Crossing That Line


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With the mask in place he stood back and on a whim took another round of digital photos. Then turning the video cameras on he walked up to the bed and for 30 minutes he ran the crop slowly over her entire body. She became hyper sensitized to the touch of the leather as it stroked her pussy and most especially her nipples. Her naturally hard nipples were over the top erect and thrusting as he toyed with them. The first of the session's orgasms happened when he used the handle of the crop to probe and then fully penetrate her vagina. She convulsed spastically as he rubbed the quivering little clit with the head of his cock.

Primed by the evenings experiences, Rolf finally ran his cock into her pussy and she moaned in appreciation. With all of the pent up emotion of the night Rolf aggressively fucked in and out of her as she fought the restraints fruitlessly. Regardless of her pleasure he powered through to a massive orgasm that blasted into her puss. This triggered her own climax as could be determined by the noises making their way around the ball gag and her almost purple face and flop sweat perspiration.

Pulling out of her, Rolf wiped his cock off using her hair and went to the mini bar for another shot of Makers Mark. Deciding he needed ice and a change of pace he walked back to the bed. She looked at him now relaxed and moved her hips suggestively as if silently begging for more attention. Rolf detached her ball gag and the first words out of her mouth were

"How may I please my Master?"

"Good answer girl. I am pleased so far with your responses to my simple needs and want to move onto the next phase of the evening."

One by one he unfastened her restraints and she stretched her limbs to get her circulation moving again.

"Position Two"

Quickly she moved off the bed and assumed the Gorian slave girl position. Rolf looked down at Janet's position and posture and found nothing to correct unlike the first few times she had attempted it. Sitting at his feet, legs to the rear, thighs spread, hands with palms up resting on thighs, torso erect, breasts thrust forward and eyes on Master looking for direction.

"Good posture girl. I am going to allow you to clean up again and then I want to see a demonstration of the Gorian dance routine you have allegedly learned. But first, we need ice so kindly fetch it now."

Without hesitation Janet leapt to her feet and taking the indicated bucket, left the room. Rolf let the door lock and waited patiently. She was gone for almost five minutes and then he heard a knock on the door. He took his time answered and opened it with the chain on.

"Can I help you."

"Yes sir, I have your ice. I had to go down one floor to find the machine."

"Did you encounter anyone?"

"Just a young man. He just watched me get the ice with his mouth open. I smiled politely and he just froze."

"Well, you might as well come in."

Rolf took the chain off and Janet came in the room.

"I will make you a drink as a reward for your efforts. Your garb is in the bathroom. Clean up and make yourself appealing. I will expect you out here promptly. There will be a reward if you take less than 15 minutes."

Rolf made two drinks and added an ecstasy tablet to hers. He opened the bathroom door without warning and handed Janet her glass.

"Drink up little one. There will be another awaiting you if you don't delay."

With a minute to spare Janet emerged from the bathroom and proudly walked to the center of the room. She had made her face up with exaggerated eye shadow and was wearing a costume that was layers of various gauzes and silks and with the appropriate costume jewelry gave the impression of a harem dancing girl.

Rolf started a digital recording of traditional Mid Eastern dance music and after downing the shot he gave her, she began her dance. Janet had learned the dance well and sensuously moved her hips as she danced, her eyes never leaving his. She used all the tricks learned in her belly dancing class but threw in a striptease of her own invention.

Rolf sat sipping his drink and watched the beauty slowly revealing her perfect body little by little. Her eyes reflected the fact that not only was she turned on by the dance but that the EX was working. Her eyes were fixated on the large erect cock standing proud from Master's lap and she felt her pussy grow even wetter. Finally the last garment floated to the carpet and she was between his legs begging to be allowed to suck his rampant cock. He nodded his approval and she went to it. Her delectable mouth and tongue worked on him until she could tell he was about to come.

"Can this miserable slave climb on you lap so that she can capture Master's cum in her pussy? This slave loves it when Master's cock pulses inside her and spews his sweet cum into her worthless cunt."

"Go for it bitch."

Eagerly she scrambled onto his lap and expertly guided his cock into her pussy. She took him in and slid down to the root and could feel his long cock pressing against her cervix. Working her kegels she milked him until he grasped her butt in a viselike grip as he spewed. They stayed in place with him still firm within her and slowly she started to move up and down on him again. One of his thumbs found her clit and when it popped out like a little pencil eraser he grasped it between thumb and forefinger and masturbated her to one and then two and then three short but intense orgasms. She clung to him as if she were taking her dying breath before slowly relaxing her grip. With tears of joy she rained kisses on his face and neck and then, with permission, on his mouth. The kiss they shared was much more like long time lovers than Master and Slave but it couldn't be helped because the emotion of the moment was so intense.

After resting for a moment Rolf reasserted the master role.

"Enough of this tenderness girl. Clean me up with your mouth and then clean yourself for bed. I have decided to allow you to sleep with me rather than on the floor. However, if you are restless I will boot you out to sleep in the bathtub."

The night passed without the need for further discipline and they slept as if they were all fucked out. The night passed conventionally but by morning she needed to be punished for whispering that she loved him. With her hands handcuffed behind her back he fucked her to two orgasms as she was draped over the end of the couch.

After she promised to be good he allowed her to douche, shower and do her morning routine before the planned activities of the day. He read the morning papers and ate his room service breakfast while waiting for Janet ready herself. Finally she emerged from the bathroom and asked about clothing.

"Well if it were up to me I would just have you naked and in heels but we would probably be arrested for starting a riot. Therefore I have selected the blouse and skirt on the bed and some comfortable shoes because we will be doing a lot of walking."

"Sir may I ask a question please?"


"Could I possibly wear panties this morning? I am draining semen quite profusely and will need a panty liner for a couple hours. I will go without if you wish but I don't want to embarrass you with cum running down my legs."

"OK wear panties but you know I will have to make some sort of public show of disposing of your undergarment later."

"Understood and thank you sir."

The morning was spent at the Art Museum mostly looking at and critiquing various nude studies. Rolf repeatedly and loudly compared various elements of Janet's anatomy with the art on display. Lunch was at a little bistro and of course Rolf played the 'show Janet's breasts and undies' on the table game. The difference was that they had a male waiter and he really got off on Janet's display. He leered blatantly when Rolf told Janet to expose her breasts and especially when Rolf told her to pull on her nipples for the waiter. When he commented on how the panties had a really strong aroma Janet blushed and tried to cover her face but Rolf stopped her.

"Yes they do young man. You see she was leaking my cum so badly this morning that she needed a panty liner in these undies. Sorry but she disposed of the liner but if you are really into those things she can go to the ladies room and see of she can retrieve it from the trash."

That afternoon Rolf took her to a high end dress shop and had her try on dozens of formal gowns. There were a number of styles but their only common denominator was that they all showed off Janet's cleavage quite blatantly. In fact, Rolf explicitly told the sales woman to only let her try on very sexy garments. The one Rolf finally picked fit her like a second skin and was so deeply cut that unless she kept her back straight she was in danger of exposing a nipple or more. It did however look absolutely fabulous.

By late afternoon they were back at the hotel in Rolf's room.

"Strip now, then lay down on the bed and masturbate to orgasm."

Janet quickly stripped off her blouse and skirt and laid down on the bed with her feet on the floor. Rolf sat on the desk chair positioned between her legs and watched as her long fingers gently parted the lips of her labia to expose her well used clit. With the ease of countless previous visits her middle finger slowly toyed with the little pearl. Then, while one hand caressed a nipple she rotated the little man faster and faster until suddenly with a shudder she gave a little gasp and came.

Janet's beautiful tits were heaving with the exertion of her masturbation. Rolf loved to watch a woman's body when it was flushed with sexual satisfaction and this was no exception. After a moment when she had gotten her breathing under control he spoke.

"Here is the plan for the evening. You have 90 minutes to bathe, fix your hair and do your makeup for tonight. You will be wearing the dress and shoes I purchased today. I would suggest a douche and a soak in the tub to reinvigorate your pussy. The limo will be at the front door at 7:15 promptly so I suggest you get moving.

There was a shower that was separate from the tub in which Janet luxuriated and so Rolf showered, shaved and did his own 5 minute prep while she played. Dressing early he worked on his computer and watched the news while she prepped. At 6:55 a gorgeous naked vision appeared in the room and Rolf helped her drop the gown over her bare body without messing her hair. No undergarments tonight. The matching shoes completed the dressing. Rolf then opened a small case and removed several bracelets, earrings and a diamond pendant which immediately brought one's attention to the valley between her firm breasts. From a garment bag he then removed a Mink cape which perfectly complimented her dress.

He then took several more pictures of Janet in her finery before they exited the room to meet their limo. Thus began a night of elegant dining, dancing and cabaret entertainment in three different establishments. The limo remained in their area all night and picked them up and took them to each new venue. The one common denominator was that in every establishment Janet was the center of attention. Rolf saw to it that they were always seated where she would be visible to as many patrons as possible. She was the perfect image of feminine beauty and sexuality. Despite the sexual wringer she had been put through in the last 24 hours, she was the picture of classical beauty.

No matter where they went, every man wanted fuck her. She luxuriated in the attention and Rolf was especially happy with his creation. It was he who had unleashed the pent up sexuality in Janet and he was pleasantly satisfied. He was even more satisfied knowing how much he was going to enjoy putting this bitch through her paces under discipline later tonight.

Confirming for himself his complete domination of her he reached into her cleavage and brought one of her perfect breasts out so that he could toy with the nipple while a waiter was serving a round of drinks. Acknowledging her subservient position she smiled suggestively and commented.

"Oh Sir, I so love it when you play with my nipples. Would you like me to suck on your cock now or would you prefer waiting until we are in the limo?"

"I think I'll wait. I just wanted to show your tit to this nice waiter. What do you think Steve?"

"Very nice sir. Probably the best I have seen here in years. You are a lucky man sir, I envy you."

"I can assure you that luck had very little to do with me getting my hands on these luscious tits but thank you for your observations."

True to his word, the limo ride back to the hotel was spent with her on her knees sucking his cock as he played with her tits. As they came to a stop in front of the hotel he allowed her to put the girls away for the moment as they entered the lobby and walked to the elevator. Once aboard Janet on her own initiative shrugged the dress from her shoulders and watched as it piled in a heap at her feet. Gracefully bending over she picked it up and asked politely if Rolf could carry it for her. She then stood proudly facing the front so that if the door opened, she would be the first thing viewed.

Unfortunately no one was waiting at their floor but just as they got to the door of their suite, two couples emerged from a room just down the hall and came their way. Rolf stopped opening the door and turned to the people passing by. The people couldn't take their eyes off of Janet and she did a slow turn for them so they could see all angles of her body and said

"Good evening. And how has your evening been going?"

The male of the couple started to respond but an obvious wife grabbed his elbow and hurried the party along.

"Nice touch my dear slut. Now stay here a moment and I will get the ice bucket for you to fill."

For the next three hours Rolf ran Janet ragged. She was a woman of enormous sexual energy but when Rolf brought out the Sybian machine he almost blew out her orgasm circuits. He held her down on the vibrating pad until she had so many orgasms that she was sobbing with tears running down her cheeks. Several strict bondage sessions with lite flogging and other disciplines were alternated with actual fucking and rounded a very long evening.

When she literally could take no more he made her clean up the sex toys and then ran a steaming tub for them to soak in. Candles filled the bathroom with a soft light and he toyed with her ringed nipples in the sudsy water. Almost falling asleep several times he finally relented and allowed her to dry off and go to bed. Because she had pleased him tonight, she was again allowed to sleep curled up in his arms.

Morning came about at 10:00 and with check out at 11:00, Rolf organized Janet to clean up and pack the remainder of his toys and video equipment. He gathered their other belongings and after a quick breakfast of room service food he sent her to retrieve her car from her work parking lot. Luckily she saw no-one she recognized because Rolf had her dressed in sandals, ultra short shorts and a sleeveless and braless tee.

Approaching her suburban home, he pulled out her opener and pressed the button revealing an empty two car garage.

"Park inside on the left. We will be fucking in this house until I have to leave for my plane at 5:00 PM. We will attempt to initiate every horizontal surface in the building that I feel like so that your cuckold husband will smell our presence in every room."

Breaking only for a mid afternoon snack they did just that. Janet felt bad about messing up her husband's beautiful home but what's a girl to do when Master demands? Rolf started them in the kitchen and then proceeded to make sure their commingled juices made it onto every table, couch and easy chair on the first floor. Quick initiating shots in the bathrooms, utility and office before heading up up to the Master Suite. He made sure to shoot his first load in the Master Bed and then rubbed their juices all over the bathroom. She came indiscriminately wherever they went but was pushed over the top in the Guest Bedroom. Before getting out the restraints they had a hurriedly prepared lunch that Janet had thrown together from bread out of the freezer and packaged lunch meat. Topped off with some hearty shots of Maker's Mark it was the perfect lunch in bed.

For the balance of the afternoon until Rolf had his scheduled 5:00 Uber pick up, he worked on her body in the guest bed. He used the restraints but really didn't need them because she had submitted so completely that she had no will of her own left. By 4:30 she had come so many times that she had completely lost count. She was a mindless husk of femininity. If the truth be told, after another stem winding orgasm himself he was all fucked out but of course his persona would never allow an admission like that.

As he cleaned up and dressed she lay naked and completely wiped out.

"Janet I will be honest with you. You are a nice little submissive fuck toy. You were fun at the beginning of this weekend but you have lost the spunk or resistance I like in a slave. I suspect that you just like the fucking so much that you'll do anything to get the kind of variety that I offer. I have therefore decided to either move on or gift you to a Master that will torment you and force you to perform even harder. I will need your thoughts on this matter in my private email account within a fortnight. With that, Good Bye oh and remember to show off the wear and tear on your body to your dear husband. As you know he has been fucking my cunt wife all weekend."

Without a touch or even a kiss Rolf left her on the bed in many ways thankful the weekend was over. She was completely wasted and she didn't know how much more of Rolf she could have taken. Perhaps her next lover needed to be a little more gentle. But, after all, the sex had been over the top. As she heard the down stairs door close and Rolf's Uber leave the drive way, she forced herself to get up because of her husband's impending return. She made a basic clean up in the bathroom and following his instructions, did not dress.. After just starting the cursory pick up of the first floor she received her husband's text and she hurried to find his favorite glasses and liquor. She had just sat down at the kitchen table when he came in the door.

She wondered how Robert was going to react when he saw the condition she was in.

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Racerman1969gsRacerman1969gs10 months ago

This goes against nature. Men, even animals don't like sharing their mates.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Now these days such bdsm looks like infantile kindergarten play. It was laughable. It shows the age the tale teller is caught in.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pathetic excuse of a cuck story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, hubby’s reaction?! Depends on how much of a cuck is crawling under his skin.

Swapping, hot wife, affairs and bdsm won‘t ring in my fart barrel but hey, I’m an open minded one. Live and let die. Although there are some lines not to be overstepped.

Totally disrespectful and disgusting to filth the house whit their sex marks, especially the kitchen. Sick.

I will not go to why or if this marriage survives or works or whatever. To superficial the plot and could care less for the characters.

Two to three.


Rocket081960Rocket081960almost 2 years ago

Total crap. A very sorry-assed bait and switch. Label your garbage correctly. What a huge waste of my time.

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

This is not a marriage that can survive.

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 2 years ago

I'd like to know how the husband did with the other wife.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesalmost 2 years ago

Not my cup of tea but well done. Five stars. Obviously, many of the readers don't understand this type of arrangement. Robert and Janet are just a couple they don't understand and will never take the time to understand. Trite to say, but "Different Strokes for Different Folks!" Not everyone likes vanilla pudding. Robert and Janet are not a vanilla pudding couple. Rolf supplies their favorite pudding.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Somehow I missed the chain of discussions and decisions that led the wife to being some asshole's eager cum slut. And all this whoring is supposed to make their marriage better? I mean, there really are people who think the earth is flat; they have at least one organization and conferences and supposedly are otherwise functioning human beings. But that they exist is just curious, not interesting. The characters you create in this story are about as believable as the flat earthers. I don't think being real and fucked up is any different than being fictional and fucked up. And fucked up people end up living fucked up lives. Maybe you'll write that inescapable sequel to this story. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

hopeless story

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