Corporate Family Dinner Ch. 05


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"So, you're Ross's friend, from RSS?"

"Yes, one of the execs there. Man that sounds strange to me.." and laughed.

He laughed too and I think he understood.

"Yeah, that's Ross for you - always getting people in shit way over their heads. And yet it generally seems to turn out OK..." and he looked a little pensive, like he was thinking of some personal history with Ross, maybe.

"Anyway, what can I do for you today? Your office isn't up and running yet, right?"

"Nope. Next week we're hoping - probably need to buy or lease a few cheap basic office PCs to start out with and Ross says you're our guy. To get it all up and running seamlessly. But this is more just personal stuff for me today. This is my wife's Iphone and she told me her passkey. There is a special phone recording app on here and a very special recording we want copied off safely - like emailed to me or on a flash drive - and otherwise not bothered. Make sense?"

"Sure - let me see the phone - and the passcode? His fingers were moving faster than I could follow. He was flipping through all kinds of screens and seemed to take in everything at a glance. Like only 3 seconds later he said, "only one phone recorder app. When was the recording made?"

"Yesterday. Probably the last one made."

"Yep. Here it is. Want to listen and make sure that's the one?"

I looked at him closely and he looked back at me unflinching. He looked like I could trust him. He looked very mature.

"This is some personal shit. Understand?"

"Yeah, I think so. I think I've probably been there. And I can keep my mouth shut."

I'll bet waterboarding he would laugh at and "please, sir, can I have another, please" would be his only response.

"Ok, let's hear it"

It only took the first few seconds for me to know - and I had him stop it. He probably heard enough to figure a lot out, especially that "you left without saying goodbye" line but I didn't want him hearing the rest - yet. If he really was what he looked like and I could get a little more info from Ross about him, Will Patton just might be of some further use to me in the future. Interesting.

"That's it. How do we get it safely off?"

"Watch" - he took a cable and plugged into the Iphone, hooked it up to a tablet that had a standard USB port. Swiped a little bit. Unplugged the cable. Plugged a small USB flash into the tablet port. Swiped IT a few times. And handed me the flash drive. "It's on there. Only one file in mp3 format. You can use any laptop or tablet to access it. Anything else?"

"Yeah, I want to basically look at everything on her phone. And especially look for anything hidden or specially encrypted. I have never even handled her phone before and don't expect those kinds of files, but I'm basically an Android phone guy myself at the user only level (not hacker) and not familiar with Iphones at all."

"OK, let me check a few things. And he got his serious look on and his faster than light fingers going again. "Hmmm, he finally said. There are a few things but I am pretty sure it's all normal Apple encrypted proprietary files. A very smart - agent, say - who really wanted to hide something would use one of those known file names and merely substitute his own secret files. Is your wife a smart agent?"

If he only knew. I could almost smile. "In one sense, yes - but not too smart. In your sense no. So we won't spend anymore time on that. Can you get me to her messages history?"

"Hmmm, yes - but I think I can do better. Let me dump ALL her messages and call history and emails in a more complete format you can just browse pretty fast." So he attached his cable again and went to work. Pretty soon I heard a printer going in a back room. "They're all printing out and I'm going to put them on that USB drive too."

"Wow, great I said. How about all the other phone recordings as well?"

"Done. Now what?"

"Pictures and videos?"

"Quite a few pictures and videos. No quick way to check them. Just looking on the phone is the fastest way. Though I could just dump them all on another USB drive. A 32GB looks big enough."

"OK, just do that. I'll check them all later - and can get out of your hair."

"No problem. Do I look swamped?" And he grinned.

He started the download then went back and got the printouts.

I started on the messages first and they were all laid out very nicely by the contactee, newest first marching back to oldest - and all time stamped.

They all basically looked pretty innocuous - no heavy breathing stuff or sexting obviously going on. Many men were involved but even more women and as a real estate agent dealing with the public it all made sense. Mostly they were confirming appointment meetings and addresses kinds of stuff. Each one COULD have been some kind of sexual rendezvous - but I doubted it even in my super sensitive cuckold state. But unfortunately some of them undoubtedly were.

The only interesting ones were from a "Kay" and occurred just this week. Monday and Tuesday and were like "Hey, Hon, just checking on you. Everything OK? I truly hope so. Give me a ring. Ltr."

Kay, huh? THAT Kay? And now I had her phone number.

Emails were equally innocuous, at least just glancing quickly through them. Maybe there were no actual affairs, as she stated. But she still slept with at least 1 man two years ago, as the first, then the Nouveau Rich Guy that paid for her Infiniti (2), "2 or 3 others" Susan said (5 total - but Susan ALSO said it just started with NRG about 6 months ago - when she bought that damn car) and at least 3 others last weekend per her phone call. So now 8 total I reasonably knew about and I was guessing at 10-20 as the REAL total. 20 other fucking men. Could I handle that? How? Fuck, how?

Maybe I needed to talk to Susan again and even Kay.

I thanked Will and asked him what I owed him. He just kind of laughed, "for this little nothing? Nothing. Chalk it up to good will and I'll get it all back and much, much more when I gouge you for your office PC stuff."

"Well, let me at least buy you lunch - you eat? Around here?"

"OK, sure. There's a nice place right around the corner. Classic American Diner kind of place."

And as we left he yelled at somebody in back I didn't even know was there and we walked out. I saw a young looking Asian girl or woman walk out and man the counter as we were turning the corner.

Lunch was pleasant. Will had been in the service and overseas and maybe some hot areas. Maybe. Further respondent sayeth naught. He also had known Ross for quite a while. No other specifics. Other topics were more interesting to him and he had a nice laugh.

I looked forward to working with Will in the future.

I was going to call Elaine but I had her phone. Duh. So I drove home. Her car was gone. Fuck. Out screwing again already? I couldn't help thinking. That's the poison and the rot a faithless spouse generates. I told myself I didn't care, remember? But I decided to wait.

Just a few minutes later, the Highlander arrives and Elaine starts unloading groceries. Just a normal grocery shopping trip. Did she blow the bag boy in lieu of a tip? Settle the fuck down. Damn.

"Hi, honey. This is a pleasant surprise," she said and smiled.

"Uh, I wanted to give you your phone back. I got that recording off, OK."

"OK, thanks...anything else we need to talk about?"

"Maybe, but not right now. I need a real estate agent. Interested?"

"Well, sure - if I can help you." She looked at me questioningly.

"Maybe. You won't have to screw me but there's probably not much commission in it, anyway..."

I just couldn't help myself. She looked down and flushed. But then looked up and just said, "If I can help I want to."

Sigh. "OK, thanks. We need to lease some office space right away - like occupancy early next week. About 5000 sq. feet, 4 offices with locked doors, medium sized conference room, just a bullpen for workers is fine and a reception area. Earth City area maybe. Like that. Cheaper is better as far as the lease - but it can't LOOK cheap. One year lease with option."

"OK. Help me with these groceries and I'll check my computer. I've still got MLS access and my license. Any lessor fees for me I'll kickback right to you - in lieu of you screwing me. OK?" And I swear she grinned a little. Damn it. That spunk was a big part of why I loved her, once. And still...

"And maybe we can still look at some properties today. I probably need to dress the part, though - since it's commercial, especially. OK?"

About 20 minutes later we left. She drove in her highlander and I was the passenger. She had arranged for the carpool mother to keep Jules if we couldn't get back by 3:45. She looked fucking great. Her color was back and face looked almost normal. She had her basic real estate agent woman uniform on with reasonable high open toed heels. She was wearing hose and a non-logo'd jacket. And her skirt had risen a little on her fabulous toned legs as she drove. After what I now knew I couldn't help but look at her as a very hot MILF stranger woman. She WAS a stranger woman, now, to me. She wasn't Elaine, my wife anymore. And I knew she fucked men casually...."caution, this is the path to Hell" was blinking in my confused mind. Focus on business - and breathe...

She was good, as just an agent. We only looked at real good possibilities that met at least 90% of the requirements and I think we actually found a winner. Elaine would get a couple of grand from the lessor for this 2 hours work. I said I would let them know for sure tomorrow - and I expected it would be a go and to give me the contract for Ross to sign. Elaine said the monthly rates were reasonable for that area. I believed her. The only thing I had to go on was the 3 other comps we saw that day. The best part WAS we could get occupancy next Wednesday and an actual discount on the first month's rent because of the quick move-in. I wondered exactly what we HAD to move in? Maybe I was going furniture shopping next.

On the way home I got a phone call and Elaine did too. Mine was rather surprising.

"Hey, Bob - it's Karen."

"Hi, Karen," I said. "What's 'up." in kind of my fake Monty Python British voice. Elaine looked over in surprise - she hadn't heard that voice from me in years.

"Karen giggled a little and said, "me and a couple of girls from the office here are going to Joe's tonight - same time. Just thought I'd let you know..." "That sounds good. I'll be there. Looking forward to some greasy wings. Later."

Elaine didn't say anything and I didn't explain.

Then her phone ring. She was quite the expert talking and driving by now. Her side of the conversation was pretty cryptic. "OK, I understand. Thanks." And she hung up. She looked pretty sad but she finally told me. "I've got chlamydia. They're sending in a prescription for me. I've had a urinary tract infection that started Sunday and that's what it is, probably - since it's definitely identified by the culture. You need to get checked as well, since we had unprotected sex just last Thursday. I could have had it then already. You can see my urologist if you want to."

"OK, get me an appointment for tomorrow. Have you really slept with 20 other men the last 2 years?" I asked dispassionately, I thought.

Elaine gasped. And I hoped she didn't fucking start crying again since she was driving.

Elaine immediately wanted to lie - no way, she thought - why would he ask that? Then she started thinking. Shit - 6 men the last weekend, at least. On top of the 10 or 11 in the last 2 years, plus the 2 extra times with NRG and the 1 extra time with - what WAS his name - the first Black man I ever screwed, Rondel or something like that. Then yes it really was close to 20 men, total, she screwed. More than anything else, she didn't want to acknowledge those repeats. Those repeats were most scary. Why had she done that? No more money was gained. So, why???

"Yes," she almost whispered. "How did you find out?"

She was shaking and looked pretty white again.

"Honey, just pull over and settle down. OK? Maybe I should drive the rest of the way home."

She didn't argue. In fact, she clung to that "Honey" as if it was her one life raft in a stormy unending sea - of misery.

As they finally approached their shared house about 5pm. He finally spoke again.

"Thanks for not lying or weaseling, even a little bit. From what I've learned already - what Susan told me and you told me and that phone call. I knew it was definitely 8, and I guessed 10-20 and just asked you about my high guess. Look, that is still less than 1 man a month, just spread out - no wonder I never guessed, at all. Until you slapped it in my face. Your words - and true."

"I'm still working on dealing with it all. I still love "my" old Elaine. But she no longer exists. I don't love you - the current Elaine - at all. But I am still attracted sexually to even this current Elaine - attracted and repulsed at the same time. And obviously WE aren't having any sex together for the next 2 weeks minimum. And I am intrigued by the possibility of yet another Elaine - the future Elaine with a meaningful and helpful professional life as a Psychologist. And maybe with many of her own demons behind her. Or maybe not. How can I possibly know if I will ever love that person who doesn't even exist yet? How can you know if you could possibly love the Bob that I will be one year in the future? The only thing I know is that the "Bob" you made love to last Thursday night is dead and gone. He doesn't exist anymore either. Right now I am a different Bob from that one. In a whole lot of ways. But I need some more info."

"I want you to call Kay and tell her to talk with me. I want you to tell her to be honest and candid with me when I ask all about you, and answer every question I ask her. Then have her call me so we can arrange a meeting. Can you do that? Or should we just pull the plug and give it up?"

There was silence for almost a minute.

"I'll do it. She said. I can't promise Kay will meet you but I think she will. God help us both."

Finally, "Are you meeting another woman, Karen, tonight?"

"Yes. Don't worry. I wouldn't feel comfortable screwing her and giving HER chlamydia. And she's not the kind of woman I'd want to use a condom with anyway. She's really nice. Ring a bell?"

"Please don't hate me..." and she went in the house bawling again.

Life's a bitch - and then we all die, is about all I could think. I had to admit I was no longer bored. Period. But then what the hell was wrong with boring?

I walked into Joe's about 6:40 and Karen and two girls were already there at "our" table.

"Hey," I said "Where's Rich?"

"Oh, he's working on some big thing. It might actually be your big thing, if you recall."

The other two girls glanced at one another and kind of giggled. I didn't quite get it.

We all ate and I had a few beers. I needed it after today.

The other two girls left and Karen moved next to me.

Quietly she said, "so what's the deal with your wife? She was that beautiful woman sitting next to you at the dinner, right?"

So I told her the abbreviated version.

"Is she batshit crazy?" was he first response. "Is that a rhetorical?"

"I don't understand it." Karen said.

"Join the club. I was completely blindsided."

"She doesn't know. She probably knew once, but she forgot, I bet."

"What, I said?"

"Just how incredibly attractive and sexy and great you are," she said.

I looked at her like SHE was batshit crazy.

"Karen, it's just me. Just Bob. Just good old nothing much Bob. I'm not rich or handsome or talented or tall or even much in shape right now. I am mostly a boring old family man and all I did till Saturday was JUST work and family. Just that. Maybe you're trying to cheer me up but there has to be facts backing it up."

"Your very humble but not wimpy, at all. You are friends with Ross and hold your own with him, in direct comparison very, very well. You actually laugh at the effect he has on other women - and you completely miss the effect you have. When we were just talking about "big things" earlier - your's and Rich's. Me and my two girlfriends were ALL thinking about your dicks, dummy. You would never have a clue. Rich would have smirked. Ross would have known but just expected it as his "divine right". Yes - Ross is very exceptional and I noticed him like other women the other night, but I also couldn't NOT watch you - and I noticed other women watching you as well. In fact, several are right now and it's getting on my nerves. Let's get out of here."

"Oh, shit - I need to call a cab. I've had at least one too many tonight..."

"Don't worry. I'm Ok - let's just go to my place and I'll feed you some coffee. You can cab from there, unless you want to spend the night..."

"Karen, what about your boyfriend?"

"You sure presume a lot for being so humble," she smirked. "I've got a perfectly fine couch you can bunk on for one night."

"OK, sure - I'm sorry."

She laughed. "Let me tell you a secret. Rich and I aren't monogamous. We both date other people. I WAS at that fucking dinner - as you term it - with another date, right? But I've never screwed anyone else while I consider Rich my boyfriend. Just funny about it. But I've also never dated another man that interested me that much. Until now, maybe. Chew on that for awhile. You ready?"

"Lead on, fair maiden..." back to Monty Python.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Delusional wife. Characters are walking cliches.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Unclear to me why Elaine hasn’t attempted suicide or suicided.

She has LOST EVERYTHING after all. EVERYTHING!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dont read that crap!! Its only for perverts (cuckolds) or brain sick ones!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Only idiotic!!! MINUS 5*!!!

An author who thinks he can write good srories but he is only a looser!! His thinking is so terrible that you can only laugh about it!!! She slept with 20 men and he is still in on her!!! Divorce that slut sue the whole company and the two-timer and go on with your life!! But that's not your fantasy. You are in cuckolding and wimp!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

nice to know where those lazy spooks are wasting our tax dollars

anal eye zing ... fcking fiction to death on the Literotica website instead of chasing terro wrists .....

for fuck sake sbrooks (and a few others) it's just a fictional story

calm down , take your medication , go heavy on the antacids & maybe book yourself in with a new therapist


sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

“I never considered what I was doing as ‘cheating’ on Bob.” – It’s not “cheating” because you didn’t want to leave him? Cheating is having sex with someone other than the person you’re married too; your long-term plans don’t matter.

“Wasn't he on board with you partying with us?” – NO, she just didn’t give a fuck (figuratively, not literally!).

She’s got his blackmail attempt on record. And I’m sure at least some of them have as much to lose if that video gets out as she does.

"Listen, we have to talk," – NOW she wants to talk; maybe they should have talked before she decided to become a corporate whore!

sinstalkersinstalkerover 8 years ago
I'm stopping here lol.....

His wife is soo skanky, did all that she did and his dick gets hard? Lmao I'll quit here too much for me not very well written anyway. I think this is meant as a stroke story for the cuckold wimp niche. I mean she is so gross I just skimmed the sex parts with a shudder. To each their own tho thanx for the effort!

icebreadicebreadover 8 years ago
Cliche comment from anony...

made me laugh also I like the story... Carry on, ignor me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Interesting story but instead of guessing why don't he just make her tell all the guys names and details from his old company's fuck fest. If he's looking for revenge he's gonna need to know

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