Corporate Bodies Pt. 05: Depravity


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'Was it you?'

'Answer me. Was it you last night?'

'Please answer me. I can't stand it!'

'I know it was you. We've got to talk'

'Oh my God I can't bear it. Please can we talk? Please answer!'

I should have replied straight away and reassured her, but my heart was like stone. All I could bring myself to say was:

'Very busy today. Maybe tomorrow.'

It was cruel, I know, but right then I was incapable of anything else.

All day long, the meetings dragged. For long periods my concentration was in pieces, but I forced myself to endure it and eventually, at five minutes past six in the evening, all the necessary signatures were on the contracts.

It was finally done! A real triumph both for Sandersons and for me.

But I barely felt the congratulatory slaps on my back, and the champagne with which we toasted our success might have been vinegar.

There was a further reception later to which, thank God, wives were not invited. Pamuk was all smiles and several times asked where my 'beautiful, intelligent wife' was. It was all I could manage not to punch him in his smug, flabby mouth, but I kept my hands in my pockets and my mind on the substantial prize that the contract represented.

It was late when, as soon as protocol permitted, I absented myself from the group and drove home, pulling into our long, tree lined driveway and coming to a halt far enough from the house for the security lights not to come on.

For a minute or two I sat in the darkness, poring over all I had seen and learned that morning.

My lovely wife, the mother of our children had deliberately put herself somewhere she knew a known womaniser would try and seduce her. She had then let him fuck her -- in places even I had never been -- and had apparently enjoyed it immensely.

And all this had quite deliberately been done on camera.

With Andy there had always been the supposed coercion, but this time there really was no such excuse. My sweet, intelligent, formerly inexperienced wife had willingly allowed herself to be fucked by a stranger.

Whatever the reason or justification, she had become a whore.

My tummy ached with the pain, and I blinked away the tears that kept forming in the corner of my eyes.

As I sat frozen in the driving seat, my phone buzzed for the umpteenth time. I looked at its screen to find yet another message from Yvonne.

'Thank God you replied. When and where shall we meet? Please answer I'm going out of my mind!'

This time I knew I had to put the poor woman out of her misery.

'Country Park. Eleven o'clock tomorrow. Bring the dog'

Yvonne's response was immediate, as if she had been waiting, phone in hand.

'I'll be there.'


One job done, now it was time for the much harder task. Steeling myself, I put the car back in gear and drove the last few yards to the front door. The house looked warm and inviting and the security lights came on to greet me as if nothing had changed.

In a daze, I let myself into the hallway, put my briefcase down and crossed to the lounge where I could hear the late-night business news on TV.

At least the kids would be asleep, I thought as pushed open the door and silently entered the room.

'... and in the City this evening, Sandersons the prestigious, secretive Management Consultants have just announced the signing of an important deal with the Turkish Government as part of their EU accession plan. A spokesman for Sandersons said...'

Amanda was sitting on the sofa dressed in dark blue leggings and a blue and white long-sleeved top. She looked as she used to look; pretty, sweet, an innocent wife and mother. As unlike a whore as I could imagine a woman looking.

Her appearance wrong-footed me and for a moment, I wondered whether the morning's incredible revelations had been some kind of dream. But deep down I knew they had been real, as real as her weekly assignations with Andy. Somewhere underneath those normal, everyday clothes, would be the physical evidence of her guilt.

As I approached, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Congratulations!" she beamed at me, her deep blue eyes sparking with delight. "You did it! They're talking openly about another promotion soon. You're the man of the moment!"

"How do you know that?" I began.

"Andy called," she replied. "He's thrilled of course and taking the credit for appointing you in the first place."

I crossed to the armchair and sat silently watching as the news bulletin ended.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked cheerfully. "You must be exhausted."

"I'm more shocked than tired," I sighed.

"Why shocked?" she asked, apparently surprised. "I thought you'd be on top of the world tonight!"

I took a deep breath.

"I know what you did last night, Amanda."

Her mouth fell open in horror, but she tried to cover her shock.

"What... what do you mean?" she asked, unconvincingly.

"I know what you did with Pamuk?"

"With Pamuk?"

"Don't play the innocent. I've seen the video, for Christ's sake," I snapped in a cold, numb tone.

"Oh my God!"

My wife stood up like a shot, turning to face me, her body rigid with tension.

"When? How?" she stammered.

"Andy showed it to me this morning."

"Why did he have to do that?" she demanded angrily.

"Why did HE have to do it?" I asked gobsmacked. "Why did YOU do it, Amanda? Isn't that more important?"

There was a pause while she wrestled with the horror of being found out.

"How much did you see?" she eventually asked.

"All of it!"

"All of it?"

"Every last thrust!"

"Oh my God!"

"In close up!"

"Jesus Christ!"

"That about covers it," I replied. "How could you do all those things? And with a fat slob like him?"

The surge of emotion that suddenly overwhelmed her shocked me and reduced Amanda immediately to a sobbing, tearful wreck. No matter what she had done, all I could see was the woman I loved in terrible anguish. I rushed to her side, took her into my arms and hugged her close as her shoulders shook with sobs.

She smelled sweet; the sour odour of old sex long gone from her body. All I could smell was the familiar soft aroma of my lovely wife and mother of our children.

"It's okay... it's okay..."

It most certainly was not okay and we both knew it, but the love I felt for my wife was far stronger than my anger. I whispered into her ear over and over again, holding her close until her trembling had started to subside. Then I put my finger under her chin and turned her head until those big blue eyes met mine.

They were red and her cheeks were tear stained. My lips touched her cheek, then her neck then I kissed her wet, salty mouth.

"Did you really watch it all?" she asked anxiously once she had recovered some composure.

"Yes. I was so angry I told Andy the deal was off. There would be no more visits from Mandy. I told him that he could stick the Police and his Lawyers up his arse! That's when he showed me the video."

"Then you know what..."

"Yes, I know what you let him do," I interrupted.

There was a pause during which I could feel the strength returning to her body.

"It wasn't supposed to happen," she insisted. "It went too far, too quickly. You weren't supposed to know anything about it!"

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice you'd disappeared? And did you really think I wouldn't know you'd been fucking when you came home? How stupid do you think I am?"

"There wasn't supposed to be any fucking," she insisted. "And I was only supposed to be gone a short time. We only needed enough physical contact to look bad on the video."

"So, what went wrong?"

Amanda took a deep breath.

"It seems he was more insistent that she expected, and Mandy got carried away. Once she'd been aroused, she couldn't stop herself going all the way, even though she knew it wasn't right."

"I can't believe Andy even suggested it," I said angrily. "It's way outside our deal and put you... her at terrible risk. He's a cruel bastard!"

She froze for a moment then looked away.

"Andy didn't suggest it. It was my idea."


"Mine. I'm supposed to be the Psychologist," she said wryly. "Andy's not the monster you think he is."

Her voice was soft and low, but her words sent a chill through me. Even though it was exactly what Andy had told me, I still couldn't quite believe my ears.

"That's what Andy told me, but I didn't believe him."

"It's the truth. We needed a hold over Pamuk, an insurance policy in case things went wrong with the contract. You told me how slippery he was, and you were right."

"What happened? The whole thing was ready to sign."

"He told Andy that there was a problem."

"What problem? When?"

"Last night. He said another firm had come in with a better offer at the last minute."

"Why didn't he tell me? I'm the one negotiating."

"Because Andy's in charge. He said he could make the problem go away if Andy sold five percent of Sandersons to a secret Swiss based company this morning."

"Andy would never part with any of the business."

"Right. He told me what had happened. I knew about Pamuk's reputation with married women and came up with the idea. He'd been touching me up all evening so I had a good idea he would take the bait."

"You expected him to try and seduce you even though I was there?"

She nodded again.

"The slimy bastard!"

"He's not the first of your colleagues to try, is he?" she challenged pointedly."

Given she had been having sex with my Boss for over six months, this question required no reply. Her point well and truly made, she carried on.

"This deal is the most important thing that has happened since Andy caught you. We couldn't afford to lose it. It simply had to work.

"Andy had already explained. Pamuk's completely dependent on religious orthodox voters. I thought it would be enough just to have him on video groping and trying to seduce a Western woman. We thought we could put pressure on him by threatening to make it public back home.

"Mandy didn't need to get fucked for us to have a hold over him. The way the religious parties are getting so strong in his country, just being seen alone in a room with her would have been a serious problem for him. With his family and his hardcore voters. And if it looked like he was trying to seduce her too..."

She paused. It did have an awful logic about it, I had to confess, but she hadn't finished.

"We really believed that all Mandy would have to do was let him grope her; maybe strip her a bit at most. And even then, just enough to get a few good, incriminating minutes on tape. Then she would break away and call foul."

She sighed and shrugged.

"But it went wrong?" I suggested.

"I misjudged both him and Mandy. She thought she could control him. I thought I could control her. Wrong on both counts."

"What happened?"

"I underestimated him and overestimated Mandy," she said shamefaced. "I just hadn't bargained on such an ugly man being such an efficient seducer. Or frankly, on Mandy taking over so completely. She was supposed to be cold, calculated and cynical. Instead, once it had started, she couldn't stop herself. She didn't want to stop herself. She just let him keep going and going until... well until it had gone much too far."

She laughed mirthlessly, then added:

"It seems I can understand everyone's psychology except my own. I got it wrong. Spectacularly."

Spectacularly was the right word. The image of that man's cock ploughing into my wife's vagina and anus was burned into my mind and would remain there forever.

"I didn't do it for pleasure," she insisted firmly. "If you and I are ever going to get out of this Hell, then the deal had to go through. I did what it took, however bad it might look now."

That much was undeniable.

"And I suppose I thought if she helped Andy out in something this big; if Mandy did something this important for him then he might think again about how often he..."

"Fucked her himself?" I completed her sentence bitterly.

She nodded. I thought for a moment. This was plausible too, if very naïve. I believed it.

"Andy doesn't trust the Turks or the EU," she continued. "That's why you were put in charge of the deal. It turned out he was right not to trust them. Pamuk tried something so we needed a solution quickly. I had an idea that might just work. It seemed obvious. We had to act fast, but the risk was low, or so I thought!"

"It was a big price to pay in the end," I said bitterly.

"Maybe," she said enigmatically. "It was enough to get the deal through. The video must have been good enough."

"You haven't seen it?" I asked, amazed.

"No. And I don't want to."

"Well, you can take my word, it shows everything!" I laughed hollowly.

Amanda sighed. She was still subdued but her confidence was definitely returning.

"Then it's what we needed. It worked."

There was a long pause.

"Did it... Did it hurt?" I eventually asked. "You and I have never done... that sort of thing before."

I couldn't bring myself to say the words; to point out that despite our adventurous sex life, she had never offered her anus to me. To my surprise, my wife flushed pink and her deep blue eyes flicked away from me towards the window.

I understood the meaning immediately. The thought made me feel slightly sick and very jealous.

"It wasn't your first time," I said coldly. "You'd done it before. Andy's already fucked you up the arse. He took your virginity."

If I had expected her to deny it or be ashamed, that idea was immediately quashed. Amanda's body tensed, then to my surprise, she looked straight at me again, her expression defiant.

"Before you pass judgment, just remember who put me in this position," she said slowly and clearly. "Do you really think I wanted that fat man's oversized cock in my rectum last night? Do you think I wanted to be humiliated like that, knowing it was all being filmed? Do you think I wanted to bleed into my panties all day today?"

She was getting angry herself now.

"Yes, Mandy's been fucked up the arse, as you so crudely put it. More than once if you really want to know. Sometimes it hurts but sometimes it feels amazing! She's done other degrading things and some of them felt amazing too, but before you get all self-righteous, remember this.

"If Mandy's a whore it's because you're a thief. It's your stupid dishonesty that made her one. She didn't have a choice, remember!"

Her blue eyes were wide open now and fixed on mine.

"You think she wanted to have a strange, ugly man stick his cock down her throat, in her cunt and up her arse? Do you think she liked losing all self-control and self-respect when he made her cum, however much she tried not to? You think she liked having her body fucked so hard that she nearly peed herself?"

I stared at her, stunned. Was this what sex with Pamuk had been like?

"Of course, she didn't!" Amanda hissed in fury. "But she did it anyway."

"But you looked like..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Okay, some of it does feel good. I can't deny it. Sometimes with Andy it feels so very, very good that I...that Mandy can't control herself. Sometimes it feels better than she dreamed sex could ever feel, but that's not the point."

I didn't want to hear this; it was almost unbearably painful -- more so because I knew it was nothing but the truth.

"And why shouldn't she enjoy it?" she snarled. "Mandy has no choice but to let them use her body, if I... if she can get a bit of real physical pleasure from the whole sordid thing, I would say she deserves it, wouldn't you?"

She looked me hard in the face, her deep blue eyes burning into mine, her voice low and cold.

"Don't ever forget, Mister Junior Partner, if I've become a whore," she hissed, abandoning all pretence at being Mandy. "It's because I would do anything - absolutely anything to protect my family."

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HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop makes everything AFTER his mistake, the cause of all her mistakes. She can’t forgive him and he sure shouldn’t forgive her. Go to jail, take your lumps, take Andy and the Turk down with you. Or, set up your boss. Maybe you can cut a deal, 18 months or even State’s Witness. Cut the bitch loose. She won’t suffer long. This story arouses my emotions. Good work, dear author.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 1 year ago

one is a fucking whore the other is a thief and a CUCK all that's left is for him to eat Andy's cream pie

SamuelDexterSamuelDexterover 2 years ago

Disgusting, painful and totally humiliating, but written beautifully.

Makes want the husband to act violently and put his world back in order.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Ok I was a solid 2 most of the way through the episode expecting some namby pamby “I couldn’t help but be erotically charged by watching my wife get fucked”. The ending was spectacular as she stood tall and stuffed it back in his face. A real relationship moment.

It still remains to be seen if a couple can survive this situation

CZOFTWCZOFTWalmost 3 years ago

Just going through these comments there is some very positive feedback from some very impressive authors, well done Jenny! There are also the usual LW trolls and they can go fuck themselves... oh, who am I kidding, that's what they're doing this very moment.

Badwolf8015Badwolf8015almost 3 years ago

I disagree with some of the comments that the husband is a wimp. He stole from the company for his family he went to his bosses house for his family and he went into the office to beat up his boss for his family. So he has a set of balls he's just not using them. He is also a manager which means he has a brain in his head and he's not using that either. I am not an intelligent guy however I know for a fact if that was me I would have had spyware on my wife's phone where I can listen to everything that is going on and see all the messages and photos that are taken. I would also use what my boss told me about the cameras been on 24/7 to my advantage realising all the video footage must be stored somewhere if not on the boss laptop . I would use Yvonne as a decoy. To leave Andy's door open so I could sneak in and download everything from his laptop well there was having sex. I bet they is some interesting information reference Andy and a lot of criminal activities. The problem you have after that can he get his wife back. The only way to do that is by moving her stuff out the house forcing her to deal with losing her family which would in her mind make Amanda and Mandy fight for control and only one can win.

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 3 years ago

Pretty intense and very well written. I guess my main nitpick, if I have to have one, is this: if Mandy and Amanda are dissociated, why doesn’t Amanda have sex with her husband any more? Clearly all her sexuality is focused on her affairs. I’d like to have him call her out on that, but he is a weak-willed chicken. Let’s see how far things can go, and if there is anyway to save this marriage.

mattenwmattenwalmost 3 years ago

I do not know whether the author is clear which picture of a woman and mother she is drawing here! In a time of the "me too" movement, it is certainly very beneficial for all women that you let your protagonist degenerate into a "victim of blackmail" and then into a voluntary whore in your story. Exactly the image that these perverted sick men want of women they do violence to. You can't create a better template. Especially because you're not only letting your protagonist degenerate into a whore, but also because she's dragging her husband, family and children into the maelstrom. My compliments for this misogynistic story!

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago
Cheap Psychological Manipulation!

Once hubby became Junior Partner - after one fuck with the boss - all she would have to do is permit the boss one missionary 15 minute fuck per week. Nothing more was ever agreed to.

No, she turned into a size queen gutter gash whore, and willingly fucked herself stupid with the boss. And it was her idea to fuck the Turk. She didn't care about anything else, even the stupid bonus. If the boss needed a whore, he should have hired 10 of them, 6 months earlier and started videotaping the Turk with different whores every month. There was no need for this last minute "sacrifice" by this wife, who is continually castrating her husband with his "crime" so she can get away with fucking anybody,anytime, anywhere! "Mandy" alter ego my fucking ass! Psych 101, 1st year bullshit that hasn't worked on anyone older than 12.

Hubby is no man; he's a panty-waisted, sissy girly-boy faggot with no balls. His actions are so emotionally tainted he can only be gay!! And a real momma's boy - falling for the oldest whore's gag - "tears"! Fuck off with that nonsense!

Quote: "The surge of emotion that suddenly overwhelmed her shocked me and reduced Amanda immediately to a sobbing, tearful wreck. No matter what she had done, all I could see was the woman I loved in terrible anguish. I rushed to her side, took her into my arms and hugged her close as her shoulders shook with sobs...."

What absolutely sickening bullshit! NO man has ever reacted that way to a woman's tears in the last 100 years, unless: wrist-breaking gay, under 20 years old, moderately retarded and still tied to his mommy's apron strings.

Please, get realistic! Grow up. Take some writing courses. Maybe with an education, you could do better. Doubtful, but I've always been a venerable optimist...

ice67ice67about 3 years ago

A great story thru & thru. however the theme was way too short. The story can proceed s much longer with this story & Amanda & Mandy.

CimenRunarCimenRunarabout 3 years ago

I love the way Amanda’s alter ego is beginning to take over. The story is well crafted and the element of suspense surrounding how far she is prepared to go to satisfy her own sexual cravings is captivating. Who will she willingly give herself to next? How much of her uncontrollable lust can she resist before she does something even more outrageous? Becoming the company whore (as suggested by other commentators), seducing other clients in return for their business, multiple partners? Will she allow her body to be defaced with the indelible company tattoo? All of these are tantalising possibilities. I hope that her husband forces her to tell him what she has been doing with Andy, take back some control over Amanda (even Mandy) by resuming sex with her, even dominating her in the process. And, of course, what has Yvonne got to tell him about Andy’s sexual preferences that he can associate with his own wife’s depravity. I hope the next episode is not too long in preparation. Bravo!

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowabout 3 years ago

I hope you enjoy the writing as much as your fans enjoy the story. This storyline is the only reason I check this site anymore.

toshiro75toshiro75about 3 years ago

It is safely to presume that grand bullshiter run off the bullshit.

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago

What horseshit!! She's a whore because she loves it, wants it! She has no respect or love for her husband and is just manipulating him for his money. Don't forget, her wifey alter ego has already cut him off from sex. A loving wife doesn't do that! Lying, scheming, cheating, adulterous gash cunt whore!

Boo hoo! Alligator tears! Fuck off! Men don't fall for that shit in the face of at least two times his whore cunt wife willingly cheated on him!

He didn't have the balls to call the deal off.

Put a bullet between her eyes, and one between boss's eyes. Call it a day.

dbetjedbetjeover 3 years ago

Really enjoying this especially parts 4 and 5 but now left in suspense and really looking forward to part 6 so please end the torture and publish the next instalment of this excellent erotic journey as soon as you can.

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