Criminal Morals


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On the books, this would make him, the two companies and the individual associates all look good, including the clients and their credit history reports!

Before Sherry would even jump off her chair in an outrage, Jessica said, "Are you fucking crazy you asshole? Are you going to believe I am going to have sex just to keep my business alive? That is the utmost unethical and immoral standard of business tactic I have ever seen or heard of in my entire life!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs. Fire seemed to be shooting from her head, ears, and face even!

He was astounded. He had never had any one reject a proposal like this whatsoever! He was floored, but understandably, he could imagine why!

Sherry was already immersed in a blaze of hatred. She started screaming at Lou. "What a fucking asshole you really are. You act as if you like me a lot, you go around acting as if you are this good Christian and have this wonderful family and all these morals and I allow myself to be sucked in by all of your rhetoric and shit. My God, how demoralizing are you? What a pimp! To think I am going to be a whore for you or any customer? No one should practice this behavior at all. No one should be submitted to this. This is so slutty, so perverted in nature, so unethical like she said! How could I think I would have made love to you this after...?"

Then she stopped short of saying this, knowing that she just let the cat out of the bag in front of a customer that he was going to do her sort of, that he was going to make love to her. All hell broke loose. He didn't say a word. Jessica only listened to what Sherry said as she stood there fuming.

A storm front moved in and it began lightening and thundering out. Power went out in the building. There were only two windows on the floor of the building. It began raining so hard, the sewers began backing up, making it impossible for anyone to drive the streets.

Hence they were stuck in the building until a solution could be made as to how to get to the car and over to either the hotel or on the road back to the city. Jessica and Sherry, of course, didn't want anything to do with this ass-wipe!

He wasn't perverted in his opinion. He offered a solution to many of the people's problems. Albeit, not always the prettiest solution considering some prospects or customers weren't the most becoming, such as Jessica; she did have figure to die for he always said, but she was unattractive!

He was seriously humbled and embarrassed. It was never his intention to treat anyone one as if they are or were sluts. It was only a solution. He really and deeply felt a physically powerful attraction to Sherry. He earnestly saw beauty in her. There was not an underlying lust for her. He had a complete and honest appeal towards her!

He looked at both and only said, "I am from the very bottom of my heart, sorry for what I have said. I never ever intended to hurt anyone's feelings." He left after saying that.

They had no idea where he went and the building was dark due to the ferocious storm that was raging outside. Walking though it, he covered his head with is jacket as he became soaked to the bone.

Luckily, that state trooper came driving from the opposite way, happened to see him, pulled over, and assisted him. She was happy to see him. She quickly reached into her back seat and pulled out a blanket to rest on the passenger's side. "Man, what are you doing walking out in this stuff" she asked him.

"It's a very long story and I don't really want to get into it, sorry."

She took him to the hotel, but parked underneath the drop off zone because of the serious inclement weather. She was told anyways to not drive due to the immense flooding. It already was coming up over the curbs. His shoes and socks were soaked. Wrapped in the blanket, they sat and talked in her car.

"My name is Lou Harris, he said. What's yours?" She introduced herself as Loretta Banks. She was raised in a town 15 miles from Findlance, but works this region, she told him.

They got to talking about everything and found out a lot about the other including both are 'happily married'. She has been working on a business degree and wants to get into the financial area. Specifically, an area similar to what Lou does.

"So if you aren't allowed to patrol the streets because of all the flooding, what do you do, just sit here or somewhere?"

She replied, "I will usually park myself and do paperwork, which there is only one to file today and luckily, that's you".

"Well, I have a room here of course, so I am going up there. Instead of being in here, would you care to come up, sit at the table in there, and do that? I promise, no monkey business, okay?"

She laughed at his offer and the comments surrounding it. "What kind of monkey business would that include if I was to accept the other offer?" She then winked at him.

He looked at her dumbfounded. He never intended to hit on her and since she opened up that 'can of worms', he retorted, "well since you asked or put it that way, lets see what kind of trouble I can get into. Mind you, I am not normally too kinky. Is that alright?"

Now she was the dumbfounded one. She was only flirting, but she wondered maybe how far this could go. "I can't do that, I am on duty. I am and I could get in a lot of trouble and most likely fired. Tell you what Lou, you probably don't chat online, right? You don't seem like the type. He confirmed that he wasn't the type.

She went on to say, here is my cell number, okay and when you come my way, call me. Here's a copy of my schedule for the next 60 days." He tucked it his jacket.

"Can I offer you one thing, he asked. My viewpoint on this and that's it. I saw you walking from your car earlier and in my opinion, you've got it going on! In other words, if I can say so, I do like your figure and I do think you are very attractive!"

She smiled, leaned into Lou, held his cheeks with her two soft hands, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Give me some luvin'; yeah give me some luvin" he joked.

"Soon enough, how's that sound Lou, soon enough baby, said Loretta, you take care of that body or I'm gonna!"

He got out, still drenched, but bundled her blanket up at the foot of the passenger side seat and smiled and winked at her. As he walked in a huge crash of thunder and lightening came from the sky, startling him. Loretta watched him, but slowly pulled away as she honked one last time.

Just then, Sherry drove up and pulled in underneath the visitor's entrance and briskly walked in and followed him to the elevator, not saying a word. She had become soaked as well, with the nylon button down top she wore matted to her chest. Every little stunning feature on and around her chest would catch Lou's eye soon enough.

First off, though, she was going to read Lou a 'new and improved' riot act. This time though, he was going to get the jump on her from a different angle. He was going to seduce her and charm her the way he initially intended!

He didn't know she came in the hotel initially; he didn't know she was on an adjoining elevator either. She was running some thoughts that had outraged her through her mind. She was preparing a new speech to ream Lou! "How could he? How despicable! How gross and immoral was he?" It wasn't gross, but this all was unethical and immoral. It was implausible that he would consider these ideas! She said aloud to herself.

Once at their floor and out of the elevator, she shouted out his name. He turned around, startled. "Lou! How in the world could a man of your How could you Lou? You should be ashamed of yourself. Lou, I was so enamored by how wonderful, how sweet and how gracious you were, but now, I think, that is so reprehensible! You are so irresponsible!

I should report you. No, I am going to report you to the ethics committee. I am going to do that and I am going to, of course, report you to management and some of your clients too!" She was more then outraged. She was infuriated at Lou!

Lou was not embarrassed, but he was astonished at the responses because no one had ever turned him down. He had always received accepting or approval for his proposals. She had never experienced anything of this nature ever in her life before. He just listened as she screamed and argued with him. He just didn't yell back, he only listened as she tried to engage Lou into an argument.

Lou had his fair share of arguments in life, with his wife, his boss, coworkers, associates, and just people through out his life. He's taken special interest anger management classes to handle situations of this nature.

He remained calm through her yelling at him. After about 10 minutes or so, he only said one thing to her. "Aren't you freezing?"

"What the living fuck are you talking about, but she was and just hadn't noticed yet, due to her anger. Lou what does me being freezing cold have to do with what happened with that customer?"

"Sherry I asked you if you were freezing because the clothes you are wearing are showing a lot of what you feel at the moment. She couldn't understand this at all. Why would he say something like that? She hadn't considered that since she was sopping wet, her shirt was showing her breasts and the nipples were beginning to stiffen up and poke out from underneath.

Lou always enjoyed that feature on a woman, but he contained his pleasure for fear, sort of, that it would invoke a new and disturbing bitch session from her. He just listened and waited for her to get out what she felt she needed to.

"Sherry, I am freezing cold. I am soaking wet and I'm going to get in to some house pajamas and a robe and take my clothes and get them dry cleaned. You do what you want Sherry, but if you would like to, I will be kind enough to do the same for you. Your shirt is as soaked as mine is and you have to be freezing underneath. Every thing you are wearing has to be soaked. How does that sound?"

He changed the focus of her attention somehow. He knew she was outraged, but ignored her issues as much as he could and went into a bedroom and changed. He put on a pair of satin pj's and bagged up his clothes to have dried off. He had also put on a house robe. When he came out, he knew he had to buy some new shoes so he threw his out.

Just then, Sherry walked out with her close and they were dripping as she held them in her hands and arms. She was not sporting a happy face at that point. In a grumpier sounding tone of voice, she asked, "Where do we get these new clothes?" She was still upset! She wasn't about to discontinue her displeasure with his actions.

"Sit down Sherry, just sit down. I don't know how long we are stuck here, so I want to tell you a couple of things."

"No, I'm not interested Lou, not a bit. I don't 'give a care' about what you have to say. I don't and I am very disappointed in you. I don't know if you and I will ever be able to work again."

He looked at Sherry and then said, "Sherry, shut up! Just shut up for a few!"

She looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe he would say something like that to her, not after how he had been so sweet and kind to her that morning and on the way down. He was extremely firm with her at that moment!

"Sherry, what I do in all likelihood, is something that could be looked at in two entirely different ways. I should have not approached this whole situation in the way I did. It was like dropping a big bomb on you and that obviously wasn't fair to you."

She didn't agree or disagree; she just listened.

"Anyways Sherry, what occurred today is something I have been doing for almost 2 years now in one way or another. The reason this happens is something you may or may not comprehend. The reason I offer this opportunity is directly related to the consistent and ongoing support for our businesses and our economy. It provides a tool; a device that enables industries such as Jessica's to continue doing business. If it cannot sustain it's payments and goes into arrears, then in all likelihood, it's going to fold, isn't it? Isn't it Sherry?"

Sherry stopped all other thoughts running around in her mind. Sherry put her anger aside for a moment and started considering the viability of his actions. She thought to herself, "That's freakin' crazy! It's freakin' nuts! No one does that shit, no one does it!"

She didn't know what or how to respond to his ideas. She was perplexed and didn't want to recognize that it could be a very viable option, of course. Eventually though Lou would win her over. He would certainly win her over in more then a couple of ways.

"I'm going down to the store. You can either accept or reject my train of thought and my ideas Sherry. I'm going to leave you with one last thought for now. What I told you at lunch today and what was going on in my car on the way down here, I do not condone that kind of behavior or anything like that with just anyone. You must know and believe, what I told you is the absolute honest to God truth!" He walked out with his and her clothes at that point.

Sherry just stood there. She was completely confused. She had no idea how to process it all, nor did she have any inkling that she knew he was right. Finally, she walked around the room a little, and then began pacing back and forth before stopping at the picture window.

Everything she said, everything he said began processing. She started computing it all. For the first time in about 2 hours, a smile cracked her face. She realized she was enamored with Lou. Sherry determined what he had told her made sense. She figured it out that even though it was a ludicrous idea, that 'Sex in the City' was the way to go sometimes to enhance the economy. Yes, outrageous that it was, she began to understand he was doing what could be good for the economy.

"Oh my God, it's amazing that this could and does work, but he's right!" As she kept looking out at the torrential rain storm, she stood there in a house robe and pajama's and kept repeating to herself, similar responses! She was smiling more and more, accepting his theory. Her anger subsided. She was at ease now and had to apologize.

All of a sudden, the room phone rang and that she forgot to call Tom, her husband. She answered the room phone. It was Lou. "Hey what size are you anyways?"

She's thinking, "Like what the heck?" As a result, she answered him with, "What do you mean, what's my size? Lou, with this figure, I usually have to always try on the clothes, but don't worry; I'll be down and pick some stuff out."

He picked some clothes out for her and they were a perfect fit. She called Tom and explained her circumstances. He told her it was terrible up there too and there was a level two flood emergency out and no one should be out unless they had to be. It was agreed and she lied to him a little, that she was staying in Findlance for the evening then. She would call him later.

She was about to go down as Lou came in with some real nice outfits. As he opened the door, she saw that he was carrying three bags, one for himself and two for her.

Sherry didn't have that grumpy face. He saw that immediately. He was relieved instantly that he wouldn't have to deal with those issues any longer. He just knew she was over it. They would talk about that later.

"I bought you a couple of outfits Sherry and including some, umm underwear and stuff. I really hope you don't mind that I did. Here, if you would like to try them on, feel free to do so."

Sherry was impressed that he would try. Tom doesn't even try to do that. It was always difficult for Tom. "Awww Lou, it's nice that you tried but I'm sure I am going to have to go and fit myself for clothing. Thank you anyways, I appreciate it."

He instantly saw that there wasn't any friction between them now. He saw that she wasn't upset at all any longer. He was relieved that he didn't have to defend his actions any more.

"Sherry, try them on anyways. I'm going to bet you my next paycheck that you will be impressed at my selections. I guarantee it.

What Sherry didn't know was that the woman in the store saw everything. She saw Lou with Loretta in the state patrolwoman's car. She saw Sherry pull in afterwards and hop out and rush to the elevator.

Myrna the shopkeeper evaluated both his and hers' sizes as they each came in the hotel. Hence, when Lou came down in his 'outfit', she already prepared to fit each correctly and appropriately ahead of time. She was right on the money.

Sherry smiled, came, took the two bags, and headed to her room. Each fit extraordinarily well. She was delighted at his capability to dress her and not even know her size. This brought back that initial attraction she originally had towards Lou. She tried on everything, including the peach colored underwear he bought for her and she left them on for his sake.

Putting her pajamas back, on and not the robe this time, her bosoms bounced around inside of her pajama top. She knew he would like the bouncing around feature. She was going to try him out, similar to her initial intention at lunch. It was 5:30pm now and each was becoming extremely hungry.

He bought some jeans, a designer pullover, and some more boxers, called his family and talked to them. Of course it was agreed, he wasn't coming home either due to the storm. He became happier, because Sherry was happier and a little snuggle fest was coming their way and maybe something much more intimate.

Sherry walked out in her pajamas and Lou was already on the couch with the TV turned on and a menu in his hand. He didn't hear her walk out. She just walked up next to him and stood there for a couple of seconds as she stared at his shoulders, his hair and thought about sliding her hands side to side and down his chest.

Then she just did what she thought about doing. He cracked a smile now on his face. "That's nice Sherry; it's a real nice feeling having your hands on me like that. Care to sit down and cuddle some with me?" He didn't know she was in her pajamas.

Without saying yes, she circled around to the front of the couch and simply nestled herself almost right up next to his side. She turned to him, smiled, and only said thank you.

"Thank you for...?" he asked her. He didn't catch what she meant right away.

".. For the clothes, silly. For the clothes, you bought. They fit perfectly. So perfectly, I am very impressed."

He looked at Sherry. "I have to confess something. I didn't pick these out; I had help. The woman in the shop saw us and figured out our sizes. She easily figured out our sizes when we came in she told me. Since we were soaking wet, she hoped that we might come and do a little shopping."

"Well Lou, it worked out, didn't it. I'm satisfied and you did well either way with openly offering to buy me clothes. You didn't have to do that." Sherry scooted right next to Lou, looked him in the face and put her hand on his chest and rubbed it some more.

Then Lou turned to his right and faced her dead on. He had a warm smile or glow on him. One arm reached around her left side shoulder as his right hand reached between her backside and the couch and he pulled her right up against himself.

He slid his left hand up behind her head and brought her whole body into his, he just began kissing her tenderly, and she let him.

Her lips were vacuumed into his and his mouth, and heavy breathing was heard instantly as she became addicted by this handsome man, this heart throbbing man. She was consumed by his ability to kiss and overwhelm her emotions!

Heat rushed through her. Her face and cheeks were flushed. Her chest became heavier with desire. There lips moved around and around as her tongue slid into his mouth, searching out his and finally tapping into it.

Lou was engrossed by the woman and her whole being. Her features were so unique he thought as he kissed her. He loved the petit nature of her upper body contradicted by her relatively voluptuous breasts. He had never known a woman personally to carry such adorable and sexually attractive traits about her.