Curiosity Killed the Pussy


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I tried to scramble back up, but my limbs felt heavy, my movements sluggishly slow. Then his hands were on me, and I felt myself being pulled towards him again, his cock nestling between my cheeks. Somehow it must've triggered something primal in me, as I found my head on the mattress, sticking my butt up in the air, making me feel like I was offering myself to this hunky stallion like an animal in heat. Technically, I sorta was in heat.

I let out a blissful sigh as he pushed back in me, slowly at first, but his pace steadily increased. Each time he pushed in, I felt his hands tugging on my hips, pulling me to him. He was in full control now, he could take me any way he wanted. The thought was a little scary, but also made me push back against him, needing to feel like I was still contributing.

It wasn't long before the haze in my head overtook me and I started getting out of sync. All I could do was fully surrender to him, and I was oddly fine with that. I was vaguely aware of the sound of skin slapping against skin, I think he was really plowing into me, but my brain had gotten so fried that every motion just seemed to meld together in a big ball of yumminess. I couldn't get enough, I needed to feel more of him, letting one of my hands slip between my legs, cupping his swinging balls. Even those felt big and heavy as I gently played with them. I wondered if their size was an indication of how much he'd cum.

I'd lost track of how long he'd been taking me from behind, when I heard him grunt. Was he about to fill the condom? My hand moved up from his balls to that thick shaft of his, my fingers caressing the few inches that got exposed each time he pulled back. I felt the edge of the condom pass back and forth underneath my fingertips, oddly drawn to that physical border between safety and danger. A moment later, I was suddenly empty, and his hands were gone from my hips. Dazed and confused, I turned around, wondering why he had suddenly vanished into thin air, only to find him still there, his hand on his cock, stroking up and down. Wait.. not really stroking, more like... only rubbing up... Peeling the condom off...

Had he somehow misunderstood my touches, thinking I wanted the condom off? Before I could even open my mouth to ask, I was pushed down onto the bed, once again making me feel wonderfully small underneath him. My eyes were glued to his now bare cock, the bottom of his shaft now pressing firmly against my wet slit, sliding up and down as he rolled his hips. It didn't escape me how close the motion was to full on fucking me... This was getting too dangerous.

"We... we can't...", I managed to whisper.

"I know," he replied hoarsely, "but it's so, so tempting..."

"Shh...," I tried to soothe him, "it's too risky, even this is getting dangerous."

Reaching down, I lightly put my palm on the top of his shaft, softly caressing it as if it were a cat. A big, dark, and very dangerous cat.. Throbbing against me, begging to be let it... Focus damn it!

"If this is so dangerous, then... why aren't you stopping me?"

All I could do was mewl indignantly, but he was right. Why wasn't I stopping him?

"Tell me to stop, cutiepie", he whispered as his movement became bigger, his bare head starting to slip dangerously close to my opening. I couldn't bring myself to tell him off, which was starting to scare me. And then it hit me.

"B.. because I don't want you to...", I admitted, both to him, and myself.

"Me neither, it's so hard not to take you right now."

It was such a stranger feeling, both wanting him to take me already, yet hoping he didn't at the same time.

"Can you promise me you'll pull out in time?" Great, now I was bargaining, and even if he did pull out, it was still a crazy risk to take.

"No cutiepie, I don't wanna lie to you. You're incredibly sexy, there's really only one thing that I can think of, that could possibly make you sexier."

"And what would that be?"

"Seeing you absolutely dripping," he said while tracing a few fingers across the central line between my abs until he reached my patch of fur, "when my seed slowly leaks out of you."

Oh fuck. He wanted to cum inside me... It shouldn't turn me on, but a few strong contractions in my pelvic muscles made it abundantly clear that it did. All it took was the tiniest push of my hand, right at the moment when his head got so dangerously close to my entrance. Instead of slipping back up, my folds were pushed open wide by his big, bare black cock. My rebellious legs lifted up, inviting him in deeper. His lips met mine again, and I was left groaning into his mouth as he took the invitation, his chest pushing my legs even further up. It wasn't until I clearly noticed the outspoken ridge of his head moving inside me, that I realized how different the condom had made him feel. This way was definitely better. Oh god, soooo much better. Every twitch and throb was so much clearer now.

I wrapped myself around him as much as I could, partly because I needed to, and partially in an attempt to calm my writhing body down, though it didn't help much on that front. His first few trust had been slow, but rapidly quickened to the point every deep trust made my whole body jiggle with the force of the impact. Thinking only got harder with every powerful thrust, bottoming out in me each time. My mind gave up and bailed out, there was no more room in my head except for the fact that I really, really liked getting properly stuffed with this big black cock, over and over again. This had been about curiosity and a little bit of lust, but now it seemed only natural to completely surrender to him.

He had been close before, his grunts again betraying that he wouldn't last much longer. I needed to see it, reluctantly breaking the kiss to look down between us. I wasn't quite mentally prepared for the view I got. The hood of my clit, which usually stuck out a little, was getting mushed flat, pulled down as my lips tried their best to accommodate his girth. They were being pulled taut, puckering in when most of his dark shaft disappeared in my lightly trimmed bush. The hair looked darker than usual, matted together by my own juices. Every time he pulled back, even my inner lips got dragged out along with his shaft, as if my pussy was trying her damndest to not let him go. He let out an animalistic grunt above me, close to a quiet roar, staying pushed up against my cervix for a brief moment.

And then I felt it, like a firehose going off inside me. I watched as he pulled back and shoved all the way in me again a couple times, each thrust paired with another spray of seed splashing against my cervix, until he finally stayed there. I could see the small part of his shaft that remained outside me, visibly throbbing, and felt it all the way inside me too. Every twitch squirting a little more seed into me. Never had I felt a man have such a powerful orgasm inside me, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had been a bit pent up, with the sheer amount he was pumping into me. As I watched, I saw droplets of his seed well up where my taut lips met his dark shaft.

There was something deeply salacious about watching and feeling this enormous black man cum so hard and so much he literally made me overflow. If I hadn't been watching I wouldn't even have known my hips were moving on their own, pushing up in response to every throb. I never knew I could get this close to cumming myself, just from having him cum inside me, though if he had lasted a little longer, I was sure just the motions of that dark slab of meat could have pushed me over the edge as well. With him still throbbing in me, I reached down, my fingers becoming a blur on my flattened clit. I tried my best to keep watching as the waves of pleasure rolled over me, my orgasm peaking extra high every time his head swelled a little in me. I tried to imprint the whole scene into my memory as best as I could, every hot, forbidden detail.

When the throbbing and twitching slowly subsided, I felt him pull back a little, but I didn't want him to leave me yet. As hard as I could, I squeezed my legs around him, trying to keep him from moving. The squeeze didn't budge him an inch, but he did get the hint, staying where he belonged, deep inside me, eliciting a content sigh from me as I felt his head snugly pressing up against my cervix again. I should've been worried at this point, freaking out even. A black man had just poured an obscene amount of seed deep in me on the worst day possible after all. But instead I just lay there, panting and exhausted, wishing we both had the strength to do it all over again.


I don't know how long exactly we lay there like that, entangled and deeply satisfied, but enough time had passed for us both to be breathing normally again. We were almost drifting off to sleep, when a sudden knock at the door startled me wide awake.

"You guys alright in there?" Bea's voice asked from the other side.

"Y... yeah, be out in a second, hang on!" I replied, just thankful that she hadn't barged in, despite the near heart attack she just gave me.

We disentangled from each other and got up from the bed, immediately noticing how wobbly my legs were. Soon there was a big dark hand on my side, stabilizing me. He handed me my dress with his other hand, I hadn't even noticed him picking it up. The haze hadn't entirely left my head apparently, though it was fading, seemingly taking my newfound carelessness with it.

"Thanks," I shyly muttered, taking my dress from him and adding even quieter, "for everything."

"You're more than welcome, cutiepie." He said warmly, his gaze drifting down, "Oh... that might get noticed."

I followed his eyes, down to my now messy patch of hair, seeing streaks of glistening cum making their way down my thighs. Screw you gravity.

"Right, where did my panties go, last time I had them I... kinda flung them at you."

He chuckled heartily and explained, "They were still in my pocket when the pants came off, your friend said they'd find their way back to to."

My head turned to the door. Bea. I quickly pulled the dress over my head, running over and opening it a crack, just enough to peek my head through.

"Do you have my pan-", I started a little snappier than I should have, "... oh."

She raised her eyebrows as I noticed the neatly folded stack of clothing she was holding, mostly his, topped with my white lace panties.

"Quinn and Emily's ride is arriving soon, figured you might wanna come say goodbye... unless you're too bu-"

I didn't let her finish as I snatched the stack from her hand and smacked the door shut, more worried than annoyed. I handed my lover his clothes, and then frantically started looking for tissues or something I could clean the mess up my thighs with.

"Shh, cutiepie, you'll be fine," he said as he put his hands on my waist for a moment, then knelt down in front of me. He had managed to get his shirt on, not yet having gotten to the buttons, but that gorgeous black rod was still dangling freely. With what passed for his underpants in his hand, he cleaned up my inner thighs as best as possible, before taking the wad of lace balled up in my hand, and letting me step into them one foot after the other. Just before he slid them all the way up, he softly pressed his lips right at the top edge of my pubes. If we weren't pressed for time, he would've been in danger of getting another faceful of pussy, a much cummier one this time. I shook my head at the thought, telling myself he wouldn't like that, and that I really needed to stop thinking about him this way at all. I needed to put some distance between us, hopefully that'd break this mysterious draw to him.

"I uhm.. I need to get downstairs, my friends... it's getting late.." Oh great, I guess the word soup was back.

"It's fine cutiepie, I'll be fine on my own, shouldn't be more than a few minutes before I get downstairs too."

With a quick nod, I hurried to the door, meeting Bea in the hallway. She looked as if she was about to say something, when her face changed as if she had gotten slapped by an invisible hand.

"Oh god, the smell, hang on," she said before darting into the shared bathroom.

"Smell? What smell?"

She came back out with a spray can of deodorant in her hand, dousing me in a cloud as she got into range. Through coughing breaths, I sputtered, "What the heck Bea?"

"Sorry hun, some one absolutely reeked of after-sex musk, but it's all better now."

Shit. She knew? Thankfully, she made a zipper gesture across her lips.

"Details later, you need to get downstairs first, try to act natural, I don't think they figured it out yet."

I just nodded and took a few wobbly steps towards the stairs, Bea was suddenly next to me as I tightly grabbed hold of the railing.

"Damn, that good, huh? I don't think it's a good idea for you to take the stairs on your own. Oh, and try to sit down as fast as you can, just.. don't walk around too much."

She gave me a few more pointers as we slowly made our way down. When my lo- the stripper, came down, she'd help him to the door. At this point, I just followed her lead, glad my trusted friend was still surprisingly sober. I had made some... questionable decisions tonight, after all. Perhaps it was for the best that I didn't count on myself for a while and just accepted the help.

I did my best to follow her instructions, getting my butt on the couch asap. Quinn and Emily had lots of questions about the private 'dance', but it seemed like they still thought it was just that. Just a dance, and not specifically the horizontal tango. I answered as best as I could, making up a few answers, and dodging a few other questions.

"Are you okay?" Quinn suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I tried to reassure her, though her furrowed brow let me know she wasn't wholly convinced, but she still didn't press the matter any further. The truth was, the severity of what had happened upstairs was beginning to set in. The fact I could feel his seed still leaking out and seeping into my lace panties wasn't helping.

A few minutes later, Bea joined us and changed the topic to what they'd been up to in the meanwhile. When Quinn's boyfriend arrived, Bea leaned over and slipped me a little piece of paper with a number on it.

"He asked me to make sure the cutiepie got this," she whispered conspiratorially.

I was still processing as she got up, joining her on a sort of auto-pilot. Absentmindedly, I waved Quinn and Emily goodbye from the doorway. Now, the company was down to just Bea and me. As soon as the door closed behind us, I spun around to face Bea.

"I need a plan B pill." I blurted out in near panic. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open, but only for a moment, before the corners of her mouth curled up in a wide grin that made her resemble the Cheshire Cat.

"Oh my~ Did the cutiepie get a creampie?"

I let out a whiney groan, something told me I'd be hearing that nickname for a while to come.

"Bea I'm serious, I'm not on anything right now."

"You guys didn't use a condom?"

"Well.. he did... for a while.."

Her eyes lit up, clearly fascinated, but she shook her head and said, "Details later, you need to go shower, I'll go check the damage in the guest room. I have a plan B in my purse, I'll put it on the counter by the time you get out."

I gave her a nod and hurried up the stairs as fast as I could, making my way to the bathroom.. My legs had regained some of their strength, but they weren't quite alright just yet. After closing the bathroom door, I turned on the water right away, letting it get nice and steamy as I undressed. When I pulled my panties down, I heard a loud splat and looked down. A thick glob of his seed had leaked out, now a little puddle on the tile floor. Just how much had he pumped in me?


It was only after I finished toweling myself off, that I noticed the little sticky note on the counter. I'd been so deep in thought, mulling things over, that I hadn't even noticed Bea passing by. The note read 'Take me', with an arrow pointing to a blue pill next to it, and was signed with 'XOXO, plan B'. I stood there for a good long while, just staring at it, a sense of dread looming over me, as well as something else I couldn't quite place. Something resembling acceptance, but not quite.

"Shit fucking damn it!", I let out in frustration. There were gonna be consequences to this evening, I had taken too many risks, though the pill solved at least a few of them. Looking up in the mirror, I genuinely asked my reflection, "Why don't you want to take it then?"

But unfortunately, she only mimicked the question.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

How is that believable? She’s got the man of her dreams who wants to marry her and with who she’s already decided to have a family with, and she’ll throw that all away for a douchbag she's met for ten minutes, a douchbag she knows nothing about and who spends his nights snagging soon to be married women. Sounds like a sensible option!

MtRseMan99MtRseMan997 months ago

Really enjoyed the story and it's build up to the climax. And the ending could go either way. Good work.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hope you have a sequel planned!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


dennissaradennissara10 months ago

Great work! Please keep working on stories...I can think of some more ideas anytime you'd enjoy discussing.

MtRseMan99MtRseMan9910 months ago

This was fantastic, well written and the build up was great. Hope there is more and glad you added the pregnancy risk to it. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

These whores are not mentors nor even good people, they are however part of an ever growing number of women who willingly lie, cheat and deceive, with absolutely no remorse. They are evil self-entitled narcissists and need to be made to face extreme consequences for their actions otherwise their disgusting debauchery will be the final decent into a literal h3ll on earth.

khele2k2khele2k210 months ago

Really well written. The leadup and and anticipation is some of the best writing on this site. Also please ignore the weirdo commenters. There's a lot of "anonymous" commenters these days that feel free to be racist while they hide behind their keyboards. They're not worth even acknowledging.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Interesting story. Emily's not married yet, so she isn't committing adultery per say. Hopefully we'll find out in a future chapter if she decides to carry her black baby and get married anyway. Maybe she can find time to fuck her black boyfriend throughout most of her pregnancy leading up to her poor unsuspecting husband getting the surprise of a lifetime in the delivery room.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The writer has exceptional literary skills. For those choosing to add negative comments please find another site as this space is really for entertainment not moral posturing.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Well, if I know right, even plan B wouldn't work for her if she's ovulating or this thing happens a day or 2 after ovulation.

Someone corrects me if I am wrong, please.

In case she escape pregnancy, hopefully you would make part 2/3 Where after a few months of wedding she gets into an affair with this guy or another black guy (her black cock conversation has already happen).

But please don't make the husband a cuck please, too many cuckhubby story, it's better if he kick out his cheating wife as it's solidify the notion of "consequences of action" .

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Cheating whore. And the man is an evil person. Period.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The mixture of uncertainty and undeniable curiosity turned lust, turned need, was amazingly done. One of the most well written stories I've read in here. I sincerely hope you don't stop as I'd LOVE to know what other thoughts are dancing around in that head of yours!!

mrwescotmrwescot11 months ago

Well written and nicely different from most of the recent interracial stories.

daemontonguedaemontongue11 months ago

hot read nicely done

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