College Teacher


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We would still fuck each other at the weekend in the tent in the woods but during the week, I would dress up and he would then be the true husband and do most of the fucking of me as being his wife.

He surprised me again three weeks later by presenting me with another box and I gave out a cry of delight for he had bought me two dresses to go with my underwear. I was now really becoming a woman in having these delightful presents being given me. He said that he had to guess the size but when I tried one on found that it fitted me perfectly and did a nice little dance in front of him to show how happy he had made me. It must have turned him on too for he soon had his head up underneath to suck on me till I came. I then lifted the hem up to my waist for him to fuck me which he did with much gusto.

A fortnight later I got a letter which did quite a lot to change my life.


It was at the beginning of December, two weeks before half term and I noticed that the flap of the envelope carried the logo of the Houses of Parliament. It was one of several letters at my place when I sat down for breakfast and so it wasn't noticed by Kit. I didn't open it there but waited till I was in my first class and giving them a chapter of a book to read to themselves, I then opened the letter.

Dear Dr Smith, it read, in pen and not typed and on the official notepaper of the House of Commons.

You spent part of this past summer at Flakestone Manor and talked with Reginald Monkton. He was very impressed on what you had to say in answer to his questions, so much so, that he passed on your name to me.

I was then intrigued by the answers you gave him and would like, if you could spare some time before Christmas, to spend a few days in London so that I could have a chance to meet and speak with you

I would be most grateful if you could find the time for us to meet and can be contacted with a yes or no, though I would prefer the former, either by phone or letter at the above address.

Your most humble servant, William Burgess.

I sat back amazed at this for William Burgess was the Shadow Foreign Secretary and he was writing for me to meet him and have a chat. I couldn't wait to show this to Kit and see what he could make of it. But it wasn't till lunch time that I was able to show him the letter to which he gave a low whistle.

'Well you're certainly going up in the world,' he said after he'd passed it back to me.

'What should I do?' I asked.

'When a door opens that you haven't knocked on, enter, for it might be Aladdin's Cave. Don't shut the door until you know what's behind it, that's my advice. Tell you what! You make a week of it in London, sightseeing, shopping whatever, and I'll go home and you can join me there for Christmas itself. Yes, that's a great idea.' he said, the last being to himself. 'I haven't seen the family since the funeral and I should really go to mend any fences that may have been broken.'

So it was settled that I should accept the invitation and after a week or whatever, go up to Norfolk where Kit came from for the festival period. Later that afternoon before supper, I rang the House of Commons and finally got put through to William Burgess.

'Thank you for ringing back so promptly Dr. Smith,' he began.

'Colin please,' I said. He gave a chuckle.

'Okay, and my name is William. Now is the answer no or yes to our meeting?' No beating about the bush here I thought.

'The answers yes but I cannot manage anything earlier than the tenth, and I've allowed myself a week if that's convenient for you,' I said.

'Capital! The tenth is fine but I want our meeting to be private, so I hope you don't mind if we practice a little subterfuge?'

'Okay by me,' I replied.

'Good. Now we will work through Monkton who you've met. He will get you a room at Wilbur's, it's a club where he is a member, for a week and also a private dining room for our first meeting.'

'You are making it sound most mysterious,' I said.

'Well, what we shall be talking about is rather delicate and it would be better if we were not actually seen conversing with each other as people might draw the wrong conclusions. Your name is not unknown in political circles, believe me.' This was news to me but I kept quiet.

'I, William,' I stuttered.

'Can you make it for lunch for there's quite a lot I want to talk about and we'll go right through to dinner?'

'I'll make sure that I'm on time.'

'Well done Colin. See you on the tenth then.'

We said our goodbyes and as I put the phone down wondered why all the secrecy, but then, I suppose being the Shadow Foreign Secretary had made him a bit paranoid and saw spies under every table.

So with only just over a week to go till half term, I had Kit fuck me senseless as well as giving him as much of myself that he could take for we would be apart for a whole week and I didn't want him having strength to take on anyone else while he was at home.

The term ended and the horde of children left and I had a tearful farewell with Kit and set out early for my trip to London and my mysterious meeting with William Burgess. With British Rail as it is, I only just got to London, found a taxi and got to the club shortly before lunchtime. I gave the porter Reginald Monkton's name as well as my own and found that a guest room had been provided for me. I was shown up a plush staircase to the member's guest rooms and found it much more luxurious than any hotel. It even had a well stocked bar I noted as I quickly undressed and had a shower to freshen myself up and put on clean clothes.

I found my way down to the lobby and said that a private dining room had been made available to me to which I was told that it was so and I was escorted to this small but comfortable room that had a small table and chairs as well a sofa, two armchairs and a good drinks cabinet. I thought that as I wasn't paying for it I might as well help myself and poured out a large gin and tonic and to hell with you William if you disapproved.

I'd nearly finished my drink when there came a discreet knock at the door and it opened for one of the liveried servants to put in his head.

'Your lunchtime guest has arrived Sir,' he said and stood back to let William Burgess in before closing the door behind him.

He was of medium height, looked fairly solidly built of about forty four years of age and still had his own hair though greying slightly at the temples. His eyes were blue and his teeth looked as if they were his own and not dentures. He was soberly dressed and quickly came over with his hand outstretched and a big smile on his face. A typical looking politician.

'So glad you could come Doctor Smith, er, sorry. Colin,' he said and I couldn't help but smile back at him and learned that this kind of faux pas in the greeting was a standard thing to break the ice.

'It's nice to meet, William,' I said taking his hand and found it soft but still firm, 'though I'm puzzled at the secrecy of our meeting like this.'

'You find out as we go along. Ah, drinks.' he said, seeing the glass in my left hand.

'Oh, sorry. What would you like? I'm not used to this sort of thing,' I said as he told me he would have the same for it looked like gin. So I poured out two more and we toasted each other and I found that I liked his smile and the twinkle in his eye.

'Now what we are about to talk about,' he began as he sat down at the table with me following suit and sat down opposite him, 'is highly secret for I am going to tell you things that not many people know outside of the upper echelons of Government. What I then want from you is your analysis of the situations that I put forward to you. So whatever we speak about in this room is not to go beyond these walls, is that clearly understood?' I told him yes. 'Good. Let's order lunch first and then we can talk.'

So we both studied our menus and he obviously had been here before, for he got up and pressed a bell that I hadn't noticed and a few minutes later, a servant came in to take our orders. We made small talk, such as how did I get on at school and the college and what led me up to writing about political history, which lasted until we were served. A whole trolley being brought in for us to help ourselves without further interruption.

The food on the trolley was fabulous and the best I'd ever eaten though this was small potatoes as to what William spent most of the meal telling me about the Government's Foreign policy which had never ever reached the papers that I was currently reading. I was staggered at the depth of intrigue the country had sunk to and he then, right at the end dropped it all in my lap.

'Now what would you do about what I've just told you?'

I was dumbfounded that this man, nearly twice my age and more versed in the active mechanics of politics than me was asking me, a mere historian, a young one at that, what I could read into what he had said and give advice on what should be done?

I think he noted the stricken look on my face and gave a chuckle and patted my hand.

'Don't worry about what you might say, for all I will do is listen and then give you a counter argument for you to then refute whatever I say and so on ad infinitum. I know from what Monkton said that it's not outside of your realm to be able to see and read between the lines. I just want, if you'll excuse me, a layman's view of what I have said.'

I lifted my glass up for a drink for I needed it and found that it was empty and put the glass back to have my hand patted once again as he got up to open another bottle.

'Take your time Colin in thinking, for that is what I want you to do, think on what I've said and give me an honest opinion.' He then touched my hand again as he took my empty glass and refilled it. I was now getting another set of vibes by having had him touch my hand three times now and decided to see if I was being misled. I waited till he sat down opposite me and I laid my hands both flat in the centre of the table.

'You're putting a lot on me at our first meeting,' I said and waited, and sure enough, his hand came over and laid itself down on mine.

'As I said Colin, take your time,' and his hand didn't leave mine. It was me that slowly pulled it free to lean back in my chair and decided that, considering if what he was asking of me was the prime reason for our meeting but the nagging thought was there that he would like a bit more of me than my mind.

So on taking his first question, I began and it took me over an hour to give him what I think was going to happen in this case and of the pitfalls that I saw. We broke off there and had coffee delivered to the room and I then went on into the second question. This was more difficult and I really had to think and ask a lot of questions before I could even begin to formulate an answer.

This brought us to dinner time and so we rang the bell and gave our order for dinner and while we waited, he told me a few risqué stories of people in the House and found him touching me several times to make sure I got the point. A very tactile man he was.

We carried on through dinner and with only the second point out of the way, time was getting on and there was no way I would be able to finish before the night was out. I then decided to take the bull by the horns.

'Are you married?' I asked him.

'No,' he said softly. 'I'm now a widower. My wife died five years ago.'

'So what do you do for personal comfort?'

'I take what I can find and be most discreet about it too. Though those times are very far and few because of my position.' I could see a few tears in his eyes and wondered if this was another gimmick of his but dismissed that thought as I carried on.

'Would you like to have coffee and a brandy up in my room while we carry on and we'll see just how far we can go?'

He saw straight away the meaning of the innuendo and he only hesitated for a moment as he looked me in the eye and saw that I knew that he had fully understood what I had implied. His hand then came across the table, him having made up his mind, and covered mine and gave it a squeeze,

'I would like that. It's been so long since I've been in such pleasant company, and, if you'll forgive me, one much younger and better looking than myself.'

'Don't belittle yourself sir, for the proof of the pudding is in the eating,' I said and he gave out a chuckle and we left the dining room and went up to where my room was. I was going to ring for some coffee to be sent up but then noticed that the room had been provided with a small percolator and coffee in little sachets as well as sugar and powdered milk. I asked him how he would like his coffee as I set the machine to work and served him up a brandy.

'I think you'll find the bed more comfortable than the chair provided,' I said and so accepting his brandy and sitting down, took a big gulp of it and I knew then that he was as nervous as I was in what was going to happen between a Member of Parliament and an ordinary citizen.

I made the coffee and let it cool a bit as I walked about to finish off the question that I had been propounding on downstairs. It wasn't until the coffee had been drunk and another brandy poured that I went and sat down beside him.

'Shall we leave off where we have got so far and start on something else that seems to have cropped up?' I asked of him, looking him straight in the eye now and was glad to see that he didn't look away but gave me a smile and a nod. We had already taken our jackets off downstairs and loosened our ties but had carried our coats up with us.

'Would you like to kiss me?' I asked as I started to unbutton his shirt.

'I would indeed for I haven't met such a handsome young man like yourself, ever.'

'You're good looking yourself in spite of the few years between us,' I replied as I pulled his shirt free from his trousers and helped him off with it.

'You're speaking like a politician now,' he laughed as I took off my own shirt and undid my trousers and shucked them off onto the floor. He had followed suit and divested himself of the rest of his clothing as I did until we were both naked and I rolled him onto the bed and kissed him. His arms came up and held me as he returned them and didn't object when I broke free and kissed my way down to find that he was erect and took his cock into my mouth. He gave out a gasp and trembled all over at me sucking on him as I fondled his balls. He had a small paunch that wasn't visible when he was on his back but I knew it's what I would be having when I reached his age. I didn't stay long on the end of his cock and moved back up the bed to lay on my side facing him.

'Would you like to fuck me?' I asked him softly, giving him a sweet kiss.

'Yes,' he said in a hoarse low voice.

'I haven't got any condoms,' I said.

'I don't care,' he said as he gripped my arm, 'I would just like to have you as we are.' I smiled at him and moved so that he could rise up and I went onto my knees while he got behind me. He didn't mess about he was that eager and he was quickly putting himself up into me. As prick's go, his was no different to the others I'd had but gave out a cry as if it was the biggest I'd ever had pushed inside me. He seemed to come alive at that point and really began in earnest to fuck me which I thoroughly enjoyed. He came too soon for my liking but it was nice to feel hot sperm hit my insides from a bare back rider. He quickly pulled out and left the bed to go and wash himself in the bathroom. He got back onto the bed with a shy smile.

'Do you want me to fuck you or do you want to suck on me?' I asked of him. His face went a shade of pink.

'I...I...don't really mind, for...I've only ever done this twice before and...and, well I'm not sure which I liked better.' Well at least I'd got an honest answer from a politician for once.

'Let's do the fucking and get that out of the way and then later, we can get comfortable by sucking on each other at the same time. It's more enjoyable that way.'

'Whatever you say,' he said meekly. A far different man now in bed as to the one I'd first met in the dining room. 'Just be gentle is all I ask.' This gave me food for thought as I didn't have....but then I thought of the bathroom, and there I found a sachet of face cream that would serve and I took it back into the bedroom and told him to rise up onto his knees.

This he did and I felt him tremble as I got behind him and squeezed some of the cream onto the head of my prick and gently eased myself into him, telling him in a soothing voice all the time to relax. He did and was in him and slid right up till my thighs reached his white cheeks.

'Wow. That feels great and it only hurt for a second or two,' he said, his voice carrying a sense of awe in it.

'Just keep relaxed and enjoy the ride,' I said as I began to fuck an almost State Minister. That he became one later is another matter for I was still fucking him even then. I was kind to him and gently rode myself up in his backside and only gripped him at the end as I came in my usual flurry of bursts which brought forth an exclamation that he felt it.

To give him his due, he cried out at my withdrawal and said afterwards that it wasn't pain that made him cry out but the loss of my prick from his backside. This was after I'd washed myself carefully and was back on the bed for us to hold and kiss each other.

He took longer than me to recover so that it was nearly two hours later that I turned round on the bed and took him into my mouth, giving him the opportunity to suck on my tool. This he did with alacrity and followed all my movements of mouth, teeth, gums and tongue in giving the maximum of pleasure I could and then taken what he had to give me from his balls.

He nearly choked on what came out of the eye of my cock and I quickly threw him some tissues to spit my sperm into if he didn't want to swallow it. I wasn't going to push him too far in this first encounter but I was as sure as eggs are eggs, this would not be our last coming together in all senses of the word. I think it was a very happy man that fell asleep in my arms that night as he was being cuddled.

I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning.

'You're not ashamed of we did last night are you?' but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. 'For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you're always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don't think badly of yourself but be happy in that you gave me also just what I needed to help you with the questions that I haven't even got round to yet. Now give me a kiss and then let's have a shower, get dressed and have breakfast for I'm starving.'

'But I can't go down into the club's dining room with you,' he said with a trace of panic in his eyes.

'No problem,' I said as I rolled over and picked up the phone.

'Doctor Smith,' I said when it was answered at the other end. 'I had a private dining room for dinner last night. I'd like it available in half an hour's time for a guest. Yes, that's right, breakfast for two in the same room in half an hour. Oh, you might as well book me that room for lunch and dinner too, for my guest and I have a lot to discuss, Yes, thank you. Settled,' I said to him as I put the phone down. 'Now let's have that shower and go down and eat, though I know what I'd like to go down on to eat,' I said as I gave his cock a flick and smiled as I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to use the toilet. While I crapped, he showered and I was able to clean my teeth too and then had my shower while he did what he had to do and soon we were dressed and made our way separately downstairs. Me to the private dining room and him to the desk to be announced as my guest for breakfast. The ruse worked and soon we were eating together and afterwards, picked up where we had left off the night before.