Controlling Wife Ch. 04

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Wife agrees to try husbands fetish, goes much farther.
8.4k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/05/2020
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Thank you to those who left some actual constructive criticism on my other stories. Life has been a little hectic to say the least, writing these went pretty far back on the list of priorities. However things have calmed down again at least for now so here is the 4th chapter.

If you don't enjoy the themes of chastity, cum-eating, control, cuckolding, or femdom, please do not read this. It will not be for you.


Not even four inches. My dick isn't even 4 inches long, I can't believe this is actually happening. I have got to come up with a way to satisfy my wife before she turns to outside help for her satisfaction. This entire ordeal boils down to nobody's fault but my own. Why couldn't I have just enjoyed our amazing marriage the way it was. Why did I have to push her so far?

Do not get me wrong, I absolutely love everything that we have done together. However, that is not to say that this doesn't bring about its own complications in our relationship. Well, not even just our relationship. Our individual lives have been altered for everyday tasks. I know my side has menial tasks that have become more complicated. However, I am sure Allie has even more complications. She is in charge of running everything. That sounds daunting just in my head, let alone actually carrying it out.

When I say my menial tasks have become more complicated I am talking about simple things like mowing the grass, grocery shopping and things of that nature. When mowing the grass I now have to be wary when I throw something out of the way in the yard. When out just shopping for groceries I have to be careful getting something on the bottom shelf. What is it I'm worried about when bending over? It's the panties my wife now makes me wear every day. It's the fact that at all times my cock is locked, that at any moment in time somebody can rush past me and feel the cage that confines my less than four inch dick. The non-stop fear of being called out in public never ceases. The fear that somebody we know will see me get our yogurt from the back shelving and know part of our secret life.

Everyday now, I am walking around feeling that soft cotton or silk rubbing on my ass. It's so sensual in certain moments but causes such fear in others. The thought of it being worth it runs through my head multiple times every single day. Yet, every single time I come to the same conclusion, yes. Irrevocably, yes. Knowing that my wife is more involved with my manhood (though she may not call it that anymore) than ever, is the most erotic feeling in the world. The days that I wear a thong are so much worse, yet so much better. The feelings are so contradicting. Feeling something ride up my ass early in the morning is so strange. What's stranger is how just an hour into the day I forget that I'm wearing it. I will bend down for something and so quickly be made aware of what I am wearing, the way a thong can give you such a sensation is invigorating.

I know I must sound crazy to any woman reading this, thongs are literally just a sexy pair of underwear there really isn't that much feeling when wearing one. When you are a man though, the very small sensations come to life more than you would ever realize. That strangely erotic yet degrading feeling every time I go pee, having to find a stall and sit. Never knowing if somebody can see the panties I pull down. Always have to wipe, the feeling is so unnatural yet so good.

The requirement in our relationship for me to wear panties has only been in effect for a couple of months now. The mental effect it has had on me however, feels as though it has spanned years. Every time we have met with friends, family, whomever. That thought that they could find out at any moment has been with me, and it has been exhilarating. I only hope that she has sensed a modicum of this feeling I get. It is so degrading and I absolutely adore it, I can not get enough of being 'Hers'.

One afternoon I came home and Allie was nowhere to be found. Instead of sitting around and waiting for her, I decided to take some time for myself and play some video games. Why not, I hadn't played games with my friends in ages. About an hour later she finally comes home, it's almost dark.

She is carrying a few plastic bags when she comes in, "Wow, would have been really nice if my loving husband were able to check his phone to see that I came home and asked for help bringing in bags. Looks like I'll get to use some of the things that I bought today."

Shit, I thought to myself I hadn't looked at my phone, I got too caught up in what I was doing. I hurriedly shut the games down and said my goodbyes. "Sorry Madam! I was unaware that you were out shopping!" I tried to be as genuine as possible.

"Well, at least I'll be able to use some of the things I bought today." She was giggling like a small child while saying this. The terror this brought on was real, 'since when did my wife just giggling bring about a feeling of terror?' I thought to myself. While helping her put things away, she made sure that four of the bags she brought home she put away herself, all of which went into our bedroom.

As dinner was wrapping up, Allie asked if I could come into the bedroom. I knew this was going to be something unpleasant. When I walked into the room, she immediately pushed me onto the bed, face first. I was rapidly requested to place a blindfold on and to remain silent, no matter what transpired. I scooched my way into the middle of our bed, and immediately felt the sting of a crop on my ass. The burn was unlike any other, after so many times reading about this physical punishment I had never felt its sting until now. I immediately knew I did something wrong, my mind raced to figure out what.

"I bet you're wondering what in the hell this is for, aren't you?" The mocking tone was not lost on me. Whack "These particular hits are for not assisting me getting the bags in." There is some rustling in the room and suddenly I feel a very different hit, something unrivaled. The stinging, burning sensation is far too much to handle. I start squirming and feel another kiss of whatever she is assaulting me with. Then another, and another and another. It's so close to being too much, and she stops. I feel a warm yet cooling sensation on my back, it burns so bad but is also ice cold at the same time.

"Wow, I never thought I would actually whip somebody." Allie stated this so plainly, but it also had a slight hint of excitement behind her voice.

'Whipped??? That's what she is using?? An actual whip?' The panic in my own head was real. The pain I am feeling is from an actual whip. That sensation I am feeling with the ice cold lashes and warmth following is my blood. I am suddenly acutely aware of the strain on my cage, the pushing sensation on my dick with nowhere to go. 'Silent, I must stay silent or it will only get worse. Don't give her something else to punish you for.' Shortly after this thought and only a couple lashes later she stops and sits on the bed near me.

She starts, "Thank you for staying quiet, I really wanted to complete this guilt free. The whipping is for shrinking my favorite penis, having so few hits is because it turns out I enjoy this much more than anticipated. I also have a task for you tonight." She hops off the bed and goes into our closet and after a few minutes I hear her walk back into the room and set something down.

I'm instructed to remove my blindfold and get dressed with what she has picked out. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. After the whipping I just received I hardly had any ambition to put up a fight, so I just followed her instruction. She had laid out almost a full outfit, all of which was not her size, but rather obviously picked out for me specifically. The crop top is large enough to fit but definitely form fitting, it's a very light gray, almost sheer.

There's also a bra to go with it, though she definitely intends for me to feel exposed as it's a very bright hot pink. The skirt laid out won't even cover my balls and dick it's so short, and it's a bright hot pink just like the bra she picked. After some mental struggle I put everything on, I feel absolutely ridiculous standing in our bedroom in what would normally be an incredibly slutty outfit on a woman. Allie is sitting and gawking at me, her cheeks are as red as mine must be. She seems just as embarrassed as I am and she isn't even wearing the outfit!

"There's just one part missing." she says as she goes back to the closet. She comes out with a shoe box in hand, I already know what's waiting for me. Hot pink heels, at least they are only three inches tall. I carefully put them on while sitting on the bed, they are definitely tighter than expected but they definitely push me over the edge with embarrassment. "You look absolutely ridiculous and I love it! Now, I want a milkshake for dessert and I think you've earned one as well." It dawns on me that she means to send me out for food wearing this.

I finally speak up, "You actually intend to send me out wearing this obscene outfit? You can see my balls and dick hanging out of the skirt!"

"Well, I absolutely plan to send you out in this. I wanna see how far you are really willing to go to embarrass yourself for me. But, for your second statement you had best look down. Maybe a man's penis would be showing but you no longer have a man's penis do you? That little penis of yours can't even poke out of a miniskirt so you have nothing to worry about when it comes to exposing yourself." Her words bite, but I know how true they are. I don't even look down, already knowing she is telling the truth. "When you get back, if you go through with it, I'll unlock you and let you fuck me." I immediately start pushing on my cage with her words. Without saying another word I just turn around and clumsily make my way to the car in our garage. Allie is giggling at me the whole way.

When I opened the door to the garage I was horrified, she hadn't parked inside of the garage. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck.' I tell myself. Opening the garage was terrifying, I hit the button without thinking and the garage light turned on. I was put on full display for all of our neighbors in the cul-de-sac, I panicked and tried to turn back around to go inside. The door is locked, she actually locked the door knowing this would happen. My humiliation and panicked state only worsened when I turned back around and our car was not even in the driveway. It was parked on the side of the road on the other side of our cul-de-sac.

My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was so heavy I thought I would pass out. I thought about just hiding in the corner and waiting out the timer for the light, but that sounded even more risky than just going for it. In my slutty outfit and ridiculous heels, which I had never worn before. I slowly made my way down the driveway. At least it was dark outside, and we have no street lights so that's a huge bonus in my favor. I'm very carefully walking through the middle of our deadend and finally make it to the car. I almost fell half a dozen times but never went down, yet despite the insane humiliation and struggle, my cage was being pushed relentlessly.

Getting the dessert and getting back home was rather uneventful, I just made sure to go through a drive-thru and hide myself as much as possible when taking the shakes. Now I was relieved and extremely excited about getting to fuck my wife. I hadn't felt the inside of her pussy since the last time she sized me up. When I got inside we sat on the couch and enjoyed the shakes together, of course she insisted I keep the outfit on, but at this point I was so focused on the fucking I was promised I couldn't care less.


I could hardly contain my excitement for what's about to happen. I know Rory is so excited to be able to fuck me, and I couldn't be more eager for him to fuck me either. I have needed this for some time now. Once we are both done eating I get up without a word and go into the bedroom, looking back at him so he knows to join me.

"You can get on the bed, strip to your cage only and be ready to get tied down, I don't think you have earned the ability to be unlocked and hands free yet." I try to maintain a level voice, though I don't think I succeeded. Rory hops on the bed and lays down with arms and legs spread. Instead of keeping his legs spread I strap his legs together at the ankles and attach them to the end of the bed that way. His hands however remain pulled apart going to each corner of the bed just like always.

I can't help but tease him, "Are you ready big man, I can't wait to climb on you and ride you just like we used to do. That feeling of being filled up, I am so ready for it." I can see the excitement on his face, he doesn't even realize the wording I am using. Before getting on top of him I go to our chest and get out the new toy I ordered on Etsy. It's a cock sleeve, a large cock sleeve that you insert a real penis into. The one I ordered is sized exactly to the size of Rory, or at least what he was when hard a couple of months ago. I don't think he will have shrunk any more if I'm honest. The outside of this sleeve however, is 8in in length and has a diameter of 2in. It's absolutely perfect and I can not wait to feel it in me.

When I turn around Rory's face contorts into confusion, then quickly to fear as he realizes he will be able to fuck me, but he still won't feel my vagina. I get on top of him and slowly start unlocking his penis. Rory is staring me down, not focused on his own penis at all. After removing the entire cage I slowly started stroking his penis. It takes a few minutes but eventually he gets to full mast, as unimpressive as that is. Reaching over to my nightstand I pull out a condom as well. Making sure to tease him some more, "See, I had to go out and buy some condoms for you as well. Guess what the packaging says? Snugger fit. Imagine my embarrassment in the checkout buying small condoms. The woman had to have been holding back from laughing at me. I had to get these because even with the cock sleeve going on you, I am still worried you will cum from the slight feeling you will still feel. I'm hoping, rather, betting that with a small condom on as well as the cock sleeve you won't be able to feel nearly enough to cum."

Rory was stunned but still managed, "Yes Madam, sorry Madam." Even as he said this I could feel his little penis actually get rock hard. He couldn't get rock hard when he actually got to fuck me and now that I am making fun of his small penis and about to put a bigger cock on him, he actually gets hard. It's unbelievable.

I actually get a little angry with this, and decide to put a ball gag in his mouth. After that I take a moment to get the condom on, even though this is a small condom it still goes all the way to the base of his shaft with hardly any stretch. I then roll back the cock sleeve and get it on him, it is stunning. His new cock is huge! "Oh my god Rory, your cock is massive. I bet you can't wait to impale me with it! I am so excited!" All I got in response was muffled sounds from behind the ball gag.

I grab some lube and give Rory his first hand job in ages, one that he can't even feel. I make sure to encircle the head, giving the tip some quick flicks with my fingers just like I would with Rory's penis before. I'm hoping this memory drives him wild. Shortly after I get positioned to get this cock in me. It's so big I can't even just straddle Rory, I have to hike up on one leg to make enough room. The head hits my lips and I can finally feel its girth, it's huge. Slowly I push down on the head, holding the cock up so as to not have any surprises. After getting just the head in I can't get much more without a ton of pain so I slowly slide up and down just the tip. Eventually I can lower myself down some more on this huge cock. More and more is forced inside of me, stretching me. The sensation is intense and Rory's eyes are even more intense.

With some work and patience I finally consume Rory's new cock. I bottom out and just hold it in me for a few moments, breathing, proud of myself. I grind down on Rory, feeling this enormous cock fill me. I have never felt so full, so whole, it's amazing. "Fuck your cock is so big Rory, fuck it feels so good. I have never felt so stretched, so full in my life it's so good!" I yell. I start sliding up and down his cock, slowly at first but quickly building up pace. I can feel an orgasm coming on already but I try to hold back. I know if I hold back just a little longer it will be so much more satisfying.

I'm slamming myself down on his new cock harder, harder and bottoming out my vagina with every thrust. My orgasm starts to build incredibly fast now, I can't stop it. The initial wave hits me hard, I can't keep humping so I slam down and grind my clit on Rory. Keeping his massive cock buried in me, my vagina spasming on his new cock. The feeling is like no other, orgasming while stretched so far. I finally take a gasping breath, falling off of Rory.

"That was incredible. I had truly forgotten what it felt like to fuck. How have I gone so long now without a real cock in me? This will definitely be more of a staple for us going forward, that was far too good to pass up. How was it for you, love?" Instead of responding Rory was wide eyed and mumbling under the ball gag. The look he was giving was definitely shock, but something else as well. "Let's get this cock off of your penis." I started reaching for it and Rory started frantically shaking his head. It only made me pull it off faster, I already knew what that look really was. With a plop the sleeve came off and there was my pathetic husband, a small condom with cum filling the tip. "Really, you really came from seeing me orgasm on a real cock!"

I couldn't hold back my laughter, I knew I was supposed to feign anger but I just couldn't do it. The comedy of this was too much. "Looks like we have both gotten ours tonight, you actually out-played me without even trying to, good for you babe, good for you." Holding his penis against his belly I slid the condom off (there was almost no resistance despite him being rock hard still, I wonder if there's smaller condoms out there than this) reserving all the cum inside. I was betting Rory already thought he knew what I was going to do. However, I didn't even know myself. SLAP The cum filled condom hits him square in the face, splattering cum all over his forehead, hair, and eyebrows. SLAP More cum splatters his eyes and cheeks with this hit. There is so much cum I still have plenty to just drop all over the ball gag and into his mouth. "Haven't felt the inside of my vagina in forever and you cum while in me and not able to feel a thing, how degrading that must feel." I giggle while rolling off of the bed.

When getting off the bed to clean up, I look back at Rory laying there, penis already shrinking back down. He is a marvel to look at, he just looks defeated right now and that makes me so horny. He is letting me do so much with him and my control is intoxicating. I absolutely love that he brought my controlling side back out and I love even more how much he loves it, we truly were meant to be together. I take a nice long hot shower, knowing Rory is still strapped to the bed. 'At least he's out of chastity, he should be happy about it right' I tell myself.

Though he probably doesn't appreciate the cum running down his face and drying. When I finally get out of the shower I deftly get his cage back on. His ball gag was coated and gross when unbuckling it. After breathing a sigh of relief, "That was intense, absolutely intense. I'm sorry I came. I just couldn't hold back with how amazing you looked getting stretched like that. I can't believe how easily you took a cock that big either, and I thought I was big before. Now, I can't even come relatively close to competing." He wasn't wrong, I was somewhat shocked by how easily I took that cock and how amazing it felt.