Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 03 Ch. 03


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"Yeah, she did some of that yesterday, but not in as much. When I was working on her then, I tried to do to her what she had done to me, so I used my finger on her. My finger went in all the way and she obviously liked it, so I left it in. I did the same thing today and it seemed to trigger her climax. She hadn't gotten into me all the way yesterday but, as you said, she did today. I have no idea why I liked it - either doing it to her or having her doing it to me - but it really did feel good. We...we both licked each other back there and I liked that, too. Weird, but it felt good and was exciting!"

"Well, if it works, it works. I'll have to include that into my repertoire as see if a male finger does as well! Are you going to let her know that you actually were involved or keep it an enhanced Judy memory?"

"I want her to know that I was involved, so I will let her remember it tomorrow. I think that it will be a more powerful memory for her than the old one with Judy. The only reason that I dampened it down is that I didn't want her to appear completely 'cured' if they have sex tonight. That wasn't too ethical, but I did it anyway! More guilt!"

The conversation went on for quite a long time, ending with that second fucking referred to. They were both looking forward to Sicily and Mt. Etna tomorrow, but tomorrow night wasn't far behind in their thinking!

After returning from their excursion into Catania and its majestic volcano, Matt spent some time with paperwork making sure that the cruise director's office had all of the records needed for billing. When he returned, he found Katie relaxed on their balcony. After sitting there hardly talking, Matt finally turned to her and asked, "What's on your mind, honey? You've been very quiet since I got back. Doing some deep thinking? Cindy on your mind?"

"That was an easy guess, wasn't it? She called while you were gone and we're meeting them for dinner and I've been agonizing about how I should handle things tonight. I've been trying to decide what to do about her fantasies - and 'should' and 'shouldn't' come into it again."

"My heavens, I thought that you had given up on that with her! We talked that all over last night and you seemed to have no problem with having sex with her. She liked it and you certainly liked it, I most certainly approve, so what's the new hang-up?"

"Well, there's a new element which I haven't discussed with you. You heard Cindy and me talking about her Lyle fantasies and that they aren't working. She needs those to go along with her Judy memories to provide the excitement that will help when they're screwing and the physical sensation isn't enough - which probably is the normal situation after being married for fifteen years. The question is how to revive those fantasies so they will work for her as they have in the past before her hysterectomy. This is where the 'should-shouldn't' problem arises.

"She and I had sex, me being Judy, two days ago and it seemed to work, for she certainly had an orgasm. I could have left it there or, better, repeated the experience and that probably would have fixed that problem. Instead, I deliberately suggested that we make it more 'real' which is what we did yesterday. To be honest, I did that solely because I wanted her to have sex with me, Katie, not Judy! That was a great big 'shouldn't', but I broke all of my rules to do it! I still feel guilty about doing that, but I'm not sorry I did, and I'm going to do it again tonight!

"Now, back to Lyle. She has two primary fantasies with variations. My problem is how to get them to arouse her again. I think that, under hypnosis, I could go through the fantasies step by step and get them to excite her again just as I did with Judy. There's another way, however, and I've been battling with my conscience ever since last night. I'm afraid that I'm giving in to another 'shouldn't.'

"You heard Cindy and me agreeing that the way to revive her Lyle fantasies is to make them more real. I made her Judy fantasy memory real by having actual sex with her and it became a Katie-Judy memory that really worked. As it happens, all of her Lyle fantasies involve a cock which I lack. Therefore, if we make those fantasies 'real,' the only cock available is yours!"

Matt stared at her, totally speechless, having had no inkling of where Katie's thoughts were heading. Finally, the reality of what she was suggesting soaked in and he was able to respond. "My god, are you saying that I can have sex with her? Maybe fuck her?"

"I can't believe that I'm saying this, but yes. I'm not sure about fucking, but you certainly can do a lot as she lives her fantasy."

"Wow, I was happy just to see her naked and I was going to ask if there was a way that I could feel her, but I didn't even think of going past that!"

"That's why I fought the 'should-shouldn't' battle in my head. I knew that if I even suggested the possibility you would jump at the chance. I'm rationalizing the idea by thinking that it will bring her fantasies to life and help her - actually, help both of them. Anyway, as I said, she has two main fantasies and, if you are willing - that's what I call a sure thing! - we'll do the lesser one tonight and see how it goes."

"I'll check my social schedule and see if I can fit it in! Now, just what is this particular fantasy I'm going to help with?"

For the next half-hour or so, Katie described in detail the fantasy which they were going to work on that evening and she discussed the scenario that they should follow. Matt listened as his role was described and he accepted that part with great enthusiasm. "Being Lyle is not as good as being Tony, but it certainly sounds like fun! I'll do my best to make her fantasy memorable!"

They had dinner with Richard and Cindy and received Richard's effusive gratitude for the improvement in Cindy's libido. "She's not all the way back yet, but she thinks that sessions tonight and tomorrow may bring the full cure. Katie, you're a marvel! I can't believe how lucky we were to choose this particular ship and cruise!" Katie accepted his thanks and praise with grace, but couldn't help speculate on his reaction if he knew what her therapy had entailed and what would be occurring in the sessions tonight and tomorrow! Still, his gratitude eased some of the residual guilt she felt.

After finishing dinner, Richard excused himself to go to the casino. Yesterday, while at the casino when Katie and Cindy were having sex, he had entered a three-day Texas Hold'em poker tournament in which he was doing well. Cindy, as planned, went to their stateroom and got her bathing suit and coverup and rejoined Katie and Matt in their suite - although she wasn't aware that he was there. He watched very closely, very, very closely, as the two women undressed and prepared to put on their bathing suits. Before they did so however, Katie put Cindy into a post-hypnotic trance by saying her magic word, "jasmine."

"Cindy, you will remember all that we did yesterday, including my role in it. You and I made love which made your memory of Judy more real."

Cindy was immediately aware of everything that had occurred between them and responded, "Oh, Katie, that was wonderful! Judy was so long ago and it was fun, but I'll never forget yesterday!" She moved over and embraced Katie and began kissing her. Katie kissed back with great enthusiasm and moved the two of them over to the bed. They lay back on the bed and began fondling and feeling each other. Hands roamed over bodies, squeezing tits, exploring cunts, even probing assholes. Very little was said until Cindy, looking at Katie's tits, gasped out, "Oh my, Katie, did I put those marks on your breasts? They're all over!"

"Yes, dear, you did all of that! I was careful not to mark you up because Richard would have wondered what we were doing in these sessions!"

"Good heavens, I'm sorry! Did...did Matt see them - did he say anything?"

"Of course he saw them, honey, but he knows what we're doing and it's fine with him. Put another one on me if you want to."

"Matt knows about this - about us?"

"Of course he does! This is therapy and he understands that."

"Well, ok, I guess." Suddenly she giggled. "In that case, I'll add a few more marks because it will be therapeutic for me!" With that, her lips fastened on an unmarked spot above Katie's left nipple and sucked vigorously, leaving a new and very obvious hickey. She moved to a similar spot on the right tit and repeated the action. Raising up and looking down at her handiwork, she giggled again and said, "There! He won't be able to miss those! They say, 'Cindy was here!'"

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liz33ndliz33ndalmost 3 years ago

very erotic extention. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You're on a roll...

Keep going. The possibilities from here are endless!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More of the same

More of the same in the story, and my comments also.

That Matt is going to have sex with Cindy as Lyle... Ok... So what's new.

I don't know why it is so important for me to read about Katie getting fucked by another guy, but I can't enjoy Matt getting every pussy, if she can't get some cock.

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