Cookies & Cream Ch. 03


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"You're still young, Sugar. And don't get me started with your looks, girl! A straight man would kill for that booty!"

Kelly blushed and looked down at her figure. In truth, she was unhappy with her appearance, her belly covered by bright and colorful tops. Until she sees proof that men do love curves, she stood to believe that men would be after skinny, tall ladies with healthy hair. She exhaled through her nose and looked to the manager and consular. "Well, Mr. Liberstat, I would like to take a look at that cabin now."

A few minutes later, a silver Lamborghini entered the Wisteria Heights premises where Sebastian pulled out the weeds off of the Hyacinth garden. When he leered his eye to next door, the car parked right at the porch side. Out came Billy on the passenger side, feeling excited as Kelly exited from her car. Harvey and Kenji played bean bag toss at the when they heard Billy all commenting highly from the ride. They stopped and looked at the woman with a sun hat followed the resort counselor into the cabin named "La Rosa del Florida".

"What is going on here?" Harvey asked with a goofy smile on his face. Kenji made a genuine smile with folded arms replying, "Looks like we have a neighbor this summer."

"And here we are!" Billy cried musically, opening the beige door to the master room. Kelly whistled as she looked the huge space with a dome ceiling. Eight wood beams connected to a brass circle with a Fresca of Florida's first settlers greeting the natives. She noticed a picture window with a rose panel at the very top, the sun's light shining brightly at the polished rose wood floors. "Now is this your place or what?"

"I'll be frank with you, Mr. Liberstat. When I wanted to rent a cabin for the summer, I expected my place to be..."

"More retro?"


"Oh." Billy was a tad surprised by her remark. "Well, with you being a celebrity and all, you probably would be something as huge as this."

Kelly became amused. "Mr. Liberstat, I'm that big a celebrity."

"Yet. But I have a feeling with your next book, you'll be the next J.K. Rowling by the end of the decade!"

"Now you're trying to boost my ego."

"Boost? More like stroking a tad. And honey, you really need that little stroke. Without it, there would be nothing to inspire you to do anything. Now, how about I show you where you spend some of your time, the office den?"

"It has an office den?" Kelly piped up, her lips forming a grin. "Now that will be amazing if it has a picturesque view!"

Another vehicle came up to the Kelley residence, the Honeysuckle Casa, where a structured man in his late forties came out. His lighted blonde hair flew from the mid-morning wind as he shut the driver door to his brown Ford Escape. When he greeted his boys with a wave, he stopped and looked at the nice car that parked at the other house.

"Sebastian?" He asked, just as his butler finished his gardening. "Are we having another neighbor?"

"It is a good possibility, Sir." The tall man answered, straightening his collar. The senator nodded, griping his shoulder bag. "I want you to find out who our new neighbor is, what he or she does. If that neighbor turns out to be a reporter, make him go elsewhere. Money is no object. Is that understood?"

The butler sighed. "Of course, Sir. I'll investigate our neighbor with further hesitation." Sebastian knew what Kelley had in mind. He wanted to make sure there was nothing media related within a five mile radius where he resided. Anything deemed scandalous, his career would be at risk, especially when the elections are at stake. The man would do anything to keep his record clean.

Sebastian walked over to the new residence, stepping on the dark blue porch. He took a glimpse over to the Kelley family as they talked for a while and then the father walked to the house to relax. The butler sighed. If Senator Kelley was indeed a family man, he would at least make an effort to stay with the boys no matter how exhausted he was. Still, the boys respected their father and his choice of running for governor for the state of Florida. They thought it would make their family more special.

"Hello?" A woman stated to the butler, coming out of her new cabin. He became startled by her voice. Her reaction to his unusual start amused her, smiling at him. "Oh, do forgive me frightening you like that. You must be my new neighbor."

"Yes," the man said after a deep exhale. "I am Sebastian Hollingsworth, head butler of the Kelly residence. I am quite inquisitive about the current individuals who live in this premises."

"Individual." The writer corrected. "I'm the only guest." She took her hand to Sebastian as Billy came out of the house. "Miss Gills, there you are! I was showing you your lavish bathroom when you disappeared. Oh! Sebastian!"

"Salutations, Mr. Liberstat. I see you are giving the woman the tour of La Rosa."

"Oh I am. I am sorry to cut short, but I'm setting up the equipment for basketball club on Friday. If you want to sign up, please put John Hancock on the bulletin board in front of the diner! Now I must dash! Toodles!"

As the man left the woman by brisk walking, she became stunned. "Does this resort actually have a diner?"

"It does, my lady. Now, as I was saying, I must know who you are."

"Oh." The petite woman said quietly, plying with her fingers. "There isn't much to tell really. I'm Kelly Rose Gills, an amateur writer for romantic fantasies. My niece is here on vacation, so I decide to see Lisa to hang out with her."

"Indeed? Aren't you thoughtful?" He made a short chuckle before he heard a cry from the pathway. There was Lisa followed by her compardres plus Mark and Heather. Kelly made a laugh and ran to her niece. "Oh, speak of the angelic devil! I was just talking about you!"

They Gills family gals hugged and laughed, the aunt squeezing her favorite niece. Lisa made her effort to spurt out some words that went, " can let go."

"Whoops! I forgot how strong I became during last winters ski tip in Aspen." Auntie Kelly let go to let Lisa breathe. "Oh Lisa, how you've grown! The last time I saw you, you were sixteen and scrawny. Now you're...three dimensional! College must have helped you growing those curves."

Lisa blushed and laughed. "Yeah, you can thank the dining services. So, are you going to write your next bestseller here while you stay here?"

Kelly turned back to Sebastian who was looking at an empty hook where a hanging plant ought to be. "Well, I may have found the leading man for my next book." She did think about her inspiration when Miel's stomach growled. The girl blushed and held her thin tummy. "Oh boy! Sorry, guys, I'm starving! I haven't had any breakfast this morning."

"Miel!" Tabby scolded when a light bulb flashed into her mind. "Ah yeah! This is a perfect time to show your aunt the ropes of the place. We can stop by the diner and grab something."

"So very true! Auntie, 'Cookies & Cream' diner has got the best eats anyone could want! From old fashioned to first-class cuisine, they got about everything! Would you like to go with us? Please say yes."

Kelly went warm-heart by looking into Lisa's tender orange eyes. "Now how can I say no to a face like that? Okay, why not? I'll join you."

She went and turned to Sebastian. "Hey...would you like to come with us?"

Sebastian went abashed. "Oh...but this is your time with your niece. I couldn't just interfere-"

"Oh! Hi!" Lisa ran over to Sebastian. "So that's your name, huh? Nice to see you again! I'm Lisa! Come now! If Auntie Kelly wants you to join, why would I object?"

Sebastian was amused by the young girl's enthusiasm. He grinned. "Well, with a face like that, how can I refuse?"

And so, the small gang went along to the diner, gabbing mostly about the Mersfield's luck about their new chain. Lisa was absolutely thrilled about this news. Well...she was glad her aunt inviting Sebastian along. She liked him, and she wanted to see more of him as time rolled by. They were about to pass the costume warehouse when Sumie exited the place for some fresh air.

"Hey guys!" Sumie greeted the others as Eleanor and Father Alex followed the seamstress out of the building. "Why, hello, Sebastian! I didn't know you are taking a stroll. Did my future hubby let you take your break?"

The butler coughed. "In a matter of speaking, Miss Sumie. I am coming with Miss Gills and her niece to...I believe brunch since Ms. Miel hasn't eaten anything yet."

"Oh how erroneous! We can't have anyone starve!" Miel's stomach gargled as Sumie commented. "I say we go out and grab something."

Eleanor tugged Sumie's pink sleeve. "Sumie," she whispered to her. "We just ate! Alex gave us the breakfast boxes, remember?"

"Oh, we are going back there to return the boxes, right? What would go wrong with a little snack?"

Father O' Sheehan readjusted his square rimmed glasses, admiring the trees' glow from the mid-morning sun. "I think it's nice to walk there just to know people better. I would like to talk to Charles again actually. He is..." he blushed when he thought of him. "He is quite an interesting character."

"Oh, he's so vulgar!" Eleanor commented and blushed, her nostrils huffed a huge ball of air. "I don't know how Emma could stomach his double entendres."

Kelly blinked from this conversation, realizing this place was full of zany people. She would put the thought into the back of her head for references for her next book. When they walked again, they conversed about other things. The one subject they brought up was the diner's ice cream. The girls wanted to know just how many flavors they could make. The answer came when John and I asked him about the side effects of the ice cream's special ingredient.

"Why John, I'm honestly relieved you asked me that." The parlor was scarce when we entered the diner, so Charles and Emma had time to talk to us. Charles held his wife's hand and looked directly at us. "The serum was invented a decade ago, when I was once again single. I just moved to America and rented one of Billy's uncle's cabins, and I do some little experiments at the time. Mind you, I was in a dark place, and ice cream was my only friend. Sad thing was the product wasn't good a friend to me.

"So, one day, I decided to make something to add to the cream, something the help a consumer control the weight AND block the fat from the cream. I've done test by myself, no one helped me. Of course, during one of the later experiments, I met one of the sweetest birds that would support me and my erratics." He lifted Emma's hand and kissed it gently. Emma blushed and held him tight. "He was such a sweetheart then. Still is except for his shell he had. I helped him come out of it while we were dating."

"Yeah, you did, darling." He said to us. "She was also the one helping me coming out of my pants." He laughed as Emma squeezed his cheeks. She grinned. "That would be the serum we are putting right now. Oh! The final product we had was full of vim! It works so well with the ice cream we make. Once, we decided to try it on our diner (my diner at the time), the ice cream were selling like hot cakes!"

"So," John said, as the others entered the diner, "since you've had your special ingredient finalized, how many flavors did you make?"

"How many??" Charles looked up in the air. "We're certainly not Baskin-Robbins, that's for sure. We currently make well over a hundred flavors, some of them weird. Now we had this one bloke that came here in New England...he asked us to make Lobster flavored ice cream."

My reaction was priceless. My eyes almost popped out of my head. "Lobster? That doesn't sound too appetizing."

"It wouldn't, but my Emma is a whiz with dining chemistry. She makes this butter cream and had it frozen. Then she diced up the lobster meat into tiny pieces to mix in the machine. She would then add her usual ingredients, plus some pecan syrup to reduce the lobster aroma. The pink meat makes it looks like taffy."

I made an intrigued face and thought about the crustacean treat as Heather approached the counter. "Hello, Mrs. Mersfield! Have you made your Apple Cobbler ice cream yet?"

Emma made an excited face, her lips smiled widely. "Oh, honey! You will be the first person to try this baby! I'll scoop it out for you."

The ice cream in question was vanilla ice cream with swirled cinnamon, Granny Smith and macintosh apple slices, graham crumbs and a dab of whipped cream at the top. Emma hummed as she gave the diner's signature swirly cup to the excited girl. "Here you are, honey. One Apple Cobbler ice cream. Bon appetite!"

"Oh thank you!" Heather cried, basically grabbing her spoon and shoved it right to the bottom to have one chunky spoonful of ice cream and apples. The first bite was in bliss...I could see it in her glossy blue eyes. The combo taste of the green and red apples...the buttery crumbs, the sweet cinnamon and vanilla, all had entered her senses in one setting. Then she made one crazy mistake. In a flash, bite after bite, swallow after swallow, her Apple Cobbler ice cream was gone!

Charles and Emma showed signs of aghast when Heather ate the whole cup. It was small, but it was gone. I thought to myself that she was hungry and that was it. What was the big deal? Well, my dear readers, I've learned on that day to never EVER eat a serving of their ice cream at once. From Heather, I learned that sometimes, the excess of the aphrodisiac could make an entire body go overdrive. Such as the case of Heather Salisbury...and her boyfriend Mark Cobb.

We saw the woman starting to tick her muscles, her thighs trembling, her arms shaking. I saw sweat beads forming beneath her golden bangs like diamonds on the tiara. Her lips wobbled, trying make any coherent words, but she let out were painful moans. Her hand immediately slid under her skirt and rubbed herself, making her boyfriend and her sister blushed.

"Sis!" Ingrid cried, running to her, but Lisa stopped her. "Wait, no! I don't think you want to slap her or anything!"

"Oh no!" Charles walked sideways around the counter and opened the door. "Tony! Get the blanket! Don't ask questions! Just get the special blue blanket out of the only locked cupboard at the corner! The key is in the box! Good lad!"

Heather placed her head down on the red counter, her hand still between her glistening legs as Tony came out of the door with a cotton blue blanket folded under his arm. When he saw the red woman, he panicked. "Oh no! She in pain! Did she eat something she shouldn't?"

"Yes baby!" Emma replied for her hubby, their customer about to take off her tank. Charles waved his arms and grabbed her top down, preventing her to strip. "She over indulged herself from my new batch of Apple Cobbler ice cream. Now, she is horny as the devil possessed!" She turned to Mark! "Boy, do you love her?"

Mark blinked as he came out of shock. The state she was in made him feel scared for her. When the question was asked he nodded. "Yes! Yes I do! I'll rush her to the hospital!"

"Lad..." Charles said sternly to the young account. "That's not the help she wants now."

"What?! Then what do you propose-?"

"Mate, I think you know what I'm proposing." He let Emma gave him a spoonful of the ice cream and gave him the spoon. "This spoonful is potent enough to last three hours. If she isn't satisfied then, then we would be dealing with one nasty affair. you want to take the plunge?"

Mark stared at the scoop of cinnamon and apple ice cream, looking it slowly drip. Then hearing her girlfriend moaning deeply, he took the spoon and ate the cream, swishing it and swallow the melting cream whole. He inhaled the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla in the air, taking off his glasses and finally smirked. "All right...I'm ready."

"Good." Charles said, giving him the blanket. "Lay this down on the floor in the last room on the right in our hallway. Now, that room is meant for some emergencies such as this. Pillows are already there for extra comfort. Your girl needs every bit of satisfaction you can give her. Understood?"

"The more you talk," Mark replied deeply, "the tighter my pants become. Let me take Heather to this special place immediately."

The British man nodded, letting Mark go to Heather and carried her, rushing to the hallway and into the door on the right. We could hear the woman moaning high as Mark carried her. I could imagine the massive turn when a man carries his lover to the threshold, about to make passionate love. Would Heather wet herself on him before hitting the blanket? My guess would be yes! A big, massive YES!

When he closed the door, he noticed the room being blue with plants in every corner. He could hear a stream of water flowing. There was a round, decorative window with the sun shining on an empty bed with thin wooden posts. He assumed that was where she should lying there. He held his lover's hip as he fluff the blue blanket on the bed. When he finished that job, he would then placed the horny Heather on it, about to start another huge job.

He took up his shorts as he looked around to find pillows for her. There were four satin blue square pillows twelve by twenty-six, all on a round, dark cherry and wicker table. He took a few steps away from her, allowing her to strip as he collected a top pillow from the set. When he turned around for her, Heather was already naked, her back glistening from her sweat and her hands opening her cheeks for him. He was awed by her ultimate desire.

"Oh, Heather," he said, placing the pillow between her knees, seeing a stretched star above her pussy. "Are you sure you want me to..." he poked her right on the spot, making her jolt. She quivered, turning her head to him. "Baby, I feel rather...adventurous today. I thought...maybe something very special would connect us."

Mark smiled as he put his head between her legs to take a closer look to her cute little pucker. "It looks very small. Maybe some stimulation would help."

"Stimulation!?" Heather cried. "I'm stimulated already, what would you..." she soon realized her lover meant as he started licking her right on that spot. His bubblegum tongue lapped long and firm on her star, making it quiver. He made tiny slurps around her, making her gasp and grab the pillow from her knees. She cradled it as he slowly entered her outer ring orally, swirling everywhere, making her moan in ecstasy.

"Are you feeling at ease, Love?" He asked her, pulling down his shorts to stroke his hardened member to her quivering hiccups. She turned her head as he gripped her hips to open her up as he licked her once again. She dug her nails on the blue pillow, gasping and squealing. "Please. Mark, please! I plead for mercy! Take me there!"

The man moaned as he felt her secretion dripping from her tiny place. The oily liquid dripped from her little entrance and he tasted it. "I had no idea women could cum from that area." He amused himself as he positioned his tip to the excited Heather's pucker. He made her moan with excitement as he slowly made his way deeply inside her, making her hotter. When she felt his tight, full balls on her wet pussy, she hugged her pillow and squeezed her eyes, yelling out a yes.

"Oh yes, Mark!" She cried, her knees buckling on the blue blanket. The girl could barely feel any pain (I do wonder about how) as his girth slowly eased out and went right back in movement. She grinned and sighed, her face blushing for her man. He smiled back, giving such an encouragement to move faster, taking his time pleasuring her the way she wanted. The water flowing made his rhythm faster, pounding his woman into orgasmic paradise.

Just as she was about to make her first burst, Mark lowered down on Heather, pushing her to the blanket, moving her so her swollen clit rubbed firmly on the blanket. She kept moaning underneath him, moving her upper body to him. He used this advanced to grope her soft bosoms and knead around her erect rose nipples. He heavily grunted as he pushed deeply inside her hot bottom. As he shoved his pillar right to the limit, Mark let out a roar, relieving himself right inside her hot passage. She gripped on her pillow, breathless, barely speaking when she cried, "'s so hot!"
