Cop Town Girl Ch. 05


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"Let's slow things down," he sighed.

"No let's speed things up sweetheart. You're a big strong man and I'm sure you've got plenty of reloads," she grinned at him.

Randy was perplexed and didn't understand what she meant.

She gave him a practical demonstration.

"Oh god no!" Randy hissed as Penelope lowered her face to his groin.

She held his penis gently while she lapped at his scrotum and suckled his testicles.

He tried to push her away, he was too close to orgasm.

Penelope defied him and took his manhood in her mouth and suckled the shaft and used her tongue on his glans.

"No! No! No!" Randy tried to push her face off him but it was too late.

Then he did the opposite and forced her face down on his cock whilst Penelope sucked on it, milking it of the sweet creamy issue. She swallowed each ejaculation and greedily lapped up each pearl of semen as his emissions began to subside.

Randy lay there groaning with pleasure as his orgasm wracked him. His cock felt like it was being caressed by a thousand butterflies.

Penelope licked him clean and then raised her head from his groin and smiled up at him.

"Nice?" she beamed.

Randy dragged her up his body so that she was lying on top of him.

"It was magnificent honey but I feel kinda selfish," he smiled at her and then leaned in and kissed her.

He could taste himself on her breath.

"Oh no honey. I'm the one being selfish. When I ride that thing I don't it going off until I have," she grinned at him.

"Really honey? And when do you think that might happen?" he grinned at her and playfully kissed the tip of her nose.

Penelope had been rubbing her silken-clad legs on Randy's cock. It had never fully deflated after she fellated him and she could feel it rock hard again, pressing on her pantyhosed thigh.

"I think pretty soon cowboy," she grinned and leaned away from him, pushing on his chest.

She was straddling him cowboy style. She knew that tonight would be special and she was prepared, cleaned and lubricated in anticipation. When Randy lifted her up to guide her down on his erect penis she was more than ready. She pushed her fingernail into her pantyhose and tore open the crotch and pulled the gusset of her panties aside so that Randy could nestle his glans in her puckered bud.

"Is this ok? I'm not hurting you?" he looked up at her magnificent body sitting astride him.

She answered him the best way she knew how. She lowered herself on his long thick cock, stopping briefly to accommodate it when he pierced her sphincter, then she squatted down, impaling herself on his glorious manhood.

She smiled down at him.

"How's that?" she grinned wickedly.

He answered her in turn by gripping her waist and raising himself up as he started to fuck her. They started slowly, getting into sync; she raising and lowering her buttocks to meet his thrusts. He was getting deeper inside her, stimulating her prostate and the sensitive nerves ringing her anus. She was erect inside her panties, her gaff had torn free when she had become aroused.

Penelope was concerned that Randy would be disgusted by her penis. She kept it trapped inside her panties and pantyhose but it was bulging conspicuously and a large wet stain was spreading in the front of her panties.

Randy was infatuated with how beautiful and sexy Penelope looked riding him in her heels and hose. He noticed the bulge in her panties and was intrigued.

Penelope's head was thrown back, she was concentrating on fucking her boyfriend, pleasuring him whilst trying to invoke her own climax without touching herself. She did not want Randy to be revolted by her cock.

She moaned with delight when she felt Randy's fingers featherlightly stroke her erection through the layers of satin and nylon. She looked down at him with concern but she needn't have been. He was fascinated with her hard cock pressing at the front of her panties. His fingers explored the hardened appendage and Penelope groaned.

Their fucking became heated, he raising his groin up to meet her as she squatted over him, driving her buttocks down on him so that his hard cock drove all the way inside her. Randy began to squeeze her cock and her panties became soaked with pre-ejaculate.

Penelope began to pant and moan as her orgasm approached. She could feel Randy's cock harden even more and begin to throb and she could sense that he too was close to extremis.

She leaned forward so that she could kiss him; she wanted his lips on hers when he came inside her for the first time. He pulled her down on him with one hand while his other remained trapped between their bodies, squeezing Penelope's cock. Their tongues entwined as Penelope pressed her buttocks down hard and gasped into his mouth.

She writhed against him and Randy's fingers were suddenly scalded by her ejaculate as she came. He freed her cock from confines of her underwear and stroked it, milking her of her seed. The feel of her warm musky semen on his fingers and belly invoked his own orgasm.

Randy bit her lip as he raised himself off the couch, pulling her down onto him as he ejaculated deep inside her. He felt her anus spasm as it squeezed his cock, drawing every scintilla of his semen from him. Penelope was moaning and grinding herself against him, Randy's fingers on her flesh, milking every drop from her, his throbbing cock deep inside her had elicited the most tremendous orgasm she had ever felt.

Randy sighed as the tremendous climax began to subside, he felt contentment and rapture. He had waited so long to make love to Penelope and it was everything he wanted it to be.

Penelope was sat still astride him, her body still shuddering. He felt some warm droplets fall on his face and he realised that she was crying.

He pulled her to him and pressed her body against his, He held her close and stroked her hair.

"Did I hurt you?" he said sounding genuinely concerned.

"No," Penelope snuffled into his neck.

"What?" he lifted her face so he could see her.

"It was just so wonderful," she sobbed.

"You were so loving and caring but at the same time you were forceful and demanding. It was just amazing," she smiled her eyes rimmed with tears.

"I love you Randy," she blurted through her tears.

"And I love you Penelope," Randy stroked her face and kissed her softly.

She smiled sweetly at him and then her smile changed from sweet to sensual, and then downright lewd.

"Wanna go to the bedroom and do it all again," she grinned down at him.

"All night long honey," he smiled up at her.

Penelope dismounted and put out her hand to help Randy off the couch.

"All weekend long lover," she led him to her bedroom.

Penelope was called out of rollcall on Monday morning before she even got to see Randy. She was told to report to the Chief and figured that the axe was going to fall. The Chief knew about Randy's relationship with her and guessed that she was going to be told that she had to be assigned to a new partner but she didn't think that it would need to cone from anyone as high up as the Chief.

She was summoned into his office as soon as she arrived.

"Close the door behind you Bishop," the Chief gnarled.

She did so and stood to attention in front of the Chief's desk. He stood with his back to her looking out the window.

"You and Cody make quite a team hey Bishop?" he said.

She knew the question was rhetorical and kept silent.

"I know about your crime wall Bishop. I know all about your investigation, trying to be Miss Marple and solve your daddy's murder and also you looking into True Blue and the Department's business where you have no business looking," the Chief turned to face her.

Penelope was speechless; frozen to the spot.

"I've had my guy on you the whole time, reporting back to me almost daily," he raised a brow.

"But Randy..." Penelope stuttered.

"Randy Cody is good police. He knows where his loyalties are," the Chief interrupted.

"This is going to be your first and final warning. You're going back to the evidence room. You're going to cease your meddling. You're going to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand?" the Chief glared at her.

Penelope nodded.

"You say 'yes Chief' then you toddle out of here and go home and put on your short skirt, nylons and heels and get back up on that ladder so that Tony Abbot can jack off looking up at your panties ok?" the Chief leaned across his desk.

"Two other alternatives Bishop. One you resign. Two... well let's not talk about two," he grinned.

"I'm not resigning!" Penelope snapped.

"Well go and put on your little skirt and report to Evidence," the Chief picked up his newspaper off the desk and sat down.

"Don't let the door hit you in your pretty little ass on the way out Bishop. You looked good on Saturday by the way, hope you gave my boy a good ride when he got you home," he shook the newspaper open and ignored her.

Penelope stormed out the building and into the carpark where Randy was supervising his new partner going over pre-starts on his cruiser.

"Hey Bishop..." Randy never got to finish the sentence before Penelope's fist caught him square on the jaw.

Randy was so surprised that he fell backwards onto the police cruiser.

"Asshole!" she screamed at him and stormed off.

Penelope got into her little Honda and drove home ignoring Randy's calls and texts. She changed into her office attire and drove back to Police Plaza.

She spent the rest of the day in the stacks with Tony Abbot looking up her skirt. She couldn't even be bothered about it and let him look all he wanted. She went home that night and called Molly who came straight around with a bottle of bourbon and a shoulder for her to cry on.

"Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them, can't kill them. At least you can't. I'm just an crazy old lesbian," Molly joked and finally got Penelope to stop crying and laugh with her.

Meanwhile Chief Balfour was busy.

"I've given that tranny cooze enough slack Frank. I don't trust it as far as I can throw it. I bet my ass that she's still investigating Charlie's murder and his links to True Blue. I've got my guys on it, the tranny slit is going to cause us no more trouble," Daniel Balfour breathed heavily into the phone.

"No mistakes Danny. This is going to bring down a shit-storm and I don't want any of it getting on me," the Mayor hissed into the phone.

"I've got it locked up tight and I'll even put a bow on the package so the crime scene guys can't fuck this one up," Daniel Balfour chuckled.

"Just get it done and get the case closed Danny," the Mayor put down the phone.

They came for her when she finished work and was about to climb into her Honda. One man put a gun in her back while the other man disarmed her. They forced her into the driver's seat of her car and one man got in the front passenger seat, putting his gun on her while the other climbed in the back and rested his gun on the headrest.

It was late and Penelope had been made to work back so it was between shifts when she quit for the day and the carpark was dark and empty. She didn't think that this was a coincidence. The man beside her ordered her drive out of the city.

Randy Cody watched the whole scene and smiled grimly. He switched his PR to a pre-arranged discrete frequency.

"Got my eyes on the prize. Looks like our guys have got her. I'll pick you up on the corner we'll follow them at a discreet distance as discussed," Randy said.

Penelope had been driving for what seemed like hours and she was tired. She was also tired of the guy beside her, who she now knew was named Bobby, rattle on about whether he was going to fuck her before or after he killed her.

"Ok turn here," Bobby pointed to an exit lit only by highway reflectors.

Penelope turned off the road and onto an unsealed track, she could see the lights of a house in the distance. She drove carefully; she had considered driving the car into a tree or a ditch and taking her chances but the man behind her would pull the trigger before she could do anything like that.

"Ok hot-legs, pull in here and let's get this over with. I'm getting out first while Eddie covers you then you get out, then Eddie. We do it nice and slow so no one gets hurt; you ain't got long left to live but you don't want what you got cut short," Bobby said through gritted teeth.

She got out and smoothed her skirt before putting her hands behind her head as instructed. Eddie waved his pistol towards the house and Penelope started to walk towards it. It was a ramshackle farmhouse with weathered boards and a hitched roof; light poured from the windows and the front door was ajar.

Bobby moved ahead of Penelope and got the door while Eddie kept his gun on her. She squinted as she came into the light and Eddie pushed her through the stoop and closed the door.

Chief Daniel Balfour was standing next to a chair that stood in the middle of the otherwise empty room. The place smelled of dust, mouse shit, gun oil and an acrid chemical smell.

"Take a seat blondie," Daniel said pointing at the hard wooden chair.

Penelope sat down and smoothed her skirt. Bobby and Eddie took station either side of her.

"I knew..." Penelope began to speak and the Chief backhanded her across the mouth.

"You couldn't leave well enough alone could you? You could have walked away so many times or you could have just shut the fuck up and stopped meddling. Christ you're a half decent cop! You could have even have made detective one day and if you'd played along you could be on the pad like the rest of us," Daniel shook a cigarette from his packet and lit it.

"Now it all comes down to this. You're gonna end up just like your dad; killed in the line of duty. Out here in Bumfuck investigating a drug lab," he nodded to the kitchen.

Penelope turned her head. She could see just enough of the kitchen to see that a meth lab had been set up in it. There was a fresh corpse blocking the doorway.

"Meet the guy who killed you Bishop. Well that's what the crime scene guys are gonna think. Shame he shot you at the same you got him. But that's what happens when you go off on your own investigating crimes in your own time, unauthorised and without a partner to back you up," the Chief chuckled.

"Can you at least tell me why my father was killed? I'm done anyway, at least give me that," Penelope was determined not to cry but her words came out choked.

"Charlie Bishop was the best of the best. He was my perfect cop. He shook those organised crime bosses and pissant gangbangers down for every nickel and dime he could squeeze from them," Daniel began.

"He was my enforcer and practically ran True Blue for me but he was loyal to the PD. Loyal to the PD over me even. When he found out that some of us were taking more than our fair share out of the fund he baulked."

"He wanted all of the bribes, the vig, the pad, everything to be shared equally through True Blue. Equal shares for every member."

"He threatened to expose me, the Mayor, and everyone else who was taking more than they were entitled."

"Christ! He was an idealist and I can't condone idealists, not when they threaten me. So he had to go," Daniel dropped his cigarette on the floor and crushed it out.

He picked it up and put in his pocket.

"So what happened that night behind Morganson's Hardware Store?" Penelope asked.

The chief just shrugged as if it was nothing.

Bobby spoke up.

"I've decided I wanna fuck her while she's still breathing, but first can I show her the video?" he said.

Eddie shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care either way.

"Yeah, show her the video and then let's fuck her. I like it when they fight a little," Eddie grinned.

"Can't we just get this over?" the Chief growled.

Eddie offered the Chief his gun.

"Sure we can Balfour, here you do it."

Chief Balfour looked distastefully at the proffered gun. He used violence when necessary but never personally, that's why he had thugs like these guys on the payroll.

"Ok show her the video and you can both fuck her brains out for all I care. But just finish her off and make sure it looks good for the forensic team and the investigators," the distaste evident in his voice.

Eddie put his gun to Penelope's temple to make sure she did nothing stupid.

Bobby stuffed the Glock 27 into his back pocket and took out his phone. He bought up a video and put the screen in front of Penelope's face.

She watched the screen intently.

It was the back alley behind Morganson's Hardware and her father was approaching a black sedan. The rear window came down and Charlie spoke to someone inside the car. The passenger extended a hand and offered Charlie a red velvet bag which he took. He turned away and the man in the car must have said something because Charlie turned around and leaned in towards the window.

Penelope saw the gun and the muzzle blast and then her father's head whipped back as blood spurted from the exit wound. She began to sob but couldn't look away.

Her father lay dead on the ground, his head was shattered and his arm was outflung. He had dropped the red velvet bag. The rear door of the car opened and Eddie got out of the car. He checked Charlie to make sure her father was dead.

Penelope thought that she was beyond being shocked any further but then Chief Daniel Balfour came into view, he had been off camera, likely hiding behind the hardware store. He looked down at Charlie and reached down for the bag but Eddie snatched his hand away. They argued but eventually the Chief strode away and Eddie got back in the car and it drove away at speed.

"You took the velvet bag from the evidence room later to retrieve the rubies and was stupid enough to get photographed with it on your desk. That's why you and Eddie were arguing wasn't it? You wanted to take the bag at the crime scene but Eddie needed it to be left there for the crime lab guys to find," Penelope directed at the Chief.

"Shut the fuck up and watch the screen. Now comes the good bit," Bobby chuckled.

Penelope gasped.

Molly Harper dressed in her street blues came into frame. She bent down and looked intently at Charlie's body and then she stood up and casually lit a cigarette. She hit the panic button on her PR and leaned against the wall while she waited for a response team.

"Oh no!" Penelope cried.

"Oh yes!" Bobby taunted her.

"It was Eddie's idea to film the hit as insurance in case Monsieur Le Mayor or Danny Boy here decided they no longer needed us. They sent the lesbian cop to confirm that we had the video when we told them that we'd filmed the hit and I made her fuck me before I showed it to her," Bobby sounded pleased with himself.

"I hope you rode that bitch hard!" Penelope sniped.

"He did ride me hard sugar-tits but I kinda liked it," Molly came from out of the kitchen, stepping over the corpse.

She was dressed in her street blues.

"How could you!" Penelope tried to get out of the chair but Eddie sat her back on her ass.

"How could I what you dumb cunt? How many times did I tell you to get the fuck out of Balwyn and not come back and to stop your meddling into True Blue?" Molly stood in front of Penelope and looked down at her.

"I remember my exact words to you at your father's funeral. 'You're better off out of Balwyn and you're damn lucky that you didn't follow your daddy into the PD' and later then that same night I said, 'Get the fuck outta here and don't come back.'"

"How many warnings did you fucking-well need!" Molly screeched so hard that her spittle rained on Penelope's face.

"But you were the one who told me that my father's murder was unsolved. You piqued my interest," Penelope retorted.

"Yeah well that backfired. I only told you that to lower your expectations. To keep you from coming back to Balwyn and to keep you waiting for the case to be solved. You weren't supposed to try to solve it yourself, dumbass," Molly shook her head.