Cuckolding: The Married Man Ch. 03


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"I'm not sure what you mean. I did ask the men over on Friday."

"You wanted to have sex with them, didn't you, Mary?"

"No, I wanted Dan to be there. It was for both of us."

"Sure, that's why you met them on Thursday and had sexual relations with them. You weren't waiting for your husband then."

"I was confused. I was thinking about Friday . . . "

"That's why you had oral sex with them."

"No, that's not right. This was for Dan and me together."

"We are suppose to believe you did this for Dan?"


"Come on, Mary, we're not that stupid. You did it for yourself, didn't you?"

"No. Yes. Maybe, I'm not sure. . . ."

"You wanted it, Mary, admit it."

"No! That's not true. It was for Dan. It was for his birthday."

"You invited these two men into your bed because you wanted to have sex with them."

"No! You're confusing me. . . . "

"They were giving you the sex you wanted. weren't they, Mary?"

"No! No! They forced me, I said no!. . . . "

"Come on, Mary, they never forced you, did they?"

"Yes, they did. I didn't want it like this. They ripped off my clothes and raped me."

"Sure, Mary, You invited them over as your guest and they raped you."

"You asked for it, Mary, didn't you. . ."

"No! They ripped off my clothes and raped me," then she started crying.

Then from the back of the court room came a voice yelling, "Stop! Stop yelling at my mother. What kind of a man are you?" Then there came another voice yelling, "Leave our Mother alone, you Bastard, just leave her alone."

Everyone looked to the back of the courtroom and there were my two sons, standing up for their mother. I couldn't have been more proud of them.

The judge beat the gavel yelling, "Order in my court, order in my court." Then he looked at my two sons and told the bailiff to remove them from the court room. But not before the jury had a good look at them trying protecting their mother.

Mary had tears in her eyes as well as half the courtroom.

After order was restored to the courtroom, the prosecutor asked, "What kind of a family are you?"

Mary said, "We are the. . . ."

The prosecutor said, "That wasn't a question."

Mary looked at the judge and said, "Judge, he asked that question in this court. I would like to have a chance to respond to it."

The judge said, "Permission granted."

Mary said, "We are the type of family that loves one another. We do all we can to protect our family from harm.. We stay together through good times and bad times, through thick and thin, through health and sickness. We are a loving family."

The prosecutor started in again saying, "They never ripped your clothes off and raped you, did they, Mary? You were a willing participant, were you not?"

With tears in her eyes Mary said, very calmly, "They ripped my nightie off me and tore it to shreds, then they forced me into the bedroom and tried to have their way with me but thank God my husband showed up."

"Sure, Mary, and what proof do you have of that?" he asked, grinning at her.

Mary reached into her purse and pulled out her black nightie which was torn and ripped into pieces. The courtroom went stone quiet. Then Mary said, "Is this proof enough?"

The prosecutor said, "That hasn't been admitted as evidence. You can't show that."

Then Bob jumped up and said, "Judge, it's a crucial piece of evidence that we didn't know still existed. I would like to admit it as defense exhibit #1."

The judge let it be admitted since the prosecutor asked Mary what evidence she had.

The prosecutor said, "How do we know that's the nightie you've been talking about?

Mary said, "You asked me for it, I produced it, that's all I can do. My husband saved me from being raped any further and that's the God's truth."

The prosecutor thought it better to stop his examination.

The prosecutor gave his closing statements, mainly saying that I beat up and shot two innocent invited guests at my house without getting the facts first. I was like a "shoot first ask questions later" type personality. I shouldn't be on the streets. They should put away people like me. He continued with a lot more bull shit. He ended by saying I should be found guilty of assault with intent to kill. I should be found guilty as charged. I was glad when he finally finished.

Now it was Bobs turn. He looked at me and said, "He is an innocent man. Think about what he saw when he entered the room. His wife being molested. He took action to stop it. Why would he think otherwise? She is a good wife, loving mother. She wasn't a slut or a whore. She didn't run around on him. Why would he believe otherwise?"

"Mary made a mistake asking these men in. She was waiting for her husband when they started taking advantage of her. They didn't wait for him. If they would have waited, none of this would have ever happened. He would have stopped them on the spot. He's a good man. They went ahead and started to take her against her will, they started raping her. Thank God, Dan got home early. Too bad he wasn't earlier."

"She told them, 'No, wait' but they didn't listen to her. Members of the jury, when she said No, Wait, Stop, Don't and they didn't listen to her, that was rape! Did you all hear me. They raped her! She didn't tell all that to the police because she figured since she let them in, it was all her fault. She wasn't a lawyer and they never got her one so she didn't know it wasn't her fault till she gave us her deposition. Then it was too late to file against her rapists. It would have been too hard to prove at that point since the police questioning was so incomplete."

"My client, her husband Dan did whatever it took to protect his wife and family. He beat up and shot the men raping his wife. Do you think he ought to go to jail for doing what he thought was right? If not then you have to come back with a verdict of Not guilty?"

Chapter 4: The night before the verdict

Well, that was both sides. We were told it was late and that we would recess till 10:00 the next morning. Bob looked at me and said, "We did good. Lets just hope the jury agrees with us. I believe Mary won it for us."

I looked back at my family, just about all in tears. Marie came up to me and said, "No matter what happens, daddy, I know you did the right thing. I love you. We all love you. As you can see we are all sticking together as a family. We all need you, daddy. Mom needs you too.

I said, "I know, sweetheart, I know." I had to leave out the back door as Marie went back with the rest of the family.

I stopped at a little diner to get a bite to eat on the way home. As I sat down to order June came in and asked if she could join me. I was rather surprised but said sure. I haven't ever talked to June one on one since her divorce almost a year ago so this was really a surprise. I told her she might as well order also, I know she was in the courtroom all day and must be hungry. We both ordered a dinner and while we were waiting she started to talk.

She said, "Dan I'm really sorry for having to testify. I had no choice."

I said, "I know, it wasn't your fault."

She said, "I need to talk to you about a few things. Can we stay long enough for me to get it off my chest?"

I looked at her and said, "I would be willing to listen."

She started off with saying that Mary loved me.

I said, "I know.

She then said she didn't know what happened with this date thing. She thought Mary really believed I wanted to have the three-way until it got out of hand. She said Mary was almost possessed to get it accomplished. June said she should have tried to talk her out of it instead of into it. That's what a real friend would have done.

I said, "Don't be so hard on yourself, June. It was still Mary's call and she called it wrong."

Then June asked me about Roger. She said even though they were divorced he was the only man she had ever loved. She said this trial made her understand love between two people, like Mary and I have. She said she felt the same way about Roger but it was too late for them.

I asked why was it too late? She said all they do is argue when they see each other.

I told her, "Roger still has feelings for you also but that your cheating on him made him totally distrust you and it's hard to overcome. Trust is earned and once broken it's twice as hard to trust that person again. I suggest that instead of fighting with him, you should try to understand where he is coming from. You two are divorced and can start from a clean slate. You have to start by talking to each other, then take it from there. Your kids are grown so that shouldn't be a problem. I don't think they would have a problem with the two of you talking."

I continued, "Roger has some hate issues. You never told him who you had the affair with. I think he knows who it is now."

She said, "I was afraid he would do something crazy and didn't want to see him hurt."

I told her, "That's not the way Roger sees it. He sees you hiding a lover which hurt him even more."

She said, "That's not true. Roger is the one I love but I made too many mistakes since then. I don't know if he will even talk to me."

I said, "You can find out by approaching him and taking it from there."

She looked at me and said, "You know, you have the same kind of problem only you're not divorced."

I said, "I know. It's something I have to deal with."

We finished up dinner and then we each went home. When I got back to my apartment there were my two sons waiting for me. I asked them what this was about?

They said their mother didn't think I should be alone so they came to take me out. There she was thinking about me again. My boys and I went to the corner hangout. We spent time having a few beers, talking, playing darts and pool. It was really good spending time with them, something we didn't do very often anymore. I told them how proud I was of them sticking up for their mother.

They said they had to say something because she didn't deserve that kind of abuse. She was wrong in what she did but she's paying for it big time now.

About midnight they dropped me off at my apartment and went home. They didn't push me at all about coming home. They knew it had to be my decision.

Chapter 5: The verdict

I got up early the next morning. I had a hard time sleeping so I thought I go to the courthouse early. Anything just to pass the time. I got there about a half an hour early and there was quite a bit of commotion. As I entered the building the police asked me if they could speak with me?

I said of course and we went to one of the offices. They asked me where I was the night before. I asked what this was about, they said I'd find out later so please just answer the question.

I told them about having dinner with June and then going to the bar with my sons. After getting home around midnight I went to bed. They asked where the bar was and was there witnesses to the fact that we were there. I said of course, we were there for about four hours and were seen by a lot of people. I asked them again what this was about and they again replied you'll find out soon enough.

As I left the office the police asked my sons to join them in the office also. They went in and the door was shut. I wanted to know what was going on. Why were we being questioned?

I spotted Bob in the courtroom and approached him as to what was going on. We looked up and saw the prosecutor coming to his table along with Jim, the black witness. Jim looked terrified. He sat down and kept looking around, especially at me.

The prosecutor handed Bob a piece of paper. It was a police report. Bob read it and then handed it to me. Ralph was found dead in an alley behind the bar where he and Jim hung out. The report stated that sometime after midnight Ralph had stepped out into the alley to take a piss. He had told Jim he would be right back. After not returning, Jim went out to look for him. He found him face down in the alley dead. The report says he had been robbed, his belongings were missing, and beaten. They suspected a gang beating. He was beaten severely around the head and private areas, almost castrated. There were no witnesses.

I read the report with almost a smile, then passed it back to my family who were now seated in the courtroom. Everyone looked surprised. Now I knew why they questioned me and my sons.

We all arose when the Judge came in. The judge said, "Nothing is to be said about the murder in the open court. It could easily jeopardize the verdict. Anyone talking about it in the courtroom before the verdict is given will be arrested."

Then the Judge called in the jury. When they were seated, he asked, "Have you reached a verdict?"

The foreman said, "We have, Your Honor."

He then asked me to stand and face the jury.

The foreman of the jury arose and said, "On count one, assault to commit bodily harm, Not Guilty! On count two, attempted murder, we find the defendant Not Guilty."

"Judge," said the foreman, "the jury may be out of place saying this but we believe the two witnesses should be indicted on the charge of rape."

The judge spoke, "That information will be passed on to the district attorney."

Turning to me, he said, "Mr. Dan Gray, you are free to go."

Then all hell broke loose again. Everyone was smiling, screaming, crying. I jumped up and hugged Bob. I looked back in the far corner of the courtroom and there stood Roger, giving me the thumbs up. I could read his lips, he said everything is okay now.

My family was coming up to hug me. Mary stayed back showing June the police report. June's mouth fell open wide. She looked surprised but not sad.. I saw her give the report back to Mary and walk over toward Roger. When she got to him, she grabbed both of his hands in hers and I could see her lips saying I'm so sorry and then she hugged him. She took that first step. He hugged her back.

My kids all took turns hugging me, smiling, and yes, crying. Mary just stood in the back by herself with tears in her eyes, not wanting to approach me. I told the kids to take their mother home and I would contact them later. I had to go back to my apartment first.

We all left the courthouse. Each going our own direction.

I sat there alone at my kitchen table, thinking about everything that transpired in the last two months. I did realize that Mary really didn't cheat on me. She really loved me but made some horrible misguided decision.. If she was out to cheat on me, I would divorced her in a second. But I knew better. Part of this was my fault, talking fantasies, not knowing what she was thinking. I knew I would be going back home. Mary and I would have our discussion and we would make everything right between us.

I got up from the table, got in my car and headed for home. I wanted to be with my family which was there for me but most of all I wanted to be with the woman I loved. I drove home, pulled into the drive and knocked on the door. Mary answered it and with tears in my eyes I said, "I'm home." She opened the door and just hugged me as hard as one could be hugged. She was crying and saying, "I love you" over and over again. All the rest of the family came in and we all hugged each other and cried together.

I then stated to all present, "From this day forward, everything that happened is in the past. There will never be any reason to bring it up again. Thank you all for being there for your mother and me. We are truly a family that sticks together."

Then I reached over and kissed Mary with every emotion I had. My kids said, "Geez dad can't that wait till later when you two are alone?" We all just laughed.


One year later, it's my birthday again, I hardly want any surprises. I get home, the lights are dim. I hurry into the house and there stands my Mary, in a new black nightie, smiling at me. She walks up to me and kisses me gently, then walks me into the bathroom and starts taking off my clothes.

She turns on the shower and tells me to get in. Then she takes off her new nightie and gets in with me and starts scrubbing my back. We take turns soaping each other up and then making love in the shower, something we haven't done in years. Then she takes me by the hand and leads me to our bedroom which has been re-papered and has a new bed in it. She has me lie down on my back and gently and slowly gives me oral sex.

I said, "Let me do it for you also," but she said, "There will be time for that later. Right now it's your birthday and I'm doing this all for you." Then she takes my still hard cock and guides it home.

Then she says, "We don't need fantasies to make love. We'll just do it all for each other."

"Happy Birthday, Dan!"


Took a long time to write this one, hope you liked it.

All comments are welcome.

DG Hear

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Psychman24Psychman242 months ago

I don't believe there is a jury in the land that would convict the husband. I can't even believe the prosecutor would even try the case. There was no consent or agreement with him, all he saw is two guys fucking his wife in his own house. Totally understandable response which no one would have a problem with. The wife on the other hand was delusional. Its really not believable that she would act like that and be so far off base.

chasbo38chasbo383 months ago

The wife admitted to her husband that she gave the guy a blow job because she wanted to. That means she made him a cuckold before the birthday celebration took place. Sounds like she had a fantasy of her own !

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Yes, she was raped. Agree

And that sucks. Do we gloss over the blowjobs before the incident? The deliberately planning behind his back to cheat, or lack of respectful communication?

She even admits in court, under oath, that the other incident was about her and not him. The author glassed over that. There was still cheating, lying, and betrayal. But everyone got stupid and focused on the bedroom incident. But there were others that would torpedo most marriages.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So, her giving Ralph n Joe blow jobs prior to the rape was not being unfaithful?

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit4 months ago

Hated it- one-star, as for all unrepentant RAAC-rubbish! Talk about an epitome of slow, drawn-out and painful? Yuk!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

No man would stay with a woman who caused him to stand trial for murder.


buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny4 months ago

She cheated...with full knowledge she intended to do it, and in fact did it more than once. This guy should not have went back, and Roger really shouldn't have.

willyk1212willyk12125 months ago

she cheated period

Ocker53Ocker536 months ago

When he says Mary never cheated on him, he meant the night it all went to shit only because she definitely did cheat the night before, which seems to be conveniently forgotten but still a good story⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Norseman123Norseman1236 months ago

The end was worth waiting for 5*****

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