Confessions From An Affair Ch. 06


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"Ow! Ow!" He shouted, "Maybe that wasn't such a good idea."

"Oh, honey," I cooed, "You're really hurt, aren't you?"

Jack grimaced as he rubbed his knee. He said, "The doc says it's nothing serious. I'll be good as new in a few days."

I reached out and gently touched his knee. I could feel that it was very warm and swollen up pretty good. I tried to push his pant leg up so that I could have a better look, but I couldn't get it up high enough without causing him more pain.

I reached for his belt and told him, "Let's get these off of you so that I can see it."

Jack gave a small chuckle and said, "That would be my pleasure, ma'am."

I slapped his stomach and told him, "You behave yourself or I just might jump on your lap again and give you something to really scream about."

"Oh, you spoil all of my fun," he playfully whined.

I gently peeled Jack's pants down as he lifted his hips to assist me. When I saw the injured knee my heart nearly broke. It was all black and blue and it looked so swollen. "Angry swollen", my mother used to call it. I touched it tenderly and could feel that it was much hotter to the touch than it should have been.

I rose and went to the kitchen. I took a dish towel and filled it with ice from the icebox. When I returned to the living room I was greeted by a sight that really should have made me laugh. There was my husband slumped down in the chair with his pants down around his ankles. His eyes were shut and I noticed for the first time how exhausted he looked.

I hated to wake him, but I knew that we had to get some ice on that knee to bring the swelling down. I knelt at his feet and worked on the laces of his shoes. I slipped them off along with his socks and trousers. This activity at least woke him back up.

I very gently laid the towel with the ice against his knee. Jack gave a small jump at the coldness.

"Is that alright?" I asked softly.

"Mmmm...yes," murmured Jack.

I carefully moved the ice all around the knee -- being as careful as I could not to cause him any more pain. I looked back up to Jack's face to make sure that I wasn't hurting him and saw that he had closed his eyes again. I thought to myself that this wasn't exactly what I had pictured for his big home-coming, but it still felt so nice having my husband home with me.

I gently moved the ice all around the knee. As I moved it to the inner side, Jack let his legs fall wider apart so that could have easier access. The only sound that I could hear was his breathing as I tended to him.

I knew that the ice must have been freezing his knee, so I took the towel away momentarily. I couldn't see much difference in the appearance of Jack's knee, but I hoped that I was doing some good. Remembering my mother's sure-fire cure for any booboo, I leaned down and gently kissed his knee.

This looked like so much more than your run of the mill injury that I thought that it deserved more than just one kiss. I placed kisses all around his swollen knee. I looked up to see how Jack was doing and saw that his eyes were still closed. However, I guess that sleep may not have been the thing that was foremost on his mind. There was now a noticeable bulge in the front of his boxers.

I smiled to myself and felt good knowing that, even though I may not be a doctor, I was at least easing his pain somewhat. I lower my head and kissed his knee once again. This time I raised my hands and ran them slowly up his muscular thighs. My actions elicited a response immediately. Jack squirmed slightly in his seat and I heard a low moan escape his lips.

Feeling a bit bolder, I kissed a bit higher -- above his knee. The next time that I looked up at him, Jack was looking directly back at me. "I love you so much, Peg," he said.

"Shhhh," I told him softly," let me help you."

I leaned down and kissed the inner part of his thigh and Jack let his legs fall slightly farther apart. I didn't want to neglect his other leg, so I moved over to that one and kissed it tenderly as well. I wasn't at all sure how far I was willing to take this, but I knew that it sure did feel good knowing that I was bringing my husband a bit of pleasure.

I switched back to his injured leg and resumed kissing him there. Soon, I had risen so high up his thigh that my progress was blocked by his boxers. I used my fingers to gently raise the leg of his boxers and kissed him even farther up on his thigh.

By now, Jack was really squirming in his seat. I had almost expected him to stop me, but so far he had made no move to do any such thing. Feeling really wicked, I lifted the leg of his boxers a bit further and kissed him a little higher still.

"Peg...", I heard Jack moan.

Holding the leg of his boxers up with one hand, I reached my other hand up to softly cover the bulge of his manhood. Jack moaned louder this time. I gave him a little squeeze and was rewarded by him rolling his hips upward against the pressure of my hand.

"Oh, God...Peg." He moaned.

I reached both of my hands up to grasp the waistband of his boxers. Jack used his arms to raise himself upwards a bit so that I could peel his underwear down over his hips. As I pulled then down his legs, I was careful of his injured knee. When I finally had them off all of the way I took a moment as I knelt there between his spread thighs to look at his naked hardness as it stood at full attention before me.

Jack started to sit forward and reach for me, but I placed my hands against his stomach and eased him back down.

"No," I breathed, "you just take it easy. Let me make you feel better."

He shook his head in wonder and settled back into the chair.

"Does you knee still hurt you?" I asked.

"It's still throbbing, but I think I'll live," he answered.

"Maybe" I suggested, "it needs more kisses.

With that I dropped my head and began placing kisses all around his swollen knee once again. While I did this, I ran my hands softly over his muscular thighs. I could hear Jack's breathing becoming heavier. I had a sudden thought - What would Miranda think of this innocent little Vermonter now!

I alternated kissing both of his thighs. All the while I kept my eyes on my husband's hardness, now only inches away from my face. I let my hands wander further upwards until I was gently touching his manhood.

"Oh...Peg," Jack moaned as he writhed beneath me.

I leaned back down to kiss his thigh higher than I had yet dared. I felt Jack's hands move down to take hold of my forearms. I held the shaft in one hand while my other hand explored up and down its length slowly. Jack's grip on my arms tightened slightly. It felt as if he were actually pulling me forward.

I scooted on my knees to move a little closer. My lips had now reached the point where his leg met his body. My hands never stopped moving on his hardness and I noticed that my breathing had gotten considerably heavier too.

My mind was spinning. I wanted desperately to show Jack just how much I loved him. On the other hand, I wasn't entirely sure of what my husband would think of me if I were to perform such an intimate act on him.

While I debated with myself over what I should do, Jack helped me make up my mind. His hand trailed up to my shoulder and ever so gently urged me towards his core. I took my time -- kissing slowly from where his leg met his body towards the center. I wanted to be one hundred percent sure that this was completely alright with him.

It must have been, because his hand kept up its slight pressure on my shoulder. I had finally run out of room to kiss any further. It was time to make up my mind once and for all.

I turned my head and looked at where my hand was gently running up and down his length. His hardness was pressed against his lower belly and I could see a bead of moisture formed at the tip. I was so close now that I knew that Jack must be able to feel my breath on him.

With my heart pounding in my ears, I moved over slightly and softly kissed his shaft. I felt a shudder run through me as I felt a man's hardness against my lips for the first time. Jack's musky aroma filled my senses and I heard him give a deep moan.

Holding the end of his manhood down against his belly, I kissed all over his thick shaft. I glanced up to see Jack's face contorted with pleasure. That was all of the encouragement that I needed. I twisted my head sideways and fastened my lips to his warm flesh. I moved my lips up and down as I bathed his entire shaft. I could feel more of his moisture gathering at the tip with my fingers.

Finally, I released his shaft where my hand had been holding it down against his belly. Instead, I slipped my hand between his hardness and his belly and lifted the shaft so that it was standing proudly upright.

I licked slowly up and down the underside of his shaft. I watched Jack's face while I did this and I felt so good inside that I could make him feel so good. I noticed that there was one particular place that seemed to be more sensitive than the rest. I centered my attentions on that area -- letting my tongue lash back and forth across it.

Jack nearly climbed out of the chair when I did that. I raised my other hand to ease him back down again. From that special spot that I had found, it was only a short distance left until I reached the swollen crown. I slowly dragged my tongue upwards until I could taste the beads of his seed that had escaped there.

Jack's grip on my shoulders tightened as I used my tongue to completely bathe the entire head. At last I opened my mouth wide and sank it down over the tip of his hardness. He felt so large in my small mouth. I wasn't able to take very much of him inside for fear of choking.

I took as much of him inside my warm, moist mouth as I could. Then I backed off until just the tip remained inside. I kept repeating my actions and was rewarded by Jack writhing and moaning beneath me. I removed my lips, but kept the shaft pointed straight upwards with my hand and flicked my tongue across his sensitive spot once again.

Looking up at my husband from that vantage point, I cooed, "I love you, Darling."

Jack was barely able to croak out, "I love you too, Peg."

Once again I fastened my lips around the swollen head and made love to him with my mouth. This time I used my hand to also stroke his thick shaft in time to the movements of my mouth. Jack was now moaning over and over.

Suddenly, I heard him take a sharp intake of air. His hands tightened even more on my shoulders. Before I knew what was happening, Jack was erupting into my mouth. The first jet surprised me so much that I began to choke. I did my very best to keep my lips attached to the tip as he spurted over and over. I closed my eyes and swallowed his seed as fast as I could. Some of it had escaped in that first moment when I had been surprised, but I managed to get most of what was left down.

Jack's groans of ecstasy died out as the last of his seed emptied into my greedy mouth. Even after he seemed to have settled down, I kept my lips in place and slowly stroked him with my hand. At last, I removed him from my mouth. I quickly used the back of my hand to wipe up the mess that had escaped my lips. Without even thinking, I just as quickly licked up the spilled seed from my hand.

Jack started to say something, but I cut him off with, "I'll be right back.

I rose from my place on my knees and went straight to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and started lifting handfuls of water to my mouth to rinse off. I looked up into the mirror and stared at my reflection.

"Peg, do you know what you are now?" I asked myself.

I was startled by a sudden movement in the corner of my eye. When I turned around, Jack was standing in the doorway. What must he think of me?

"Peg, I love you with all of my heart," he said, "I want to hold you for the rest of time."

He stepped forward and took me in his strong arms and kissed me tenderly. My heart melted as I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned his kiss -- trying my best to show him just how much he meant to me.

Later that night we laid in bed and Jack told me all about the things that the drill instructors were putting them through in their training. He sounded so exhausted that it was a wonder that he was able to stay awake at all.

I was completely naked as I laid next to him listening to him talk. I enjoyed hearing everything that he was going through, but I must confess that I was secretly praying that he would catch his second wind. My body had been denied the pleasures that only he could bring it for the past seven weeks and I was looking forward to some of his attentions.

I needn't have been so concerned. Maybe he did feel slightly revived or maybe it was the fact that somehow my hand had drifted down his body to lovingly fondle his manhood. In any event, Jack was soon ready to go again.

As he moved over me, I could see a grimace cross his face and I knew that his knee must still really be hurting. I stopped him and rolled him onto his back.

"Let me," I whispered as I climbed on top of him.

It took a couple of fumbling attempts, but I soon had Jack deep inside me. All of those weeks of self denial came pouring out of me as I rode him to two marvelous orgasms. At one point Jack pushed on my shoulders until I was sitting completely upright on him. I raised and lowered myself on his hardness -- my bare breasts bouncing obscenely as his eyes drank in the sight. I felt absolutely wicked being on such display, but it also made me feel incredibly sexy.

Afterwards, I told Jack, "Tomorrow, we are taking you to the hospital to see if there is anything that they can do to help your knee."

He nodded his head and we spent the night sleeping blissfully in each other's arms. God! How I had missed that!

The next morning I rose before Jack. We hadn't even bothered with eating any dinner the night before and I was starving. I thought that I would cook us a big breakfast to welcome the new day.

The emptiness in my belly must have been far worse than I had expected. Midway through preparing breakfast I suddenly got violently ill. Since my stomach was empty, I was wracked with a bad case of dry heaves.

When it had finally passed, Jack was at the bathroom door saying, "While we're at the infirmary, I think that you should be looked at too."

I served Jack a huge breakfast and he ate like a man who hadn't eaten in months. As for me, I only picked at some toast because my stomach was still sending me signals that it wasn't quite back to normal.

We got ourselves dressed and strolled over to the brand new hospital. The doctors were able to wrap Jack's knee up so that it gave him support and reduced the amount of pain that he was in. He was waiting for me when I finally came out of the doctor's office.

"How's your knee," I asked him.

"They wrapped it up," he replied, "and they told me to keep icing it to reduce the swelling.

"Were they able to give you anything for your stomach," he asked.

"I wish I had some good news to tell you," I said while shaking my head, "but the doctor said there was nothing that he could give me."

I paused as I saw a look of disappointment cross Jack's face.

"The doctor said that it should clear up all on its own," I finished, "in about seven or eight more months."

Jack looked at me with a confused expression. I didn't want to torture him any more, so I smoothed my hands over my stomach and smiled at him. Ever so slowly I could see it beginning to dawn on him.

" mean that you're --" he stammered.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. "We're going to have a baby," I told him.

Jack let out a loud whoop and grabbed me in his arms. I couldn't fight back the tears of happiness any longer. I buried my face in his big chest and wept for joy. I heard several people who were sitting nearby tell us congratulations and I thanked them while wiping away my tears.

My mind was going a thousand miles an hour thinking about everything that we had to do to get ready for this. Jack led me back to our place. The whole way there he kept looking over at me with a look of wonder on his face. It was true! We were going to have a family!

(I hope that you come back for more as our story continues)

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racfguyracfguyover 3 years ago
Well, I've been alive for eighty-four years

But in the very first paragraph of the first chapter, Peg says she's eighty-six . . .

Chimney SweepChimney Sweepabout 17 years ago
That was nice

That was great - only read this part so far. I like how you can make "normal" things seem so taboo by changing the time frame - a blowjob seems much more erotic and scandalous way back in teh "good old days." Nice work - I plan to read the rest.

drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonabout 17 years ago
You should be proud

Your story just gets better and better. Your characters are rich and real. I feel that I reach out and touch them.

rgraham666rgraham666about 17 years ago

As I've said before, the author is doing a very good job at describing the flavour of the times.

She's also doing a wonderful job at describing the changes that the main character is going through away from the world the woman grew up in.

Niicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Love andSex

It is so nice to read a story with both. I can't wait to see where this all goes. Keep the chapters coming.

Comment from an old timer reliving a few memories myself.

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