

"Oh, right, you didn't know about that!" Meredith laughed. "How I wish you had, it would have made this whole thing a lot easier. When she needs to get her team's attention, she always pulls her skirt up to shock them with her hairy legs. It works every time! I've seen it twice this week."

"And that's why you chose this week to encourage me..."

"Exactly," Meredith said. She raised her water glass. "To honor the memory of Nicole?" she offered.

"I'll drink to that all right." Mike clinked her glass.


Before he could lose his nerve -- or forget the delicious hint of what Meredith had seen in the shower -- Mike found his way into the downstairs stacks as soon as he got back from lunch. "Hi, Colleen!" he said as he passed her desk.

"Mike!" she sounded just as delightfully nervous as he felt. "To what do we owe the pleasure? Need a hand?"

"I might," he said. "Got a minute?" He gave her a come-hither look and made his way to the far end of the stacks, which offered as much privacy as he was likely to get anywhere on her floor.

Feeling flutter in her heart, Colleen got up and followed him. "Awfully deep in the archives here, aren't we?" she asked, joining him at the end of the row. "So how can I help?"

"Listen, Colleen, I've been hoping to ask you for a while now, are you up for a movie this weekend maybe?"

"Oh, so glad you asked!" Colleen took his hand and squeezed it. "Yes! I see you've been talking to Meredith."

"Sorry, but --"

"No, it's fine! I'm glad! I was hoping she might nudge you my way!" Then she turned a bit more serious. "But there's something we should probably get out of the way before we do go out, Mike."

"What's that?"

"Come by my desk after work and I'll show you."

Mike thought he might very well be glowing as he climbed the stairs. Fortunately, Jim wasn't around.

Meredith, though, took one look at him and he knew he was right. "I see you asked her," she said with a grin.


"And she said yes."

"Yes, but first she wants to see me after work today."

"Or more likely, she wants you to see her!" Meredith snickered.

"Yeah," Mike exhaled. "Now how do I concentrate on my work all afternoon?"

"Nice problem to have, I think."

"You mean you know."

"Yeah, Mike. I know!"

When five o'clock finally arrived, Meredith gave Mike an encouraging squeeze on his hand. "So happy for you both!" she whispered. Patty, standing at the head of the stairs, pretended not to know what she was talking about. Mike watched them head downstairs without another word. He then forced himself to wait another ten minutes, though there was little indication of anyone besides Colleen being left downstairs.

He felt nervous as a schoolboy at his first dance as he stepped downstairs. Colleen's welcoming smile put him a bit at ease, but not entirely. "There you are!" she said, standing up. "I'm so glad Meredith did this for us!"

"Did what?"

Colleen laughed. "Mike, let's you and I go to the periodicals room, shall we?"

Mike didn't even try to ignore the delicious swish of her skirt as he followed her back past the stacks into the periodicals room, which he'd heard of but never visited. He hoped in vain for a glimpse at her legs, but her skirt was too long and her boots too high -- and now, of course, he knew why.

Colleen was still looking delighted with him as she turned on the light and locked the door behind them. "Welcome to my lair," she quipped. "Don't worry, you're safe here. Only I have the key."

Mike only laughed as he looked around the room, which was piled high with old books and magazines in every corner. He had no idea what to say, and didn't try for the moment.

"Now then, Mike, please let's be honest with each other here, and no hard feelings if it ends here."

"I hope it doesn't!"

"Me too, but a woman like me learns to ask certain questions upfront. I don't have a problem with fetishes, you know, but I don't want that to be the only reason why you're attracted to me."

"It's not!" Mike felt horribly embarrassed all of a sudden, but he smiled through it. "I didn't even know about your...your legs --" he paused for a nervous laugh --"until just the other day, and I was already interested in you before that. Meredith can tell you that."

"She already has, sort of." Colleen opened her arms. "Relax, Mike. I believe you."

"I didn't know Meredith had told you," Mike said, returning her embrace, which sent a bolt of joy throughout his body. He cringed inwardly when he realized she would surely feel his erection, but his embarrassment turned to joy when she wiggled her hips to rub playfully against it.

"She didn't, directly," Colleen said. "That's why I said 'sort of'. What she did tell me is that you were interested in me, and don't worry, I also let her know the feeling was mutual, and then when I mentioned I was going to the gym after work, she jumped at the chance to join me. I wasn't born yesterday, Mike. I knew she wanted to see me in the shower."

"She didn't tell me what she saw there," Mike said. "Well, I mean, not directly." He laughed and hoped she would join in.

To his relief, she did. "I'm flattered that you both treaded so carefully here, Mike. We hairy ladies do get our share of being treated like freaks, you know."

"I do know," Mike said. "An ex of mine...well, it's a long story, but I told her I liked her bush and...and I never saw her again."

"Oh, Mike! That poor girl!" Colleen tightened her embrace and kissed his cheek. "That was very thoughtful of you, but she was probably fresh off a lot of locker room bullying, you know."

"She was. That's the last thing she told me. She also said she liked how it looked and felt know."

"I can identify," Colleen said. "She probably just needed time to come back around to that, like I did."

"How did you do it?"

Colleen laughed. "I see Meredith can keep a secret! Long story short, Mike, after my last breakup, I just decided I'd had enough of going to all that trouble for the way other people thought I ought to look under my clothes, when the truth is I always got a kick out of being different."

"Great!" Mike said. "The sensitive guy in me wants to say it only matters what you like anyway."

"And the rest of you?"

"The rest of me is dying to see it!"

"Well then!" Colleen stepped back from him and set about unbuttoning his shirt. "The feeling is mutual!" She had his shirt off in no time, and allowed him to pull her top over her head. He spotted the first glint of shyness he'd ever seen in Colleen as she stood before him in her bra, with the uppermost wisps of hair peeking out from between her belly button and the waistband of her skirt, but it was all perfectly endearing.

Colleen turned her back. "A little help?"

"Skirt or bra?" Mike asked.

"Both, and make it snappy!"

Mike laughed and unfastened her bra, and she swung it off while he was unzipping her skirt. As it floated to the floor, she turned around and welcomed his gaze on her blue plaid panties, which were bulging as always. She flicked at her happy trail to tease him. "Let's get you out of those pants first, dear," she said, helping herself to his belt buckle.

It was only as she was unzipping his pants that he managed to steer his gaze further downward. "I think my legs are a little bit hairier than yours," he said, just as she pushed his pants and boxers down to reveal that he was right.

"Are you bragging or apologizing?" Colleen asked.

"You decide, I guess!" And they laughed together.

Colleen gave his hardness an affectionate squeeze, and then pulled her panties down at last. She put her hands on her hips and looked back up at him. "Well? What do you think?"

"So beautiful." Of course he said it to her bush instead of her face, but Colleen didn't mind in the least. Tentatively he reached one hand out. "May I?"

"You'd better!"

She welcomed his gentle touch as it rustled the hair and tickled her slightly and in the sweetest way, and sighed in appreciation as his fingers found her buried treasure. "Oh, Mike, that's lovely!" she said as his fingers teased her lips. She reached out to return the favor, and promptly their lips met as their hands went to town on one another. Their mouths were still locked together when he slipped his first finger inside her, but he could feel her response as well as hearing her muffled moan. He lost no time in rubbing her to a quick climax, and she broke off the kiss to tilt her head back and squeal joyfully. "Ohmygod!" she grunted.

Mike slipped his finger out, but Colleen took his hand in both of hers and kept it pressed against her bush. "You're not going anywhere, dear!" she announced.

"I certainly hope I'm not," Mike said. "I'm not done exploring yet, am I?"

"You're just getting started!" Now she did pull his hand away, but didn't let go of it, and she led him to a pile of old periodicals in the corner. "They've been after me to get rid of these," she said. "But I had a feeling they'd be useful." She turned around and lay back on the pile and spread her legs, giving Mike his first glimpse of her glistening pink vulva.

"Beautiful," he exhaled, giving it another gentle stroke with his hand.

"You're welcome to use your hands all you want, Mike, but I hope you don't use only those."

Mike laughed and climbed atop her, careful not to knock too many of the old tomes off the pile. A few did slip off, but he was scarcely aware of that as he welcomed her affectionate grip on his hardness as she guided him inside. "Oooooh..." she cooed as he pushed his way in, and then she kissed him triumphantly as she enveloped him completely.

"A guy could get lost in the forest, huh?"

"Please do!"

There were no more words for the moment as he made love to her, slowly at first, enjoying the lovely sight and sounds of her response as she embraced him tightly, inside and out. As her moaning grew more intense, he picked up the pace, loving every moment of the delicious tension. Two things didn't change: Colleen's adoring gaze up at him as he bobbed above her, and the wonderfully taboo tickle of her leg hair against his down below. That was but an afterthought compared to the delicious grip of her pussy, but it was a delightful one all the same.

"Gonna come!" Colleen grunted, squeezing his shoulder blades and thrusting her hips up as best she could under his weight. "Come with me?"

"Yes!" Mike buried his face in her neck and flailed away as fast as he could, hoping he'd be able to hang on until he got her off.

He was, for a moment later Colleen wrapped her arms tightly around him and let out her loudest yelp yet. Mike responded in kind as he felt himself going off the deep end as well.

She kissed his nape as he came to rest, and hugged him fiercely. But when he made to pull out, she clamped her legs tightly around him. "You ain't going nowhere yet, Mike," she ordered.

Mike laughed. "Well, if a guy has to be stuck..." He propped himself up on his elbows and kissed her. "Whatever will they say upstairs?"

"Doesn't matter," Colleen said. "You don't work for me, we're not breaking any rules."

"And fuck Jim."

"I'd rather fuck you, Mike, but if you say so...but ew!"

Mike laughed. "Yeah, sorry for that image! Meredith'll be happy for us, though."

"But not as happy as I am for us!"

"Me neither."

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5A4nxL325A4nxL32over 3 years ago

Colleen sounds like my kind of woman-something so sexy about a woman with hairy legs. Glad Mike found what he was looking for!

soflabbwlvrsoflabbwlvrabout 4 years ago
Not my fetish

But nicely written. I enjoyed the dialogue between the characters and especially Meredith and her lover. Well done.

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