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Careful what you wish for.
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Would like to thank clockstopper for his patience, wisdom and editing.


Alice made it home after meeting her black lover. He was small in stature but had a big cock. His stamina was amazing; he could fuck for hours, making her sore after each of their trysts. She had to be careful. She didn't want her family to find out what she was doing. The children always made it home from school before their mother finished her job. Because of this, she could only meet Derrick when she worked half days, usually twice a week.

Alice is a 39-year-old housewife. She is 5' 2" tall, weighs 125 pounds with blonde hair and a 34C bust. She works as a realtor. Her husband, Allen owns an information and security company. She's not sure what his job entails but knows he's very successful. Neither knows much about the other's background, and they didn't want to know. They have 3 kids: Alicia 17, Georgia 16, and Allen Junior 15. After Junior's arrival, Allen had a vasectomy and Alice had her tubes tied.

They live in an old Victorian style house with five bedrooms. The home has a detached garage with upstairs apartment for use by guests. Unknown to everyone but Allen, the house was wired for video and audio surveillance. Recordings are stored on Allen's computer at work.

Allen arrived home at 5:30 like he did every night. Alice noticed he seemed to be a little withdrawn lately. "How was your day?"

Allen gave her a peck on her forehead and replied, "Same mess different day. How about you?"

"I finally sold the house on Parker and got a nice commission."

"Congratulations. Will you be all right this weekend while I take the kids to visit my sisters? They'd love to see you."

"I'll be all right. Catch up on my reading and maybe have a hen party."

"That'll be fine as long as no roosters show up."

Alicia came in, "We are all packed and ready to go, so we can get an early start. It takes 5 hours to get there."

"Yep, that's right." replied Allen. "We will be leaving at 5am."

After supper everybody retired early. Alice and Allen slept in the same bed, but apart. They had not had sex since Alice started seeing Derrick. This was not the first time she cheated, but it was the first time with a black man.

Allen and the kids were on the road right on time. Alice waited two hours before calling Derrick. He arrived a half hour later. They didn't waste time, tearing off their clothes and going straight to bed. Derrick was right in the middle of a fuck session when everything went blank. He woke up a little groggy. As his eyes cleared, he saw Alice sitting in a chair, naked, but with a frightened look.

"Finally, you're awake. Thought I might have hit you a little too hard."

Derrick turned toward the voice. He saw a 44-year-old slim white man about 5'11".

"You have two choices. Either leave or attack, you decide."

"What if I decide to stay to fuck your wife while you watch?" Derrick sneered.

"You could try, but you would have gone through me and I don't think Jolene would like the outcome. She's waiting downstairs."

Derrick went pale at that; how did Allen know his wife? He dressed in a hurry and left, following an angry black woman twice his size.

"Well Alice, where do we go from here? Get dressed and we'll take a walk."

She put on shorts and a tee shirt. They did a slow tour of the house and yard. She had never really thought about how much stuff they had acquired. They then went to the detached garage. The attached garage housed two cars, while the detached garage held three. There was a car in every spot, and, with one exception, each vehicle was two years old or less.

They entered the living room. Allen picked up a remote and turned on the TV. On the screen were Alice and Alicia. Alice spoke first, "Are you ready for your eighteenth birthday? Derrick has the perfect guy for you. His johnson is bigger than Derrick's."

Alicia replied, "I'm a little nervous, what if Daddy finds out?"

"He's been clueless since I started, why would he wise up now?" They both laughed.

Allen retorted, "You forgot what I do for a living, Sweetie Pie. I knew about all your hookups. We never have sex anymore; we just act like friends or roommates. You seem perfectly content to live like this, and so was I, until you involved Alicia. I am going to have a talk with her later. The ball is in your court. I wanted to show you what you are about to lose if you try to continue to involve Alicia. If you want to continue seeing Derrick, you can. I do not care anymore. As of now, we will remain married in name only."

Allen left. He had dropped the kids off at a Walmart and gave them enough money to shop. He took their phones, so they could not call and warn their mother. He told Alicia he knew about her birthday surprise and said he would talk to her when they returned.

Alice was still a little stunned. She went through several emotions while sitting there. She questioned how she could so seriously underestimate her husband. He had always seemed so docile and she could walk all over him. How did he get that recording and what else does he know? Maybe she could divorce and take him to the cleaners. She wondered why she was given the tour of the property even after his explanation.

She reviewed her options as she saw them:

1. Stay married and faithful.

2. Have discreet affairs.

3. Just leave.

4. Get a séparation.

5. Get a divorce.

6. Make sluts out of his precious daughters.

Options 1,3 and 4 were immediately dismissed; 2 and 5 required further study;6 went to the top of the list. The only thing her husband had done was make her aware she was being surveilled. She was going to have to be more careful.

She decided to call her friend, Robin Page, who always has a boyfriend or two.

"Hi Alice, what's up?"

"Allen caught me with Derrick, he brought Derrick's wife to our home. I didn't know he was married. He also showed me a tape of me talking to Alicia about her upcoming birthday present."

"Are you still going through with it?"

"It's on hold for the moment." She started to say more but suddenly remembered the tape.

"Can I come over? I have the whole weekend free."

"Sure, my husband is out of town on a business trip." She started to say more but was cut off by Alice. Alice said she would tell her more when she got there.

When Alice got to Robin's house, she was met by Allison, Robin's eighteen-year-old daughter. She was a good friend of her daughter Alicia. Allison was wearing shorts and a Tee shirt with no bra to hold her 38D breasts.

"Come in, we are getting ready for a party. Want to join us?"

"Not sure I am in the mood for a party."

"You will enjoy this party; we have several guys coming over and they won't be watching TV."

Robin walked in, wearing panties and a tee shirt.

"Aren't you a little over dressed?"

"I brought a negligee and a change of clothes for a couple of days."

"You will not need the clothes and the negligee will have a short life. I have invited several guys; they are all well hung studs who can fuck all weekend. They range in age from 20 to 35 and not an ounce of fat on any of them."

"Is Allison involved also?"

"Involved! She planned it. She has fucked every guy coming over, sometimes two or three at a time. We have had them at the same time. Are you considering letting Alicia join in our parties? Allison is telling her how much fun she is having. She has resisted so far but seems to be wavering."

"That's perfect. After that stunt with Derrick, I am seriously considering including her and her sister. But I am going to have to wait a couple of years to involve Georgia. In the meantime, I will be playing the chaste housewife. That thought makes me want to throw up."

"Get dressed. The guys will be here in a few minutes."

Alice was not aware that her husband had heard everything she said. He even listened to parts of the orgy, vowing he would never spend another night with his wife.

Allen took Alicia for a drive. He found a nice spot where he could park and talk.

"Alicia, I want you to listen to something. You are old enough to make your own decisions. I will support any decision you make. If you want to live with your mother and share her lifestyle, I will support your decision, but will be disappointed. If you do, at least finish school and be discrete. I will always love you and my door will always be open. When I get back to Pat's house I will talk to Georgia and Allen. I will let you think about it and you can let me know your decision."

When he returned to Pat's house, she had left to meet one of their sisters. He called everyone into the living room.

"I will not be going back to our house. I have already bought a place near our old house in the same school district. It has a larger pool. I will not tell you why I'm leaving. Alicia knows but it is up to her to tell you. I am leaving it up to you to decide where you want to live, either with me or your mother. Your choice will, in no way, affect my love for you. My door will always be open to you. I am not divorcing your mother, but I will be living apart from her. If she wants a divorce, she will have to initiate it and I will not contest it. Any questions?" They were silent.

After a couple of hours, Allen returned to the living room. His sister Pat had left to spend the night with one of their other sisters, in order to give them some privacy.

On the next day, Allen had a change of heart. "I'm moving back into the house with your mother."

"I also decided to have this talk with all of you, since you are all old enough. Every father would like to think their daughters are pure virgins until they get married. Those same fathers look at other females as sex objects. I would be hypocritical if I said it was OK for Junior to have sex with all females and not allow you girls to have the same freedom with men. I am a realist and know you all will soon be sexually active. I will not ask if you are now, but strongly suggesting that you all practice safe sex and use birth control. I want to have grandchildren but not right now."

"I still love your mother and will try to find a way to live with her new lifestyle. I will leave it up to you to decide if you want to join Alicia's lifestyle. I hear Allison has been talking to her. You all are old enough to make your own choices, just be discrete. Go to your rooms and think about what I have said, and I'll see you all in the morning."

Alice arrived home Monday after work to find an empty house. A quick inspection revealed all the closets to be empty, except for hers. She found a letter in the kitchen:

My Dearest Robin,

I have left and taken the kids with me. They were given a choice of who to live with and can still change their minds. Alicia and Georgia know what you had planned for them, I still gave them a choice after they found out. I will not divorce you. If you want one, you'll have to initiate it. I will continue to support you, except for your affairs. They are on your dime. I just cannot condone your behavior at this time and still live with you. As I told the kids, my door is always open. All you must do is walk thru it. I will always love you but dislike you at the moment. Take care of yourself. Give me time and I may change my mind.



For the second time in a week, Robin sat there stunned. This time she responded only with anger. "How could my wimp of a husband know what went on? Did he bug Robin's house? How could he know where I would go? He can't get away with this!"

She decided to call Robin. "That bastard found out about our orgy and told Alicia about it."

"How could he find out; does he have a bug in your purse?"

"He would have to know which purse I would take. I usually do not know, myself, until the last minute. My entire home life is falling apart, it's a good thing my job is going great. The local housing market is booming."

Alice did not know Robin was "entertaining" two of the guys from the weekend, James and Conrad. They heard the whole conversation and decided to give Allen an "attitude adjustment."

"What are you going to do now," asked Robin. "If James found out what was going on, he ... on second thought he might just join in. I know he always takes his "personal assistant" with him on his trips. Also, have you ever considered Allen joining our group? He might enjoy getting some new pussy."

"Yeah right, his pecker is only average in size, he lacks technique, and his sex drive is almost nonexistent. I could ask him. He could only say no and possibly never speak to me again, but he would never keep me from the kids."

"OK, why don't you call him and invite him to come over here, so you can meet on neutral grounds, I will be as civil as he is, but remind him it is my house."

"I'll call him and set it up, no promises."

Alice called Allen to see how he would respond. Surprisingly, he said yes and agreed to be there in an hour. Alice was unaware he was almost home when she called his cell phone. Neither Alice nor Allen knew James and Conrad were still at Robin's. They arrived at a little after 6pm.

Allison went upstairs while the guys stayed with her mom. She enjoyed the sex with them but feared them because they were cruel and displayed no consideration for their partners. They constantly belittled women and were known to put more than a few husbands in the hospital.

"Hello Robin. You are looking exceptionally nice today." Allen said in a friendly tone.

Surprised, Robin said, "Thank you. Welcome to my home."

It was then they noticed James and Conrad. Each had three inches and at least pounds on Allen, and both were in top physical condition.

James quipped, "Did you come back for more?" Conrad was sitting next to Robin.

Alice replied, "We just came to talk."

James answered," Give me a blow job and I might let you talk. Then, I'll fuck you in front of your husband and make him lick you clean." He was getting quite belligerent.

"I said no." Replied Robin. "You need to leave now."

Allen added, "Walk out or be carried out."

James and Conrad laughed.

Robin warned, "Careful. James is a Marine and Conrad is a boxer."

Allen laughed. "A Marine! I wondered what that stench was, you probably never left the States, too much of a coward. You like hitting women, try me. A boxer! You only box below your weight class, you wouldn't last two rounds with a real boxer."

Alice was wondering who that man was, it looked like her husband, but did not sound like him. She was getting scared he would get hurt. She was still stunned from the blow from James.

The guys lunged. Within seconds James and Conrad were out cold. Between them, there were two broken arms, a fractured jaw and five broken ribs, not including other assorted injuries. The police and an ambulance were called. Allen tended to both women who were in shock but able to give the police a full statement supporting Allen's claim of self-defense. After the cops left, they had time to talk.

Allen calmly asked how they were doing and if they needed anything. Allison heard the commotion and came down in time to see the fight. "Mom are you ok?" and then to Allen, "You knew what they were, and you still took them down. You're not even breathing hard. Who are you?"

Robin and Alice were still stunned. They were starting to get their bearings.

Allen asked, "Are you both OK?" They nodded yes. "We're having a housewarming on Saturday. You Robin and Allison are invited."

Robin replied, "Thank you, we would love to come. What can we bring? We invited you here to talk to you about joining our little group."

Allen answered, "You can bring your drinks, and your swimsuits. We will provide everything else. As for joining your group, I'm not sure I would or could measure up. I can count on one hand how many women I have had sex with."

All three women exclaimed in shock, "YOU'RE KIDDING. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?"

Allen sat down in a lounge chair.

Allison crawled over unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, commenting, "Not bad!" and started giving him head. Robin and Alice removed their clothes and repositioned Allen to the floor with a quilt under them. They stripped Allen and Allison followed suit. Robin started riding his cock and Allison sat on his face.

About four hours later, Allen and Alice went home. She never underestimated him again.


Allen and Alice were sitting at the kitchen having a breakfast of cereal.

Alice queried, "We have been married for twenty years and I never really knew you. You never work on weekends, your home by 5:30 every night and you never miss a school event. We have outings once a month, vacation every summer and never have money problems. You catch me with my lover and knock him out, but do not even holler at me."

"I have seen James beat a bigger man half to death. He's a bully and Conrad is an amateur boxer. Neither one laid a hand on you and they attacked at the same time. I have never seen anybody move so fast. Who are you? How did you know about the orgy? It was spur of the moment!"

Allen replied, "Let's just say I have dark side that I keep hidden. I'm the same man I always was. But. Seriously, what are we going to do with the other house?"

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AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 months ago

Your imagination has run so wild it fell down the stairs.

Q1000Q10008 months ago

Just stupid.

YouamiYouamiabout 1 year ago

Uuuuuuuhhhhh? Sorry, but I got confused with all of the women with similar names (except Robin). Not to mention a plot that went off in confusing directions.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 1 year ago

What a mess. Names and jobs and places all jumbled together. Tough guy wimp, cuck. None of it made sense.

moultonknobmoultonknobalmost 2 years ago

What a fucking load of shit

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980over 2 years ago

He said he'd never have sex with her again as long as she is in that lifestyle, yet gave no resistance at Robin's house? Story had no continuity.

sf_operative63sf_operative63over 2 years ago

Way too hard to follow . please try again

Gram1Gram1about 3 years ago

This story is the worst! I needed a shower after just skimming it. Every character is detestable.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

All the characters are deficient and unlikable. The dialogue is a mess, partially due to similarity of names. The plot is disturbing if not downright disgusting.

Anonymous2019Anonymous2019about 4 years ago

This was all over the place. He was moving to a new house, then he wasn't then he did... the wimp hubby always takes down 2 or 3 assholes by himself in seconds, time you got a new editor, the one you have isn't helping you at all.

Rw43Rw43about 4 years ago
Made the mistake of wandering in here again

"Every father would like to think...."

"You're old enough to make your own decisions...."

"Now go to your rooms and think about this!"

So you're taking away the one thing your kids had going for them: yourself, the one adult willing to influence them toward responsible behavior. But then you treat them like children, hoping they will think the way you want since you sent them to their rooms.

You're just as self-conflicted as the guy who pervs on all the teeny-boppers while hoping his kids are pure. You know, that 'every father' guy.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

Just too confusing with the names, I could never get into it.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 4 years ago
What a mess

Could have been a good story but sooo many mechanical flaws as well as breaks in the storyline. Having Allen Alice Alicia and Allison? Suicide for a story writer. Then mixed up Robin with Alice. sorry but it was horrible - no character description for the main character either. I’ll stop here because I don’t want you to get discouraged.

WakeupnowWakeupnowover 4 years ago
A jumbled up mess

Please find an editor. You sorely need it.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleover 4 years ago
All over the place like a mad woman's...

This story jumps about like a rabbit on shooting range. Who is Pat? I thought his relatives lived five-hour's drive away. How did he get back to his house so quickly after dropping his kids off? How did he listen to the conversation at his wife's girlfriend's place (one assumes he put a bug in his wife's phone)? How did the kids end up at the local mall? Why is it that bears shit in the woods.

For a guy who was so street savvy, he was so ambivalent. One minute, he's bought a house in the same are as his marital house. Next, he's moving everone back into his wife's home.

One minute, he's against his wife fucking anyone and everyone she meets. The next, he's happy to be fucked by his wife, her friend and her friend's daughter. What's going to happen when his own daughter reaches legal fucking age?

I'm afraid your story asks more questions than it answers. I've awarded three stars for the effort you've put into it. But there is room for improvement.

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