Consent of the Governed Ch. 06


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"On my way." I said. I put on my armor, as did Teresa, and she began texting texts as I drove her in my Police SUV to the Election Center. We parked out front among the other Police vehicles and went to the front door. And we immediately met an obstacle.

"No one allowed in or out." said the Election Security Officer in the doorway, who was white and overweight.. His hand was on his firearm. Two TCPD Officers were behind him, but Teresa and I were in their line of fire.

"Bullshit." I muttered as I brushed right past him.

"Hey! you goddamned motherfucker!" the man yelled, grabbing my shoulder as he drew his weapon.


I lit into the guy with everything I had, which was truly overkill. My left hand grabbed his left arm that had grabbed his shoulder, pulling him towards me. The hardened palm of my hand where it meets my wrist smashed straight into his nose. And then the crowbar came out. I smashed his right wrist, sending his gun flying across the floor. I swung the crowbar twice, getting him once in the belly, the next time on his upper back.

He went down like a stone, and I dropped a knee onto his cheek like one of those old-time wrestling moves. He was out cold. I went and picked up his pistol, and pieces of it began flying everywhere as I took it apart and flung those parts and bullet cartridges everywhere. The barrel found its way into my pocket.

"Call someone to take this perp to jail." I said. "Under arrest. Full booking for assault on a Police Officer." The TCPD Officers rushed to fulfill my instructions.

A crowd had gathered around, including Security Personnel and Officers and Deputies. "Disarm all of the Security personnel!" Teresa Croyle yelled. "And shoot to kill any Security Officer that does not comply!..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We got to the main counting room, a large area full of tables. Rows of those bike-rack metal barricades were lined from one wall to the other. Poll watchers and Police and Deputies were on the near side. Armed Election Security personnel, almost all of them black, were on the other side. The distance between the poll watchers and the counters at the tables was at least 60 feet.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I thundered as I came up to Sergeant Carter. He just showed me the video on his Police iPhone, taken from his Officer-cam.

The desks had been much closer to the barricades and the poll workers, and the video showed the poll workers moving the tables away from the barricades. When poll workers had tried to move the barricades or breach them to get closer, the Security people put guns in their faces and threatened to kill them.

"And why are you allowing this, Sergeant?" I asked Carter. "Who ordered the tables moved back, and why are you on this side of them?"

"She ordered us to, sir, and said she's the Election Chairman." said Carter.

"And since when is the Election Chairman in your chain of command?" I asked Carter. I went forward and pushed one of the metal barriers back to cross it.

"Shoot that bastard!" yelled Rosa Sparks. But it was too late. The Security officer nearest me tried to pull his gun. A red crowbar smashed down on his hands. With a howl of pain, he dropped the gun. Then I threw a lefthanded haymaker that caught him right on the nose. As he reeled, I began savagely beating him with the red crowbar, until TCPD Officers came up and saved him by arresting him and hauling him off to jail.

Other Security officers were moving to help their comrade, but my comrades of the TCPD had the drop on them, and the Security people found guns in their earholes. Teresa Croyle yelled "SHOOT TO KILL ANY SECURITY GUARD THAT DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY DROP HIS WEAPON!" Weapons clattered to the floor.

"Okay, move these barricades right up to the desks!" I yelled. Poll watchers, at least the ones for the Republicans, did so enthusiastically, helped by my Officers. When Rosa Sparks did not move, she was pushed back right into the desks.

"You fucking Cracker!" Sparks hissed at me. "You won't get away with this!"

"You're not getting away with fraud, not tonight." I hissed back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thirty minutes later, a Poll Watcher pointed out a young black woman at one of the tables to a TCPD Officer, who trained his Officer-cam on the woman. Teresa Croyle also began filming with her Police iPhone.

The woman had brought a plain brown box to her table, and was taking ballots out of it and running through the machine. And she was running some of them multiple times. The videocameras recorded her running one ballot through the machine ten times.

"Move in." I said. "Arrest her, confiscate the box and the ballot."

Teresa led the way and came up to her. The woman tried to push back, and Teresa slammed her face down onto the table, then cuffed her. Joan Laurer and another uniformed female TCPD Officer took her out of the Election Center and off to jail.

"What the fuck are you doing, you goddamned Cracker cop?" yelled the Election Board Chairwoman as the box was examined with videocameras watching. Ranger Halston was analyzing the data that had been run through the machine, taking into evidence the several instances where a single ballot had been run multiple times through the machine.

"We have proof that worker committed election fraud." I said angrily. "She's going to prison. We're now gathering evidence. Interfere in any way, and I'll arrest you for conspiracy to commit election fraud."

"God damn you to hell, you fucking white racist Pig!" the woman snarled bitterly. "You can fuck yourself in the ass with that crowbar and drop dead!"

"Take her to her office." I said to Teresa. The woman tried to fight Teresa off.


Teresa slammed her bunched fist into the woman's midsection, and when the woman bent over double, Teresa drove her face down onto the floor. Teresa then handcuffed the woman and, with help, dragged her off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The ballots in this box are all identical in their markings." said Vice Detective Christopher Purvis, who'd been going through them. "And of all the races, only votes for three are cast: for Mayor, for Governor, and for Lewis's Council seat. And all for the Democrats, every single one."

"Sir," said Myron Milton, who was plugged into computers, "I've analyzed these ballots through the three-database protection system. The names are different, but they're all registered to the same address: 821 Marietta Street."

"That's fraud right there." I said. "There is no 'Marietta Street' in all of this County."

"And in this box, sir," said Myron, having procured another brown cardboard box from another table, "the ballots are photocopies, and the same name: Floyd Cobb. Same address, too: 821 Marietta Street."

Purvis: "And I just checked the voter rolls. Over 1000 registrations to that address, 821 Marietta Street, but different names."

"Okay, then." I said. "We have clear voter fraud there. Secure those brown boxes as evidence. Find any other boxes that are not official and properly marked ballot boxes, and confiscate them, too. But don't touch the official boxes..."

"With all due respect, sir," said Myron, "you have just torn the lid off Hell."

"That's my job." I said. "And my responsibility."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I went into the office of the Election Board Chairwoman, Rosa Sparks. She was sitting in her desk chair, with Teresa behind her.

"You fucking white racist PIG!" the woman yelled, leaping out of her chair and attacking me.

"Sit down!" I yelled, violently pushing her back into the chair. If Teresa hadn't been anchoring the chair, Sparks would've toppled over the chair and onto her back.

"Now you listen and you listen good, cunt." I said menacingly. "You are not going to defraud this County's voters with your election fraud. Your co-conspirator was caught on video, running a ballot through the machine ten times. She's going to prison... PRISON!... for ten! years! And we found more boxes of fake ballots... with a fictitious address, a street that doesn't even exist in this County."

"Eat my shit! you fucking PIG!" Sparks snarled at me.

I grabbed her by the back of her head, pulling her hair hard, making her gasp in pain. My other hand was on my service weapon, about to draw it, jam it into this cunt's mouth, and pull the trigger.

The temptation was overwhelming. I literally could hear my gun whispering to me, aching to be used. It was like that moment I almost murdered Kendra Luskin as she was taunting me. (Author's note: 'Falsely Accused', Ch. 06.)

And then... I saw out of the corner of my eye Teresa slightly shaking her head. She knew what I was about to do. I knew she would not stop me, but she was silently suggesting to me to not cross that line. And I came down from the brink.

"No, you don't get to become a martyr for your Cause of racist hatred. Not today." I said. Then I said to Teresa: "Take her to County Jail. Full booking. Conspiracy to commit election fraud, resisting arrest, assaulting multiple Police Officers, those being you and me." Teresa forced Sparks to stand up then half-dragged her out of the office.

I just stood there for a moment. This was no longer simple election fraud, I realized to myself. The Enemy's fraud was nothing short of a declaration of war against our Constitution, our freedoms, our way of life. This was war. Civil. War.

And I had almost fired the first shot.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I made a speech to the vote counters, telling them that an arrest had been made for fraud by running one ballot through the machine multiple times. I 'advised' them to count the votes correctly, and to count only votes from correct ballot boxes. It was very quiet as they got back to work under the watchful eyes of the Poll Watchers and Law Enforcement Officers.

The votes, including the legitimate absentee ballots, were all counted by 2:30am, Wednesday, November 4th. There had been no further issues. The Election Board Vice Chair, an Asian woman named Mary Guo, had the results checked via some automated processes, then signed the certification, and the results were transmitted to the State Elections Headquarters in Midtown...

Part 37 - The Fallout

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Wednesday, November 4th, from the parking lot of the Election Center, with the Center in the background. "Chaos and legal actions surround the previous night's elections!"

After the hard charging intro music, Bettina began: "Chaos erupted at the Election Center last night after Police arrested a vote counter and also the Chairwoman of the Elections Board, Rosa Sparks. Two Election Security Officers were also arrested, and Channel Two News has learned that they were arrested when they tried to prevent Police Commander Donald Troy from entering the building and when they tried to stop Troy from breaching a barrier meant to hold Poll Watchers back from the vote counters."

Bettina: "The black woman arrested for fraud was recorded on two separate videos running one ballot through a counting machine ten consecutive times. She was also recorded resisting arrest when Officers moved in on her. Chairwoman Sparks was also charged with resisting arrest and assaulting Police Officers, but many witnesses tell Channel Two News that she was simply objecting to Donald Troy's brutal Police actions against her vote counters and his breach of the security line."

Bettina: "Experts tell Channel Two News that Donald Troy's actions could seriously impact the Election results, and could cost the Town & County millions in legal fees to defend lawsuits. The County and State Democrat Parties have promised to sue over the results in State and Federal Courts if the Republicans win any close elections. And now let's go to Amber Harris and Carl Lemay for a recap of the results. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said an exhausted Amber Harris at the Decision Desk. Carl Lemay looked equally exhausted. "The results were certified by the Elections Board Vice Chairwoman and not the Chairwoman as they were supposed to be, generating a point for lawsuits that very likely will be filed against the County, and hopefully against Donald Troy personally."

Carl Lemay: "We don't know if these results will stand, but they are the certified results. For U.S. Congress, former Mayor Larry Vaughan soundly defeated incumbent Congressman Glenn A Condor, 56-44%. Assistant D.A. Franklin Washington defeated incumbent Judge Harry R. Nance by a shocking 75-25%. Ted Mason defeated Savannah Fineman for the Solicitor post, 59-41%. Deputy D.A. Hannah Doss ran unopposed for Magistrate Court Judge, and is therefore declared the winner."

Amber: "All ten Council members won re-election, including Kelly Carnes defeating Bill Redmond 53-47%. But the Town Assembly is now in Republican control, 17-13, as the two white Democrats lost their elections.

Amber: "In a close race, James Goodwin defeated Bruce Finneran for the County Inspector General post, crushing our hopes of Mr. Finneran being able to rein in Donald Troy's Police terror campaign against People of Color. And speaking of 'crushing', Edgar Silas shellacked Republican Katina Jones for the Council seat held by Reginald B.F. Lewis.

Lemay: "And in the closest and the worst result of the night... Eldrick X. Weaver was again denied election to the Mayor position, losing to Daniel Allgood by a seemingly unchallengeable 52-48%. Political experts say that a strong 'get-out-the-vote' drive by White Nationalists were able to save Allgood."

Amber: "Eldrick Weaver has promised to sue, citing Donald Troy's interference in the vote counting that denied Weaver the votes he needed to win. Carl... how can anyone vote for that racist Daniel Allgood? He's Donald Troy's brother-in-law, for Christ's sake! What are the voters thinking?"

"They're not." said Lemay. "Or else it shows that this country is still fundamentally controlled by racist White Nationalists that continue to work to suppress People of Color."

Amber: "Moving on to the Statewide races. For State Attorney General, former Town & County D.A. Gil Krasney was elected comfortably over Glenn Alberts, 62-38%. Voters remembered Mr. Alberts's failed defense of the University in the Jan Camp trial, and delivered punishment at the ballot box yesterday. And Kirby Grace won another term as Secretary of State."

Carl: "In an important result, Corey Coons defeated Ruby Russell 58-42%. The actual vote numbers are far lower than the Governor's race, where Val Jared's white nationalist crony Sharon Marshall won easily over moderate Hoyt Stenson, 55-45%. Mr. Stenson's health was cited by experts as the major reason for his defeat."

Amber: "And the Republicans took back the State House of Representatives, as the suburban voters that gave the Democrats victory two years ago turned against them and went for the Republicans in the hotly contested swing districts. The State Senate appears to have been retained by the Republicans, but two contests are still uncalled, and with Corey Coons winning the Lieutenant Governorship, he will have tremendous power to influence the State Senate..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Paulina Patterson was well rested; she had gone to bed relatively early, before midnight. Deputy Chief Tanya Muscone had also slept through the night. The Sheriff had been 'invited' by his Clan Crowbar leader to go to bed at midnight... and he did so willingly, the first sign of acquiescence to age that I could remember him having.

Teresa had been ordered home after delivering Rosa Sparks to jail, but she went to her office at Police Headquarters, trying to tell me her office was 'home' for the night. At least she did get some sleep in her office before getting up at 4:00am to prepare for potential riots when it was apparent that both Sharon Marshall and Daniel Allgood had won their races. Fortunately, no problems had materialized, so far.

I had called the Chief and informed him of what happened at the Election Center after Rosa Sparks had been arrested. He'd come into his office, so that he could shut off his cellphone to stop all the Press calls, and he'd slept on the hideaway bed in the sofa in his office. Still, he was a bit bleary-eyed.

And then there was me. I'd stayed at the Election Center until after the results were certified. The Election Security people had actually asked other LEOs when I was leaving, and received the reply that I was staying as long as they were there.

Then I came to Headquarters, did my paperwork knowing that my actions the night before were going to be the subject of 'discussion', and stayed up to speed with Teresa on the tactical situation around the County.

And I was realizing that 37 is not the new 22. I could feel the exhaustion beginning to overtake me, starting at my back that was aching constantly.

"I wonder how Amber feels about the Election results." Teresa said, sarcasm dripping with every word.

Paulina said "I keep thinking KXTC can't go any lower, and then they do. That was the most... unprofessional piece of reporting I've ever seen."

"And the most dishonest." I replied. "First of all, Goodwin beat that pedophile Finneran 80-20%, as much a blowout as you could really have. Yet they called it (air quotes) 'close'. And Katina Jones lost to Edgar Silas, but it was 70-30%, when the (air quotes) 'experts' kept saying it would be 90-10."

"Katina did an amazing job, there." said the Sheriff. "She's put a huge dent in the Media narrative that all Blacks are solidly Democrats and will only vote Democrat. But you won't hear the Mainstream Media acknowledge that at all. Amber would have slit her wrists before acknowledging on air that Katina got 30% of the vote."

I said "And that's in spite of that race being one of the three targeted by the fraudsters. I've notified the State Elections Board and Britt Maxwell of the SBI-OER of what happened, here. We'll see what's happened in other parts of the State."

"We have some things to celebrate." said the Chief. "Franklin Washington totally destroyed Harry R. Nance, and the pedophile Finneran was waxed by Curly Goodwin." I raised my coffee cup and we all celebrated those wins with sips of coffee.

Tanya Muscone asked "Paulina, what do you think of the Mason-Fineman result?"

Paulina replied "I think I'm most surprised by the margin. I thought it would be a lot closer, pretty even, actually. I also thought Savannah had the better name recognition, being on the Charter Commission, and might even win."

Tanya asked "Does that suggest the Charter is not as popular as it was when it was voted on last year? After all, Dr. Williams lost his primary, too."

"No." I said. "First of all, I believe the Reverend Williams was defrauded of his rightful win in that primary." (Author's note: 'Black and Blue', Ch. 03.) "And I think Savannah's name recognition did hurt her, but not because of the Charter."

Teresa said "If Cindy were here, she'd ask you if that was because Savannah is a woman. But I won't ask that." We all chuckled.

I said "Well, I won't sit here and tell you that wasn't a reason. But Mason was the incumbent, and had no strikes against him in the arena of public opinion. And Edna Carter made no secret about Savannah being opposed to Edna's education agenda for the Charter, which the rest of us supported. That hurt Savannah with the Black Community and many suburban moms------"


It was the Chief's Police iPhone, and he answered it: "Yes, Ms. Walters?... Yezzz... 9:00am, then?... okay, see you then." After disconnecting, he said "Our District Attorney wants to meet with me, Commander Troy, and Commander Croyle. Paulina, she wants to talk with you first, then she'll meet with uzzzzz..."