Cupid's Revenge Pt. 02


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He explained to them that he would need time to pay them back. That's how they hooked him. They told him they needed someone to operate the check-cashing store and he would also have to do a few special favors from time to time. They did mention that he would also get paid for his services. At first, it was a win-win situation for him.

He agreed and they considered his debt as paid. It was later that he found out that the store was a front to launder money. Then it was special favors like picking up or delivering drugs and guns for them. They did pay him big bucks but he took all the risks. He knew he was in too deep but had no way out so he just kept doing what they ask.

We asked him how involved Chantill was in the business and he told us she was just the counter person and cashier; she cashed checks and did what she was told. He was told to hire her because her pimp was killed and they wanted him to keep his eye on her. She wasn't allowed access to his office nor did she have a key to the safe.

Dan told us that usually laundered money and firearms were kept in the safe. They were never there more than a day or so. Someone from the mob was usually there after hours to pick up the stash. The only people he reported to were John and Moe.

When we asked him about his trip to Youngstown he told us, he had an address of an old warehouse. He was to go there, load the firearms into his van and drive back. He said there wasn't even a person at the location but he could feel he was being watched the full time. He did what he was told and returned with the firearms and put them in the safe.

We wrote down the address and found that some corporation rented the warehouse. We found out it was just a name; the corporation didn't even exist except by name. We checked further and found that a real estate company owned the property. This company sold and rented property all over the state. The biggest shareholder was Lee Murphy.

His name kept coming up but this connection was somewhat remote. We had nothing that would hold up in a court of law. We would be talking to him again but we knew we had nothing tangible on him.

I had one more question for Dan Hughes. "Dan, you say you want to cooperate with us fully. What do you know about the Cupid murders?"

He looked shocked. He had no idea what we knew or didn't know. "Dan, we are going to try to help you but we have to know everything you're telling us is true. So, again, what do you know about the Cupid murders?"

"One day I overheard John talking to Moe. They were talking about someone stealing from DQ and told their bosses at the time that they thought DQ hid the money. Their bosses, Joe Bowery and Tom Fieaty put a contract out on DQ. No one would expect your own boss to put out a hit on you.

"I heard them laughing that they found the money in the attic of Chantill's apartment. She didn't even know about it. They even beat her up and took the cash. One day I overheard them say they should use the money and have Bowery and Fieaty terminated."

"Where did you hear all this information? It's not something they would be yelling out to the world."

"I was doing a lot of odd jobs for them. They had me taking a lot of their old records down to their basement and incinerating them. I heard them through the vents. It was at John Taylor's house. It was a couple of days before Valentine's Day. I couldn't believe they actually did it. The murders I mean. From that day on, I did whatever they asked. I knew they wouldn't think twice about eliminating me."

"Did they ever mention who Cupid is?" asked Charlie.

"No, honest, no names were ever mentioned. I have no idea who it is. Will giving you this information help my case?"

"We'll have to check it all out, Dan. If it turns out you told us the truth, we'll do what we can to help you out. You have our word on that. Right now, you're probably safer here in our jail under protective custody than you would be on the streets. As you know, Moe and John are pretty bad dudes."

We decided to call on Moe and John again. This time we wouldn't be quite as nice. We were hoping that maybe we could get Moe and John to roll over on Lee Murphy. It was worth a shot.

The next day we went to the office of Moe Headley. He and his friend John shared the same office building. It was mostly a front for their illegal operations. They could always be found in the strip joint next door observing the sights.

They weren't surprised to see us when we walked in. They were smart enough to know we would find out who owned the check cashing business and check the ID on the phone call they made.

Charlie and I sat at the table where Moe and John were sitting with a couple of dancers.

"Well, if it's not our two favorite detectives. What can we do for you today?" asked Moe.

"Stop the bullshit," said Charlie. "We know about your cache of weapons in the check cashing store. Your friend Dan has spilled the beans. You two are under arrest for the transportation and distribution of terrorist weapons. Also for the hiring of Cupid in the murders of Joe Bowery and Tony Fieaty."

Two uniformed officers came in and cuffed our two suspects.

"You haven't got anything on us but hearsay evidence. We'll call our lawyers and be out in twenty-four hours," they laughed.

The bad part is that they were right. A good lawyer could blame everything on poor Dan. These two scumbags would probably walk. At least we could put them through some interrogation before they were released. Maybe we could get someone to say something we could use against them,

We were wrong. Their lawyers were paid good money and told them to just clam-up. We could hardly get them to say their own name. They just sat there. There was no way they were going to admit to anything and especially not tell us who the Cupid killer was.

They were going to be out thousands and thousands of dollars because of the confiscated weapons but they knew they couldn't say they had any knowledge of any of it. They just said that Dan must have worked on the deal himself.

The two scumbags were bailed out in the twenty-four hour period. We knew they would stay away from Lee Murphy since they didn't want to be seen or even talking to each other. I guess they figured their phones would be tapped, which they were, and would also be followed.


Charlie and I needed a break in the action. We went to the new French restaurant, Cote Sud. It was our first real date. We decided that there would be no talk of business. I picked her up at her home. She invited me in and gave me a quick tour. It was a small bungalow, just two bedrooms and one bath, but it was attractively decorated with quality furniture.

"While I was in the Army I spent very little of what I earned, so I came out with a ton of cash. I was able to buy this place and redecorate it as you see. It's very comfortable and I'm happy here."

I declined a drink figuring we would have enough wine with dinner. We went on to the restaurant, about a half-hour drive away. They had valet parking so we walked right in. We were escorted to a table in a quiet corner.

I reached across the table and took her hands. "Charlie, this is our first real date. I really want to know you better. Enjoy the dinner."

"Jim, I have to say that I have, well ... feelings for you. I do like spending time with you. Thanks for bringing me to this lovely place."

I'd arranged for them to bring us a glass of Champagne before they took our order. It was nice to sip the soft, bubbly wine and chat with a lovely woman.

Dinner was fabulous, one to remember. I'd never been there before but I sure would make it a regular place for dining out. Everything was good but the Rack of Lamb we had for our entrée was to die for. We lingered over a nice dessert wine ... I think both of us were happy to make the evening last.

She invited me in when I took her home and she made some hot chocolate. We sat next to each other on her sofa enjoying the afterglow of a nice evening. Neither of us said too much -- we were happy just being together.

She had a wisp of hair that had come undone, and I reached over to brush it off her forehead; suddenly we were kissing. If the degree of our caring for each other was measured by the passion of our kisses, we had a strong relationship brewing. My hand made its way to her firm breast; she put her hand over mine and pulled it tighter to her body. We were like that for a few minutes, kissing, while I massaged her breasts.

Suddenly she broke away, face red and almost panting, "Jim, please stop. Please!"

I felt bad about it and when she saw the hurt on my face she said, "No, Jim, it's not that. It felt wonderful. I ... I really think I'm falling in love with you. I have some ... problems or issues I guess you could say. I need to tell you what happened in Germany.

"Please, Jim. Don't pull away from me -- just give me time."

I put my arms around her and pulled her tight. "Charlie, I'll give you all the time in the world. I was drawn to you the first moment I saw you at the station and as we worked together it has grown stronger."

When I left, she gave me a kiss at the door and I knew she meant what she said about caring for me. I drove home with a smile on my face.

I cared for Charlie. I really wanted to know more about her. She had to return to her old precinct one afternoon to attend a trial on one of her previous cases. I decided to go visit her older sister again just to learn more about Charlie.

I knocked on the door and her sister Doris remembered me and invited me in. She asked about Charlie and I explained she was in court and seeing I was in the neighborhood, I thought I would stop by and say hello.

She offered me a cup of coffee and we got to talking about Charlie; I told Doris I cared for her sister a lot. I mentioned to her that Charlie told me about how much she loved archery and about her past in the military, but felt bad she wasn't there for her younger sister's funeral.

Doris explained, "Charlie was coming home from Mainz where she had her best results in Germany when her best friend, a German girl named Gabi, skidded her Audi off the autobahn and was killed; left Charlie ended up in the hospital with severe head injuries.

"Two weeks later she got word that the day after her accident, our sister, Marie, had died of a drug overdose. She felt deflated that she had missed the funeral and really didn't know much about what had happened. After that, her interest in an Army career paled and when her eight-year commitment was over, she resigned her commission and returned home.

"After arriving back home she tried to find out more about our sister's death but there was really very little information. A police officer she talked to, and became friends with, convinced her to apply for the police academy. Before she realized it, she was a police officer and because of several retirements quickly became a detective.

"She was able to get a copy of the police report on Marie's death -- which had been filed as "... death due to unknown causes leading to a drug overdose." There were a couple of names in the file and she vowed to track them down as she had time.

"Charly has kept up with her passion for archery and had been the state champion for the last two years. Our family is so proud of her," said Doris.

I drank my coffee and said goodbye to Doris. I now knew more about Charlie. I was falling for her and nothing would change that.


It was only a couple of days till Valentine's Day. We had one last shot. We had to go back and pay a visit to the always egotistical Lee Murphy, the man who felt he was unstoppable and untouchable.

"What brings you two back into my store?" asked Murphy.

"We have a few questions about a cache of illegal weapons we found. They were picked up in a warehouse that is owned by you and is located outside of Youngstown."

"Owned by me? What warehouse would that be?" he asked.

We explained where the warehouse was and he said he didn't recall ever being there. He said that the real estate company that he has, owns a share in a lot of warehouses. Maybe it was one of those.

"I can't be held accountable for every building that is rented. Probably some young jerk trying to make a quick buck instead of working hard for his money like I do."

It made me sick to even hear him talk. Someone lost a ton of money on these confiscated weapons. We didn't know if it was Moe and John, or Murphy. Someone had to be seething over it.

"So, what's the latest with the Cupid killer? Think he'll strike again? It's only a few days from now," laughed Murphy.

I knew it was getting to Charlie. She decided to plant a little seed in the mind of the egotistical Murphy.

"No, not this year. We think we scared him away. We kept going over the murder scene and decided he wasn't that good of a shot anyway."

"What do you mean, not a good shot? Didn't he kill two people last year?" asked Murphy.

"Yes, he did, but first he used a crossbow which made it a lot easier. Then we figured he missed his mark by hitting the second victim in the chest. He was probably lucky he hit his heart," replied Charlie.

"I disagree," said Murphy. "I believe he aimed for the man's chest and shot him right where he wanted it."

"Get real, Murphy!" said Charlie. "Any amateur can hit a man in the chest. The target is so much larger. Why would Cupid shoot all his victims in the neck and then decide all of a sudden to shoot one in the chest? I'll tell you why! He lost his confidence and was afraid he'd miss hitting the second victim in the neck. That's what I think."

"I hate to break-up this debate between you two but I wanted to mention to you that we might have gotten a break on the Cupid murders," I said.

"What kind of break?" asked Murphy.

"We have two suspects that we are questioning in the firearms debacle. We are talking to their lawyers now about a plea bargain. They are willing to tell us not only about the firearms but would be willing to give us the hitman in the Cupid murders for the right plea bargain. Too bad, we had to let them out on bond.

"We're meeting with the Attorney General about this case. It was too big for the prosecutor; we have a meeting set up for next week. We might be able to kill two birds with one stone, as they say."

"Who are these suspects?" asked Murphy.

"Sorry, we have to keep this one under wraps. There is just too much at stake. Hopefully, you'll probably get to read about it next week. Well, we better get going."

We left Murphy looking nervous. Was he going to take the bait? If he contacted Moe or John, it would be all over. Dan would be the one holding the bag. I had to wonder what was going through Murphy's mind. Charlie must have made him feel inferior which I doubted he could handle.

If he had any thought at all that Moe or John would turn on him, he'd have to do them in. If they were like most mob bosses, they would be taking their wives to a fancy dinner on Valentine's Day. Time would tell if Murphy took the bait.

We said a little prayer to God for some help on this one.

It was now Valentine's Day morning. Charlie and I were hoping we were on the right track. We had Chantill in protective custody; hopefully for her own good. Dan was arrested and charged with having the illegal weapons. Everything he told us seemed true. Now we needed proof.

Through our street people, we knew that Moe and John were taking their wives to a fancy restaurant for a Valentines Day dinner. Their dinner reservation was at seven. Charlie and I were hoping that we weren't wasting our time. It was a bit chilly out, and here we were, hiding on top a roof wondering if the serial killer Cupid would show.

Everything led to Lee Murphy as Cupid, but, did he take our bait and would he show up to kill Moe and John? We honestly didn't know. We sat quietly on an adjacent roof drinking hot coffee and were talking about how much nicer it would be sitting in the restaurant having a Valentine's Day dinner together.

About an hour later, we saw movement on the roof next to ours. It was the Cupid killer. He was dressed in black and had a compound bow. It made Charlie smile knowing she got to him. We kept very quiet. It wasn't but a few minutes later, but seemed like an hour, that Moe, John and their wives were coming out of the restaurant. The valet had just brought them their vehicle.

As they were standing just outside the vehicle we saw Cupid draw his bow. As he pulled back, I stood up and said, "Stop, Police! Drop your weapon."

It startled him and he released the arrow. It went through the side of the vehicle. We heard screams but no one was hit. It drew away our attention also and Cupid quickly reloaded and aimed his arrow at me. Charlie who had her gun drawn fired and hit him in the shoulder at the same time he released his arrow.

The arrow caught me in the chest. She fired a second time hitting him in the other shoulder. The next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital the next day. Sitting there next to my bed was Charlie.

"Hi, Big Guy. How are you doing? The doc said that you got the arrow in the stomach but it will heal. You'll be sore for awhile."

"I owe my life to you Charlie. I made the rookie mistake and looked away. If it weren't for you, I would be at the funeral home. What happened after I passed out?" I asked.

"You know of the two quick shots in his shoulders. I fired a third. I wanted it to be between his eyes but I knew better. I shot him in the leg and he went down. Backup showed up and he's in this hospital with armed guards."

"Was it Lee Murphy? Did we call it right?" I asked.

Charlie smiled. "You were right! It was Murphy. He didn't go out quietly. His ego took over and he boasted about how he was the Cupid Killer and took out all the scumbags. The press was there eating it up. He said he was just ridding the city of scum. He took credit for all the killings. He said there were no copycats. He was the original and only Cupid."

Charlie leaned down and gave me a kiss and I floated back into dreamland.


In the coming weeks, everyone was spilling the beans. Lee Murphy said he was paid big bucks to take out the scumbags. His ego meant more to him than the jail time. He wanted to ride this as far as he could. The shots from Charlie tore the ligaments in his shoulders and he would never be a professional archer again. He wanted to go out with everyone thinking he was the best.

Moe and John turned the tables on Murphy and said he was behind everything. Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the FBI were all involved with putting these criminals behind bars for life.

Chantill got a reprieve and was released. She was now back home living with her daughter.

Dan Hughes is still negotiating on the charges against him. We did put a good word in for him and said that if it weren't for him, this case would have never been solved.

That leaves Charlie and me. She went back to her precinct but we see each other regularly. She told me there was something that she had to tell me if we were to become an item.

I told her it could wait until after the cases were closed. But then, that's another story.

Jake Rivers is considering doing a Sequel to this story about Jim and Charlie if there is enough reader interest. Let us know what you think.

Thank you for reading our story.

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Jake Rivers or me,

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The girl was the original Cupid…avenging her sister.

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

What a great series, I only hope that you or Jake Rivers continue this great series. Well written with an excellent storyline. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent entertainment. Easily 5 *****. Waiting with intense anticipation for the sequel. Since there cannot be force testifying between spouses, I think that we will eventually tell hubby that she is THE actual Cupid and that she finally avanged her deceased sister. We'll see. I'd like to see this couple with a few rug rats!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This series was entertaining & enjoyable. I do look forward to a sequel, if you choose to write one.

deJay_13deJay_13almost 6 years ago
Very good!

Well crafted. Well written. Well laid out.

Waiting for the sequel.

de Jay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

It is obvious Charlie is the original Cupid,but is she going to admit it.?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Another 4

Hope I can find the rest of this story!

Good fun!

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 11 years ago
Hmm last try did not take -

OK then -

Marry now talk later -

She got revenge for her sister - vigilantism is wrong - but so is cancer and so are hurricanes - get over it -

Marry her then talk - he cannot be force to testify - then have a bunch of kids together -

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 11 years ago
Yep Get her to marry him

THEN talk about whatever you want -

She avenged her sister and that works for me -

I agree that vigilantism is bad - but so is cancer and hurricanes - marry her talk to her then have some kids -

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 12 years ago
Yes, DG. Please do the sequel.

I love your work as I have told you several times.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 16 years ago
Well-written story, a bit too PC for me though.

I agree with other comments; Doris or Charlie would likely be the first Cupid who took out the drug dealer to get revenge for the younger sister's death by drug overdose. My bet would be on Charlie, because absolutely no clues were left and a police officer would know how to avoid leaving any evidence. I think it is foreshadowing that Charlie's name was on the list provided by Mr. Murphy. Now the question arises, how will Charlie's situation be handled when it becomes known to her new friend? Maybe the choice of over-looking an old crime vs. arresting her for it (with no actual proof!) won't need to be made if she is tragically killed off in the line of duty, and just when our hero is getting ready to marry her. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 16 years ago
This is an excellent story, but,

it needs an ending. Charlie sounds too delicious to let her get away. To tell the truth, I was hoping the Cupid killer could take out a few more before they caught him.

Depicting the states that sell weapons without a hassle as a bad thing bugged me. I did live in IL, an idiot state. I now live in a common sense state. Bow and arrow is not infringed in their sales. But they can be very deadly.

When he visited Doris, it sounded like Charlie might have a good case for bumping off a few. Glad that didn't turn out true. Was there reasoning behind how they picked the building Cupid was on?? I missed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
great read

great read thanks to both of you. i enjoy both of your works.

please write more, and more jrj

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Two of my favorite authors when the wright alone, but there is always something magical that happens when they get together. Another wonderfull story. Thanks for all the hard work!

daluentdaluentover 16 years ago

Well you guys made my days better with this awesome piece of writing. Please write the sequel.Luis

AgenaAgenaover 16 years ago
The Best

A great story from two of the best. Looking forward to the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Not bad, but some quibbles

First of all, what cop would confront an armed suspect without drawing their weapon first? "Cupid" should never have been able to even draw the second arrow back; the hail of gunfire should have taken him out first. For both cops to be distracted from an armed suspect long enough for an archer to be able to get a second arrow off is beyond the suspension of disbelief. Sorry, I didn't buy this scene at all.<br><br>

Second, a little advice from an old playwright. He said "if there's a gun on the mantelpiece in the first scene, and somebody is shot in the second scene, the gun in the first scene must be the murder weapon". It is so painfully obvious that either Charlie or Doris made the first Cupid killing that even the Keystone Kops could pick it. Attempting to complicate it would be inadvisable.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 16 years ago
Thanks, guys!

A tale well told, by two of my favorite authors, and a sequel on the way - that's about as good as it gets. For all of you who are convinced Charlie committed the first Cupid killing as revenge for her sister, don't forget that Charlie wasn't the only grieving sister with archery skills. One interesting thing about murder by bow and arrow is the absence of any ballistic evidence, unlike with modern firearms. Even if the murder weapon is found there is no way to conclusively prove that any particular arrow was fired from any particular bow. Thanks for the story gentlemen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
charlies revenge

Its fairly obvious that Charlie was the original Cupid. What else is new. Will Jim find out and what should good cop do. Might be a very interesting interaction. Good luck with the story.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 16 years ago
Very damn good!

When you two work togethr it is a wonderful thing! Another treat for your fans and my vote for another chapter. Love this one and the solving of the last 2 Cupid murders. The first one was done by Charlie for her sister, that is somewhat obvious. I'm sure Jack will fill in the details.

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