Corporate Blackmail Pt. 01

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A Nordic executive is blackmailed.
12.8k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 02/11/2024
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Author's Note: This story is set in the fictional country of Nordland, a small island nation in the North Sea between the UK, Norway and Denmark.

This story is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places described in this narrative are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All comments and feedback is welcome.



The soft morning sun streamed through the bedroom window as Astrid Bjornsdottir's blue eyes fluttered open. Slowly stretching her arms, she yawned and rolled over, snuggling next to the warmth of her husband, Erik, still snoring peacefully next to her.

She lay there next to him for a few moments, listening to his soft rhythmic breathing, as the sounds of Nordland waking up starting to filter in from outside the window. Wishing she could have had a bit longer to sleep, her mind drifted back to the work that had kept her up late last night. Astrid sighed again; she'd always been an early riser. A result of her dedicated fitness regime started in her youth, with running and swimming keeping her 37-year old body trim and taut despite the demands of motherhood and a challenging corporate career.

With a slight sigh of regret, Astrid rolled herself away from Erik's warmth and, giving her still sleeping husband a quick kiss on the forehead, she swung her body silently out of the bed. She wriggled her toes in the plush carpet beneath her feet as she padded her way towards the bathroom. No running session this morning, she had a flight to catch; but she promised herself a session in the hotel gym in New York that evening.

Closing the bathroom door behind her, Astrid used the toilet before slipping off her pajamas and dropping them in the dirty clothes basket. As she did, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Sparkling azure-blue eyes, framed by locks of sun-kissed blonde hair, gave her an air of quiet elegance. Her fair complexion of her face, covered by a faint trace of freckles, gave testament to her Nordic heritage. He trim body, pale but toned by hours of exercise, was a source of pride for her and she hoped that her daughter would inherit her love of exercise.

As her gaze travelled down her body, she reflected that despite her outdoor exercise activities, her skin still held a pale, soft tone. She knew this was partially due to her Nordic heritage, been born and, except for a few years in London and Stockholm for work, having lived in Nordland for her entire life. She enjoyed living in the small island nation in the North Sea; despite the cold seas that surrounded her homeland, the country had a warmth and strong sense of culture that kept her connected.

As she stepped into the warm water of the shower, she acknowledged that the other reason her skin was so pale lately was the long hours she'd spent in her office, illuminated not by the sun, but fluorescent lighting. As a senior executive for the government-owned North Sea Oil and Gas Corporation, she had been spending way too long at work lately and not enough time focused on her family or herself. She hoped that this would soon change.

As the Vice-President for Strategic Initiatives, she had been working on a comprehensive long-term partnering agreement with Horizon Energy Solutions, a key US-based energy conglomerate. This agreement, months in the making, was reaching its culmination. Today she would be flying out to New York for a series of meeting with senior Horizon executives, hopefully to hammer out the last few details for the agreement before presentation to the Board.

Stepping from the shower, Astrid wrapped herself in a plush towel as she dried herself and moved towards the bathroom vanity. Opening the cupboard behind the mirror, she reached for her Yasmin birth control pills, a daily ritual she had undertaken for years. With a sip of water, she swallowed today's pill and placed the packet away. She had Erik has discussed other forms of birth control over the years since the birth of their daughter, Astrid, and they still held open the idea of another child. Putting the packet away, Astrid reflected that perhaps they should revisit this once she'd gotten the Horizon agreement over the line.

This routine, but necessary, task completed, she reached for her hairdryer, the electric hum filling the room as she meticulously dried her blonde locks. After a few moments she was satisfied with the result and turned her attention to the rest of her morning routine. As she brushed her teeth, her mind went through what else she needed to do that morning before leaving for the airport. She would be gone for several days to complete the meetings, not like the usual short, sharp business trips that she usually undertook. The previous night, she and Erik had discussed what would happen with Ingrid's activities over the next several days.

Rinsing her mouth, she turned her attention to the array of skincare products neatly arranged on the counter. The first was her moisturizer, which she applied with practiced efficiency as she studied her face in the mirror. Her fair complexion quickly absorbed the hydrating formula, giving her a subtle glow. She knew that she would be stuck in a plane for most of the day and wanted to give her skin as much hydration as possible.

Given she would be travelling, and not in a corporate environment, she opted for a more subdued makeup palette that accentuated her features without being too flashy. A few swipes of mascara enhanced her azure yes, and a touch of blush imparted a rosy hue to her cheeks before she finished up with a soft pink lipstick. The image that reflected in the mirror was one of professionalism and understated elegance that reflected her roles in life as both a dedicated professional woman and a loving wife and mother.

Returning to the bedroom, she saw that the bed was empty. Erik had awoken and she knew he would be downstairs in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. A talented and in-demand architect, his secret passion was cooking and, given the unpredictable nature of her work and long hours, had been a life-saver for her on more than one occasion, greeting her as she arrived home from a long day in the office with a glass of wine and a cooked dinner waiting for her.

Moving to the wardrobe she selected her clothing for the day, each item meticulously chosen for her trip to New York and the challenges of sitting for most of the day. Despite the luxury of travelling business class, Astrid still opted for clothing that would complement her appearance during the day as well as being comfortable and easy to wear.

She slipped into an Equipment silk blouse, its neutral tone giving her an air of relaxed elegance. Over this she draped her Loro Piana cashmere cardigan, a long time favorite of hers for travel given its versatility and ability to ward off the in-flight chill in the cabin.

Eileen Fisher's tailored trousers adorned her athletic legs, ensuring comfort without compromising style. Swiftly, she slipped into a pair of Tod's slip-on leather loafers--fashionable yet practical for navigating the airport routine.

Underneath, a set of La Perla lingerie in muted tones offered a seamless foundation for her outfit while a pair of Wolford's Satin Touch 20 Denier nude pantyhose embraced her legs with a sheer, velvety softness and completed her ensemble.

Withing moment, Astrid had been transformed into the epitome of executive poise, ready to take on the challenges of the day. Slipping her wedding rings onto her finger and delicately attaching a pair of simple gold earrings, Astrid collected her phone from the nightstand next to her bed and slipped it into her purse. Collecting her bag and luggage she had packed the night before, she left the room to join her family for breakfast.

The scent of breakfast wafted from the kitchen as Astrid descended the stairs. Ingrid, her beloved daughter with auburn hair and bright blue eyes, sat at the table, a school project about space spread before her. Her husband, Erik, a tall man with brown hair and piercing green eyes, stood at the stove, orchestrating the morning chaos.

"God morgen, Asa," ("Morning, Asa") Erik said, using her nickname, a smile playing on his lips.

Erik, with his architect's precision, flipped a pancake with practiced ease. Despite his skill at cooking, the family loved nothing else than the simple routine of pancakes for breakfast. The simplicity highlighting the important things in life for them. "Sov godt?" ("Sleep well?") he asked.

"Vel nok...kunne ha brukt en time eller to til" ("Well enough...could have used another hour or two") Astrid replied.

"God morgen, mamma!" ("Morning, Mama!") Ingrid chimed in, her enthusiasm contagious. Her eight-year-old enthusiasm spilled over as she continued working on her school project on the solar system.

"Morgen, kjære," ("Morning, sweetheart,") Astrid replied, ruffling Ingrid's auburn hair. "Fullførte du prosjektet ditt på plass?" ("Did you finish your project on space?")

Ingrid nodded enthusiastically, her blue eyes shining as she showed her mother the display on the kitchen table "Ja! Jeg inkluderte til og med en tegning av en rakett. Pappa hjalp meg med fargene." ("Yes! I even included a drawing of a rocket. Papa helped me with the colors.")

Erik chimed in, his voice a blend of pride and amusement. "Vi er et godt lag, ikke sant, Ingrid?" ("We make a good team, don't we, Ingrid?")

The young girl beamed, proud of her collaborative effort with her father. Astrid marveled at the scene--their little family finding joy in shared moments, whether it be over pancakes or school projects.

The breakfast table became a hub of familial activity--Erik flipping pancakes, Ingrid excitedly discussing her project, and Astrid managing the delicate dance of sips of coffee and overseeing the morning routine. Amidst the organized chaos, Astrid's mind flitted between the professional agenda awaiting her and the love of her family that anchored her life.

"Så til New York i dag, ikke sant?" (" to New York today, huh?") Erik remarked, flipping another pancake onto the growing stack as Astrid took another sip of coffee.

Ingrid, always a whirlwind of energy, chimed in with her boundless enthusiasm. "Pannekaker er best! Og mamma, skal du virkelig til New York i dag? ("Pancakes are the best! And Mama, are you really going to New York today?")

Astrid nodded, reaching over to tousle Ingrid's auburn hair. "Ja, søta. Mamma har noen viktige møter der." ("Yes, sweetie. Mama has some important meetings there.")

"I New York? Wow!" ("In New York? Wow!") Ingrid exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Erik, placing a stack of pancakes on the table, joined the conversation. "Det er en stor by, Ingrid. Mange høye bygninger og travle gater. Husker du den videoen vi så i går kveld om det?" ("It's a big city, Ingrid. Lots of tall buildings and bustling streets. Remember that video we watched last night about it?")

Ingrid's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Skal du se Frihetsgudinnen, mamma?" ("Are you going to see the Statue of Liberty, Mama?")

Astrid chuckled, capturing the innocence in her daughter's question. "Ikke denne gangen, Ingrid. Kanskje på en annen tur. Denne handler om jobb." ("Not this time, Ingrid. Maybe on another trip. This one is all about work.")

Erik, while dishing out pancakes, interjected with a teasing smile. "Ikke bekymre deg, Ingrid. Vi planlegger snart en familietur til New York, og du kan se alle severdighetene." ("Don't worry, Ingrid. We'll plan a family trip to New York soon, and you can see all the sights.")

Ingrid's face lit up at the prospect. "Virkelig, pappa? Det ville vært så kult!" ("Really, Papa? That would be so cool!")

Astrid and Erik smiled at Ingrid's reaction. When their daughter turned her attention back to her project, Erik glanced at Astrid.

"Så...endelig, ansikt-til-ansikt møtet med Horizon" ("So...finally, the face-to-face meeting with Horizon") he said.

Astrid nodded, her gaze momentarily fixed on her responsibilities for the upcoming meetings. Horizon Energy Solutions was a major US energy conglomerate with an interest in partnering with North Sea Oil and Gas. "Ja...forhåpentligvis sluttføringen av seks måneder med diskusjoner om internasjonale energipartnerskap og bærekraftige initiativer," ("Yes...hopefully the finalization of six months of discussions on international energy partnerships and sustainable initiatives,") she said with a soft sigh, feeling the demands of the past several months on her shoulders. "Denne kjører på meg...det er vel derfor jeg går dit alene" ("This one's riding on me...I guess that's why I'm going over there alone") she said with a sight.

Erik, a seasoned architect with a keen understanding of demanding projects, offered a supportive nod. "Det er en stor mulighet. For deg. Du kommer til å gjøre det bra, som alltid." ("It's a big opportunity. For you. You'll do great, as always.")

Astrid, glancing at Erik with appreciation. "Jeg håper det. Jeg har gått gjennom detaljene for møtene med dem. Det er et viktig samarbeid for selskapet, og jeg vil virkelig sørge for at alt er i orden." ("I hope so. I've been going over the details for the meetings with them. It's a significant collaboration for the corporation, and I really want to make sure everything is in order.")

Erik nodded in understanding. "Jeg er sikker på at du kommer til å gjøre det bra, Astrid. Du er en av grunnene til at North Sea Oil and Gas blomstrer. Husk hva administrerende direktør sa den andre uken om at du forme fremtiden for selskapet. Du vil gjøre det bra der borte i møtene." ("I'm sure you'll do great, Astrid. You're one of the reasons North Sea Oil and Gas is flourishing. Remember what the CEO said the other week about you shaping the future for the corporation. You'll do great over there in the meetings.")

Astrid smiled at the compliment, a subtle blend of confidence and gratitude in her response. "Takk, Erik. Det betyr mye." ("Thank you, Erik. It means a lot.")

As the family dove into breakfast, the conversation continued, weaving seamlessly between professional and family matters.

Astrid took another sip of her coffee as she ate a pancake, enjoying the rich warmth and taste Erik's pancakes always provided. "Hvordan blir de neste dagene dine?" ("How's your next couple of days shaping up?") she inquired, genuine interest in her eyes.

"Jeg har også satt opp noen møter. Besøk på stedet for det nye prosjektet sentrum. Kunden ønsker noen justeringer i siste liten. Det er alltid noe, er det ikke?" ("I've got a few meetings lined up as well. Site visit for the new project downtown. The client wants some last-minute adjustments. It's always something, isn't it?") Erik mentioned, spreading butter on his pancake. "Det nye prosjektet går fremover, og det er noen designbeslutninger som skal fullføres." ("The new project is moving forward, and there are some design decisions to finalize.")

Astrid chuckled, the shared reality of balancing professional aspirations resonating between them. "Du er mester i justeringer, men. De vil være heldige som har kontakten din." ("You're the master of adjustments, though. They'll be lucky to have your touch.")

Erik, ever humble, shrugged. "Bare gjør min del for å gjøre verden litt vakrere." ("Just doing my part to make the world a little more beautiful.")

Ingrid, looking up from her project, interjected with youthful curiosity. "Pappa, kan vi besøke romsenteret en dag? For prosjektet mitt?" ("Papa, can we visit the space center one day? For my project?")

Erik grinned, a blend of fatherly pride and genuine affection. "Absolutt, kjære. Vi planlegger en dag for oss alle å besøke sammen." ("Absolutely, sweetie. We'll plan a day for all of us to visit together.")

As they dug into breakfast together, Erik shifted the conversation to more serious matters. "Så, noen oppdateringer om Nordsjøprosjektet, Asa?" ("So, any updates on the North Sea project, Asa?")

Astrid nodded, her mind seamlessly transitioning from family matters to corporate responsibilities. Other than the discussions with Horizon, the North Sea Initiative, a key sustainable energy project had been her primary focus over the past several months. "Vi gjør fremskritt. Letefasen går bra, og de foreløpige rapportene ser lovende ut. Vi håper å fullføre miljøkonsekvensvurderingene innen neste måned." ("We're making progress. The exploration phase is proceeding well, and the preliminary reports look promising. We're hoping to finalize the environmental impact assessments by next month.")

Erik leaned back in his chair, his architect's mind processing the information. "Godt å høre. Du har mye på tallerkenen med disse internasjonale samarbeidene." ("Good to hear. You've got a lot on your plate with these international collaborations.")

Astrid sighed, a subtle acknowledgment of the weight on her shoulders. "Det er en hårfin balanse, Erik, men en som kan forme fremtiden for bærekraftig energi i Nordland. Ansvaret er både spennende og skremmende." ("It's a delicate balance, Erik, but one that could shape the future of sustainable energy in Nordland. The responsibility is both exciting and daunting.")

As Erik answered another of Ingrid's questions about the solar system, Astrid thought about the impact her work had on her family. With a subtle shift in tone, she turned to Erik with a more serious inquiry. "Erik, jeg vet at denne turen bidrar til ditt ansvar hjemme. Er du sikker på at du klarer alt mens jeg er borte?" ("Erik, I know this trip adds to your responsibilities at home. Are you sure you'll be okay managing everything while I'm away?")

Erik reached over to hold Astrid's hand. "Vi har vært gjennom dette før, Asa. Jeg holder fortet nede her. Bare fokuser på møtene dine, så klarer vi oss fint." ("We've been through this before, Asa. I'll hold down the fort here. Just focus on your meetings, and we'll manage just fine.")

Astrid squeezed Erik's hand, her gratitude evident in her gaze. "Jeg setter pris på din støtte, Erik. Det er ikke lett å sjonglere arbeid og familie, men vi får det til å fungere, gjør vi ikke?" ("I appreciate your support, Erik. It's not easy juggling work and family, but we make it work, don't we?")

Erik smiled, his eyes reflecting years of shared challenges and triumphs. "Alltid, Astrid. Vi er et team, og team støtter hverandre gjennom alt." ("Always, Astrid. We're a team, and teams support each other through everything.")

As the breakfast table slowly emptied, Erik turned the conversation towards the upcoming trip to lighten the discussion. "Så... annet enn møter, noe spesifikt du ser frem til i New York?" ("So...other than meetings, anything specific you're looking forward to in New York?")

Astrid pondered for a moment before answering, her expression thoughtful. "Jeg er der bare et par dager, men bortsett fra møtene, vil jeg gjerne ta en spasertur i Central Park. Kanskje besøke et museum eller to." ("I'm only there for a couple of days but other than the meetings, I'd love to take a stroll in Central Park. Maybe visit a museum or two.") She turned to face Ingrid, a smile on her face as she met Ingrid's bright blue eyes. "Og ... gjett hva, kjære? Jeg vil bringe deg tilbake en spesiell overraskelse." ("And...guess what, sweetheart? I'll be bringing you back a special surprise.")

Ingrid's eyes widened with excitement. "Virkelig, mamma? Hva er det?" ("Really, Mama? What is it?")

Astrid winked, sharing the thrill of anticipation. "Det er en hemmelighet foreløpig, men jeg lover at det er noe du vil elske. Den vil ha et snev av New York-magi, bare for deg." ("It's a secret for now, but I promise it's something you'll love. It'll have a touch of New York magic, just for you.")

Ingrid beamed, already imagining the wonderful gift her mother might bring back. Astrid's promise added an extra layer of excitement to her New York adventure.