Compelling Questions Vex Me


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"Shit-shit-shit," ran through my brain.

Melody and I started talking about the party. We were polite and patient for the first five minutes. Then we crossed swords about virtually everything -- the venue, food, guest list, date, time, decorations, gifts or lack thereof, you name it.

Ultimately Melody said "Look; you know damn well that you're uncouth and that I have taste; just go along with what I want."

"Sorry, but I see it exactly the opposite; you're rude and pretentious and I know better what Malcolm would appreciate," I snapped back.

"Just because I was drunk and let you fuck me shouldn't get you on your high horse, asshole," she snickered.

"First of all you fucked me first. You were like a three dollar whore in heat, and I can't believe that I let my dick control my brain in response to your succubus ways," I snarled.

That precipitated another fierce name calling argument. Finally she slapped me in the face with her right hand, and then drew it back to slap me again. I grabbed both of her hands with my left hand to stop any further slaps, then sat down and pulled her onto my lap. I pulled up her skirt and then made the mistake of pulling down her panties before I started administering a spanking to her butt cheeks.

It was a mistake because not only was her rosebud winking at me, but her pussy started leaking and I inhaled her odor. I only got in three swats before my little head started controlling my big head.

How it transpired so smoothly I have no recollection. However, shortly after the third swat on her kiester suddenly my cock was rock hard, she was on her hands and knees on the thick den carpet, my pants and boxers were down around my knees as I knelt behind Melody, and my dickhead was at her vaginal vestibule.

"Don't you dare fuck me you asshole," Melody snarled, but her leaking pussy belied her words. I entered her snug orifice in one slow but steady push, and that was the last word of protest I heard from her.

Doggy fucking the succubus was heavenly and I expected to last a long time. She apparently had other ideas because she started her pussy peristaltic action again and soon I was grunting like a drove of pigs while she screamed and went limp.

After suffering through a series of powerful aftershocks I finally withdrew my cock from her pussy and collapsed next to her. She sat up, removed her blouse and bra, and unbuttoned my shirt. Once she completed her task I sat up and she pulled my shirt off my arms and tossed it away.

"God, I hate you, you perverted asshole," she growled. "I should report you to the cops for rape."

"I didn't rape you; you know damn well that you were asking for it," I snickered.

"Yeah, well I just might report you anyway," she growled again.

While we were lying there I was playing with one of her nipples. She had no complaint. Then she turned on her back and started rubbing her clit. Something overwhelmed me, and only for the third time in my life I had a burning desire to eat a pussy I had just fucked.

My fingers on one hand replaced hers on her clit and my tongue penetrated between the folds of her labia, while the fingers of my other hand spread her labia apart. Melody turned out to be one of the most multi-orgasmic succubi in history. She came five times in quick succession due to my oral and finger work before she went limp. I wasn't done with her, however.

I lifted Melody's limp body off the floor and sat her on my lap while I sat on a padded chair in the den. I slowly entered her pussy with my once again rock hard cock as she sat on my lap facing away from me as I grabbed onto her tits for fun and traction. I had been bucking up and down laying pipe in Melody's cunt for a few minutes before she started to rally. Once she did rally she started that pussy rippling again at the same time that she flicked her own clit. We came simultaneously with the force of a tidal wave, and I actually fell backwards on the chair until my torso was stopped by the chair back.

I finally gained complete clarity and my deflating cock slithered out of her cooch. Once I was sure that I had regained my strength I stood up, picked her up, and carried her to her bed and deposited her on top of her comforter. I then covered her with an extra sheet from the linen closet. I went back downstairs, dressed, and wrote her a short note and put it on her kitchen table, sure that when she woke up she'd be famished. "Why don't you handle the venue, date and time, and gifts or lack theeof, and I'll handle the guest list, food, and decorations? Deal?"

I exited the West mansion, went to a Schlotzsky's for a large muffuletta and then tried to get some work done around my house. Doing menial tasks helped me temporarily tamp down my guilt, and avoid asking myself why I had fucked Melody given my disdain for her and how screwed up I still was from our first encounter. I napped, weightlifted, ordered Chinese delivery, talked on the phone with Cindy for a good hour, and then sat down in front of the boob tube to watch a mindless comedy, like Caddy Shack, to get my mind off my issues. By then it was 10 p. m. but before the movie got into its second scene the doorbell rang.

When I looked at the camera display for my front door I couldn't believe it; it was the succubus herself. I grudgingly opened the door. "Can I come in?" Melody asked in an almost friendly voice.

"Sure," I replied, moving aside so that she could walk past me. We sat in the living room and I turned the TV off; I waited until she spoke.

"After his rehab for the entire day Malcolm is always wiped out. He's fast asleep now, Carrie is in the house in case there is an emergency, but he'll sleep until ten or eleven tomorrow morning. We need to talk," she announced, the understatement of the year.

"Yeah," I sighed, "I guess we do."

"Look," she seriously said, "I know that you don't like me and I don't like you and the unexplained attraction that we seem to have disturbs me a lot. I was thinking -- maybe if we have a night of complete wickedness that will cure us of the same thing happening that happened the last two times that we were one-on-one."

I didn't have an immediate reaction so she continued, pulling a small plastic bag from her purse. "I even brought a couple of Malcolm's little blue pills to facilitate matters. Do you think that my idea will work?"

Of course her idea was actually a stupid invitation to consciously cheat even without the lame excuse of extenuating circumstances. Despite that my little head once again controlled my big head. I stood up, took her hand, and slowly walked upstairs with her to our guest room, being careful to set an alarm for 7 a. m. the next day.


The next morning the alarm aroused us with one of my hands on one of her tits, and one of her hands on my ball sac. We took a shower together without saying more than a few words and with no hanky-panky since our private parts were completely worn out. As we ate a simple breakfast in my kitchen Melody said "It didn't work, did it?"

"I'm afraid not," I replied between spoon-fulls of cereal. "In fact, I think it did just the opposite."

After reflection and another bite of yogurt Melody earnestly remarked "You know I can't figure it out. I actually despise you, and I'm sure that you despise me. So why do we end up fucking, especially when we argue?"

I swallowed the cereal in my mouth and then replied "I've wasted more brain power on this than I would have liked, and I can only come up with one thing. There is some far back Neanderthal part of our brains that doesn't really intrude into our consciousness that somehow generates an animal magnetism between us. Of course we both know that what we did last night -- or the two other times we mated -- was not love-making. It was pure, unadulterated fucking. I got no emotional satisfaction from it, but the physical satisfaction was unprecedented in my experience."

Melody froze with another spoonful of yogurt halfway to her mouth. "I sure as shit don't have a better explanation. I need to get back to Malcolm. Why don't you call me sometime today to talk about Malcolm's party -- and maybe something else?"

I agreed, and she left by 8:30 a. m., Malcolm not due to wake from his stupor until at least ten o'clock.

I talked to Melody on the phone later that day. Since we weren't face-to-face we actually had a rational conversation. She agreed with my note about dividing up responsibility for Malcolm's party, and then we got to the elephant on the phone line. "Since our all-nighter didn't cure us do you have a recommendation?" she asked.

I sighed. I really hated myself, but I had to be realistic. "I hate myself for having a recommendation, but I do. Why don't we use burner phones to plan a liaison about once every seven to ten days at the golf course condo that TTX owns about six miles from your house, eight miles from my office. There are no cameras there, I always know when it is in use since I'm the person in charge of all of TTX's real estate holdings, and there is on demand -- but not regular -- maid service."

"Two hours a liaison?" Melody inquired.

"Sounds right; why don't you buy us both burner phones the next chance you get and we can meet on the 17th or 18th of this month at the condo, driving separately. You enter through the North entrance and me the South," I proposed.

After a delay Melody answered "The 17th at noon ok?"


"See you then," she signed off.


Malcolm's party went off without a hitch and everyone had a good time. Melody and I made a point of not interacting except when absolutely necessary. By the time of the party we had had three more fuck sessions and we were to the point that we were able to control our disdain for one another so that we were unlikely to have the type of blowups that we had before.

There was one very strange thing that happened shortly after the party that made me feel slightly better than I normally did because of my ever-present guilt. Malcolm was doing well in his physical rehabilitation to the point that he only used the wheelchair for long distances or rough terrain, and he was also seeing a counselor for emotional problems as a result of his disability. I was the only person (aside from perhaps Melody) that knew about the counselor since Malcolm was very open with me.

I was about to enter a conference room for a meeting with Malcolm when I heard him talking on the phone. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I almost couldn't help it since the door was partially open and his back was to me. I knew that it was the counselor by a couple of things he said and then came the lightning bolt: "I may have hinted at it before, but it becomes truer every week. My sex life with Melody since our Stockholm trip has been better than ever -- better than I could have dreamed of."

I silently completely closed the door, waited a few seconds, and then knocked on it before opening it. Malcolm had a big smile on his face, waved me in, and then said "I've got to go Norman, but thanks again for your help and listening to my update."

After the meeting I thought about what Malcolm had said about his sex life. Shockingly Cindy said the same thing about our sex life just a week or so before, also relating its origin to the Stockholm trip.

My ever-present guilt had caused me to try to be the best husband ever to Cindy, and there was no doubt that she was really happy. The same seemed to be true for Malcolm. Those were the only things that kept my guilt from so overwhelming me that I had a nervous breakdown, but I still didn't have the necessary intestinal fortitude to abandon my relationship with Melody.

I had been fucking Melody on a regular basis roughly every seven to ten days for about six months when several significant things happened and something else bubbled up into my consciousness.

--Cindy gave me the good news that she was pregnant, and the bad news that her mother was experiencing a health crisis that while not life threatening would restrict her movements for several months.

--Malcolm's physical rehabilitation had gone great and he no longer needed a wheelchair. Also he seemed happy in his marriage although in my opinion he was still too accommodating to Melody.

--Although I still didn't like Melody, nor she me, one day after an unusually active fornication session, even for us, she figuratively exploded a bomb. "Malcolm and I are talking about having one or more kids. Despite my enmity toward you, from the genes standpoint you'd be a better biological father than Malcolm. Think that you would agree to impregnate me?" [Once I got over my shock I said with as earnest a voice as I could muster "I'll think about it," and then left. Hell would freeze over before I would agree to that!]

--I realized that except perhaps accidentally or when so preoccupied with sex that we didn't realize it, Melody and I had never kissed facial lip-to-facial lip. Why my sudden realization of this detail factored into my outlook I don't know but it did.

I took a long hard look at myself. I tried to answer each of the four questions that vexed me, and I didn't like the answers.

1) Can one have a long-term physically satisfying sexual relationship with someone that you detest? Unfortunately, "Yes" and it was damn hard to get out of it, or to explain it even devoting more brain power to the question than one would like. However it sucked your emotional energy out of you.

2) Does having a sexual relationship outside of marriage with someone that you don't like necessarily mean that you don't really love or respect your spouse? I knew that I still loved Cindy with all my heart -- but my relationship with Melody could not be considered anything but disrespect of Cindy and our marriage, and I hated myself for that.

3) Can having regular sexual liaisons with someone you don't like allow you to "blow off steam" so that you're a better worker, lover, spouse, and/or parent than you otherwise would be? In my case it apparently made me a better lover with Cindy and a better worker for Malcolm, but at the cost of my self-image.

4) Can you still honestly believe, maybe even know, that you are not disrespecting someone you hold in high regard and still fuck their detestable spouse? Apparently I could do that to Malcolm, but I hated doing it more and more (I loved the sex with Melody -- I hated myself for loving it).

After answering these questions the best that I could I made a decision. It was time to move to the area where Cindy's parents and siblings lived -- to start our family there -- to get away from Melody -- and to start to heal my self-image which had taken a massive hit since I was disrespecting both Cindy and Malcolm by fucking Melody.

I knew that Malcolm wouldn't like it, but since he was in a better place physically and emotionally than when I started working for him four years ago, and since I had a ready-made excuse given the health of Cindy's mother I knew that he would accept my decision without bitterness. Also, in view of my high level of compensation over the last four years Cindy and I would have no financial issues even if I didn't work for years, but in fact it would be easy for me to get a new job with Malcolm's recommendation.

Cindy was thrilled with my proposal that we move to her home city.

Malcolm was devastated but understood. I gave a month's notice and he gave me a severance package that was far too generous as well as the names of CEOs that he knew in Cindy's home city who I could talk to about a new job.

Melody was unexpectedly sanguine. Her comment -- I waited until after I had given her three orgasms courtesy of my mouth, fingers, and cock before telling her -- was "I know that you think that I'm just a succubus; but I've also dealt with guilt throughout our relationship. I'll miss the sex, but I won't miss you or the guilt, and I'm quite sure that I'll never cheat again." Given her drama-less approach I agreed to her proposal "Just fuck me one more time on Friday, and we'll never communicate again."


It was almost nine months since I left TTX and Melody when I was sitting in my new office -- with a job almost as good as the one I had with TTX and with no succubus around -- thinking about my life.

Cindy and I had found the perfect house and neighborhood less than ten miles from each of Cindy's parents, sister, and brother, and we loved the entire area.

Cindy had delivered a little girl two months earlier that made me as happy as anything in my life had before that. I was smitten from the first time that I held her in my arms, and was already lobbying Cindy for another one.

Cindy's mom had made a remarkable recovery from her illness and was looking forward to a long life. She and her husband were clearly going to be wonderful grandparents.

In my new job I had more time both for Cindy and our little girl, and for exercise, and was in the best physical shape of my life since college.

My guilt for cheating on Cindy and Malcolm was slowly but surely dissipating and I was certain that I would never cheat again. I had dodged a bullet since no one ever found out about me porking Melody, so my relationship with Cindy was fantastic and Malcolm's respect for me hadn't been destroyed.

As the last happy thought crossed my mind the mailroom delivered the day's express packages. There was a confidential FedEx envelope for me with a return address that I didn't recognize. When I opened the envelope up there was a photo of Melody in a hospital bed holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket in her arms. The Post-It-Note attached read "That last Friday fuck did it -- your biological son is precious. No one will ever know. Cheers, The Succubus."

When I recovered from the shock I moaned "That fucking bitch," then put the photo and note through the paper shredder in my office. Now I had to live my life with constant angst hoping that no one would ever find out.

I didn't like it, but I guess that I deserved it. FUCK!

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XluckyleeXluckylee1 day ago

5 stars from Xluckylee for a story about two despicable people. Yes, you are that good of a story teller.

funperson969funperson9693 months ago

Exactly what 26thNC said.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Ending was best part of another well done story that I didn’t care for. Like him or hate him, imhapless always delivers well written, imaginative stories.

B3ndoverB3ndoverover 1 year ago

What is his problem. He had some great sex his wife is happy and he has some rich guy raising his kid?

Chimo1961Chimo1961over 1 year ago

Good yarn. He will pay for his mistake with his anxiety over the years. He he he.

Well written


ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 1 year ago

I like "hate sex" stories, but hate sex usually doesn't go for multiple encounters.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

Like Lakeeriegoatguy said, a story THIS good about two people THAT bad shows your skill as a writer.

"5" !

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 1 year ago

If you have to ask these questions, you're morally bankrupt.

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

This is a truly disgusting story, in that the guilty parties - especially the woman - get off scott free, and she literally cuckolds her husband by passing off what SHOULD have been his child. Wish I could give this -10 stars.

LakeeriegoatguyLakeeriegoatguyover 1 year ago

The way you tell a story of two despicable people and make it a good read is a very good indication of just how good of a writer that you are.

5 stars


BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago
I hate

Cheaters no matter male or female. This was an interesting story. Thank you.

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