Cupid's Arrow


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As she tossed the now damp towel into the hamper, she desperately hoped that Moira would feel the same way.


It took just about all of the time she had left for Jenna to select just the right outfit. After trying on half a dozen, she chided herself for her distraction in the tub. They had agreed on casual dress for their date, but nothing in her closet seemed good enough. Should she wear a dress or pants? What colors were Moira's favorites? Finally, she remembered the answer to the latter and picked up a nice blue dress with white trim that showed off her best assets but was still respectable enough to wear to church. At least if you had an understanding pastor.

Standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, Jenna turned every which way she could to judge her choice. Eventually she decided it was the right one and opened her jewelry box to find appropriate accessories.

Keeping it simple seemed the way to go so she settled on just a pair of hear shaped gold stud earrings and her nameplate necklace. The latter had been a gift from her father on her sixteenth birthday and she always thought it brought her luck. Finally, with fifteen minutes to spare, Jenna was ready.

The quarter hour seemed to take forever to pass and as she watched the hand on the clock move just past the hour, the added delay seemed unbearable. Jenna actually jumped when she heard the doorbell ring and had to force herself not to race for the door. Counting to ten before getting up from the chair, she realized that she hadn't been this nervous about a date since junior high school.

That attempt at composure lasted as long as it took to open the door and see Moira standing on the top step. In the space of a moment, how much Jenna had missed the other girl came rushing back in a single flash and, oblivious to how cold it was outside, she rushed forward and threw her arms around her. Their lips met and Jenna pulled her even closer, pressing her tongue deep into Moira's mouth, sharing the passions that were keeping her warm.

"Sweetheart, it's not that I don't appreciate the welcome," Moira gasped as their lips parted and she readjusted the glasses Jenna had nearly knocked off her, "but your neighbors ..."

"Fuck my neighbors!" Jenna laughed in the moment before she kissed the redhead again.

"Well if you think we have time," Moira laughed when Jenna again came up for air, "but we have dinner reservations for eight and it's almost an hour's drive to where we're going."

The reminder that they were going away together, coupled with the effect of the cold air on her unprotected skin abruptly snapped Jenna back into focus. Despite having come out a few months before, she hadn't exactly hung out a sign on the door that said 'lesbian lives here'. She'd let people know on a come as you may, case by case basis and sort of liked it that way. Better to not let any nosey neighbors see her trying to give Moira an impromptu tonsilectomy.

"It's just that I'm so glad to see you," Jenna gushed as she finally released her hold.

"I'm happy to see you too, babe," Moira replied, "but do you think we could go inside where it's warmer."

Jenna quickly led her inside, closing the door behind them. She impulsively gave Moira one more kiss, this one a bit more circumspect, before giving the redhead a chance to take off her coat.

Once the long winter coat came off, Jenna was greatly surprised to find Moira wearing a dress. It was the first time she had ever seen her in one. It wasn't like her newfound love was butch or anything, it was just that she always seemed to prefer slacks and buttoned up blouses.

"I hope you like it," Moira said as she watched Jenna take stock of her the bright green garment. "I wanted to wear something special tonight."

"It certainly is special," Jenna beamed as she took Moira's hands in hers and pulled her closer for another kiss, "but then so are you."

The kiss was brief, just enough to accent her words. Moira's admonishment about their reservations told her that they'd better get on the road if they were going to make dinner.

Her overnight bag had been carefully packed the night before so it took only another minute to get that and her coat. Moira had donned hers as well and soon enough they were on their way.

"What did you do to the car?" Jenna asked after they'd been driving a few minutes, taking note that the ride was a lot smoother than she'd come to expect from the ten year old Ford.

"Mary Alice's boyfriend is a mechanic," Moira replied as she turned off the country road onto the Interstate. "She said that as long as I insisted on keeping this hunk of junk, her words not mine of course since I think it's a classic, the least she could do was have Roger make sure it was safe to drive."

"It almost feels like it's brand new," Jenna noted, pointing out that the well worn seats had been redone as well.

"I think it practically is, he had it for almost the whole time I was home. He started out just replacing a few parts, then one thing kept leading to another and before I knew it, he'd rebuilt the engine."

"That must've cost a bundle."

"Yes and no," Moira answered. "He wouldn't let me pay as much as a dime. Said it was the least he could do for his future sister-in-law."

"Sounds like a nice guy, Mary Alice is real lucky."

"He is," Moira said, "and she is. Not only is he totally in love with her, he's also hung like a horse."

"What?" Jenna said in genuine shock, not being able to imagine Moira ever making a statement like that.

"Yup, I sort of accidentally walked in on the two of them one morning, not knowing he'd slept over," Moira grinned as she turned her head just enough that Jenna could see her expression. "You know, I was so impressed, I was almost tempted to find out what the fuss was about. Fucking a guy I mean."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Well I did say, almost," she added as her grin turned into a loud laugh.

A laugh that Jenna then joined in as she realized she was being played.

The road beneath them quickly passed as they caught up on what else had happened in each others lives. At least those details that had been left out of their almost nightly cell phone calls. Thank goodness for free late night minutes, both had thought more than once.

Jenna knew better than to ask where exactly they were going, because she knew that Moira was determined not to tell her. Besides, it was more fun to be surprised.


"Well here we are," Moira announced a half-hour later as she turned onto a paved private road.

It was still too dark to see beyond the limit of the car's headlights and Jenna anxiously looked out for sign of their destination. When it finally came into view, it certainly was a surprise.

Sitting on the edge of a small lake was a quaint nineteenth century bed and breakfast. As they pulled into a small parking lot, Jenna noticed that only two spots were still empty.

"It looks like a full house," Jenna said, a bit of concern in her voice.

"Not to worry," Moira said as they slid into one of those spots. "I made reservations over a month ago, and I confirmed them last week."

"A month ago?" Jenna asked in surprise.

"I just had a feeling that things were going to work out for us," Moira smiled, "I hope you don't mind my presumption."

"Hardly," the older woman said happily as she slid up against the redhead and hugged her. "You don't know how happy that makes me feel."

Moira got a small indication as Jenna sought out her mouth and kissed her. The kiss was brief, but filled with promise.

The interior of the Inn matched the outside, causing a guest to almost imagine they had stepped a hundred years into the past. Like someplace her great-great grandmother might have stayed.

Stepping up to the small desk, behind which sat a pretty young brunette, Moira gave her name and a copy of their reservation. While Moira signed the two of them in, Jenna took an interest in an old telephone on the wall, which was Moira later explained, a modern phone designed to look like an antique. It was also, she further explained, the only phone on the premises. There wasn't even cell phone coverage in the area. Walking through the halls and up the staircase to their second floor room, Jenna noted that even the electric lights on the walls were designed to look like nineteenth century gas lamps.

The beauty of all she had seen so far paled, however, when they finally reached their room. It was like something out of a fantasy. A large oversized bed, framed by four tall bedposts and a heavy comforter, dominated the center of the room. The light of a recently risen moon filtered in through large, frost framed windows, beyond which was a beautiful view of the lake. In the corner sat a fireplace, as of yet unlit.

"This is spectacular," Jenna finally said.

"I figured you'd like it," Moira smiled.

"But, baby, this also has to be costing a fortune," Jenna added as her more practical side asserted herself. "I'd be just as happy in some off the road motel, as long as you were there with me."

"I know, sugar," Moira replied as she stepped closer and took each of Jenna's hands in her own. "But you deserve the best. I just want you to enjoy yourself and let me worry about how much it cost."

"I already have the best," Jenna said as she closed the small gap between them for yet another kiss.

"We still have time for dinner," Moira said, "That is if you're hungry."

"I'm starved," Jenna replied, thinking that food wasn't all she was hungry for but better to take care of first things first. "but let me make a quick trip to the little girl's room first."

The bathroom was as true to the period as the rest of the old house. including a clawfoot bathtub that was almost twice the size of the one in Jenna's apartment. Running her hand across the smooth surface, she couldn't help but think that this had definite possibilities. Definite possibilities indeed.

A soft knock on the door reminded Jenna that Moira was waiting and she quickly joined her. The dining room was as impressive as everything else, with small intimate tables set apart by the careful placement of plants and screens. From glimpses she'd managed to catch of some of the other guests, Jenna saw they were a eclectic mix. Of assorted ages, a few others were also same-sex couples, putting the young woman even more at ease. One they were seated, Moira ordered for the both of them, having planned even that in advance.

"This is so incredible," Jenna said as they sipped the non-alcoholic drinks Moira had ordered. "I can't believe you did all this."

Moira just smiled back at her.

"But I'm going to insist you let me help pay for it," Jenna added.

"I told you not to worry about that," Moira insisted.

"But I do."

"Look, I wasn't going to bring it up tonight, but I guess if I don't, you're not going to relax and enjoy yourself," Moira replied in a hushed voice.

Jenna gave her an 'I don't understand look'.

"I'll admit that maybe I went overboard when I first thought about this," Moira said, "but I wanted the first night we spent together to be as memorable as possible."

"So do I, that's why I want to help pay for..."

"But that's no longer a problem," Moira cut her off.

Pausing a second to take a drink from her glass, Moira explained that the reason Mary Alice had insisted she come home was that, as it turned out, her parent's estate was worth a lot more than either sister had ever imagined.

"And your mother left part of that to you?" Jenna asked, thinking such a thing unlikely based on what Moira had said of her.

"No, if it had been up to Mother, and it was, I wouldn't been totally disinherited."

"Then what?"

"Well, it turned out that yes, Mother could leave the bulk of the estate to Mary Alice," Moira went on, "but what she couldn't do was control what my little sister did with it after it had been signed over to her."

Again, Jenna's expression said she didn't understand.

"No sooner had I walked in the front door when Mary Alice handed me legal papers saying that half the estate was now mine," Moira explained. "She never had a problem with my sexuality and hated the fact that our parents had driven me away. In fact, we still kept in contact over the years with cell phones and email, so that Mother wouldn't know."

"That was very generous of her," Jenna observed, "but still, I don't think you should blow all of it on this little trip. What with tuition and everything else you have to pay for."

"Jenna, my share of the estate came to almost three hundred thousand dollars," Moira said as she concluded her story.

"Well," Jenna said after letting out a long, deep breath. "I guess I won't have to feel guilty about ordering dessert then."

"No, I don't think so," Moira laughed.

"I hope I can meet this sister of yours," Jenna laughed as well, "she sounds pretty incredible."

"Oh you will," Moira promised. "Mary Alice said that she expected both of us to be there at her wedding next month and if anyone had a problem with us being there, they could go to hell."

"Yep, definitely have to meet this girl," Jenna smiled.

Dinner arrived soon after and the quality of the food matched that of the decor. Combined with the company, Jenna didn't think she ever enjoyed a meal more. Putting the topic of Moira's inheritance aside, they talked of their own future together, one that began tonight and would, they both hoped, last a lifetime. Neither of them was naïve enough to think that was a certainty, especially at such an early point in their relationship. Still, hope, like love was always eternal.


As the waitress cleared the last of their dishes, Moira and Jenna sat there holding each other's hand. Lost in each other's eyes, they were oblivious to the younger girl's presence. In fact, it wasn't until the house lights dimmed for the second time that they realized the dining room was now closing.

Both laughed and rose from the table, walking arm in arm to the outer hallway. They were greeted by the same young woman who had earlier checked them in, who asked if they needed anything else for the evening before she closed the desk for the night.

Moira assured her that they were fine and wished her a good night. Their arms still interlocked, the young lovers climbed the carpeted staircase to the upper floor.

Entering their room, Jenna was surprised to find that not only had the bed been turned down in their absence, a large, comforting fire had been started in the fireplace. A glow that sent playful shadows dancing across the walls.

"I do love you," Moira said as she leaned close and kissed Jenna.

"And I you," she responded after their lips parted.

A second kiss followed, as did a third, fourth and finally too many to keep track of. Their hands explored the now familiar contours of each other's body, applying gentle pressures and smooth caresses.

Moira found the clasp of Jenna's dress and pulled the zipper down, exposing the brunette's back down to her waist. Her fingers walked their way back up the soft flesh, bringing both a smile and gentle sigh from the older girl's lips. With a practiced skill, Moira undid the hooks of Jenna's bra, causing the tight material to grow slack.

Gracefully, Moira glided her hand around Jenna's side, sliding her fingers under the now lose undergarment to cup the lower half of her left breast. The tips of her fingers brushed against the already hard tip of its nipple.

"Mmmmmm," Jenna moaned softly at the touch.

With her other hand, Moira took hold of Jenna's dress and worked it down around her waist, leaving only the loosely hanging bra to cover her bounty. An obstruction that easily slid down across the brunette's arms with the slightest of efforts.

Jenna's breasts were hardly the first Moira had ever seen, but each time she saw them the redhead was filled with a sense of perfection. The warmth of the soft skin against the palm of her hand filled her with renewed desire.

Tilting her head downward, Moira kissed the upper part of Jenna's right mound, working her way down to the dark pink nipple that stuck out invitingly. Her lips closed around it as she pulled it deep into her mouth.

"Oh God, Yes!" Jenna moaned even louder, bringing her own hand to the back of Moira's head, running her fingers through the curly hair.

Moira continued her oral ministrations for a while, then moved across the deep valley between to the equally perfect sphere her hand had been massaging. There she picked up right where she'd left off with its twin.

The electric tingle her tongue produced spread out across Jenna's chest, alternating in intensity to match the soft licks and gentle bites of Moira's mouth. The redhead split her attentions between both breasts, even as her hands continued to massage Jenna through the thin material of her dress.

It took all of Jenna's self-control to ignore her urge to respond in kind and just relax and savor Moira's touch. Her chance would come soon enough, she knew, for now, this was the younger girl's show. One that she had obviously spent a great deal of time planning, and one which the brunette was certain would only get better with time.

Moira's hand traced a line up Jenna's leg, continuing up under the hem of her dress to lightly stroke the tightly trimmed mound beneath. Jenna smiled as the redhead realized that she wasn't wearing any panties. Sensitive fingers ran up and down the wet folds, causing Jenna to moan louder and longer.

Withdrawing her hand, Moira took hold of the sides of Jenna's dress and worked it down around her ankles. Slipping out of that and the shoes she'd so carefully chosen for evening, Jenna stood naked in her lover's arms.

Moira took a few moments to admire her beauty, then walked Jenna back to the side of the bed, sitting her down on it. Parting her legs, she dropped down between them and brought her mouth to rest against her pussy. A soft kiss there signaled her intent, as if there had been any doubt.

Jenna braced her arms on the bed and leaned back, her eyes closed as she felt Moira's fingers part the way as her tongue entered her. Weeks of anticipation only heightened the experience, one she had been dreaming about nearly every night.

One finger, then a second, found their way deep inside Jenna. Tenderly they stroked the sides of her sugar walls, gentle probes that sent pleasant ripples radiating outward. The hardness of her fingertips was joined by the softness of her tongue, skirting the outer edges of her sex before slipping far within.

Then, like a tiny cock, Moira began to thrust her tongue in and out of Jenna's pussy, fucking her in miniature as the tip tickled her clitoris. Faster and faster it moved, whirling about in ever widening circles before reversing itself and coming back on the center.

"Oh baby yes!" Jenna exclaimed as Moira found her most sensitive spot in record time. "Right there."

In even more record time, the younger girl brought the older to the edge of orgasm. Every thrust of her tongue, each brush of her fingers, had been carefully employed to bring Jenna to the precipice. The brunette hadn't been the only one who had been rehearsing this moment in her dreams for weeks.

"Moira, I ... I'm ... go ..." Jenna tried to say, but her words were drowned out by the fire that had started between her legs and now threatened to engulf her entire body.

Moira didn't need words, save to encourage her to give even more to her efforts. She could feel Jenna's body reacting to her touch, filling her with a pride and satisfaction. It would only take a little more to push her over the edge, an effort she gave with enthusiasm.

"Ooooooo," Jenna moaned long and loud as the damn burst and the tides of orgasm washed over her. A deluge that shook her once, twice, and then a third time.