Cookies & Cream Ch. 03


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"I wouldn't complain if you take off my shorts and slide your hand between my legs." She let out a soft giggle as she leaned over to his crotch and started licking his shaft. He quivered as she pulled him close as she lapped him root to tip, making some slurping sounds. He tilted his head and let his voice carry his moans as he slowly let nature take its course, taking Heather by her blonde hair and roll his hips.

As he started to mount his girl's hungry mouth in short paces, he lowered his hands to push her bra down, taking her gigantic breasts to his hands. Heather let out a moan as he rubbed her breasts gently, flicking her erect nipples to tease her. She hugged his rolling hips and pressed his shaft with her breasts, rolling then around his hot spicy flesh roll. He started to throb already, feeling her soft, bronze orbs constantly rubbing his eight-inch cannoli, the clear custard already leaking out of it.

"You really must be enjoying it, baby." Heather commented, gazing at the silky liquid dripping on her breasts. Mark couldn't say a word in edgewise, clutching her hair as she kept rolling his pulsing cannoli. She added the pleasure by lapping up his abundant fluid from his engulfed crown. Mark let out a deep moan, his balls tightening from her licking and rolling. He couldn't help but jerk upward and erupt on her chin and neck, a thick rope of seed dripping all over her upper body. He panted from his climax and slowly let go of his beloved.

"Damn!" He cried, sitting on the floor and stared at his cum-coated girlfriend. "I'm sorry for doing that! I-I...I was so aroused."

"Don't be sorry," Heather commented, standing up to him. She took off her soiled bra and threw it on the couch. "Believe or not, came too. Look!" She swayed her hip as she took off her wet shorts, showing him her dripping mound. She smiled widely and walked toward him, her juices dripping on the floor. He gazed at her slim naked body as she stopped close to him. Right in front of him was her trimmed mound with a pair of pink lips right between her legs. He put his hand on her mound and started to rub, hearing the gushing flood between her sweaty thighs.

"Wow, you really did climax, didn't you?" The astonished man asked her, pulling out his hand to see her sex juices flowing down to his wrist. She bit her lip and blushed, her head nodding. Mark licked off her fun from his fingers, savoring her taste on his hand. His appetite grew for her, saying he wanted more. So he took her and started to suck on her wild pussy.

"Mark!" She wailed weakly with a gasp, holding his shoulders as he greedily kissed her delicate petals. "Mark, it's dirty!"

"I'm dirty, my love. So this is perfect for me." Mark mumbled as he found her swelling snow pea, sucking it hard to make her gush again. Her knees began to buckle, weakening from his sucking and wanted to swoon. He held on to her hips, making her steady before her pushed her legs softly to make access to her lips, licking them excessively. She pulled her hair as he gave her sensational oral pleasure, making her moan and plead to her man. Before she even asked him to stop, she jerk her back and cried out, "I'm cumming!!"

A few minutes passed and both man and woman were still. The only movement that went on were her juices flowing down his chin and his chest. When her climax passed, they panted quietly, Mark holding his girl close and started kissing her. She enjoyed the intimacy with him so much. It was the first time they ever did something so sexual. She wanted to do this often with him. When she felt something poking on her hip, she assumed the encounter would take place soon.

"You're still hard!" She exclaimed, seeing Mark's thick shaft right on her hip. Mark covered it in shame, feeling Heather's mound with his knuckles. The tip of her mound dampened those rosy knuckles. Mark scurried back, still holding his hard shaft. "You're still wet!"

"Oh Mark, this is terrible!" Heather made a hiccup and started crying, her tears flowing down her cheeks. "I didn't satisfy you!"

"No, no, you did!" Mark said to her, trying to stand with his hands between his legs. "I ejaculated plenty on you. I just...I just feel very aroused still. I...hope you understand."

"I do." She rubbed her excited mound as proof for her empathy with him. "What do we do, babykins!"

"Wait!" The man had a lightbulb on his mind. "You said you would offer a sixty-nine if we consumed the ice cream. Does that still stand?"

Heather made a smile toward and nodded. "Yes! We can give each other pleasure in the guest bedroom. I'm sure Ingrid wouldn't mind."

The afternoon slowly turned into evening and Ingrid arrived back to her cabin. The first thing she noticed was the bin with a quarter eaten ice cream in it. She started to panic, wondering if Heather lost her virginity to Mark. She stepped on her sister's soaked shorts, making the younger sister squirm with repulse. She then heard some raising moaning on the other side of the cabin. She dropped her carry-out bags and purse on the table and rushed to the room where the moaning became stronger. She reached to the spare room and stared at something amazing. There was Mark naked on his back, licking constantly in Heather's wild cherry lips. On the other side, Heather was. On top, bobbing her head right on his throbbing hard on.

Ingrid turned away from the room and pressed her pounding heart. She was relieved about her sister's virginity still intact. At the same time, she felt rather strange seeing them sixty-nining. Well, who could blame her? Anyone who saw that the first time might think this was a strange sight.

Just then, she heard a weak cry from the room, followed by a deep muffle. She couldn't bare looking in there what was happening on those ocean blue bed sheets. A few minutes after the stifled noises, she head a brief conversation that went like this...

"You're still hard, babykins."

"Your muffin is still wet, sweet munchkin."

"Do you want to lick it again?"

"Yes, please, and you do the same with mine?"

"Oh yes!"

"Well, we shall continue."

Ingrid thought of this as a shampoo commercial as she heard the process for ten solid minutes. Lick. Suck. Cum. Repeat. Ingrid turned fl ushing red and she decided to take a long hot shower. She walked quietly to her bedroom and shut the door, trying to forget about her horny sister and her equally horny boyfriend's oral epic. Again, who could blame her? If the sight was weird, you make an effort to forget it.

In my cabin, I was in the arms of John. Man, did we become passionate that evening. We took a walk on the trail, watched the sky changed and hear the frogs croaking in the lake. Nature sure can be breathtaking. However, to some extent, nature could also give you ideas. And, in my bed, John and I kissed passionately under the sheets, holding each other. Soon, we took a break and snuggled.

"Babe?" John asked me quietly, kissing my bushy forehead. "What do you think about this ice cream in the parlor?"

"Hmm? What do you mean, baby?" I looked at him, wondering where he was going with this. He turned to his back and I followed suit, nuzzling on his shoulder. "Well, I do wonder if this serum have any...side effects. Uh, you know, other than the obvious."

"Yeah," I chuckled, rolling on my tummy so I could see him closer. "Babe, I do wonder about this myself. I mean, this serum Charles has been using has been tested and is safe so far. I do think he is a cautious man when it comes to this ice cream serum."

"Oh I agree, hon."John rubbed my soft tush as he agreed. "I'm just wondering if someone else knows about this secret ingredient. And if he/she does know about it, what would happen if this person takes a step further...and put it in all the food?"

I gasped. "Baby! If someone did put the stuff on every single food, then..." I couldn't say anymore. I've heard about what happen if people had way too much sexual pleasure. All I could say was the act itself would no longer feel amazing or even comforting. That thought would make anyone stop and enjoy the non-sexual activities, like a romantic cuddle.

John rubbed my tush more and adjusted his head on the pillow so we could both feel comfortable. "Let's get some shut-eye, hon. Tomorrow, we need to wake up bright and early for our jog."

"Okay...oh, by the did say you're from Texas. So how come you don't have a profound accent?"

"It's simple. In the first nine years, I was raised in New Hemisphere."

I made an imaginary light bulb as I cuddled with my love to fall asleep. Now, everything made sense! Soon, the night would turn into the day, and all would be peaceful...boring, but peaceful. Well, the next day, as Charles would say, in Camp Hattawata, it would be anything BUT boring!

Chapter Eleven:

"Apple Cobbler"

It was six in the morning when Ingrid's Chicken Little alarm clock went off. She opened her light green eye, groaning at the sound on the tiny bells ring on top of the chicken clock. When she sat up to turn off the chicken clock, she listened to any sounds in the cabin. Other than the quiet fan she had on during the night, there was no other noises. That could only mean one thing-her sister and her boyfriend-in-law stopped having a sex feast.

Thinking about a feast made her stomach growling. She forgot all about making dinner the previous evening. She figured the sight of her older sister and her lover doing in the ocean themed spare room lost her appetite. As she crawled out of her pink teddy bear bed with her light blue striped pajamas, she just thought of her other appetite. It was something she kept secret even from her older sister. As she entered the kitchen to fix breakfast, she thought about her longtime friend...Raymond Layette.

As she cracked the brown eggs into her mixing bowl to whip the eggs with her rainbow whisk, she couldn't help but think of him. He was tall, mysterious and sexy...maybe too sexy for her standard. His hairstyle varied from crazily shaven short to long to the ass. He had henna eyes (reddish brown, but looked but mostly red at a distance). His face looked like it was chiseled by Michelangelo. Yes, he might be sculpted like David, but when it came to sex, his life was compared to Raphael.

No, I wouldn't say he was a sex maniac. He wasn't that depraved or perverted. According to Ingrid, people, man or woman, come to him. It was simply because he was good at sex, no question. I would take her word. If I wasn't attached to John, I would at the very least watch the man to take notes. I wouldn't participate per say, but wanted to see how the act itself was done properly.

The bacon sizzled on the frying pan as Ingrid turned on the coffee pot to wake herself more. Her weary eyes drifted then and again, thinking about that act she saw last night. She wondered if Ray's was like Mark's. As she flipped her eggs, she decided Ray's was bigger. The way his roommate commented, it was compared to a toy submarine. She bit her lower lip at the thought of a cream covered sub equipped with torpedoes about to enter a deep cave underwater.

She heard a knock on the door and Heather came back from her imagination land. She turned down all the pans on the range and rushed to the front door. She was abashed when she saw who was at the other side. Ray?! She thought, slowly turning the door knob. What in the world is he doing here?

"Hi, Ray!" The short, blonde girl greeted her friend, welcoming him to her place. "Come on in! Make yourself at home!"

"Thanks, Ingrid." The unkempt man grumbled, scratching his stumble chin and brushed his long raven bangs from his henna eyes. He stared at her light brown couch before Ingrid closed the door. "Ingrid," he said in a frog voice, looking at some neon colored object on the couch. "Did you have any visitors last night?"

"Still here." Ingrid replied, walking to the couch. "My sister and her boyfriend have come back from Massachusetts and are settling in a home. I invited them here to catch up on recent events."

"I see." He bent down and picked up a pair of damp panties that stuck between his long fingers, "Then I guess these belong to either your sister or her boyfriend. Which one I could care less."

His face expressed indifference to the physical world and yearning for a peaceful slumber all day. He gave the panties to Ingrid before flopping face first to the couch. "I'm so lucky I have a day off today. Mind if I crash here?"

"Sure, pal." Ingrid replied, going back to the kitchen to finish her breakfast. She slid her eggs and bacon on her green plate, followed by her red mug full of cream coffee. She settled on her booth table and ate some of her scrambled eggs as her exhausted man began to stir a little. "Ingrid...may I stay with you for the next few days? Just until the chocolate ice cream bin is gone?"

The blonde friend sighed, looking at the groggy man. "Rudy kicked you out?" She asked, sipping her coffee. "That's a first. He loves you way too much to do that."

"I know...I kicked myself out until the ice cream is out of his system. The man is just a horny little cat man that teases me."

"Oh...yeah..." Ingrid sighed as she poured herself another cup. She knew all too well of Rudy's teasing. It wasn't much of a tease to her. It was more like a come-on. Rudy is like Ray only shorter and thinner and more feminine...well, as far as a tall man went. His little act to arouse Ray never got old. He would go to him, all smiling and blushing. Then he would do a little dance in his see-through scarlet genie pants.

Yeah, the genie pants...always, always took Ray! However, Rudy would take it even further. He would then, sit on his lap, wiggling on his crotch. To make his crotch grow, he would rub his ass back and forth on him. The final blow would be the horny man, mooning at his roommate, showing off his gaping rose bud. Ingrid knew all this. She witnessed the whole thing!

"All right, Ray, my curiosity is getting to me." She put her cup down and picked up her plate and settled on the chair next to the couch. "How long did it take you to satisfy him this time?"

"Would you believe eight-and-a-half hours?" The tired man replied, opening his eye to her. Ingrid went flabbergasted and almost threw her breakfast away. "No way! That long?? I wouldn't even last for an hour." She blushed and clapped her mouth. Soon, though, she saw her guest fast asleep. She smiled and got off her velvet chair to clean her plate and put the pan in the sink. She returned to the living room, opened her hope chest for a fluffy blanket and covered him with it.

When she brushed his dark locks from his eyes to kiss his forehead, Heather and Mark slowly dragged to the booth table, feeling dazed. They were both wide-eyed and grinning from last night. Lucky for Ingrid they both managed to find a couple of robes. (I asked her where she got them, and her response were it belonged to her parents since they visited her.) Mark scratched his hand and chuckled.

"Morning, Ingrid," Mark said waving the woman. "I see you made coffee."

"Yeah," Ingrid said, walking to the cupboard to take out a couple of mugs. "I know you love your coffee with some sugar, and I have vanilla and cinnamon for Sis. So..." She wanted to make a small conversation with her boyfriend-in-law, but the sight of him and her sister doing a sixty-nine made her blush. She mixed her coffees and put them on the booth for the couple. "Yeah, anything you want to ask me?"

"I do!" Heather said, now waking up and looked at the man. "Who is that guy?"

Ingrid groaned and rubbed her cherub cheek. "That's Raymond. He is my friend and co-worker for 'Cookies & Cream' diner and parlor. He had a rough night at his place so he needed a place to sleep."

"Poor man," Heather said, her heart beating for her sister's kindness. Mark nodded at the deed. "Ingrid, you welcomed your friend with open arms. That's what a true friend is about."

Friend. Ingrid said to herself, feeling blue as she chugged her cooling remains of her coffee. I really am in the friend zone. Her thoughts took her to a fantasy where she and Ray looked at the sunset at Key West, smiling at one another as they embraced. The thought made the situation worse and her head went it the floor. Heather knew too well of her thoughts.

"Mark," she said to him with a slight serious tone in her voice, "let's not discuss about her boy friends. She has plenty of friends. She wants to have-"

"Don't!" Ingrid yelled with a flush on her cheeks. She didn't want to hear about her worst fear she had. She soon straightened herself and inhaled deeply, patting her belly to comfort herself. Before she could talk any further, there was another knock at the door. She sighed with relief and ran to the door. This time it was Lisa and a couple of her friends from Rho Beta Mu.

"Sister Ingrid!" Lisa exclaimed, hugging her sorority sister tightly. Miel and Tabitha Weaver (Tabby for short) entered the room, showing their mentor their respect by doing their Rho Beta Mu salute. Ingrid smiled. "Hey girls. I'm glad you remembered me."

"How can we forget?" Tabby asked, her huge yellow eyes staring at the innocent face. The girl giggled and her long, brown hair swayed side by side, her brown skin glowing. At six-foot-one, Tabby would intimidate anyone were in not for her friendly demeanor. She was also highly intelligent, slightly scrawny and wore her thick, round glasses. "We always look up to you, Ingrid. You're the kindest mentor we have ever had."

"Yes," Miel agreed. "You were the one that made our freshmen year...less stressful. gave us the path to the right path and made us prepare for our tests, remember?"

"Oh right! My Rolex of studies. You guys...really did remember that strategy?"

Heather clapped her hands and hugged her little sister. "That's my sis for you. Always an over-achiever! She is now heading back to Bachelors to have a degree of Medicine, just like our aunt Kathrine."

"Yep...Florida State in August sixteenth. I skipped a year or two because I took extra credits, but next year, you'll have a new doctor in the Salisbury family."

"Speaking of family," Lisa, said, passing the sleeping man and gave Ingrid her green smartphone. "I gotta text from my Aunt Kelly. She said she will be coming to her cabin in Camp Hattawata so we can hang out."

"Your aunt?" Ingrid asked and made a surprised look on her face. "Oh! She's THE aunt Kelly! The famous relative that writes romantic fantasy novels. And she's coming here??"

Lisa nodded and smiled widely. "Yes, she is." The girls squealed and danced around like little children as Heather and Mark watched with shocked looks. Mark turned to his girlfriend. "Um...I think we are in a Twilight Zone. I thought they said a famous writer will be staying here...with her niece!"

"My God!" She said, her blue eyes starting to cry. "I wonder when she will arrive?"

Well, peeps, I will tell you, the answer was only a thousand yards away. An ebony woman with a fringed floral top and Apple bottom jeans with beads at the butt picked up her key from Billy Liberstat. She took off her brown tinted sunglasses and her amber gold eyes stared at the engraved bronze key. Her pink lips smiled at the number of the cabin. "Cabin twelve," she murmured, throwing her highlighted bronze curls from her eyes. "Billy, this is one of the bigger cabins you remodeled earlier."

"That is correct, young lady," Billy replied, tapping the heart shaped tip of the key. "I usually don't give keys like this for just plain anybody, you know. I only do so if this person is special. And you, Kelly Rose Gills, are very special."

Kelly laughed and gripped the key. "Young lady? Oh now you flatter me all too much! I'm gonna be thirty-four in September."
