Consequences Ch. 04


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"Sir!" said Mary Milton, who had burst into the room without knocking. "Inga was just dumped in the middle of Jefferson Avenue, two and a half blocks east of the intersection with Riverside Drive, and just north of where we pinged Penis Holder's burner phone. Blue very old model Mercedes, stolen license tags on it. It headed south after dumping the body, and we're working to get camera footage of where it might have gone."

"Make sure we have eyes on the Block House at all times." I said as I got up. "Teresa, redeploy to the intersection of Jefferson and Riverside----"

"Where do you think you're going, Mr. Crowbarrr?" asked the Chief.

"Chief, if you want me next to you," I said, "you'd better get up and come with me."

"I'll get my armorrrr..." the Chief drawled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'Status report, Mr. Kalsu." I said as Teresa, the Chief, and I came up to the Police checkpoint at Jefferson and Riverside, where a command post vehicle was set up, and a wall of vehicles and shielding protected the area. Cindy and the Sheriff were already there, as was Lt. Myron Milton.

A Police cruiser was one block east on Jefferson, with many bullet holes in the side and its lightbar shot out. Kalsu handed me binoculars and said "You can see her lying there in the middle of the street about three blocks down. Hicks and Johnson volunteered to take that Patrol car to get her, but gunfire began from at least two different places, raking the car from the front and passenger side. It stalled out almost immediately. Hicks had a bulletproof shield, and they used that to protect themselves as they got back to here."

Hicks showed us the heavy metal shield, which had six pockmarks where bullets had struck it.

"They're not playing, are they?" Teresa said. She had once been behind one of those shields that took gunfire, when she led the rescue of Jenna Stiles. (Author's note: 'Fire In The Embers', Ch. 05.)

"Lot of people on the streets," I said, "but they're keeping a distance away, and no one is going out there to help Inga. There must be more perps ready to shoot."

"Yes sir." said Kalsu. "There were more people, but a lot of them ran off or pulled back when the perps started shooting at the Police car."

"Is Gunddottar alive?" asked the Chief as I handed him the binoculars.

"Yes sir, we think so." said Lt. Myron Milton. "We're scanning her with infrared, and her body temperature is what we expect to see of a living human being, and she's not cooling off." That was smart, I thought to myself.

"Myron, call in for more drone support." I said. "The ones with tear gas and explosives. I'll be right back. Here, Commander, hold this." I said to Teresa, handing her the red crowbar. I ran back to my Police SUV and got my M79 grenade launcher out of the back, along with the knapsack of grenades.

"Oh, you carry an M79 all the time, Commander?" asked the Chief as I came back up.

"No sir," I said, "just for parties like this one. The question now is how to get to Inga. Do we have an armored paddywagon?"

"Sir!" I heard a female voice call out. It was Paramedic Ellen Brooks, standing by her EMS ambulance just north of us. "This ambulance is an old Police paddywagon that the TCPD gave us when the EMS was started up. The windows are bulletproof and the sides are reinforced metal."

"That's great!" I said, feeling some hope for the first time in hours. "Okay, we need to get some Officers to volunteer to take it in."

"Sir, we'll do it." said Ellen Brooks. Her partner, Paramedic Kevin Randolph, nodded vigorously in agreement.

"I can't let you two risk it." I said. "They're going to start shooting at you the minute you go down that street."

"We have combat experience, sir." said Kevin Randolph. "Ellen was a Medic in the XVIII Airborne Corps, and I was a Medic with the 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan. We can handle it."

"Paratroopers, eh?" I said. "I feel better already. Who's your driver?"

"I am, sir." said Randolph.

"We need a third person." I said.

"I'll drive, sir!" offered Robert Kalsu. "I've driven vehicles in combat."

"Mr. Kalsu was an Army Ranger before joining us." I said. "Chief, you good with this?"

"If you don't have anything better, I sure don't." said the Chief.

"I agree." said a voice. I looked over to see EMS Chief Leonard R. Cordell coming up to where the Chief was. Former Navy Corpsman. Airborne Paratrooper, too.

"Okay, then." I said. "You guys need armor." I took off my armor and put it on Kevin Randolph, helping him velcro it on. Teresa did the same for Ellen Brooks. We gave them our Police helmets, also.

I have never seen Police Officers move faster than the Officers at the checkpoint moved to surround us with their bodies. To say the Town & County Sheriff was 'hopping mad' would be an understatement.

"Get those Commanders some armor!" barked Griswold. "And Dr. Cordell, too!" It took a minute, but someone came up with some armor for us. As we waited, I endured an asschewing from the the Sheriff: "Goddammit, Crowbar, you just left yourself exposed out here, and people are just waiting to shoot you!"

"I've got the girdle on, Chief." I quipped, but that did not work.

"That's a kevlar girdle, not Wonder Woman's magic girdle!" the Sheriff shouted angrily. The Officers surrounding me could not help but chuckle at that. Fortunately, spare armor vests arrived, and Teresa and I suited up.

"Keep your eyes peeled!" I yelled once I got back to the Command Post. "You see gunfire, return fire! Lethal force is authorized!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The ambulance started down Jefferson Avenue. A kevlar cloth was tied to the front, to try to protect the engine. As it went past the disabled Police cruiser, gunshots could be heard. They were sporadic at first, then got heavier as the ambulance approached Inga.

"We're taking gunfire!" I heard Kalsu say into his radio. "My four o'clock, my seven o'clock!"

"I see the near one." I called out. I armed the M79 and executed a 'point and click' maneuver where I'd seen the flash of gunfire from a second-story window.


The grenade went right into the window where the gunfire had come from, and smoke began pouring out of that window. I fired another smoke grenade, and someone threw a smoke grenade along the street, to try to mask the shooter's view. But shots continued, so I loaded up a CS gas grenade.


Another direct hit, and the firing stopped. "How do you shoot that thing so accurately?" Chief Moynahan asked, vastly impressed.

"Just point where I want it to go, and pull the trigger, Chief." I replied.

"He has the Vibe with that thing, Chief." Teresa said helpfully, having seen enough to know she'd seen enough to know.

"Sir!" said an Officer at the Command Post. "The other firing position is too far away, and Kalsu is reporting they're shooting 7.62 rounds!"

"Ah, crap." I said. "See if we can get a drone to spot it."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the Intel Center, Terry Halston was driving a drone, frantically looking for the source of the gunfire. "There it is!" he said, seeing a flash, then a barrel of a rifle spitting automatic fire. On infrared, the hot barrel glowed like a neon sign.

"Yeah, but how can we get to it?" Mary Milton asked as she stood behind Halston and watched.

The machine gun was firing, an Halston heard the frantic calls from Kalsu that the ambulance was taking heavier fire. And he did what he had to do. He aimed the explosive-armed drone right at the gunfire, and flew it right in.


The video from the drone was lost, but at that moment Kalsu radioed "The gunfire has abated. Thanks, guys, I'm taking us in!"

Mary Milton was shocked. "Halston, do you know how much those drones cost?"

"I... I had to do something." Halston said.


Captain Tanya Muscone drove up. "They cost money, and can be replaced. Human lives can't be counted in money, and can't be replaced. Good work, Halston."

"Thank you, ma'am." said Halston, very relieved.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Target that explosion, and fire!" I yelled into my radio.

Myron drove a drone to the spot and launched a small missile from it, which contained the same amount of CS tear gas as my M79 grenades. Another drone also came in, but the gunfire from that position had stopped.

The ambulance got to Inga. Kalsu drove just past her and stopped, and Ellen Brooks and Kevin Randolph opened the back doors. "I've got her!" Ellen yelled and jumped to the street.


Gunfire whizzed all around them. Rounds struck the open back door of the ambulance. More gunfire raked the side of the vehicle, and sparks flew off the street; the perps were trying to hit the tires.

Ellen grabbed Inga and hoisted her up to Kevin, who pulled her in as Ellen lifted her legs.


"AAUGH!" Ellen cried out. "I'm hit!" Kevin saw blood spurt from her arm, then saw Ellen seem to stumble forward and slam against the back of the ambulance. Bullets had struck her in the armor protecting her back. Kevin grabbed Ellen by her armor at the shoulders and physically lifted her into the ambulance.

"GO! GO! GO!" Kevin yelled. Kalsu heard that, and wheeled the ambulance around, and drove west at the top of his speed.

He did not stop at the checkpoint, but turned north onto Riverside, following two Police cruisers with lightbars blazing. The convoy turned east on College Avenue, then drove to University Parkway, which was blocked off to traffic to allow the ambulance to make record time getting to University Hospital...

Part 19 - Aftermath

"Good work." the Police Chief, Sheriff, and EMS Chief said to me, one after the other.

"Team effort, sir." I said to each of them. As the Chief went around praising everyone and shaking their hands, I said to Dr. Cordell "I'm glad you hired Paratroopers, Admiral. They got the job done. All the way and then some, sir."

"Airborne all the way." replied Paratrooper Cordell. "Kalsu radioed in, and said Ellen Brooks was wounded in the arm and leg. Her armor was impacted, but it held. I'm going to head over to the Hospital and see if I can help out."

"Let me take you in my SUV, Doctor." said Teresa. "Just in case someone wants to start shooting at you."

"Take Jerome Davis too, if you don't mind." I said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I came into Police Headquarters, utterly exhausted, but running on adrenaline and other fumes that kept me going. I had a lot of work still to do.

As the Chief and Sheriff went to the Chief's Conference Room, I went to Intel. "Who flew that drone into that gun nest?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"That was me, sir." said Halston. "I'm sorry I destroyed it, sir; I know they're expensive and---"

"Don't be sorry." I said, stopping him. "You saved lives tonight, Mr. Halston." I shook Halston's hand, then said "You all did a great job tonight. Keep up the great work."

"Team effort, sir." someone said. I gave them a 'thumbs-up' as headed for the exit.

I then went to my office. Teresa was already back from taking Dr. Cordell and Jerome Davis to the Hospital, and came in to report... and to give me back my crowbar.

"We've shut down the street, and a full curfew is in force until dawn." said the Iron Wolf. "But we're not patrolling in cars. We're just flying drones and really hitting the street cams, and only send patrols in groups of three if we see any groups massing. So far, nothing has happened, and KXTC's vehicles are all at their headquarters. And there's no activity at the Block House, so we're not sure where Jacquez Wilson is."

I nodded. "Did you hear anything about Inga and Ellen while you were at the Hospital?"

"No sir," said Teresa. "I just dropped them off and watched them walk inside, then came on back. Oh, Cindy and Captain Thompson are in the Chief's Conference Room with the Chief, the Sheriff, the Mayor, and Chief of Staff Oswald."

"Yes." I said. "They tend to not invite me to meetings involving the Press, and their response to it. Okay, Teresa... you did a great job today and tonight. I know you won't go home even if I tell you to, so at least go lie down on the sofa in your office and get in a power nap..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I called Chaplain Romano. He was at the Hospital with Jerome Davis.

"Any word on Gunddottar and the EMT Brooks?" I asked.

"Ms. Brooks was being treated by Dr. Cordell as an outpatient." said Father Romano. "The bullets to her arm and leg were along the edges of her arm and leg, not deep at all. Dr. Cordell is stitching her up. She also has some deep bruises from where the bullets impacted her armor on her back, but they're non-life-threatening."

"Okay, give it to me straight on Inga." I said, knowing the Chaplain was hesitating on that.

"She's still in surgery." said Alberto. "There were two doctors in there, and then your wife was called in to assist, probably with the injuries to her... nether regions. I'm on standby in case I'm needed for... for the Last Rites."

"Okay." I said. "Please call me if there's any news at all... especially bad news..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1:00am, Tuesday, June 23d. Cindy Ross came into my office, and accepted my offer of coffee before sitting down.

"Any word of Inga's condition?" the Green Crowbar asked.

"Just that Laura was called in to help with the surgery." I said. "That's bad, because Laura would do surgery to repair the damage of anal rape as well as vaginal rape. Also, Father Romano is literally on standby to administer the Last Rites." Cindy nodded, then bowed her head to hide the tears she was shedding.

After a long moment, she looked back up at me. "How are you doing? I'm not getting a sense of much anything from you, as if you're shutting down."

"I'm just tired." I said. Then I added: "You know... I hate it when something is totally beyond my control, like today was. There was literally nothing I could do. You and Jenna got those burner numbers from Bettina; that was a great job on your part, and I never could've gotten that out of her, at least not in time to do anything with it. But I couldn't anticipate anything, couldn't figure out anything... I felt... helpless today."

Cindy said "I'll tell you this: the Sheriff was not happy that you gave up your armor to the paramedics, but the rest of the Force that was there... they got it. All they see and hear from the Media is that nobody has the Police Force's backs, that they'll let us hang out to dry. And then they see how you endangered yourself to rescue one of us that might not make it."

"Just doing my job." I said.

"No." Cindy said. "You did more than your job tonight, so don't try to dismiss it... or I'll call the Sheriff in here to make you celebrate your win, however small."

"Let's see if Inga makes it first." I said. "So how's it going with the Media?"

"That's what I came in here to tell you." Cindy said. "They're acting strangely. There was a bare minimum of coverage of rescuing Inga. KFXU got some footage with their helicopter and from the Command Post, though that's long distance and grainy. And I sent them and Bettina some of our drone footage, in return payment for her giving us Holder's burners. But so far, there's just no coverage of it, even though the national news networks are here."

"Hmmm." I said. "Were they not expecting Inga to be dumped there, nor for us to attempt to rescue her?"

Cindy shrugged, then said "The Press pool at the Hospital is also very small. Maybe they have agreements to disseminate the information? If they even care?"

"That's it!" I said, though not loudly. "They don't care. And why not? Because tonight was not a big part of the story... nor part of the story at all. And that means... they're waiting for something else to happen!"

"Okay, you should go try to get some sleep." I said. "I'm going to go get a couple of things done." Cindy left the office, as did I...

Part 20 - Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Don't

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Tuesday, June 23d, from the roof of the building at Riverside and College, with Police Headquarters in the background. "The Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice is weighing in on the actions of the Town & County Police Department!"

Bettina began: "In the wake of harsh and even brutal Police actions to crush peaceful protests by People of Color over Police brutality, Civil Rights Division Compliance Officer Ava Hinds has issued a warning to the TCPD, reminding them that they are already being sued by the DOJ for racist discrimination against blacks and women, and that their current actions will lead to a Federal Judge imposing a Consent Decree against them."

Bettina: "Police used tactics that included what is known as 'kettling' to round up innocent civilians, Media reporters, and peaceful protesters during a demonstration last Friday, marking the 'Juneteenth' anniversary, an important historical date for People of Color. Social Justice groups condemn tactics like 'kettling', which they say abuses the Constitutional rights of those arrested without probable cause."

Bettina: "Police Chief Sean Moynahan responded to Ms. Hinds's statement, saying that the Police have acted to stop violent protesters, and that the Police will continue to do so despite false accusations by a, quote, 'agenda-driven DOJ', unquote. Chief Moynahan also noted that the TCPD is vigorously fighting the DOJ's charges in Federal Court, and will never consent to a Consent Decree."

Bettina: "And last night the Police rescued a kidnapped Officer. This is exclusive video that you will only see on Channel Two News. Roll tape."

Tape rolled, showing from fairly close up the ambulance driving in and picking up Inga, and the sparks of bullets impacting the sides of the ambulance and the street below could be seen. It was shot from a street south of Jefferson Avenue; i.e. the camera was looking north.

Bettina said "The victim has been identified as Police Corporal Inga Gunddottar, a decorated TCPD Officer that disappeared earlier that day. She was taken to University Hospital, where she was taken into emergency surgery for severe injuries as a result of being beaten by her captors. Her condition is reported as 'grave', which is worse than 'critical'. And now let's go to Jeff Hull, for Sports. Jeff!..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And now we know." I said as we drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room... and I drank a '5-Hour Energy' shot with mine.

"Know what?" asked the Chief.

"Cindy and I were talking earlier about why the Press coverage wasn't all that strong during the rescue last night." I said. "And now we know why: they were... and probably still are... waiting for reaction by Ava Hinds and the USDOJ. THAT is the Drive-By Media's big story in all this, what the Government is going to do to us Police for daring to arrest violent protesters and use force to rescue one of our own."

"Mighty interesting 'exclusive' (air quotes) camera coverage KXTC had there." growled Sheriff Griswold. "That camera was right there where the body--- excuse me, where Inga was dumped on the street. What has the Iron Crowbar taught me about coincidences?"

"And they didn't play it until this morning." I said. "It must've come from Lester Holder and the KXTC van that we pinged yesterday."

"Think we can get a warrant to arrest that son of a bitch Holder?" asked the Sheriff.

"We can try." I said. "But it'll have to be Holder specifically, not KXTC. Not even Judge Watts is going to touch a warrant against the Press right now."