Curlew Ch. 03


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Pam remained on top of Curlew with his rapidly softening cock still inside her, and both their juices leaking out of her pussy. Both were breathing heavily, trying to recuperate from their exhausting love making.

Curlew whispered, "Thank you so much. You've made this old man feel significant and relevant once again. I hope this doesn't stop you from visiting me. And, if not, I hope this isn't the only time we enjoy each other like this. It was wonderful and beautiful for me. I could never thank you enough."

Pam reluctantly rolled off of Curlew, propped her head up in her hand at the chin, she rested on one elbow and said, "It was equally wonderful for me and I intend to be here every chance I get. I'm also giving you fair warning ... I intend to have some sort of sex with you each and every time I'm here."

"Some sort of sex?" Curlew asked, inquisitively.

"Yes, I've wondered about what it would be like to fuck you since I first saw you last summer. I want to please you any and every way you want to be pleased sexually ... everything and anything is on the table, and I look forward to pleasing you weekly." Pam laid her head back and rested on the blanket while sighing in complete satisfaction.

"Once a weekend may be possible ... and that might be an impossible expectation, physically for me. I've thought the same thing about you since I first saw you," replied Curlew. "But I never thought it possible."

Hearing that pleased Pam, knowing that this old guy, who walked the beaches alone, had wondered, and possibly fantasized about being sexually pleased by her. "Well, Mr. Huttleston, you now know differently." Pam felt Curlew leaking out of her pussy, looked down, and said, "Look at the mess you've made, Mr. Huttleston," she giggled and continued, "And such a lovely mess it is, I love it!" She then took her towel and wiped the semen from her inner thighs. She grabbed her bikini, and said, "I need to jump in the water and clean up a bit."

"You could always take a nice hot shower back at the house, you know," Curlew graciously invited.

"That's very kind of you, sir, but I can't go home to Bob smelling like I just got out of a shower, with the smell of fresh soap all over my body. I think I'd like to keep this afternoon from Bob for the moment. Good idea, don't you think?"

"That would be advisable, and a wise decision on your part. You can still use the outdoor shower, without soap. It's not like you haven't gone home after taking one of those. I'm sure you could use a nice cool lemonade too ... I know I could." Curlew smiled back at her. Curlew didn't want her to leave, in fear that she would never return, even though she had said differently.

"Now, that sounds like a great idea. Yes, I could use something cool to drink, after you wore me out with your exquisite love making ability," she replied, smiling that naughty smile. "Let's go! I'll shower outside, only if you agree to join me," Pam said, in an irresistible, melodic tone, then giggled naughtily once more.

"What healthy man would refuse such a delicious invite as that?"

They both got up. Pam gathered all of her belongings with the help of Curlew and they headed up to the house. Curlew, being the gentleman that he was, walked behind Pam. He admired her lovely firm, perfectly shaped ass, as her cheeks moved in a slightly vertical motion that coincided with each step she took, thinking to himself, 'Boy, what I'd like to do with that ass, if given the opportunity.'

They both walked onto the porch, Pam put down her bag and went directly to the shower. She turned the water on, then looked at Curlew, and asked, "Aren't you gonna join me?"

"Let me get us both a cool drink first. I'll be right back ... leave the good spots for me," he said, as he winked and smiled, then turned to enter the house.

"Yes sir ... will do," Pam yelled, as he disappeared behind the screen door.

Pam stood under the running water, feeling satisfied and very content. She was humming the melody of the song "Cherish", which was popular last fall and winter (1966), and sung by a group called "The Association".

Curlew returned with two glasses of lemonade and placed them on a nearby table.

Pam looked at his naked body, then focused on his flaccid cock and big balls, and said, "Come on in, the water's fine and feels great."

Curlew got in the shower beside Pam. Pam instantly began cleaning Curlew's cock. She smiled, and said, "Must keep this bad boy clean and healthy for us." Curlew reached for Pam's pussy and responded, "And we must keep this valuable treasure chest clean as well, for that bad boy you speak of." They both chuckled and proceeded to wash each other thoroughly. He still couldn't fully digest his good fortune.

As Curlew caressed Pam's young, firm body, he thought to himself, 'Such a perfect body. A sculpture couldn't create such perfection.' As his hands gently ran over her round, taut ass, he admired her toned figure. His mind was spinning with fantasies of how he could please her, and himself in turn. Although his body was sending erotic signals throughout, it simply refused to respond as a young man's body would. He was perfectly content, however, with the results of the day, along with the privilege of having this young female body to fondle and explore, and having her hands exploring him, as well

They both dried off and sat down, without putting on any clothes. Curlew got up, grabbed Pam's glass and placed it on the small table next to her chair. Pam watched his cock and balls swing in unison with his movement, and said, "Thank you."

"No, my dear ... it is I that should be thanking you." Curlew sat on the chair he always sat on while on the porch.

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Huttleston," Pam replied with genuine gratitude in her voice.

'She really did enjoy having sex with me. This wasn't some gracious gift out of pity or sympathy. She truly wanted to please me, and be pleased in the process. This young lady is a special and generous woman, with a giving heart,' Curlew assured himself.

They both sipped their lemonade. Curlew looked at Pam, and said, "You know you've referred to me several times today as 'Mr. Huttleston', and I know you were just being cute and adding a little sexual naughtiness by it, and I enjoyed the affect. You do realize that one could consider you a Huttleston now, through insemination, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong. You do have a form of Huttleston blood flowing in you now." Curlew knew that was a bit of a reach, but he sincerely wanted it to be so. He then took a sip of his drink and immediately looked down at Pam's exposed vagina, with its finely blonde, silk like public hair barely concealing her labia.

Pam took particular notice that his statement about insemination was totally devoid of any indication of humor. 'He's serious,' she thought. She smiled, and simply said, "Thank you, I'm honored that you'd consider me a member of your family. I really must be going now. I had a wonderful day, and look forward to repeating this Saturday soon ... very soon." She then put the jumpsuit she came here with back on.

Curlew stood up and said, "I'll walk you out."

Pam giggled, and said, "Without any clothes on?"

Curlew retorted, in a somewhat matter-of-fact tone, "Who's gonna see me?" He replied, jokingly mocking Pam's statement earlier when she first suggested that he lay beside her on the blanket.

They both laughed, and headed through the house to the rear door.

Pam stopped at the door, turned to Curlew, and placed her bag down on the floor. She stood on her toes, put her arms around Curlew's neck, and gave him a long and passionate kiss.

Curlew responded likewise, as his hand slid down to her firm ass and began softly rubbing and massaging it. After a few shorter kisses, Pam returned to her flat feet, keeping her arms around his neck, and said, "Don't start something you can't finish," then giggled that naughty giggle of hers. She then softly wrapped her tiny hand around the shaft of Curlew's, still exposed, smooth and flaccid cock.

Curlew chuckled, and smugly said, "That goes for you as well," then smiled. He then said, "I'd walk you to your car, but I never know when the police will drive in to check out the property."

"That would be awkward and embarrassing for both of us." She gave him a quick goodbye kiss and picked up her bag, then said, "Until next week, Mr. Huttleston."

"See you then, Ms. Huttleston ... I can hardly wait. Thanks again sweetie ... goodbye for now."

Pam smiled, and said, "See ya then, hun," as she turned and began walking to her car.

Curlew remained inside the screen door, watching this lovely gift from heaven sexily sashay to her car. They waved to each other and Pam drove off. He remained at the door, saying out loud, "Holy fucking shit! I can't believe this day actually happened. I never thought I'd ever fuck a young woman ever again. In fact, I never thought I'd ever fuck again, period. And the kicker being, Pam, the gorgeous young lady from that small beach of a year ago. Damn, she is beautiful, sexy, and a great sex partner, at such a young age. I wonder if she fucked any old men at that resort her and her husband went to this summer? No ... I don't even want to know, and it's none of my business, anyway." He turned, and walked back to the rear porch, sat on his chair, and lit his pipe, still as naked as the day he was born. He sighed, and said, "What a great day," then sipped his lemonade and puffed his pipe proudly.

Pam drove home singing, "People, people who need people ... are the luckiest people, in the world," feeling fulfilled and content in the knowledge that she had, once again, made another old man's fantasy come true, and made him feel special, once more. She loved doing that for old men she liked and felt were lonely and needy.

She pulled into her driveway and bounced into the house. Bob was sitting outside in the yard, talking to Charlie over the fence. She waved, and said, "Hi honey! Hello Charlie, how are you?" They both waved back, and Charlie said, "Hi Pam, I'm fine thank you." She then said, "Bob, I'm going to take a shower and wash off the day ... I'll see you inside. Take your time," then scurried into the house.

Charlie looked at Bob, and said, "Lovely as ever. She looks, and seems in an extremely happy spirit today. Not that she's not always cheery and pleasant."

"She's always like that when she's had a good day at the beach," said Bob. Bob thought she seemed extremely pleased about something. 'I wonder ... I wonder what made her so content and happy,' he thought to himself, but said nothing to Charlie.

"Must've been one hell of a day. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say she has an unusual glow, about her." Charlie just winked, and gave Bob a smug smile.

Pam shed her jumpsuit and jumped in the shower, immediately. She was still leaking cum from her vagina and needed to clean up good. She thought to herself, 'Curlew must've shot quite the load inside me, I know his cock seemed to throb more than most men, it has probably been building up for years,' then went about shampooing and showering properly, without another thought of Curlew's semen in her. She knew, if she lingered on that thought, she would get all worked up again, and Bob might suspect something. She wanted to tell Bob about the day, but only when she was ready. She knew that she'd tell him in due time; she always did.

Pam came out of the bathroom and entered the bedroom, humming some lively tune. When she finally got dressed and came out to the living room, Bob was sitting on the couch. He said nothing and simply observed Pam, and smiled.

Pam called out to Bob, from the kitchen, "Are you ready for some dinner?"

"I can wait awhile," Bob, responded. "I'd rather you come sit down beside me and tell me about your day."

"Nothing unusual today. Do you want a cold drink?" Pam thought to herself, 'Damn, he knows, he can tell.'

"Yeah. I think I'll have a Root Beer," Bob answered.

Pam came into the living room and gave Bob his soda. She sat beside him with one of her own and smiled.

"Thanks, honey," Bob said. "So tell me about your exciting day at the beach." Bob looked at Pam with a knowing look.

"Oh, it was just the usual type day at the beach. Nothing out of the ordinary happened," said Pam, unconvincingly.

"If that's what you want me to believe, I'll go along with it. I'll wait until you want to change your story." Bob smiled, with a look of passive willingness to accept what Pam was saying, even though he knew she wasn't being totally up front. 'She'll tell me when she's ready,' he thought to himself.

"Why would I change my story?"

"You do have a particular glow about you, like there's more, that's all," Bob, said in a knowing voice. "Even Charlie noticed that glowing aura you're wearing today."

"Aww, you guys all think alike, and always have your minds in the gutter. I know what you're both saying, with the glow thing. Such childish bullshit." Pam softly slapped Bob's thigh, giggled and got up from the couch. "I'm going to make myself something to eat. Do you want anything?" Pam asked, as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'll have whatever you're making. Thanks," Bob replied. He decided not to pursue the events of Pam's day any further. Down deep inside, he knew what happened.

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EmmeluringenEmmeluringen3 months ago

This story is so great, it needs a proper ending!!!! Thank you for this!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It’s been several years since you’ve added a new story or chapter to an existing one. The story of Bob and Pam is a truly excellent one and very much deserves to be added to. I do have one bone to pick with you. In this story you have Curlew being a mostly dilapidated old man who hobbles around and has little physicality left. I’m 72 (and would love to meet up with a ‘Pam’) but while I make no claim to be the man I was even a couple decades ago I’m far from being as dilapidated as Curlew seems to be. We oldsters do still have a lot of life in us. Anyway, I’ve seen some authors on Literotica pick a story back up after several years of silence, so I’m with other commentors in hoping you are alive, well, and going to add another chapter to the Curlew saga as well as continuing Pam’s adventures with additional older men who could use her special touch. In addition though, if you do, how about letting her have some fun with one or more younger lovers who aren’t ’one and done’. Heck, let her give some barely legal age kid a thrill by giving him his first taste of sex and then sexually mentoring him to develop his skills and experience. Sort of take care of both ends of the spectrum. If at all possible, please keep up the good… scratch that… great work.

Seta74slSeta74slover 6 years ago
Curlew and the summer of slow transition

I would love to learn more about Pam and Curlew, please. Thank you. Your stories are wonderful. But also the summer of transition was great. Please let it continue. I love all those characters. You really did a great job in writing these stories.

Best regards, hannes

sober71sober71about 7 years ago
Your a brilliant erotic writer

I have read all your submissions and enjoyed them to the utmost degree, have scored you 5*s on all,but am longing for your continuation of that gorgeous creature Pam.

Please don't disappoint.

suckermansuckermanover 7 years ago

Please wkeep writing about Pam and Bob everyone is waiting with bated breath for the next episode and the ones following. Is ther any way that we can encourage you more

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
CHAPTER 4??????

Think it is now time for Chapter 4, as we are all waiting with baited breath.

Pam has had time to come up with Chapter 4,5 and 6. :-)

foolscapfoolscapabout 8 years ago
If your breath is "baited" chances are you have a worm on your tongue

but if you are holding it 'til the next installment, it's "bated"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
waiting .........

waiting with baited breath for part 4 !!!!!!

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 8 years ago
5 stars

Consider me a big Pam fan. That horny wench should get a job in a retirement home.

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