Cuckold Couples Therapy Ch. 02

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Couple struggling with their circumstances.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/19/2022
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David was acutely aware of the unrestrained undulations of Deanna's breasts under her sweater dress as he drove his extra cab, Toyota Tacoma up the gravel road that lead to his parent's ranch. She had the seat leaned all of the way back so she could snooze during the hours long drive to the hinterland. He didn't begrudge her the sleep. She had worked extra hours at the hospital after her normal, twelve hour shift so she could get Christmas Eve off. She'd been exhausted when she picked him up at the airport. She had been on duty since midnight. He had slept during the series of military and commercial flights from a location that he was not at liberty to reveal.

Like most of the few women that David encountered whenever he returned to civilization, his normally demure wife had apparently gotten into the habit of going braless during the pandemic. He couldn't be certain because he was normally home only every third weekend. However; instead of her now seemingly habitual hospital scrubs, she was wearing a tacky Christmas sweater dress along with a pair of thigh high socks that he had given her years ago, when she picked him up at the airport. As the hem of her dress had ridden higher and higher during the drive East on Interstate Eighty-four, first her stocking tops then her red pubic hair had been revealed to his furtive gazes. He was not surprised to see that she'd gone commando again. The sight evoked memories of the collection of vintage, Penthouse magazines that he had discovered in his uncle's garage back when he was an adolescent.

The evolution of Deanna's attire really wasn't that remarkable. First the plague then the Ukraine war, then the abortive war in the western Pacific had stripped away many of the pretensions of propriety that had once dominated so many peoples' lives. People were far more concerned about survival.

Although President Biden's infamous press conference had been carefully choreographed and rehearsed, he'd screwed it up, royally. It had been the greatest diplomatic blunder, ever. Biden had even surpassed April Glaspie whose assurances to Iraq that the United States didn't have any position on that country's border dispute with Kuwait had emboldened Saddam Hussein to invade. Of course April Glaspie's FUBAR had only resulted in the First Gulf War, the nine-eleven terrorist attacks, the Afghanistan Forever War, the Second Gulf War, the endless occupation of Iraq, and the rise of wars against ISIS and ISIL.

Although he understood on an intellectual level that there should be no serious danger, habit compelled David to check the reading on the Geiger counter that he had Velcroed to the dashboard. Thanks to his connections, it was a military grade radiation meter. He had of course downloaded an app to his smartphone that transformed the imaging chip for the camera into an expedient Geiger counter. He had also constructed a couple of expedient radiation meters out of tin cans, Aluminum foil and fishing line just to ensure that he could do it in the most desperate emergency. Of course he kept his original copies of NUCLEAR WAR SURVIVAL SKILLS and Bruce Clayton's LIFE AFTER DOOMSDAY close at hand. Clayton had been gracious enough to offer an exemption to his copyright in the event of a nuclear war, but newly printed copies had become the best seller on Amazon.

When the war in Ukraine went bad for the allies, Biden in a fit of senile imbecility had escalated to limited nuclear strikes. Nutty Nancy Pelosi and Upchuck Schumer had even endorsed using nukes. The nuclear strikes might not have remained quite so limited if President Edrogen of Turkey hadn't seized control over the cache of nukes at the Incirlik airbase. Vladimir Putin's vengeance had been remarkably restrained. Russia had primarily targeted Kyiv and other cities in Western Ukraine as well as Warsaw. Germany had eagerly withdrawn from NATO and declared itself neutral when Putin threatened to nuke Berlin. All of America's other European allies had jumped from the sinking ship. Aside from the low yield tactical nukes employed against Langley and the Pentagon, the only city in the United States to get nuked had been San Francisco. Edrogen had nuked a Russian battlecruiser patrolling the Black Sea just to prove that he had defeated the Permissive Action Links on the nukes that he had seized from the United States and to deter any retaliation against Ankara. Nuclear War Two might have continued to escalate if President Harris hadn't yielded to the ultimatum to literally get down on her knees to appease Vladimir Putin on a live television broadcast. It had been the only Presidential duty that she was truly qualified for.

The total megatonnage detonated by both sides of the Ukraine War hadn't even equaled the Tsar bomb test much less all of the nukes that had been detonated before above ground nuclear tests had been banned. The global fallout had been trivial, and of course the shorter lived fission products had quickly decayed during the first few seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks. The limited nuclear exchanges that had resulted from China exploiting the Ukraine debacle as an engraved invitation to invade Taiwan hadn't been that much worse. Japan and South Korea had been content to merely demonstrate that they had covert nuclear arsenals and they had both been wise enough to target North Korea. President Harris had been compelled to once again get down on her knees, this time to appease President Xi, to avert further escalation Nuclear War Three.

The prospect of seeing their children again after half a year of isolation excited David. Given Deanna's job treating Covidvirus patients, they had both agreed that sending their kids off to live with their grandparents was a wise precaution. The kids had relished spending the summer riding horses and driving tractors to help their grandparents run the ranch. Everyone had agreed that the kids should stay at the ranch when the Ukraine war went nuclear.

David was acutely aware that Deanna was ambivalent about the prospect of once again sharing a bed with her husband after another three weeks of presumably sleeping alone. As the first few weeks of lockdowns had stretched into months, the tensions between them had gotten worse and worse. Having the children home all of the time had discouraged them from fully exploiting the time together. Their sex life had been the most obvious causality. Sending the kids away had helped, but for only a few weeks. They had both been relieved when David's business travels resumed because of rather than in spite of the restrictions that would prevent him from being home more often than every third weekend. Ironically, his absences seemed to have made her heart grow fonder. However; they had also been recently reminded of the potential consequences.

Thinking about Deanna's reticence during his last visit home inspired David to reach down to cautiously caress her pubic mound. When she didn't rouse to object, he slipped his hand down the loose, low cut neckline of her dress to furtively fondle her naked breasts. He felt his penis stirring with hopeful anticipation. It was Christmas Eve. It was their tradition that Santa would always cum down Deanna's chimney on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately; the fear that Deanna might be offended if she awakened to discover that her husband was taking liberties without her consent deterred David from continuing to fondle her breasts. He withdrew his hand from her neckline. In an effort to distract himself, he focused his attention on the blowing snow.

Unlike Deanna who had been raised in the of Willamette valley where snow was an infrequent catastrophe because it was so infrequent, he had grown up in the mountainous interior where heavy snows were just a normal part of winter. He'd mastered driving in snow before he had even became a teenager. David enjoyed driving through the virgin snow that must have been a foot deep. He was free to savor the sight of the snow covered landscape that was revealed whenever the storm abated.

David reached down to covertly caress Deanna's pubic mound again. When he felt her getting moist, he inserted one finger then two to probe for her clit then her gee shot. Her drowsy moaning gave him hope that this visit, she would not refuse him.

Even in the almost white out, David could not have missed the turn off to the driveway that led to the main ranch compound that was nestled in a bowl shaped valley that was "only" a few hundred acres. His family's ranch sprawled out over thousands of acres of grain and hay fields, pastures and forests. They drove past wintering paddocks with their feed bunks, watering troughs and loafing sheds lining the driveway, then the hay sheds, grain silos, machine sheds and shops towards the spectacular log lodge that David had helped his father build when he was barely a teenager.

David felt himself becoming enraged when he noted that most of the paddocks were empty. Government agents had been requisitioning beef, allegedly to feed the disadvantaged, again. The normal procedure was to send out an entire platoon of heavily armed National Guardsman backed up by armored vehicles to appropriate vital supplies. David's family was willing and able to deal with cattle rustlers, but they were not yet willing to emulate Levoy Finnicum.

David exploited the legitimate need to awaken his wife as an excuse to fondle her breasts again. He was gentle and sensual about it rather than crude and rough. She was almost amused to discover that his hand was down her neckline when she finally roused. Unfortunately; she recognized where they were. She tilted her seat up which sort of compelled him to withdraw his hand then pulled the hem of her dress down so that she was decent.

David's dad and their two eldest children stampeded out of the lodge onto the porch to greet them. There were hugs all around with kisses for Deanna. It became obvious that Deanna realized that her father-in-law was noticing her somewhat inadequate attire, but he was trying to be a gentleman about it. There were plenty of hands to help them with their suitcases. It was obvious that David junior had finally entered the early stages of puberty. Dena was beginning to blossom.

The sound of a high pitched whoop alerted them to Debbie's approach. She was riding the big stallion that had sort of adopted her during her visit to the ranch during the previous, more idyllic summer. The horse and tween girl seemed to be melded into a Centaur as they jumped the rail fencing. Lodge pole pine had once again become the fencing of choice now that barbed wire was in such short supply.

As the stallion cantered up to them, David's gaze was drawn to the buttstock of the rifle that protruded from a scabbard lashed to the saddle. A casual observer might have mistaken the wooden stock as evidence of a politically correct rifle. It was in fact the stock of an M-1 Garand rifle. The thirty-ought-six, semiautomatic rifle had a magazine capacity of only eight rounds, but the larger caliber, far heavier bullets vastly outranged an AR-fifteen assault rifle. In the hands of an expert marksman or markswoman, it was vastly superior to an assault rifle in open country. Debbie had become an expert markswoman. His preteen daughter had killed armed looters on more than one occasion.

David's contemplation of Debbie's Garand reminded him of the Ruger Mini-fourteen that Deanna had stowed on the floor behind the rear seats. She suffered from no delusions that the Smith and Wesson thirty-nine-thirteen in her purse was anything more than just a self defense first aid kit. The Beretta ninety-two riding in a holster under David's left arm pit was a step up in firepower, but hardly a panacea. Stowing the rifle on the floor had been a reasonable compromise because it would be discreet but easily accessible if she encountered one of the roving mobs of mostly peaceful protestors during her safari through the People's Republic of Portland to get to the airport. The rifle was a stainless steel version of Ruger's Mini-fourteen complete with a reproduction of the original folding stock. It had once amused David to emulate Colonel Hannibal Smith. Now there was nothing amusing about the compact carbine. He opened the rear half door of his Tacoma to pull the rifle out, removed the thirty round magazine, folded the stock, then lifted the rear jump seat so he could stow the rifle in its customary place under the seat just in case they had passengers later.

Debbie was his only child who was still young enough that she wanted to greet her father with a kiss. David felt tears in his eyes as he hugged his youngest daughter, savoring the unadulterated affection. It was a stark contrast to the uneasy embrace that he had shared with her mother when she picked him up at the airport.

Hours later after a Christmas Eve supper, David found himself sneaking downstairs with Deanna to put the presents under the Christmas tree. He felt like Sidney Greenstreet in Christmas in Connecticut. Of course they didn't really have much to put under the tree. China would have stopped shipping to America even if President Harris hadn't attempted to salvage her dignity by imposing an import ban.

The Omicron variant that so many had hoped was the light at the end of the pandemic had mutated into the Xi variant. The metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel had morphed into the headlight of an oncoming train. Aside from obviously being far, far more lethal for Caucasians than for people of Asian or African ancestry, the new and improved virus had viciously ravaged people whose immune systems had been compromised by repeated doses of the vaccines. The death toll had passed ten million and was rapidly rising.

President Harris was now claiming that this latest, obviously weaponized variant hadn't been cooked up in a Chinese lab. She had been compelled to recant her earlier acknowledgement of reality and yield to President Xi's demand that she once again get down on her knees to apologize. About the only thing positive that people could say about the President was that her fellatio technique was excellent, no doubt from extensive practice during her youth and early career. She had even swallowed.

With their meager offerings placed under the tree, David led Deanna back upstairs. The fire in the woodstove had been damped down hours earlier, so it was chilly in the guest room. David struggled to conceal his elation when after changing into her nightgown, Deanna announced, "I'm keeping my socks on." However; he became dismayed as he watched her advancing the marker ring on her CycleBeads from the first white bead to the second.

David was elated to soon find himself under the covers with his head between Deanna's thighs. It was the first time in months that he had succeeded in bringing her to orgasm. He would have lingered if he hadn't been so desperate to actually fuck his wife. Unfortunately; when he positioned himself between her thighs he felt her hand fending off his penis as she glanced at her Cyclebeads. "It is to late in my cycle to be safe," she protested.

"It was to early in your cycle to be safe the last time I was home," David pleaded. "It is our tradition that Santa always cums down your chimney on Christmas Eve, even when we're trying to not have another baby."

"We shouldn't risk it," Deanna pleaded. "Not now when the world is so screwed up. The Harris administration is even talking about mandating abortions as well as mandating vaccinations. I can still get away with pretending to vaccinate myself, but there is no way that I would be able to conceal a swelling belly."

"You used to be eager to risk it just a few years ago. I can pull out if you insist. You know that you can trust me. You used to be willing to trust me no matter when you were in your cycle. You weren't an eager young bride at our wedding," David pleaded pathetically.

"Okay," Deanna agreed. "But you have to be careful."

David eagerly accepted the conditions that his wife had imposed on him. It had been two months since the last time that they had had sex. He had to be even more patient and persistent than usual as he gradually eased his penis inside her. As he began to thrust gently Deanna said, "just be careful and try to be quiet. Don't worry about me. You've already given me a nice orgasm."

Although Deanna's tacit acknowledgement that David would once again fail to bring her to orgasm with his penis was humiliating, he eagerly focused his attention on his own pleasure. He was acutely aware of her failure to wrap her thighs around his hips to lovingly embrace him. She also averted her lips from his kisses.

Resigned to Deanna's unenthusiastic response, David continued to thrust more frantically. After remaining celibate for so long, he didn't last long. He was so overwhelmed by his pent up frustrations that he barely managed to withdraw in time to squirt his semen into Deanna's pubic hair rather than spilling his seed safely on her belly or breasts which were his usual target.

"Damn it! I warned you that you needed to be careful," Deanna cursed uncharacteristically.

"I'm sorry," David pleaded pathetically.

Deanna glanced at her CycleBeads. The sight of the marker ring on only the second, white bead calmed her. "Fortunately; I'm still early enough in my cycle that I probably would be safe even if you hadn't pulled out. We got away with being a bit reckless more than a few times back when we were engaged," she struggled to assure herself as she pulled the hem of her nightgown down to her knees. She then yielded to her fatigue and anger by rolling over to go to sleep.

Fortunately; the sight of the sun rising over snow covered mountains banished Deanna's anger. Their second lovemaking was relaxed rather than frantic. David suckled at Deanna's breasts until he felt the gentle pressure of her hands on his head, urging him lower. David noticed the dried semen in Deanna's pubic hair, but that didn't dissuade him. It was far from the first time that she hadn't cleaned up before round two. One of her text books from medical school had mentioned that traces of semen remained in a woman's vagina for over a day after having intercourse even if she bathed. However; it had been a few years since David had been up for round two so soon. David didn't allow the aroma and flavor of his own semen to dissuade him from making sweet love to his wife. His lips and tongue lavished love on her labia and clitoris until she climaxed. He then plunged his tongue deep into her sex to find her gee spot so he could bring her to another, far more prolonged orgasm.

Deanna didn't protest when David repositioned himself between her thighs. As he rubbed his penis in her pubic hair to lubricate it with dried semen dissolved in saliva she admonished him, "just be more careful this time. I agreed that three is enough," she reminded him.

David's love making was far more gentle and generous this second time. He was far more focused on her pleasure rather than his own. He carefully adjusted his position and angle in an effort to please her. Unfortunately; his efforts were futile.

Eventually; Deanna became frustrated and pushed David away. However; she soon squeezed her big breasts together to offer him the loving embrace of her deep cleavage. David eagerly accepted. It wasn't long before he was shooting his load onto her sternum.

Deanna apologized as David rolled off of her, "I don't know what is wrong with me. Maybe it would help if we could have sex more often."

"It would help if you wouldn't insist on abstinence when you're in the middle of your cycle. There was a time when you were eager to trust me to pull out," David suggested with undisguised resentment.

"Back then, it was a question of when, not if I wanted to get pregnant," Deanna reminded her husband.

"You were willing to trust me after we got engaged," David reminded his wife.