College Clones Ch. 09: Catalyst


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"Command." She said. Jessica's grey eyes gave a twitch. "You're going to have sex from now on with anyone that hits on you, especially if it's a woman. You're going to remember what just happened and keep it to yourself, but always want more. Always." Melanie looked around the parlour and the cum soaked, wrecked girl. "It's been a pleasure frequenting your establishment." She said and left, leaving the sign to show "closed".

She arrived back at her dorm room that night with a bang as she kicked her door open. The sound was followed by clinking of bottles as she carried in a case of fifteen beers and two brown paper bags.

"Where's my pretty little slut?" She asked with a slur. Her question was answered midway through however, as she noticed Shelby in the middle of the room on a chair. The seat was facing the door, and she took in the sight of the body that was once hers stark naked, with knees on the cushion and moist pussy on display. Shelby was rubbing her clit slowly, teasing herself and waiting for her mistress for what may have been hours.

"That's my girl." Melanie said and set everything down on the bed to her right. Shelby watched in impatient agony as her mistress ripped open the box and chugged a beer. With a burp, Melanie paused, then passed one to Shelby with a smirk.

"Here. If you're going to be me, then you've gotta drink like me. Show your mistress what she looks like drunk." Taking the beer apprehensively, Shelby opened it and looked in. She had never drank before, but this was a direct order. Her will steeled and she chugged. Melanie watched in genuine surprise as her old body's throat worked it down. Through the pleasant blur of her buzz she seen herself nude of the chair, leaning back with closed eyes and such supple breasts drinking the perspiring beer. Her libido engine was firing up again, valves lighting up and steam issuing from pipes and gears working blood down into the groin. Watching this was like some new sexy and daring beer commercial.

Shelby lowered the empty bottle and looked up at her mistress with an excited pleased smile. A tear ran down her cheek as she looked for approval in her love's eyes. She wasn't disappointed.

"Now that's my fucking girl." Melanie said, sincerely impressed. "You need a reward..." She said and rustled open one of the paper bags. After the tattoo parlour she had taken an obvious trip to the liquor store, but also the small sex shop for some goodies. There was much training to do. Melanie turned back with a bottle of flavoured lubricant and red dildo - batteries ready. She clicked it on and felt the familiar buzzing feeling in her hand and that slightly annoying but appealing whirring sound.

She remembered she hadn't even closed the door yet, and turned for it to see the R.A. standing there in his shorts and polo shirt. He was wide-eyed and startled looking between them. One Melanie on the chair ass up and buck nyekid fingering herself while looking back over her shoulder. Another Melanie standing by her with lube and a large glossy humming dildo. The three stayed like that for a long moment, then Melanie walked for the door.

"Dude, not cool. That's my sister." She said reproachfully and closed the door.

- - -

Melanie sat in that classroom and issued a dark laugh as she remembered this. How she thought she would regret that, but found she didn't really. She felt her pet fucking her cock steadily with a wet onahole, teasing and edging for a bigger load payoff soon. Melanie remembered how she rewarded her slave to twenty minutes of eating her exposed cunt and ass, using what she nicknamed "Red Rocket" to fuck the one she wasn't licking. She loved the taste of her own pussy. Now she knew what she tasted like to all the others. Shelby had cum multiple times through both orifices, and even squirt once when a simultaneous one rocked her body, causing her to tremble.

Melanie remembered them sharing drinks and even pleasure with the sense link in the darkening room and fucking like monkeys. She was getting into holding another her's love handles and feeling her own tits in her squeezing hands. It was the kinkiest thing she had ever experienced. She had cum again and again, each in a different place. Her stamina seemed bottomless as she fucked Shelby's pussy, ass, mouth, hands, feet, breasts, between ass cheeks and once when they were both slick with sweat and oils in the armpits. Not one load was wasted. Not a one. Melanie licked some up out of pure lust, but Shelby seemed addicted to the stuff. It may have been because she was such a pig in her previous body, or just from utter devotion and love for her mistress. She consumed every drop, and deeply kissed Melanie when she had some herself.

Between each round of sweaty, slippery sex they would lay together and give exhausted laughs, or do some shots and drinks together in the nude. Each time they went back to sex it got messier and wilder. It was Shelby's first time getting drunk and Melanie was falling for how cute and perverse it was. It was like being the cool Aunt getting a niece drunk at camp before being of age.

Melanie remembered the next morning - that Monday morning - when after both waking still drunk Shelby had wanted to come to class with Melanie that day. She said no, not unkindly but wanting to be alone for a while. Shelby pouted, but then suggested something so out of the blue and provocative that Melanie couldn't refuse. She had suggested switching bodies for the day and keeping the link on. This was something Melanie had forgot completely about and felt an emotion she had never, ever, ever, EVER thought she could ever have; a reluctance to be in her real body. She had grown accustomed to - and possibly in love with - this new body, fully equipped with cock and balls. She had liked being able to actually fuck something, it was empowering. Melanie asked why, with a hint of unwillingness in her voice. Shelby seemed a bit shy to answer, but Melanie thought she knew. They had swapped back, and one went to class way before it started after giving a soft kiss, and the other stayed behind nude and ripped open the paper bag of toys.

Sitting in the classroom Melanie took a pint out of her bag and swigged it. Her life was as crazy as she had ever wanted it, and if it wasn't for the mild headache it might even be perfect. She laid back in the chair languidly and spun in circles. This time spent alone in the quiet room, with booze, a much bigger bank account, and the sex slave she always wanted... anything felt possible in the morning light. Then there was a distant noise and she knew people were shuffling in for class.

She put away the bottle and leaned back against the wall. As it slowly filled with people and mild activity there was a thrilling perversity to the fact that anyone could look at her and not possibly know the sensations she felt. She could walk up to the front of class and talk to the instructor Janice passively, and feel her dick in a different building fucking lubed plastic.

Contemplating this for a while in her haze, she barely noticed Tricia coming in and sitting down. Her eyes opened a bit more and she watched. The chair under Tricia gave another bob down for a second, almost as if an invisible weight had dropped on her lap. It took a few seconds for Melanie to realize what must have happened, and she gave a knowing smile.

Tricia looked up at her and seemed nervous, so Melanie gave a kind wave... and a wink. She turned to draw and had a pretty good idea that Trish had brought her clone. How she wanted to see it... see two of her... see what they did alone. Melanie had found she cared for Tricia in a way. She felt a bit sorry for her shyness and wanted to see her smile. Then she wondered how Tricia fucked it... she definitely had sex with it... but who was in it? Anyone? No one?

Melanie sat there wanting to start drawing, but just thought about two Tricias making love while feeling Shelby's masturbation. Melanie knew her pet was addicted to cum, and wanted the cock all day like a personal jizz dispenser. Two awkward, quiet Tricias moaning in lust... sucking dick... licking ass... looking at another her through foggy glasses...

Someone to her left sat next to Tricia and she looked to see Jack there setting up his station. He looked at Melanie and their eyes exchanged acknowledgement. She seen him look at Tricia, and the extra second his gaze lingered told her that he guessed as she did. It was true... two of her in that room with them... God how she wanted to see them fucking. Her pleasure was reaching a peak as she imagined it.

Soon Jack got up and walked out, leaving the view open across the room. Tricia looked at Melanie, whom was nearing climax. Melanie unabashedly stared back at first, unable to look away as she remembered Tricia in that storage room with all the other clones. Then she caught herself and faced her desk as she shared Shelby's orgasm. The teasing and edging worked. She felt thick wads firing out and she closed her eyes and grit her teeth. A minute passed, and the ecstasy ebbed away. She felt Shelby sucking the onahole and fingers inside it, no doubt scooping out everything she couldn't get with her tongue. Not missing a single drop.

Melanie gave a little satisfied sigh and started drawing with shaking hands as Jack came back with another chair. She ignored it and just tried to work for a while. As she drew her stylized Jessica she remembered their recent interaction in the shop. Every line and curve felt she made of the body felt like conquering the blue haired beauty again. She worked in drunken contentedness, when suddenly Tricia and Jack left together. Melanie felt mildly curious, but was too tired to really ponder it.

They came back some time later, and Tricia was missing a sandal for some reason. Melanie realized Jack must have a fetish, seeing how he enhanced feet stimuli with the bracelet. Did she give him her flip-flop? Melanie started thinking of Jack alone later sniffing and licking a flip-flop while jerking off. She was again drifting back into her mental red motel room of thought when Jack sat next to her, snapping her out of drunken imaginings.

"Top of the morning." He said with that familiar smile. "Mind if I have a bit?" He clearly recognized the scent of booze.

"...Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure." Melanie replied and handed him the pint from her bag. Jack took a drink and passed it back.

"You should come to a thing I'm having at my place Tuesday night." He said.

"What, like a party?" She asked. A real shindig would be just the thing. A real celebration of everything perfect in her life now. Her personal bitch slave Shelby... and the money.

"Kinda, yeah." He said. "She'll be there." Jack motioned behind him. Melanie couldn't help but look at Tricia who seemed so content all of a sudden. Melanie wanted to ask why that mattered, but she got the impression Jack knew she liked Trish. She suddenly had an image of Tricia drunk... and if it's Jack's place she might even bring her clone...

"Where and when?"

- - -

-- Previous Friday --

Both Hellens woke up at about the same time. They had stayed up all night, taking turns with the laptop. They were observing what others were doing on their computers, most were just using social networking. They were passively doing this while they just thought and plotted. There was a span of a few hours where they just closed the laptop and talked to each other. Hellen and her clone just shootin' the shit. The casual way they could just discuss whatever, and just be together was so pleasant they were reluctant to sleep. They decided to skip class when the sun was rising, and they crawled in to the same bed. Picture these perfect copies under sheets together, whispering their mutual love and softly kissing until asleep. If that doesn't strike you as adorably precious, what will?

The clone woke first and seen again what she looked like when asleep. The brown hair splayed on their pillow, the afternoon sunlight glowing on the cheek, the soft breathing, the hand near the mouth. She felt such a wave of love that she hadn't thought possible a few days ago. For the rest of their lives... they had this for the rest of their lives. Then an idea hit her.

"Hellen." She said lightly, still enamoured how she could address her own name like this. "Hellen, I think we have a plan." The original Hellen stirred and opened her eyes with a slow breath in through her nose. She seemed confused for the smallest moment when seeing her clone, thinking she was still asleep, then a tired smile of realization.

"Hmm?" She mumbled and rubbed her eyes.

"We can get him while he sleeps."

"... Wha- Oh... huh. Well maybe, he won't be able to pull that command shit." She said with a morning's raspy voice. "That's a good start, glad I thought of it." She said with a playful smile and they both giggled. Hellen had never giggled before. What followed was the most comfortable silence she ever experienced. They could just stare at each other and know one another.

"I don't wanna get up." Hellen said, her hand propping up her head.

"Well too bad!" The other her said and shot forward, quickly tickling all the places she was most ticklish. They both laughed as Hellen tried to bat away the fingers.

An hour later they were both at the local mall browsing clothing. When they left dormitory they used an alternate exit to avoid Veronika working reception. They'd deal with that later somehow. For now they walked around closer than necessary and holding hands. It wasn't very busy there, but the few people who seen them did double-takes. They had found a loophole in Jack's order to be discreet. Hellen wanted to bring her other self out into the world, so figured all it would take to do so would be a vocal command. Whenever someone looked too curiously at them, or got too close they told them to "Forget". They grinned, watching the inquisitive or nervous expression fade away and they went on their way.

Having the same taste, deciding on clothes was easy enough. Everything they got, they got at least two of them. Pairs of over-shirts, tanktops, jeans, skate shoes, flip-flops, floppy beanies, the works. They changed in the same stall in the dressing room, and emerged as perfect duplicates. Both wore black beanies, thin black over-shirts over bright red tubetops, ripped grey jeans, and black skate shoes. They were both feeling great now, mostly from love for themselves but also at beating Jack's rule. They stood side by side in front of the wall size mirror, then exchanged glances. Both Hellens were getting aroused.

"Check it out..." The original Hellen said, and brought her copy to the mirror. "It's like there are four of us." Indeed it looked like that. Like two pairs observing themselves. They looked at each other again, and knew that they were thinking the same thing. It was too big to discuss now, so they dismissed it and left the change room together.

At the counter the older lady behind the register looked at them in wonder. Why would twins want to dress the same? Something didn't seem natural to her about them. She watched one of them holding bags of clothing and tap the other girl on the shoulder. The other one who was getting her wallet stopped and listened as the first whispered in her ear. They shared a sneaky smile and the lady didn't like that one bit as the wallet went away. She also didn't like the way they were looking at her. The last thing she remembers is one of them saying something, then everything went fuzzy. When she came to the cash register was open and empty, and she was in her underwear. Her dress was on a mannequin by the window. She was still standing behind the register and noticed markings all over her skin. Panicking, she ran to the change room and shrieked at the mirror. Someone had drawn all over her with markers. Curse words, characters, symbols on almost every exposed inch of her body, even a Hitler moustache scribbled under her nose. Who did this? She just couldn't remember...

Outside behind the mall, the Hellens were sitting side by side against each other on a concrete block. They were laughing and sharing tokes with their vaporizer. One would take a hit, then blow it into the other's mouth. Every time they shared a small smooch after. They were alone back here, the asphalt cracked, some grass that fought it's way through was waving in the cool breeze. One Hellen started singing "Sex and Candy", and the other joined with a wide grin while lightly kicking her legs. They harmonized perfectly in this small empty lot surrounded by trees.

"Hangin' round,

Downtown by myself,

And I had so much time,

To sit and think about myself,

And then there she was...

Like double cherry pie,

Yeah there she was,

Like disco superfly..." They looked at each other and laughed, then shared another quick kiss.

"I've always wanted to do this." The other her said and took a handful of money bills out of the bag.

"Oh yeah!" Hellen exclaimed. She watched her duplicate throw the money into the air, and they both had one excellent moment with arms raised, hundreds of dollars floating down around them like dead leaves with dead men of government on them. Hellen picked up some fifties and lit them with her lighter. They watched the flame hungrily consume the currency. They had no real need for it anymore. The only thing either of them wanted was themselves.

- - -

The dorm door opened after a long silence following a gentle knock. Veronika stood there, looking slightly unkempt. Her and Hellen looked at each other uncomfortably for a few seconds.

"I heard you weren't at class today." Veronika said, not meeting eyes.

"Nah. Wasn't feeling it." Hellen noticed that she wasn't welcomed in like she normally would have been. Veronika hesitated before stepping back a bit. Hellen walked in and sat on the bed, wanting to seem casual. Tension was contagious.

"So... what's up?" Veronika said with a hand on her hip. There seemed to be more to this question than just conversation.

"Nothin' really. Just wanted to see how you're doing. I seen the schedule in the lobby and saw you got reception, that's great!" Hellen said, trying to bring the energy up.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. I can make some money while working on homework and stuff"

"Decent." Hellen said, noticing how the eyes didn't quite meet hers. "So uh... I talked to Rebecca recently." Veronika nodded hearing this, looking at her chipped nail polish. Hellen started to get a little angry. This was so immature and degrading. It was just sex for fuck sakes. She thought how irritated her clone would be too. "She said you heard me gettin' the shaft."

"Is that what happened?" Veronika said, now looking up. There was something so accusatory in her gaze... that and something near fear. "How did you do that thing in class yesterday?" Hellen looked stunned for a second, and knew that was the wrong move. It seemed to tell Veronika what she wanted to hear. "It's not possible... and what I heard in your room only makes this worse. Something's wrong with you Hellen, and I don't know what. Is there..." She paused, her throat clicking with a difficult swallow. Hellen knew this was so crazy that her friend was fighting to ask the looming question. "... Is there another you?"

Hellen tried to say "yes", but couldn't. She wasn't permitted by Jack's order to tell. She tried to nod, but it couldn't be done. Veronika watched as Hellen seemed to struggle with something. She felt like an interrogator in some freak show. It wasn't possible... but Hellen wasn't laughing or calling her stupid or insane. The eyes of her friend - who was sitting like a child who broke the vase - confirmed some truth to the question. Veronika reeled. She knew Hellen had no twin sister... and the things she heard her saying...