Conservation Efforts of a Goddess


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"Ah, but that is your part of the bargain. My magic can do some work, but not move hearts. I will rely on you in each case."

"I will do my best, Lady."


At half past noon, Cora decided to take her lunch in the supply closet. A world away, Laraiza added a small forest to the Castle Ulgort such that Belshen and his new consorts would feel at home. Half the world away, Cora's grandfather napped in an empty prison beneath the earth. Cora did not know a new home was being constructed for her, nor did she know her grandfather still lived, let alone the circumstances of his life. She did know that she was hungry.

Cora often lunched in the supply closet. She did not much care for her coworkers and, so far as she knew, they did not much care for her. It is not that either party held a dislike for the other, but some people move through the world at their own pace, jarring to those around them. Cora, who was raised on faerie stories from her Oma, moved at a pace unique to her. She did things like eating in supply closets, for example.

While fetching her lunch of cut fruit and cheese from the break room refrigerator, an envoy from Faerie arrived at the court of Castle Ulgort. A hobgoblin named Nob, as is their fashion, arrived with cautious greetings from his queen. Nob did not appear in Cora's Oma's stories because Nob was new by faerie standards. But Nob's job was old, especially by faerie standards, and he'd become quite good at it. As Cora passed the photocopier on the way to the supply closet, Nob received his first commission at the behest of the Lady of Flame — to steal a young woman named Cora through a Witching Door.

Nob caught a break when Cora stopped to chat for a moment with Bella, the only other girl in the office who at least heard Cora's rhythm if she still walked to her own. It gave the hobgoblin time to finish his enchantments such that by the time Cora finished her conversation and made her way to the supply closet, she did not notice the peculiar feeling of the door knob under her fingers or the otherworldly air blowing in from under the door. She opened it, felt a small jerk behind her head, and stood in a forest house in the Castle Ulgort of Dothkern.


"What?" Cora said, a smile of nervous disbelief playing at the corner of her lips. Instead of tables and paper boxes, she saw a bedroom, seemingly of a house in the trees. Out of a large window to her left, she saw the needles of huge pines mingled with a thick cloud of moisture. That's not right, her mind said. Can't be a forest in the supply closet. It is impossible, therefore it not there. I am insane.

She arrived at her insanity so quickly that it gave her vertigo. Cora dropped her Tupperware of fruit and cheese as she wobbled forward on shaking legs until she reached the bed. It was softer than she expected. Though it look like it was made of hay, soft feathers cushioned her weight, and the blankets and sheets felt made of the finest silk. Otherwise, the room was made of wood, but she saw no floorboards or breaks in the walls. It is wood, she realized.

The room was not built, but grown. A massive tree had been shaped into an apartment, a nice one at that. Small lamps hung from the ceiling. The windows looked out over a lush forest. Several pieces of furniture sat around the room reminding her of a dollhouse replica made life size. Not because these things looked gaudy or poorly made, but because, in her life, Cora had never seen such craftsmanship. It was something she only expected to find in miniature.

As her mind caught up to the idea of a forest being in her office supply closet, she looked back to where the door to the room had been. A door remained in that spot, but it was closed and made of woven fibers rather than compressed wood matter with cheap paint. Sense of balance returned to her, and she ran over to the door to wake up from the strange dream, ideally at home in bed, but acceptably at her office desk. Instead, the door opened to a wide staircase leading both up and down. She could not fathom how many steps it would take to reach the bottom, nor did she know what to do when she reached it. So, for the time, she decided to close the door and catch her breath.

This reprieve was interrupted by a blue fox-man crawling in through the window. He wore an ill fitted doublet and a kilt that had a tiger's tail waving around behind it. He looked at Cora, bared his teeth, and spoke, "Lady Cora of Clan Engel, welcome, I wish it were under better circumstances. I am Belshen of Plaet, servant to Lady Lare—"

Cora screeched. She grabbed a trinket from the top of a dresser and hurled it at Belshen. It thudded into his chest as he yelped. "What the hell?" she screamed, grabbing the next thing she could find.

"Can you not understand me? Skylark said the magic would translate your tongue to ours."

"Course I can fucking understand you, you're speaking English."

"Am not," he said, sullenly, "You're speaking Koapori. Rather poorly I might add. What's that guttural noise you made mean? 'Fucking'?"

Cora's eyes widened as she tossed another object, which seemed to be a small idol carved from an enormous pine cone core. "What are you? Why am I here? Did you kidnap me?"

Belshen's ear's darkened as he held up his hands. "I am not going to hurt you. Please calm down and stop throwing my things. I am a Koapa." His tone cheered slightly, "You have been chosen to be my mate and help me sire a whole new clan."

"Your mate?" She grabbed a silver orb from the dresser top, one of a pair. "What kind of a thing is that to say? I would never...ever — with you! You're all...fuzzy!"

"You're not exactly my type either," he growled. "All pink and fleshy with seemingly only two teats."

"Ugh!" she tossed the orb at him.

He caught it with a clumsy lunge. "Watch it! Do you know what these are? Oh, wait, hang on I wouldn't touch —"

Cora's fingers closed down on the next missile, the other silver orb. As she picked it up, its warmth pulsed through her fingertips. In the next second, a gust of hot wind hit all of her at once, as though she were buffeted between two roaring campfires. As this happened, the silver orb softened to a liquid, like mercury, slipping into her fingers in a flash. Across the room, the same thing happened to the one in Belshen's hand. Cora looked from the nothing in her hand to the nothing in Belshen's. "What was that thing?"

If he answered her, she did not hear it. A prickling, burning sensation raced across her skin, up from the fingertips which touched the orb, across her chest, and down to her toes. Cora thought she might burst from feeling if so much as a breeze wafted too quickly across her exposed skin. As it passed, she itched. A lot. She scratched and scratched, but no relief came. Everywhere she scratched, she felt the prickle of hair, but ignore it in favor of chasing the itch to a new spot. Her clothes were in the way of her scratching, so it only made sense to get them off. Besides, they didn't fit very well. Her jeans no longer reached her ankles, and her hips did not enjoy being so confined. She kicked off her shoes and pulled down the pants before noticing the small hairs were no longer very small.

They dotted her legs at first. Only a few, dark hairs, similar to going a week without shaving. By the time she pulled of her shirt, the ones on her belly stuck out half an inch, and more grew between them with each passing second. Panicked, Cora looked at Belshen for an explanation or perhaps a comparable crisis. He seemed more or less calm. His ears had changed color, and his stance was awkward. She considered demanding an explanation once again, but her hearing kept dropping out. In its place came a thumping noise, the beating of her own heart. Then, a blast of noise, louder than anything she'd ever heard. The tips of her ears flicked or winced, she wasn't sure. Suddenly worried, her hands moved up to her head to find two new ears jutting up from the sides, exactly like Belshen's.

She wheeled around to yell at him, but he looked different. Nothing about him exactly changed. Perhaps he looked a little bigger or his fur looked a little more vibrant. He'd taken off the doublet. It was ridiculous to have on in the first place. Why would you need a jacket with all that fur? He's good looking though. I can see some muscle beneath that fur coat. And I do like blue, especially that shade. The thought struck her as silly. Cora began to giggle, but it choked in her throat as she saw bright red fur all along her right arm. "Oh fuck," she yelped.

Another wave pulsed through her. With it came a rapid set of changes. Her skull reshaped, growing a short snout as her teeth reformed into her new mouth shape. Her tongue grew slightly longer and more narrow, but otherwise remained the same. Her eyes lost their earthly brown and took on a shade of rose pink. The hair on her head fell out or evaporated, she couldn't tell which. In its stead, the fur around her head bushed into a slight pomp. She realized her body had changed from head to toe, growing taller and a little wider. She noticed it in her hips the most, where her underwear strained to cover her bottom. She bit her lower lip as she worried about having to expose herself in front of Belshen. Why is he waiting like that? Why isn't he getting help or something? Would it really be terrible for me to undress? He's not a human, why would he care. Why would I? But she did. Deep down, she understood what she was becoming, and her ears darkened with the idea of handsome male seeing her naked.

A dull pressure formed at the base of her spine. My tail, of course. Guess the granny panties have to go in the end after all. Quickly, she shucked down the underwear as a feeling like someone pulling a spool of wire happened in her lower half. Her new, red-furred tail whipped in the air behind her. The vertigo returned. She fell forward, but Belshen caught her. Cora tried to smile at him, but could barely hold up her head. He guided her to the bed. She sat down, tail out to the side as she realized she was naked from the waist down. He backed away without prompt, but when he'd guided her, she felt what waited beneath his kilt.

Another pulse. Bra's gotta go. A new ache formed on her chest. Looking down at herself, she realized she had a bit more chest than usual, not only breasts, but her naval seemed further away from her neck than it should have been. The breasts, mostly covered in white fur, strained against the beige bra while beneath them she understood why Belshen had criticized her number of "teats". Small, round nipples formed on her skin, pushing out from the fur as the slight mound of breasts formed behind them. They didn't become two distinct sets, but a continuation of her larger bosom with a slight dip between the two sets of nipples. She liked it, primarily because of the greedy look in Belshen's eyes.

A new feeling hit her. Her sex blossomed with warmth. Urgent, primal need surged out from her core. She spread her legs, shoving her fingers and palm against her crotch to avert going mad from the want of something touching her. Changed fingers explored a different set of lips between her legs. They had become thicker and smoother, nestled between soft fur on either side. They slid easily against her fingers as she moved her hand up to the top, finding some anatomy to be completely shared between species. Her palm pushed against her clit as her hips thrust up against it. Belshen watched, panting, but somehow restraining himself. His eyes had dilated into black spheres surrounded by an aura of orange coloring. "Take off your kilt," she groaned at him.

Another flush of ear color, but he unfastened the garment and let it fall away. She saw his manhood, or Koapahood or malehood or cock, a throbbing, pink phallus which widened at its tip, but otherwise looked similar to a man's. Similar except in size. His penis throbbed at twelve inches long and twice again the size of a man's in girth. Beneath it, in a furry pouch, were the largest balls she'd ever seen. The sight made Cora shiver from the tips of her earhair down to the last hair on her tail. She made a noise, like a small, airy grunt, which seemed to excite Belshen even further. His dick glistened with lubrication oozing from the tip. "Well, you brought me here to mate me, didn't you?" she asked. "Come on then. Fuck me."

Belshen moved with speed that surprised both of them. Within seconds, he clambered on top of her. She made the same grunting noise again as he positioned himself against her. The head of his cock pressed against her soaked folds, but he paused. After a second, his muzzle pressed into hers, and they kissed. Cora wrapped her newly powerful legs around him and pulled. He slipped inside of her with ease, half his length disappearing into her warm, tight wetness. He groaned as she continued to make the grunt she understood to be a mating call. Her walls spread as he pulled back and thrust forward again, deeper on the second effort. Ugh, yes, god. Fuck me.

He obliged her silent request. Belshen pinned her arms down to the bed and lowered his mouth to lick at her breasts. His tongue raked slowly across her aching nipples as he kept thrusting into her at a steady pace. She scooted her ass forward into his thrusts at every chance, desperate to feel him go deeper, to feel him make her full. A strong, virile male to give me pups. The thought rang in her head. What did he say earlier? I was brought here to be his mate? Mother his pups? God, that sounds fucking amazing. An image of herself with a bloated stomach appeared in her mind. Her four teats leaked milk as Belshen laid behind her, filling her up with his cock while they held her pregnant belly together. Sire a whole new clan. I'll have dozens of his children. He'll keep me in heat, fucking me constantly to make sure I stay pregnant. Mrrrmm. Her thoughts shocked her slightly, but they also stoked the lust in her.

The two Koapa panted and growled as they rutted. The red tail thrashed in the air as their fur matted with Cora's arousal. Occasionally, Belshen's blue tail wrapped entwined with hers, pulling against each other as he made deeper, more insistent thrusts. A scent filled Cora's head. His scent. The scent of his arousal, of his Koapa maleness. It's fucking wonderful. Unable to express herself enough, she lunged up and sunk her teeth into his shoulder. Belshen yowled, shoving himself fully into her. He groaned as his cock throbbed inside her. It's happening! A rush of cum flooded out of him. It poured into her, spraying deep into her womb. The world turned into a blur of blue and red as ecstatic pleasure shot out from her core into every part of her. She kept her bite firm in his shoulder, not drawing blood, but still drawing out more of his wonderful scent. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her against his warm chest, close enough to feel his haggard breathing. Her body remained tense and slightly shaking as orgasm continued to rattle her with joyous pleasure. His cum leaked from her while he remained inside, still twitching as his balls emptied. Finally, the torrent stopped. They remained together for a few more seconds, breathing slowly.

Gently, Cora released her bite. Belshen withdrew from her and laid down on the bed with an exhausted sigh. Feeling his seed leaking out of her, she grabbed one of the pillows from the top of the bed and shoved it under her hips. "What've you done that for?" he asked.

"To keep it in," Cora said. "Makes it more likely I'll get pregnant, I think. I read it once. Can't hurt, right?"

"So you'll stay? You, uh, enjoyed it?" His head raised up to look at her. To his credit, he tried to look at her eyes and not the voluptuous figure on full display.

Cora didn't know what he meant when he said stay. She didn't know how she had become a furry, tailed woman with four nipples. Nor did she understand why Belshen smelled so good. But she wanted to feel him closer to her. That was a feeling she could understand. "I can't really go home like this," she said. "Especially if we're going to be parents."

Her hand felt wet. Looking at it, the palm turned to silver. The silver coalesced into a small ball which rolled away from her, inert. The same thing happened to Belshen. He picked them up and returned them to their place on the dresser. "How about now?" he asked, a quiver of nervousness in his voice.

"Huh? What changed?"

Belshen grinned. "Say, uh, before we get to all your questions...what would you say to...doing it again?"

"Fuck yes, from behind. Now." She made the grunting sound again as she rolled over. Within seconds, he was behind her and inside her again.


"Well, Skylark?" Laraiza asked.

"They are asleep, mistress. Tired themselves out, by the look of it. Your enchantment worked."

"Did you doubt it would? I am a goddess, after all."

"A goddess who often makes mistakes, your Wisdom reminds you," the bird said, strutting beside Laraiza's throne. "The human girl will have many questions. I can try to teach her protocol, but they are less likely to learn than Nob."

"Koapa girl, Skylark. She is changed, totally and completely, as the larva becomes the beetle. As the caterpillar the butterfly."

"Mmm, well then. Did young Belshen succeed? Are we the guardians of a new Koapa clan? Can you tell?"

"Yes, Skylark. I can tell. Fetch Nob. We have other matters to attend to."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just being a bit nitpicky here, but in the third paragraph of the beginning, you said that making two mistakes would make someone cough up three gallons of blood. The only thing is, people (at least on this planet) only have about 1 to 1 1/2 gallons of blood.

DeLord12804DeLord12804about 3 years ago

I really hope this isn't going to die on the vine this soon, you've got a great little saga starting and I want to tag along and see how it all comes together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I hope to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Please make more this was amazing from Beginning to End

SorchakSorchakalmost 4 years ago
A good first chapter.

I can't wait to read more.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 4 years ago

Very interesting, would like to read more of this world, it seems that you have a lot more to tell us.

Spardax212Spardax212almost 4 years ago

I hope you write more chapters.

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