College Teacher


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Even so, I was still unsure of myself as we got up and walked out, me holding the cheeks of my bum together to try and walk as a female and grateful that I didn't pass wind this time.

'Give me your handkerchief,' I said as soon as we got outside and took it and patted my forehead for I had felt sweat start to come out and I didn't want to wipe it off in case it upset the make-up I was wearing.

We walked about two hundred yards to the restaurant where he'd suggested we eat, and my arm was inside of his and felt better now that we were out in the fresh air and felt more confident as we went inside and were shown to a dim lit table.

Kit ordered a bottle of the house wine as we were given a menu each and after the wine had been served, I let Kit do the ordering for I didn't trust my voice. The meal was good and with the second bottle of wine on top of my two double gins, I felt much more relaxed and comfortable, though I nearly cocked things up when I went to the toilet. I had started to push open the door to the men's toilet and stopped myself just in time. Other than that, everything was fine.

I was now quite happy as we walked back to Pauline's flat, arm in arm and hadn't met anyone we knew and was pleased that my first foray out into the world dressed as I was went off quite well. But we still had to pay the piper, read that as Pauline, for with Dick away, she wanted some sex and so with me taking my dress off but still in my underwear, she went down on me while Kit fucked her. I came, Kit came and Pauline was happy at getting two deposits for the service she had rendered which was small in comparison to the thrill Kit and I had of me being out in public dressed as a woman.

I just hoped that he still had strength enough for me I told him as we walked back to the college after changing back into male clothing and scrubbing my face clean of make-up. Though when I say changed, all that I changed was my shoes and dress for I still had on all the underwear for time was getting short.

I was glad that it was his turn for the nightly check of lights out in our boy's rooms for it gave me a chance to put my dress back on and try to do my face as Pauline had done, having been given some of her make-up kit. It wasn't bad for a first effort and he was most pleased to get back to our rooms and find me almost the same as the woman he'd been out with all evening.

Wow! Did I get a lovely fucking that night and even got to fuck him too which was becoming a rarity with me now being the wife.

That week, I went out and bought my own cosmetics and spent quite a few evenings making myself up and learning from my mistakes with Kit adding in his tuppence worth. We still had to use Pauline's place for me to change clothes as we went another three times before the summer recess. Going out with more confidence each time and now appreciating the admiring looks I got, and not only from the men I might add. This really boosted up Kit's ego at this with me on his arm.

The Government collapsed and a General Election was held and William Burgess, as he had predicted, became the new Foreign Secretary in the new Government for his help in bringing down the incumbents. This led to a minor problem for me a couple of weeks later which I will come to in a moment.

With the fine weather now coming upon us, the weekend camping started again and it was a week of cleaning up the camp site, dragging the pool of the collected weeds and seeing that it was refilled with fresh water for the first of the summer. There was also the erecting of the tents and laying in supplies of the usual that young boys wanted of which you've already been told.

Then came my second year of setting the exam papers which were duly taken and I was surprised that our house came out on top in these, but failed by a short head to take the school trophy this year, again, though with a much reduced margin than the year before.

All in all, I was glad to see the back of the boys for the next six weeks and said so to Kit who agreed and promptly took me down to the pool and gave me a glorious fucking in our tent to round off the season.

We had an idyllic three weeks there at the camp, sunbathing naked, swimming and having leisurely sex out in the open air as well as in the pool. Then I got a message to ring the Foreign Office in London. It could only be William ringing and I told Kit who had called and that I'd better find out what it was about.

'I know it's short notice,' William said when I finally got put through to him, 'but can we meet for a few days for there's quite a bit of your mind I want to probe?'

'Is that all?' I asked in an innocent voice that brought forth a chuckle from the other end.

'No, but this is an open line and I'd rather not discuss it now. Can you make yourself available next week?' Now it was my turn to chuckle.

'Of course William,' I said 'When do you want me?'

'Now enough of that,' he laughed. 'Can I send a car for you this Friday afternoon. We'll meet at my home and we can talk over the weekend.'

'Fine,' I said and got the time and rang off.

Kit didn't like it one bit that I would be away for the weekend and it caused a minor argument. Mine being that I was doing my bit for the country and getting paid for it. God knew that I needed the money for I couldn't keep living off him. Why not, he countered? I've more than enough to spare. That's not the point, I said, and so on and so forth, but there wasn't much he could do about it for I had already agreed.

'What am I going to do over the weekend without you being here?' he asked, giving me a bit of a sulk after the lodge had informed us that a car was waiting for me.

'Visit Pauline and take her out to dinner,' I said and saw that I had said the right thing.

'It won't be the same,' he said in almost a whine.

'Just give her a good time and I'm sure you'll be well rewarded,' I said as I kissed him. 'It's only for the weekend.'

With that, I left with my bag and went down to the waiting car that took me off to Hertfordshire. Fortunately, it wasn't as far as going to London, and we pulled into the grounds of quite a large house built in a mock Tudor style but seemed to fit in with the surrounding trees and lawns.

William opened the front door as soon as the car drew to a stop and I found out later that he knew I'd arrived because of the hidden surveillance cameras, and shook my hand warmly in welcome and ushered me inside.

'I'm so glad you could come. Let's have a drink now for dinner will soon be served.' I followed him from the hall into what must have been his study for I caught a glimpse of two red boxes down by the side of a large antique desk, but I was led to a leather sofa and told to sit down while he fixed the drinks.

With a drink passed to me, he sat down with his and explained that now he was in office, it was much more difficult for us to meet in private and this was the only place, even though he was surrounded by secret service agents as well as having security cameras all over the place.

'Don't be alarmed,' he laughed at seeing my quick wild look around the study. 'The one for this room and the bedrooms, I've turned off. They won't like it when they come to view the tapes later, but it's my choice and they have to do as I say. Now tell me what you've been up to since we last met.' I gave him his answer which didn't take long and then, through dinner, he told me, that because of my help at the club, of how he discredited the late Prime Minister which was just a part of that Government's downfall. He couldn't praise me enough and hoped that I could help him again with what he had since been privy to since taking office.

It was hair raising and I saw that it had the makings of four different wars being waged between eight countries, two of which, we were almost committed to being involved in as a nation with obligations to honour the treaties made between these two countries involved.

'You have inherited a time bomb,' I said after hearing this.

'Don't I know it! Look! I've got three times as much grey hairs than I had when we last...last met.'

'I hope the virility's still there,' I said with a smile. He smiled back.

'I hope so too. Shall we go and find out?' he asked, with us now having finished dinner. We went upstairs and I was shown into a large and what must have been the master bedroom.

'Are the camera's switched off in here too?' I asked.

'Yes, they are.'

'Then, can you give me just fifteen minutes alone, for I have brought along a surprise for you. Nothing nasty I can assure you,' I hastily added at seeing his face, 'but I couldn't very well do what I wanted to do in the car. Fix us two very large brandies and the time and then you'll enjoy what you see.'

He looked doubtful, but went out and left me alone with my bag. This was something that I hadn't let Kit know about when I had packed my bag, for I now quickly stripped my clothes off and got out my set of black underwear and put them on and a dress and sat down and did my face up in a vanity mirror on the small dressing table that his late wife must have used. Then I brushed my hair round instead of the pony tail that it was now normally kept in. The boys at school thought it was cool that their political teacher was hip enough to have his hair done in this way. I just had time to see that my lipstick was okay and slip on my shoes as he knocked on the door before entering.

'Oh my God!,' he exclaimed as he saw me standing there dressed and looking every inch a woman with a big smile on my face. He nearly dropped the balloon glasses of brandy in his shock. 'Oh my God!' he repeated as he moved into the room. 'Is it really you Colin?'

'Yes William. What do you think?' I asked as I did a quick twirl for him.

'I wouldn't have believed it! You look incredible,' he said as he quickly put down the glasses and came over to me.

'Do I look desirable to you?' I asked as he came closer.

'I think this will tell you,' he said as he took me into his arms and kissed me as well as pressing his body up to mine for me to feel that he indeed did so, for his erection felt as though it was going to burst out of his trousers.

He was so eager as he planted many kisses on my lips that we nearly fell over as he bore me back to the bedroom wall.

'I can't wait,' he gasped when he finally let me go, frantically trying to get his clothes off.

'Neither can I,' I replied as I pulled my dress up over my head to reveal my erection as well as what I was wearing underneath. He was goggle eyed as he saw my scanty underwear and I thought he was about to have a heart attack as he gasped and held his chest.

I pulled him to the bed were we fell on it and I bent down and gave him a quick suck of his cock before turning round on the bed and showing him my backside that was there waiting for him to enter. Such was his haste and desire that he gave no thought to a condom and quickly got behind me and stuffed his prick up my arse.

'You've taken years off my life Colin for I feel about your age now,' he panted as he moved himself in and out as he fucked me. 'You couldn't have given me a better surprise than this.' To my dismay, he was that excited that he came within two minutes, holding me hard to him as he came inside me, which pleased me as I really felt it and gave a cry as he pulled out.

'Now go and wash yourself William,' I said as he sagged back onto his heels and I rolled over onto my back. He did as he was told and while he was in the bathroom, I pushed my erection and balls back between my legs and brought my thighs up close to each other and then posed myself on his bed in the position of that famous painting of Goya's of the Naked Maja though with a bra on.

'Oh my God!' he repeated again as he saw me on the bed. 'I...I, well, I...I, for the first time in my life as a politician, I'm lost for words. Colin, I take my hat off to you. Well I would,' he grinned, 'if I was wearing one.' I then opened my legs and let my cock spring up for him to see and he was quickly on the bed to take me into his hot mouth.

'Do you want to just suck or fuck?' I asked after a minute for I couldn't take too much of that without then going the whole way.

'I want this inside me,' he gasped as he released me and came up for air, his face quite red as he moved over next to me on his hands and knees.

'With or without a condom?' I asked as I got up onto my knees by rolling over.

'Fuck the condom, just fuck me Colin. Please,' he added, dragging the last word out. Without any more words, I got behind and entered him and rode him as if he was the mare and me the stallion and I think he loved this little bit of roughness. He cried out as I came, swearing that he felt it and I gave out a cry to echo his as I rammed myself into him to rid myself of what I had left to give.

I washed myself afterwards and we then lay together as he kept on kissing me and stroking my body and feeling the nylons and belt while remarking on the wonderful tan I had got. He also couldn't get over at how I had looked dressed as a woman and told me more than once how beautiful and desirable I had looked.

He still bubbled on about this during breakfast but after that, we got down to work in earnest. He had the two red boxes crammed full and he sorted through them, picking out bits here and there for me to read and take notes, which were to be destroyed later. Then I analysed these with what I already knew and spent the rest of the day putting all the bits and pieces together though I still finished up with many gaps and these I'd written down for him to ask intelligence to try and get the answers.

It was late afternoon when he came over to me and stroked the back of my neck under my hair which I had left down.

'Colin, could you see to doing me an honour by dressing up again and us going out together for dinner. I will understand if you don't want to be seen in public dressed that way, but it would be a boost to my ego and social status if I was able to take a beautiful woman out to dine with me,' he asked. 'I know it sounds self seeking but I truly do wish to give you a good meal.'

I then noticed that I had an empty plate by my side that must have held some sandwiches that I don't remember eating and I was feeling rather hungry. As to the going out dressed up, I got a thrill of the thought of it being with him, a Member of the Cabinet, and so I said yes. He gave me a kiss and I went up for a shower and to get dressed. He went and informed security that we would be dining out and at what restaurant and left them to see to the details.

As I was sleeping in his room with him, I used his shower and after while he had his, I sat down and took my time over doing my make-up so that it was good and not over the top. He was back out of the shower as I put on my underwear and got my usual erection at the sheer pleasure of putting it on and he got one too as he watched, which I saw in the reflection of the mirror and turned round to gaze at him.

'If we make love now William, will you still be able to tonight when we get back?' I asked as I looked pointedly at his erection.

'With you looking like that Colin, you'd raise me up even if I were half dead,' he replied.

'Then come and sit here,' I said as I got up off the dressing table stool and turned him round to sit down. I then got astride of him and held his prick upright and placed it to my entrance and sank down on him. He gasped at the dryness of entry for I'd forgotten about putting a condom on him. But his face glowed when he was fully inside me and I was sitting on his thighs with my hands resting lightly on his shoulders.

'This is so lovers can kiss at the same time,' I said as I bent my head and kissed as I lifted myself up and down on his shaft. His hands came to my waist to help and it wasn't long before he broke off the kissing to gasp for air and vigorously help bounce me up and down until he began to shudder and shake as he came inside me.

I think it knackered him but he kept a manly smile on his face as I got up off him and had his prick slide out of me now wet and covered with his own sperm. He quickly went into the bathroom to wash while I wiped myself with some tissues to remove the semen that was seeping out of me. I re-touched up my lipstick and smiled to myself in the mirror and then put my dress on and brushed my hair forward as he got dressed and it was just a matter of slipping into my shoes and I was ready.

We were chauffeured into the small town to the restaurant that had been booked, followed by another car of security men and I'm sure that they was at least another two inside to watch over us as we dined.

It was a thrill for me to be out in public again dressed as I was and treated just like a proper lady, especially with the company I was keeping. He was known at the restaurant and there must have been quite some speculation as to who I was to be dining with him. There was even a bit in a gossip column a couple of days later as to who the mysterious woman was that dined tete a tete with the Foreign Secretary. Thankfully, nothing came of it.

I had a wonderful meal and he was a good talker and the wine was good and heady and two bottles was enough for the both of us and soon it was time to leave. He was the perfect gentleman in pulling the chair out for me to rise and I noted that we weren't presented with a bill and assumed that he would be sent it later or had an account there. Maybe one of the security men settled up afterwards, I never did ask, well a lady shouldn't, should she?

He fucked me again that night while I wore my underwear and I got to fuck him too before we went to sleep.

After breakfast, we then spent the day with me going over all that I'd gleaned from the memo's and notes and what I already knew and gave him at least three different scenarios as to which way the opposite number of whom we were discussing at the time, would jump and which way we should then go.

I failed completely on one of them. Eighty five per cent right on another but hit the it on the nose with the other four in what would happen if we went this way or that. It was a lot to go through in one day and I was bloody tired, so much that I stayed overnight to be driven to the college in the early morning to be there in time for breakfast.

There was one other thing that could not be worked out politically and it was in the case of where we had three of our soldiers being held hostage. These rebels wanted to exchange our three for twenty of theirs and I told him that I would agree to that but make sure that the exchange was out in the desert and that we delivered their twelve in by helicopter to swap and take our three out.

Knowing that the rebels didn't have the same means of transport, they would have to use trucks and so I said that once the helicopter had cleared their airspace, that a flight of our planes fly in and bomb this convoy. Also, at the same time, of what I had learned and doing a profile on the rebel leader, named three places that he would likely be at the time of the exchange.

Then these three places should be hit simultaneously as the other air strike and with any luck, take him out too at the same time.

Six days later, this very thing occurred and all the previous prisoners had been wiped out and the rebel leader killed. The Foreign Secretary got a pat on the back from the Prime Minister for his input in this and William told me that my part in this wouldn't go unrecognised at a later date.

After four years of having these consultations with William in secret, he told me that the Prime Minister had been told of my help and I received a Knighthood a year later for my services to Education and the Crown as it was read out. But, as I've said, it was a few years into the future.